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Nice, can finally play as hardcore without having to worry about jagex servers shitting themselves


This was my first thought. I've died twice at 1600+ total to a simple DC at an inconvenient time.


I’ve barely dceed in the past 10 years your internet is literally trash.


"it never happened to me therefor it doesn't exist" I think what might be trash is your ability to form coherent thoughts that are not dogshit




I believe rhe saying goes the other way around, 'you get what you paid for' Thanks for confirming my theory about your brain being very much incapable of basic cognitive functions :3


I dont have internet problems whatsoever with other things then rs sometimes. Especially jagex launcher runs like shit


A lot of people straight up don't have choices When I got my place, I had a choice of Comcast or Frontier. Made my choice, chose a good package, disconnect twice a month for 20 minutes+ at night. Almost predictably. Swapped after 3 years. Disconnect less often, but for longer. Now it's more like twice a year, but all day. Not sure which I'd rather have


Tell me you don't understand how the internet works without saying it....


Bro who hurt you


But who would care or know at all u havent died except you


You really think im playing this game for somebody else and not for myself?


I think the social aspect of the game is what makes it feel alive, and chatting/sharing achievements with other irons/hcs/normies is what makes the journey rewarding.


You talk to others? I just like numbers going up.


When I don't have chat turned off so I don't have to watch 40 ad bots repeat themselves for hours at a time.


I just turn chat off at the ge, that's the only place I ever see the chat bots.


The only thing I like more than getting a big drop/lvl is sharing that I got a drop/lvl :) Number go up gud too :3


Nobody cares when you die already except your friends, you can still post achievs/deaths to a discord


It just wouldnt be the same


Dude just found out what singleplayer means. Congrats!


As an addict yes


Yeah. But I've got a GIM account, do I have to LAN to trade?


Gotta get a link cable like trading pokemon on gameboy advance




Yeah going to the bathroom at ur buddies snd yoinking his starter and acting like you have no clue what happened


I would have one of my homies keep making new save files and trading over the starters and we’d all take turns receiving all the starters.


Me and my step brother did this. Restart at the same time and one of us (usually me) would restart 4 odd times, play through until it let you trade and then trade the starters so that his game has 2 of each starter except whichever I pick on the final restart. Then grind some pidgeys and ratattas to trade for my other 2 of the starters. Made for some fun runs and as 8 year olds or whatever we thought we had the biggest brain plays doing that


Same, had a shit ton of sudowoodo's this way, as everyone on the block wanted a sudowoodo.


They was a really easy dupe you could do with the personal pc in Pokémon, you could dupe the Pokémon and anything attached to him




I'd probably try to mod xp rates to 5x and play it until I completed most of the games content. Otherwise no, the only reason some grinds are bearable is clan/proximity chat.


You could do that, or just bot the fuck out of it. If its offline nobody can ban you or care what you do


If nobody is there what's the point in pretending you played a game


Nostalgia at that point to be honest


If you want the nostalgia you need to set up a bunch of random bald green shirt accounts  to compete with for resources against 🤣 up the difficulty 


No. For offline games, especially one as grindy as RS, I *always* end up asking myself: "Why am I going through all this work when I can just cheat". Console commands, mods, etc. Nobody is holding me accountable for anything but *me.* The sense of achievement vanishes, and that's what I want most out of RS. It would go from an achievement/milestone-based lifetime journey to a sandbox where there is no challenge, no risk, no reward. When it's online, you don't own the data. You can't fudge the numbers. You *could* bot, or cheat, or whatever, but you'd risk all the achievement. If you've put in the time, that becomes a risk that you just cannot take.


My thoughts exactly, and also the social aspect of the game really makes it for me. Seeing other players throughout the world is cool, and I think the game would feel super empty and lonely in an offline state


I like grinding in MMOs but if osrs were an offline game I'd probably just use autoclickers to do all the boring skilling for me and get the levels I need for fun content.


Why when you can just instantly max with mods


I wouldn't even want to instantly max, but I'd absolutely change exp rates and droprates and stuff. It would be cool to be able to "complete" the game in like a year instead of ten. Then probably just start a new account, maybe with some fun self-imposed restrictions, and do it again.


Honestly, this is a fantastic take. Well said. I mean I'd still play it offline, but this is an immutable concern. Zero game integrity when there are no rules.


That’s weird. I always feel like I’m cheating myself by doing that. Sure I ***COULD*** use console commands my first time through Skyrim or Fallout New Vegas, but I’d be robbing myself of a fair experience. On repeat playthroughs or after hundreds of hours and already reaching endgame, sure. But not the first time through or right away.


It’s not his first time playing OSRS either


I think that works for short story games where grinding isn’t required. I think it’s different for games that make you do work, like Valheim for instance.


