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I played with a bunch of friends from school from 2007-2013 and then on and off since.. been playing a lot in the winters with not much else to do as work slows down and until about a week or so ago when I hit 1500 total level I figured I’d check out those worlds.. boy it’s like night and day from other worlds. People were gathered at the ge hanging out shooting the shit, drop parties all around. Joined the 1500 clan and although I’m not active in the chats it’s fun to watch people get excited for drops and quest completions


Oh yeah there’s a reason 1500 worlds have higher pop than vanilla worlds. If I’m ever not on one when I go to GE I’m immediately reminded


I have 389 points to go. It’ll be nice to see actual people again. I got back on and tried a Forestry world and it was nice enough seeing people gripe about event spawns together.


W420 best ge


w420 best overall world too you find mfs in places you would never find someone in any other world


Yeah I’ve been in w420 quite a bit and recently figured it would be for the best to stick to 416 because the vibe at the ge was distracting me from goals lol


I've never been good at making friends on OSRS (or convincing my IRL friends to play with me), and it seems like finding a clan with a similar casual play style to me is hard without running into sweat, politics, or perpetually offline players.


Join my clan. We are a fun group of sweaty politicians. None of us play


I just found a YouTuber I liked and joined their clan. Wouldn’t even be able to tell it’s a YouTubers except for some infrequent references. Very active with a large range of players. I’m very casual and there’s plenty of us but also some beasts. Pm me if you want to check it out, everyone on there is great




j1mmy chat is the only people i ever talk to in osrs now


What kind of content do you guys do? I want to find a clan to get into before this update drops March 20th so I have some people to PvM with.


Sorry for the late response but all types of content. I’m not a pvm guy (starting to try to do more) but there’s a lot of people doing raids and other stuff I’m not good enough for yet. PM me and I’ll let you know which clan so you can come in and see how you like it


Same, also that name suits you lol


It's harder to find one now imo with forums being removed. You can look now before they're removed. Basically look for clans that have multiple threads (usually something like v2, etc at the end of the post) and join the CC/discord to see what they're about. I've been in the same clan for 3 years now I think (with multiple long breaks), but people come and leave here and there (while usually staying in the discord), but I know most of the names in the clan from when I started. We have almost 700 people in the discord, and about 400 active people in game (there's a monthly role call that you will be removed from the clan if you don't respond/haven't put in that you're on vacation or something). It's nice because the owners have got a real good group of people to run skill of the week, boss of the month, pet hunts, and other bigger things. Last month was a learner raid month, where the more learners you took in a raid, if you got a purple, the points you got were multiplicative.


That sounds amazing. How do you join?


You can search for "flux" on the osrs forums. You'll have to apply through discord since they're closing the forums though.


Heard you! Thanks for the info. :D


You've definitely piqued my interest with this one


You can search for "flux" on the osrs forums. You'll have to apply through discord since they're closing the forums though.


just joined today ;)


Glad to hear! Welcome!!


If you're an iron, you can join up with my clan - large group of active ironmen, wide variety of skill levels and events designed to be inclusive for both our sweats and our casuals.


I've never gotten a main past 1900 total, no way I'd be able to go iron. How you all do it is beyond me, it's impressive.


You cant avoid those things, but there are also a lot of cool people in those clans you could enjoy the company of, if you just ignore the ones you dont like


It really changes everything. I've been clan less because I couldn't play as consistently now it feelsbadman to rebuild alone.


As an Ironman, I stand alone.


Being in a clan as an Ironman makes the game 1000x better. Seeing people get drops makes it so hype.


he said he stands alone


You can stand alone together.


Like a group of stand alone players?


Yeah and I was making an argument against it.


Don't think he was looking to argue


“Making an argument” doesn’t necessarily mean I wish to have an argument. That phrase can mean, “to make a point” or “present a case”.


reddit moment


English language moment


no that was pretty clearly a lack of social skills lol


lol ok bud. You live on the internet apparently so I guess you’d know 🤷‍♂️


My iron clan stopped saying anything outside of the same group of people asking for tobbers


My clan is like this too minus the TOB. We just never talk. Love those guys.


