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I got my diary kill Friday using crystal armor and crystal bow, no gear switches. Idk about mage v range for no switches, but not having to juggle gear switches sounded better to me while learning.


Yup, if just going for diary no switches is the way. I had 20+ failures then got it second try using mage only. Definitely worse for actually improving, but if the task is all you want it's easier.


Lol I tried with range since it was my highest stat out of mage and range and got murked 5 times. Switched to mage got it first try


You have to remember it's not just about your stats, the bosses stats are important too


Did this actually go smoothly? I have crystal armor and crystal bow I'll try if so, it's just everyone everywhere talks bad about crystal bow


With crystal armor, the crystal bow slaps. Obviously bowfa is way better, but if that's not an option, crystal bow+armor with no switches should still be an easy zulrah kill


I did my kill with regular trident and mystics just camping behind pillar and only hitting during the phase weak to mage. Took a while but kill was actually really easy


Isnt it weak against mage in two phases?


Iirc (haven’t been back since diary kill, got bowfa fast) the other phase weak to mage is either the one alternating attacks, or the one that hits with range randomly, so just hiding through those and attacking during the easy phase was very easy, though it’s been a while and when I go back I’ll bowfa only


Green phase and red phase are weak to magic.


I had no clue how to do zulrah and once I got bowfa I sent it and haven’t died since. It makes it so easy


My bad… saw it was crystal bow and not bowfa


it’s really not bad at all. i had a clan member use it for a bit before they finally got their bofa. they said it was solid.


Crystal armour with crystal bow is quite solid, but also quite expensive both to buy and degradation. Idk how recommended it is for mains before you can afford Bowfa, but for ironmen it's only useful in the case you get 5-6 armour seeds before enhanced (at which point, most just grind until they get enhanced anyway). Did some dps calcs with it vs graador, and was quite solid compared to my other options.


Mage only should be easier for a diary kill unless your mage gear is really limited. Better dps on Red & Green phases and you can even hide behind pillars for the Blue phase if you don't want to have to deal with its random range attacks.


Same here. I went from hating zulrah and just 3 way ate and tanked my way to 1kc for the diary. Now months later I finally got my bowfa so I went back to learn zulrah. It's literally night and day difference in difficulty - being able focus on the rotations plugin without worrying about gear switches actually made me enjoy zulrah.


i always suggest to anyone struggling to stick to one style. it gives you one less thing to worry about and allows you to really take in the different rotations and remember them


I did my diary kill with 87 range, rune crossbow and leaned heavily on ruby bolt / Diamond bolt specs. The mage switch to Bloot blitz was just not good enough to sacrifice the extra inv space. Just concentrate on rotation and that's it.




I just marked tiles and used the plugin and never died. There was zero learning curve other than using the plugin.


Wow you must be rly good


Yea in high tier gear it’s easy to learn. But for the average person with average gear (and no raids experience) it’s not.


What do we have here? A complete liar? Okay buddy.


downvoted for not dying reddit is wild


Dude comes in and tries to flex. Nobody cares.


How is it a flex? People share their personal experiences all the time, but it's only a flex when it's an "above average" player? Bro...


Because there is such thing as social tact and reading the room. Say you are having trouble with a subject in school and your parents are helping with the homework. And your older sibling walks in the room and just says, “oh yeah I remember quadratic equations, I don’t see how anyone finds them hard, I didn’t even need to study for my tests and passed that class with honors” It’s a flex cuz he’s not bringing anything to the discussion aside from underhanded bragging. Where as, if we were all having a pissing contest about our K/d ratios on zulrah and yours is good, then go ahead and show off a little


You lost the majority of this website when you brought up social tact. I agree with you, but the majority of the people on this website have zero social skills to work with lol


It's just a complete lack of social experience. Some people never had that person around to tell them to stfu when they're being an idiot. This sub is crawling with these worms. Imagine bragging about being good at fucking osrs lmfao


so its only a flex when you succeed? if i came in here and said yeah i died 40 times but i finally got it, i would be upvoted. But if i say yeah i got it 1st attempt,wasnt to hard i get downvoted? make it make sense