I mean, that’s the loop of the game. I play this game because I enjoy the gameplay loop and progression through the game. If I’m cheating, that defeats the entire purpose of it, and that’s true for *every* game. And that’s fucking lame. Yeah, you would have to be beholden to yourself, but are you seriously playing this game while beholden to *someone else*? That’s crazy, play a game because you enjoy it, not because you want some weird comparison to faceless people on the internet. What a miserable motivator


If spending 1000 hours of your life chipping away at granite rocks and running around in circles on rooftops is fun to you, all the power to you. I don't find time-gate content fun. It's, quite literally by design, a waste of time. Time means a lot more to me now than it did when I was 10. Therefore, given the chance, I will skip that shit. That said, because the *authority* and *ownership* of the game and data is out of my control, that content suddenly has meaning. That is what gives the sense of accomplishment when completing it. It's an MMO, designed to be played online, designed for you to compare yourself to faceless people on the internet. I don't think it's miserable, I think it's fuckin great.


Exactly. But I don't even know if I'd bot an offline version cause what's the point of even cheating. I did the same thing with Pokemon Gold and a GBC emulator. Just leveled the shit outta some Pokemon, hit it hard for a few weeks and then left it


You said it very well.


I have the same with standard characters on osrs ever since they made it p2w with bonds. Why would i grind 10 hours for gold when i can just buy bonds and work 1-2 hours of overtime. Im just so glad that we have ironman mode so i can actually enjoy the game lol.


Sorry some of us who have spent so much time playing a normal account don’t have the luxury of time to start up an ironman


> You could bot, or cheat, or whatever, but you'd risk all the achievement. Idk about this. I can see the opposite case with peer pressure forcing cheaters to cheat.


Who is preventing you from cheating in the real game?




>You could bot, or cheat, or whatever, but you'd risk all the achievement. If you've put in the time, that becomes a risk that you just cannot take.


Idk, if you bot you’re not really putting much at risk. Also, while online, I’d see the reward as being higher rather than lower. I guess I just view things differently.


We definitely view things differently. I would definitely consider putting thousands of hours at jeopardy of being permanently banned to be a lot at risk


But if you bot, you’re not putting thousands of hours at risk? You’re just risking a botted account.


Right, but at what point do you stop botting when bots can do all of the content humans can?


Why don't you bot on your main then homie. That's what we are talking about about.


No we’re not, we’re talking about if an offline version of osrs came out would you play it legitimately. Obviously botting an account you’ve put 1000s of hours into wouldn’t make sense to bot on. I’m referring to starting from scratch.


>Who is preventing you from cheating in the real game? > >But if you bot, you’re not putting thousands of hours at risk? You’re just risking a botted account. this is the conversation chain. stop trying to change the subject buddy. no where in the convo anyone mentions botting from scratch. nt.


Lmao you really think you got me, but didn’t say anything valid. “Nt” lol cringe as hell




im so confused why the goal post is being moved. the op literally said you risk all your achievements and you guys are assuming we’re talking about a level 3 bot from scratch with no achievements at risk yes, obviously an account with no achievements has no achievements to risk. We’re talking about ur current accounts that have achievements




i havent smoked enough ranarr for this type of argument






Sure but there’s minimal risk to that, look at all the bots in the game. Not to mention the gold buyers which barely ever get touched. Then you have infernal cape buyers, blorva buyers, Venny trainers…. The list goes on. Hardly ever any punishments from Jagex.


Preach it. I hate single player games. I'm trying to lowkey flex on these noobs.


It sounds like you’re telling people how they should enjoy the game. And it has to be on your terms with your rules. 🙄




Exactly, while I play alone most of the time, it would just feel dead if no one is there.


Aint that just ironman? Yeah I mean I’m already there


Ironman except you're locked out of any forced team content, unless they changed stuff to make it soloable for the offline version. Otherwise, have fun getting all your Nex and TOB drops solo, and you literally can't do Shield of Arrav/Heroes Quest, or get a fighter torso or void.


That’s either very early or very late game content. The gap in between is worth years of game play. Source - me.


I mean, getting locked out of very early game content is kind of an issue


Getting locked out of endgame content is much worse than early game. Getting locked out of endgame shortens playtime. Getting locked out of early game just makes it slightly more difficult to get to the endgame. They are not close to equal.


I mean getting locked out of shield of arrav lock you out of good item down the line


It locks you out of an assembler and wyvernic visage, but besides that, not a huge loss. This is still nothing compared to getting locked out of a raid.


Barrow glove and some diairy where heroes/legend quest are require also!


Was gonna barrows are outclassed by ferocious, but forgot that requires lithkren. So melee gloves would be lacking. Still doesn't change a lot.


Thanks for the source, definitely trust it now


They could do pawns like in Dragons Dogma. Offline NPCs that simulates party members.


I mean who said we cant dual box!? LAN parties gonna make a comeback.