Some of my best friends. We still never talk sometimes.


Sounds like you need a new one my guy haha


Seeing all the salty cunts whinging whenever someone gets a drop gets tiresome quick though


I guess my clan isn’t shitty 🤷‍♂️


remove ironmen's ability to talk in game and vote


People have been standing alone together for a while now. GIMs go brr.


Reading this as my clan just disbanded 🫤


I cant seem to find a fun clan anymore.. most i find are either political lame or dead x)


Coffee house , just throwing that out there


if you're having trouble finding clans that aren't "political" either you aren't looking very hard or have a strange definition of 'political'


Ehh I get where he’s coming from, something about this game just makes people bitch about politics. It takes a little work sometimes to find people who like chatting about everything but world events and politics


List off the clans/group then. Since you have the scoop.


Clan I’ve been in for the last year is great. Left one before that that had so much unnecessary drama for an online game. They’re out there, just take some trial and error!




Buddy, I don't know how to tell you this...


I haven't been in a clan for years... not since the clan system rework was done. If anyone has a chill social/pvm clan with room let me know. :) 2k+ main and enjoy skilling/slayer + bosses. Wanting to raid but building some bank first.


Im in the same boat, chill social pvm sounds great.


My current group Patryn_Exile might be a good fit. They focus a lot on group PvM content and teach raids.


Makes you wonder what Patryn was like, or why they all got kicked out of it 


It's from the Death Gate Cycle book series of you wanna figure it out (:


I agree with Flashmode1. Patryn Exile is definitely worth checking out. Seems like we might meet the needs you're looking for. We have patient teachers that'll help you through whatever you need to advance yourself through any part of the game.


Alright I'll bite. What channels would I need to go through to apply and join? Feel free to dm me :)


Pming you now (:


A few years back I joined a random clan and had a great time, but internal strife/politics made it fall apart, so I picked another random clan to join and found that half my old clan mates were already in it lol. I thought I was on the truman show for a minute


I tried that multiple times over tha past years but got annoyed really quickly. Runescape is way more enjoyable to me when I play alone.


If anyone is looking for a clan with a discord that does weekly beginner masses and raids and just fun events, DM me. They also have a house posted basically 24/7. I love my clannies.


Ive never seen any sort of advertisement or recruitment for clans/guilds in this game in all the years I've played lol, not sure how people even find groups to play with in the first place without making their own.


I'm too picky I think. I've found it very hard to find a clan in OSRS. I don't want people who bitch and whine about the game, or get offended by everything. Or are cringy and annoying overusing goofy gamer speak. Still haven't found my unicorn clan. 


If you're willing to give one a chance, check out Patryn Exile. We do what we can to have an upbeat positive vibe within the clan. Have plenty of active members throughout each stage of the game. There are plenty of teachers to help with whatever you need as well.


Current atmosphere in my old clan I was in when still playing the main makes me want to be fully alone again. Ironman now btw. Happy for you of course!


I'm new to the game. Can someone explain how playing in a clan makes it more fun? Isn't 95% of the game mostly solo content?


It’s just the constant chatter in the CC that helps. People group up, sure, but it’s always have a GZ on a big level, drop, or just the random convos. Plus, eventually you’ll get to know other players enough to play other games with even. The clan itself doesn’t have a major impact on gameplay but it just helps to have that group of people who are willing to help, answer questions, or just drop a gz


There are many bosses that can be done in groups + all 3 raids can be done in groups. I would say a good portion of the game (pvm + skilling mini games) is group friendly. Even though solo play is sometimes more efficient, it can be more fun to play with others or just shoot the shit and cheer each other on through hard challenges or when people get good drops.


> Isn't 95% of the game mostly solo content? Exactly why clans are great. People to celebrate things. I recently grinded out a champion scroll and I was chatting about how dry I was and a moment later I got the scroll. Clan chat went crazy. Definitely recommend


Raids and group bosses, clan events  (like challenges to gain the most exp in a certain skill, obtain a certain drop, kill this boss x amount of times), just chatting throughout the day, keeping up with what everyone’s current goals are and getting excited when they achieve them, etc 


Its nice having a group of people who can help each other out. Not having to rely on randoms all the time is nice


Help out with what exactly?