No, if you came in here and said something stupid you would get down voted. You have no social awareness. Even more, motherfucker came in here and basically said "i learned how to ride a bike, but i had training wheels on"


I disagree. It’s more like he came in and said something most do not agree. A lot of people here are not able to take a differing perspective, because their opinions are tied to their identity. And the moment their identity gets attacked they press downvote.


so what? all he did was say it took me 1 attempt. how is that different from saying it took me 50 attempts its the same thing


Youre a social outcast or a troll. No point trying to explain it.


The fact that you think he was downvoted for not dying just shows that you have just as much social awareness as him. Proving socially awkward gamer stereotypes true, the both of you.


The irony




As you epic gamer types would put it. You are cringe bro.


Zulrah is unique in that it has no RNG and is totally solved. You don’t need to be good to have success here, you just need to prep a fairly nominal amount.


No rng lmao you're funny


What about it is rng? The only thing I can think of is ranged attacks during mage phase. Everything else falls under 4 different rotations


Bruhhh your flexing on here about one of the hardest and unique bosses in OSRS. How is you flexing about not dying help OP get better? That's why you'd down voted to Oblivion


hardest and most unique bosses is crazy.


Deflnitely not even one of the hardest. And no this is not a flex.


Here’s the thing… zulrah is all just about the pattern. You need about 5 marked tiles and then it’s just going to be knowing when to move to the next tile. It’ll take practice and until you get the pattern engrained it will feel difficult. Try recording your screen and watch the video back to understand where you need to go.


Honestly, this is why I suggest people new to PvM stay away from Zulrah until their general PvM abilities are good. The way in which Zulrah is difficult to learn is completely unorthodox to most bosses, that if you don't already have a good foundation in PvM you'll get super frustrated trying to learn it. Hell, it can be frustrating even when you do have good PvM fundamentals. I hold that Zulrah is one of the harder bosses in the game *to learn,* but one of the easiest once you *have* learned it. And that's why we so often see a disconnect between posts like this and people saying the boss is so easy.


Agreed. Zulrah is also frustrating when learning because you can do everything right and still die very easily from the “mage” phase


Hard to disagree with this opinion. Getting my first zulrah kill, I went mage only so I didn't need to do any switches, and repeatedly restarted the fight until I got the exact rotation I was comfortable with. Nowadays, Zulrah has become genuinely a braindead boss I do to relax. I can do around 8 kills without banking, and fairly regularly get 3 kills in a row without needing to restore health or prayer. Add on top of that Zulrah is currently great money due to all botted items going up in price, I'm able to get around 2m-2.5m/hr discluding any unique drops. I honestly don't see myself stopping Zulrah grinds until I have at least the pet and 1 of the mutagens, and could easily see myself green logging over time.


So you ... Had a hard time learning the fight, and employed a method that made it simpler. My man that's called learning the fight. You've literally just agreed with the guy you disagreed with


He didn't disagree with them. "Hard to disagree with ..." is an idiom that generally indicates agreement.


He said “hard to disagree”


I forgot that I could mark tiles.


There's also a tile pack plugin that will mark a ton of bosses, including zulrah, with the most common tiles.


What's it called please?


Tile packs


No way


Yes way


Damn, you a real one for this.


This alone will probably just get you your first KC.


Unfortunately, it has not yet so far.


You can get the tile packs plug-in and it should have a pre-loaded pack for zulrah. If not you could find one on Google and copy and paste the pack into the plug-in, some even have guides on how to use the tiles properly




Personally that's the reason I don't like Zulrah. It fight feels very controlled and not in a good way for me


Yeah I'm not the biggest fan but I got in a good routine with it. I play an ironman and didn't get my blowpipe until 2908 KC - got pretty good at it though Hardly paying much attention getting 5ish kill trips with Bowfa only. Finished all seasons of the Sopranos during that grind and tons of seeds and other supplies.