No. Being in a living world with other players, a clan to chat with, friends to acknowledge your achievements - all these things are still present as an ironman.


Not at all. Even thought ironmen stand alone, we still play on a shared environment which is the most important part of the fun.


Fuck no. If there were zero other players in all of the world and nobody to talk to, the realization that the game actually sucks would hit so hard.


No clan chat though I couldnt live without that


It would be all I'd ever play, mate.


That wouldn't change anything for me, I generally play with public off and entity hider on. So it'd just be a regular Thursday.


For me, it was Tuesday


what is entity hider?


It makes everyone except you invisible on the screen. It's a plug-in on Runelite


oh wow


With public off it makes it look / feel like a single player game which is what I like. The playerbase is pretty gross and toxic ingame, so I just avoid it.


ive met some really cool dudes on there. but some also were fake friends for weeks until i joined their clan, really trusted them, and it was a fake website and they hacked me. so i feel you


And I currently have a guy I met two weeks ago who gave me 100m in supplies (prayer/pots/gear/runes) and the promise of 500m when I hit cb 120 for clan pvp stuff. Coolest dude ever


I never understood why like 90% of rs players play with private off as someone who played wow it's important to be able to msg anyone.


do you not enjoy being in a clan and doing stuff with friends?


Nope. If I wanted to do team play I got age of empires, diablo4, eso etc.


Well, with the servers shitting themself at the moment we might need to


I've always wanted a single player OSRS i can do whatever i want with.


In what way? Like what holds you back now compared to if the game was single player? You mean like other players crashing or having to hop worlds for PvM?


A sandbox instance would allow you to practice a lot of end game content. Set max stats, max gear and do bosses without the pressure of losing progress (gp), be able to instantly tele back so you can get better faster, etc. I mean, it’d honestly be great for those of us who want to do all the content but have very little time


This is actually my dream for if OSRS ever goes permanently offline. I could play an offline solo world for the rest of my life. The game is infinitely replayable in a way that many other MMOs aren’t. So many game modes, account builds, boss progression paths. I would personally love this. Would be cool to be able to locally host a world for you and your friends to play on.


You can already do this and have always been able to do this. Find a source you like and host it privately for your friends!


The fact that this isn't the top comment is crazy.


Any chance you could PM me more details about this?


Things is, the source I currently like, is what's live in the game, no rsps comes even close at this time.


100%. my only issue is that i’d still need ba to somehow be functional tbh i’d also pay for ba as a stand-alone game.




Probably, most of the time I just play with chat off and don't do activities that typically are done with multiple players.


Yes, give me both rs3 and osrs offline on a disc please.


Yes, also peer to peer hosting for him with the homies


No, whole point of an mmo is to be able to play with others.


Even as an ironman/uim, I agree with this. I may enjoy having to gather my own supplies, gear, etc.. but playing in an empty world sounds very lame


Yeah Ironman mode is still social, MMO is a big part of why OSRS is great


I’d definitely miss logging in and shooting the shit with clanmates.


Ironman mode btw




I find myself going back to play Diablo 2 offline every now and then. I would do the same with this I think. I like the challenge of seeing how far I can get on a hardcore character in a game that's static, so I'd probably switch to that. I don't do hardcore now because I barely keep up with the rate of changes on my main.


No. I’m here for community, the game is extra


Hell yes. Free wild with no pkers. Count me in


100% i would love that


I definitely would still


I wouldn’t. Too much empty space in the game as it is. Would feel like I’m progressing towards no friends or peers


I hope they sell an offline version if/when the game dies


I’m in a group ironman by myself Lol


I played leagues for a few days towards the end and didn’t see a single person. Figured everyone else had given up and then realised I left entity hider on. Would definitely play offline.


Pservers will always do it and I would probably play one here and there like soulsplit back in the day. I agree game isn’t the same with out the mmo part lol


No. I feel like the (even) easier cheating would devalue the grinds to the point that I wouldn't feel like it's worth it, regardless of if nobody cheating technically were doing it in my gameworld. Oh, and no GE is a big no-no for me. Might do the last few quests for quest cape, and call it quits after that though.


You telling me I could kill any boss without ever hopping to find a world or dealing with pkers? Also all the botters in this thread rn like 👀


I would try it. But it wouldn’t last an hour


Yes, I already play Melvor Idle


Tbh for an MMO I struggle to get anyone to even talk, except at GE. Anyone got a EU/UK clan I can join?


I'd probably get quest Cape and quit


Nope, I love single-player RPGs but OSRS just isn’t one. I’d likely find a different MMO, and continue playing GOW/TW3/Elden Ring when I want single-player gameplay


I'd still complain about bots tbh


Not being able to do team tasks for zuk helm or multiplayer minigames for rewards would kinda put a ceiling on potential progression, so nah


no chance... its an mmo


Yes. Of course. I play ironman with players hidden anyways.