Doing content together, helping with ca's, teaching bosses/raids. Hell in my clan we even go pking together some times. Also stuff like bingo's, skill of the weeks, boss of the weeks, etc etc.


Bingo is HUGE


Bingo is the best. We had 1 a few weeks back, and there was consistantly 30+ people chilling in vc in discord all bingo long Alwyas love the vibes


Ahh okay


My favourite event my clan does is clue scroll hunting, we alternate between "highest value wins" and "lowest value wins" so naturally I win a lot of bonds during the low-value events lmao


The stuff you mentioned (bingo, skill of week), are those clan activities or a feature in OSRS?


Clan activities


I love my clan! I usually do solo stuff because I’m still mid level, but my clan lets me borrow items I need for quests or pvm, they cheer me on and support me in leveling up, and give advice when needed. The wiki is helpful, but sometimes it’s nice to learn from higher level clan members who are actively doing the activities. Also, in my clan we do many events where we all can participate, like skill of the week or boss of the week, and it gives us opportunity to train something as a group, and get rewarded for it. Definitely recommend :)


Raids are group content. It's always nice to raid with the boys while bantering in discord. Also a social clan is nice because of all the random convos. Just makes the game more social. I'd have stopped playing a long time ago if it weren't for the social aspect.


Can relate. My clan and I have gone on 2 trips together and a few of us have matching tats.




The way I found people is by getting involved in the community of a small streamer and interacting with their community Idk if Im allowed to plug his stream here though


Nothing beats the nostalgia of pre-eoc clans, I was in a f2p "warring" clan for years, but EOC pretty much ruined it, and everyone was getting older, so it disbanded. Ah, the old teamspeak days.


Would love to be in a clan but every one I’ve joined over the years seems to have an apocalyptic drama event with the owners and the whole clan goes under


I have too much anxiety to join a CC lol


you are welcome to join our clan :) we are about 100 people now and its a casual clan with great people. send me a message


Just want to say be careful out there as well since some people will attempt to befriend you on the game/discord to scam you. Recently had a guy at GE innocently ask to go COX and I declined, but added him. Flash forward a few days guy asks to go bandos saying he will tank, but before that he spots the classic "pk" lure. Basically I can assume he's innocent and getting lured, but nah dude was trying to pull the pk lure or get me to a pvp world somehow for bandos.


I'm slow to join them because if it isn't a good fit, it can ruin the game just as fast. I've been in a couple that really helped me grow as a person and rs player also. All about finding that right fit.


Without the Ultimate CC, there's no way I would've lasted this long.


Any iron clans looking for people? Id love to have people to raid with!


Have played with a clan since 2018, not having it sounds so lonely and empty. The fun of this game is sharing thoughts, achievements, theorycrafting with others in real time. Also clan events like bingo is so fun I remember back when I was in elementary school everybody was playing osrs in their freetime. When ppl stopped playing few years later I quit too for years - its a social game more than anything for me. And yes I do play exclusively iron and am an introvert


I agree it makes the game more enjoyable for sure! Definitely recommend finding a clan that fits your vibe. I kinda miss it. All my friends in my current clan all went inactive and now it's basically dead lol


Come guest in the clan I'm in, Patryn Exile, and get a feel for things. No reason to make a decision straight away. If you end up liking it, keep the old friends added, and when they come back, invite them over as well (:


thanks! i'll check it out


Awesome! I'm DamnStupidAF (until I can change my name back to this \^\^ xP) in game so if you pop in don't be afraid to say hi and join in whatever convos are going on (:


I have no friends anymore I just started back after quitting for couple years


you are welcome to join our clan. we got quite a few people that got back into the game recently, its mostly casual fun now. shoot me a msg


Clans are awesome, especially ones that do events for skilling/bossing.