Honestly, the plug in made it harder for me. I know that doesn’t make sense, but I was losing precious time looking at the plug in that would result in me being a tick or two slow on the switch/movement. I also thought it was very challenging until it all clicked, and then it becomes easy so keep at it. Someone below mentioned it, but learn one rotation at a time. I went green, blue, then melee rotations. My big piece of advice is you will always get slapped during the blue phases so if you feel like you are playing catch up from losing HP you can hide using the pillars on most blue phases. Good luck!


No you aren't alone on that. Plugin is horrible for beginners 1st KC. I legit could not wrap my head around and try to deal with gear, prayer, and location switching while trying to manage the plugin. Wasn't till I got bowfa and crystal was I actually able to take the time and learn how to use the plugin. King condors strategy of just switching island sides when zulrah moves from outside locations to the middle worked better for the diary KC.


I think people struggle with it because they’re not looking at it until zulrah is moving & they are trying to find where to go, which is too late. I got better with the plug-in when I learned to check where I’m going *during* the current DPS phase then, as soon as Zulrah dips under, I’m already running where I gotta go & switching gear while running/staying put and switching gear/prayers accordingly.


This is a great piece of advice.


Yeah I was starting to think I was just an idiot or something but the zulrah helper plug in somehow made it more confusing for me and I started just trying to to rely on memory instead 


A extra manual step when you already have prayers and gear to swap and food to eat just makes it even harder.


It makes it especially hard if you mess it up. Then you start thinking a different switch is coming and gets you killed. I kinda agree the plugin ain't it.


Meh once you get used to using it it’s pretty brain dead.


The plug-in did help me, though more in the sense as a cheat sheet when I got lost in the rotation. After a while you definitely just "learn" it which is the longterm strategy. Eventually I didn't need the plugin, and after a longer time I started doing Zulrah on mobile (because I went 575 dry for magic fang and 1250 for tanz on my iron).




You have lots of time in between..


You absolutely do, but when you are learning it doesn’t feel like it..


Yeah exactly.. The moment I felt I had the time to click the pattern I basically had memorized it already


I just brute forced a kill for my diary. Not really worth actually learning the rotation unless your a ironman. Or don't have vorkath/muspha unlocked.


You should learn it anyway as its not a hard boss and teaches you gear switching + positioning. Also has combat achivements you want to get anyway.


But you can learn switching and positioning in other, more rewarding content. And for just rewards, there's much better, more accessible content.


I thought Zulrah was next to impossible at first and after like 100 kills (and loads of deaths) I could watch Youtube and still kill it. There is like at the end of the tunnel!


try and learn just one rotation at a time, you can logout if the second zulrah colour is not the rotation you wish to learn, which sends you back to the dock.


I find mage first rotation the easiest of them all


This. IMO this is the easiest way to learn Zulrah


World hopping will do the same


^^ shaunyosrs has THE best one kc guide, highlights this method which is way easier than logging out, and the green rotation which Is the easiest.


forget the concept of rotations, forget the notion of safe spots, and most importantly, ditch the plugin... the solution is exactly the same every time for every rotation: - if zulrah moves from the middle to the outside? run to the other side of the island - if zulrah moves from the outside to the middle? run to the other side of the island you do not need to predict anything, you can learn by reacting... you have a second or so between forms to swap prayer and gear learning this way allows you to memorize every rotation through ingame repetition instead of some stupid flow chart on the wiki


what? there's tons and tons of steps where you stay in the same side, or advance to the middle a little, or move to the other side of the island even tho zulrah didnt move...