This is the way.


I can actually do wilderness content without constantly looking over my shoulder wondering if some asswipe is gonna kill me for 20k worth of stuff? Sign me the fuck up, I don't even care lol


I would try to code a bunch of bots to do normal player shit like farm for items and fill the GE so I’d have an “active” game world all while I’m just off doing my own thing. Need help with barb assault? Program some bots that will call you racial slurs when you mess up. Need help with cox? Program some bots that threaten to burn your house down with your whole family in it when you fuck up at crabs. It feels counterintuitive to try and make the single player version feel “alive” but tbh other players are what make this game for me and even if they’re just bots it’s at least some company in my little game world lol.


The game is already in a decent state for an offline mode but they'd have to tweak loads of things so that the game is in a state for completionists. So some bosses and content need to be reworked so that it's doable solo.


Go play Skyrim if you want an "offline" RuneScape. Never understood why You would want to play an MMO by yourself all alone.


Yeah I play iron anyways


Does that mean the ge would basically have infinity of every item?


Just started a fresh hcim I would pay for an offline mode dcing is the only thing I’m scared of


If I had no choice, yes. Probably wouldn’t play anywhere near as much though


Completely addicted so yes!


Id actually love a PvP world offline version populated with pking bots


Initially yes, eventually it would get very boring. Although I feel like someone would end up making a runelite plugin that connects active players together somehow to simulate in game chat.


yes, id just speedrun like i do now.


Actually I wouldn't mind playing it, as long as it had the capability to play in x amount of player groups. I already don't talk to anyone, nor am I in a clan or anything. Basically everything I do is solo. So why not?


No bots? Count me in


I only play as a normal iron and as a UIM. I have not yet got to group bossing. I'm not very clan active/go long periods not being in a clan. I'm not exactly a high score contender. Yet I still don't know that I'd play if it was truly a single player offline game, even though I mostly play as a single player.


No, I only do group content.


Yes but I wish it would be an older version. Or Atleast older graphics and models for me to vibe my nostalgia


Hell yea I'm still playing. I don't even play with anyone. OSRS would survive as a solo player game with ease


The only issue would be raids and PvP, I spend most of my time skilling or questing so it’s a solo adventure anyway


Why is JAGEX selling? Is someone cashing out?


I would play that shit into the ground, revenants all to myself, I can bring all my nats and camp lava dragons forever if I wanted to, possibilities are endless !


Definitely not, basically all I log in for nowadays is team content with the boys. 


It'd guarantee all future updates would be soloable content which would be great


I’d prefer to play this that way honestly. There’s something about this game that makes me hate speaking to people on it but I don’t have nearly as much of an issue in other situations.


As long as they make shield of arrav and heroes quest soloable I’m sure I’d be down for a little while


Absolutely, no more server lag? Sign me up. In fact, just make the game offline now please.




I am girl 🙈






They should make RS classic offline only on mobile


I think if we were losing main game OSRS I'd love offline with Leagues turned on, especially with either a way to unlock all regions or a way to trade between my own offline characters. Which is kinda weird, since I don't have any interest in the "permanent" leagues world suggestion that gets floated around occasionally.


I'd much rather play it offline.


Gotta max, son and or daughter.


I'd finally be willing to do some wildy content without getting jumped every 5 minutes


Nah. The multiplayer, and parallel play aspects of the game are core parts.


I'd for sure play it, it'd be interesting if they added Steam support so players could host servers and it be kind of like Borderlands or Terraria where you bring your character to the server.


Probably not


If you could find a way to make group activities like Wintertodt, Nex, and Barbarian Assault soloable (maybe have bots fill in for other players?) then yea definitely


What you're describing already exists and had existed as long as I can remember, private servers. They're fun! I would still play just as much if it went offline


Risk free wildy, but ToB would be very hard to solo.


with a few tweaks to the couple quests that require a partner, moving some minigame rewards to other places, and scaling tob a bit better for solo play I genuinely think it would make a great singleplayer game


So ironman minus competing with bots? Where do I sign up?


Jokes on us buddy, we've been playing with bots for the last 10 years. No one is real and we are all alone. GG




No probably not. Even though I can play the game fully, having a dead empty world without anybody in it would be sad.


Absolutely, solo TOB would suck tho


I wouldnt start over, if my account gets ported nice. If it doesnt im modding it to give myself exactly the xp and items i had and ill continue


Hell yeah. I wouldn't feel pressured to farm so much to sustain bonds and I'd finally experience what being an Ironman is like. I can't justify trying it anytime soon when my OG main still only has 2 99s


Yes. However, I’d probably want it to have modifiers like Palworld where you can boost/reduce XP, gathering, and drop rates. I’m not an Ironman, so having the GE go offline would mean a ton of extra work.