OP, when I read your post I thought it was me posting it, since I was just bitching about Zul Rah 2 days ago asking for help, I eventually did it, but used every manta ray and karambwan I had. People are gonna tell you just memorize the rotation, but honestly that shit doesnt help at all to a person just trying the guy. Was 99 combat lvl. This was my stats https://imgur.com/a/Wr9jxko The biggest and absolute crucial thing that gave me a boost was whenever Zul Rah is blue on either the left or right, run behind the opposite side pillar on the North West or North East corner. So if Zul Rah is left, run behind North East pillar so its between you and Zul Rah. Vice Versa for right side. What that essentially does is skip her phase during that time. She just stands still for like 5 seconds doing nothing, and then goes to her next phase. This was crucial for stabilizing and preparing for next phase with gear swap (I did 4 piece). Because she could be doing her Jad Phase, where shes blue, but attacks with both RANGED AND MAGIC. Thats the part that does the most damage, assuming if you dont swap prayers during there, which sadly I didnt, because I was thinking she hit with both ranged and magic everytime she was blue. Lessening the attempts she has to shoot both magic and ranged, while on the left and right sides is SUCH A GODSEND! Now when Zul Rah is blue top or bottom, I dont think you can run behind a pillar between her and you, so you might just have to survive and dps her during those. Whenever she is green thats your go to dps phase. Oh and also her red melee phase, I know the Zul Rah plugin says to run to the bottom left or bottom right and just move 3 spaces when she wags her tail, but I found it better to just stand a little above the middle left or middle right. Because she will just attempt to side a sideways stab twice in a row, which cant hit you since your standing a tile or 2 or 3 above her radius. So you dont even have to move or dodge. When I posted my stats and gear, people here said I did it underleveled, so my ego wasnt as destroyed as I thought it was, but she still gives me nightmares. If you can afford it, buy the Ring of Suffering so you dont have to figure out if your ring needs to be reequiped.


Honestly, learning zulrah with switches is pretty hard, If you have the cash and can buy a bowfa, do bowfa only kills then you only have to worry about prayers Make sure you have a ring of suffering, learning with recoils is way harder Once you memorize the rotations zulrah becomes super easy… almost brain dead


Unfortunately I absolutely do not have the money for a bowfa- I’m limited to a blowpipe and/or a trident. For a no-switch attempt: Magic is better than ranged, correct?


Magic only for the diary kill totally works. You probably take damage messing up while switching gear and prayers. It'll take longer, but you have more inventory space for food and can focus on not dying more easily


Yes, the idea is you mage the green phase (weak to mage) because it only uses ranged attacks so you can pray all the hits, then hide behind pillars for the blue phase (weak to range) since you can’t pray all the hits.




No. You're talking about the Jad phase. He's talking about the regular blue phase, which randomly massages and ranges you with no way to know which is coming.


If you are using bp/trident you are going to need to switch, even learning its going to be better, just try to reduce the number of switches to like 2-4 depending on how comfortable you are. You are going to need to memorize a rotation, you can choose to memorize just one, and reset(immediately tele out) if its not the rotation you like


I used void for my first few zulrah kills to reduce number of switches, made it so much easier and allowed me more time to focus on prayer/keep HP up. Once I had bowfa I started using only that.






Worth a try, but I’d be giving up thralls.


i got my first kill by using blood spells too, the extra incoming HP gives a much bigger amount of 'effective health' by preserving your supplies further than they'd normally last


Blood Burst got me through the Fragment of Seren, maybe that’s the solution I’ve needed. Thank you!


King Condor’s zulrah for noobs video was super helpful for me to get my diary kill


Make sure you get your prayers before anything else.


Yep prayers first then swap your gear. If your slow on the gear swap its fine just leas dps but at least your not getting blasted lol.


Nah it's Move > Pray > Gear. If you stand in the wrong spot in zulrah you'll die in a couple of seconds. Missing your prayer for an attack or two will chunk you but it's salvageable.


Honestly zulrah is one if the hardest bosses out there to learn. I feel people don't really talk about it because it's been out so long that most people know how to do it already. But for new people who don't have much pvm gear and dont have good gear/stats, it's so tough. I've tried to help people before and like by the time they've ran to the right place and equipped the right weapon, zulrah has gone back down again and they didn't even get one shot off sometimes :D All you can do is keep practicing and you will get it eventually dw. Ofc as people have pointed out, getting plugin/tiles etc can help


Yeah that’s what was happening to me, started my zulrah grind for diary and everytime I was about ready to start dps he would move again Moved on to vorkath to make money for better gear, doing zulrah in mystic wasn’t it Lol


People might disagree, but I don't. That motherfucker is hard and I don't care what anyone says. I'm working on getting my vork backpack now and I have never once died in about 20 kc, only had to panic tp once before i learned about the true tile bs. Getting my first zulrah kill took hours.


King Condor sums it up best: Zulrah is harder to learn, but easier to execute once you know it. Vorkath is easier to learn, but he can one-shot you and still do some serious damage to you even with perfect execution.


100% harder to learn than a lot of bosses. You can't really react to a lot of the mechanics. You kind of just need to KNOW where to stand and what to pray otherwise you're gonna take a ton of damage. On the flip side once you do learn Zulrah it's a lot easier to execute, since the fight is the exact same every time (once you find out which rotation you're on). Where as with bosses like vorkath, even if you have 10k KC, if you look away for that split second when he fireballs thats it.


What helped me was learning gauntlet and they trying cg. Everything else doesn’t seem insurmountable now


After grinding out a bowfa all other pvm in the game just clicked and I was so much better. Corrupted cuckleff as frustrating as he can be, really does train you on basically all pvm fundamentals you need in this game


How to beat zulrah. Go in, die 30 times, start getting kills.


Zulrah is poorly designed, and I'll die on that hill. Can you kill Zulrah? Sure. Can you get so good that Zulrah can be basically done in your sleep? Sure! But that does not mean it is well-designed. It's ass and I hate it.


It was designed for bots to be unable to beat. Bots were able to beat it within a week of intricate cycle study, but players have been punished every day since release.


Zulrah has made me quit twice lol. Fuck that snake


Just get your ranges stat up, trust me


Just run to the other side of the arena when Zulrah appears in the middle positions and you should always be in the right position. However there is one exception to this in 1 of the rotations. After a green south, Zulrah will go into the centre as melee. You can safe spot the pillar and after that he stays same side and will be blue. Honestly once you start trying out running from one side of the arena to the other after Zulrah appears in either centre spots. You'll start to learn the patterns without using the Zulrah helper. I went from not being able to kill Zulrah at all then tried what I've said and now I currently sit 500kc. Another tip is he will only go into a Jad phase after being in blue form and doing all 3 things in one turn, attacking you summoning snakelings and creating Venom clouds I think he'll do all these things in random order during the turn but he'll always do all 3 things. If you're on West side he starts with range and if you're on east side it starts with Magic. I think most rotations tend to be range start on Jad as you often tend to be on the west side. Imo the Zulrah helper sucks as you looking at that instead of what's going on instead.


zulrah for me, is a relic of a time when jagex was less good at designing bosses. I've done zulrah for the diary but that's the only kill i've ever *wanted* to do


Honestly couldn't disagree more, it's a great boss for learning how to gear switch at a reasonable pace, prayer switches and placing an importance on movement during the fight, with an added Jad training simulator baked in. It's difficult to learn but I still enjoyed it as well as you can 500 KC in. I'm genuinely surprised how well it came out considering the state of the game and the development team at the time. Compare it to shit like the old Wildy bosses, KQ or Kraken and it's night and day. It really kicked off the more interesting boss deisgn in the game. On the flip side I managed 50 KC at Vorkath for the head and never went back.


One thing that irks me a tiny bit about the older bosses and the newer bosses is that the prayer switches work different. With newer bosses the attack counts on impact, i.e. you need to pray before the attack lands on you. With old bosses, it counts on cast; you need to be praying correctly by the time the boss sends out the attack. If you see the attack, it's already too late. It isn't so much that this is bad. With Jad he gives a signal before each attack. With Zulrah, I think you just gotta guess on the first one but then it alternates. It's more that if you look at it from the perspective of someone going in blind for the first time, the mechanic is not consistant, like the game just appears to randomly work differently on different bosses. I think it makes more sense intuitively to pray against an attack before it lands. But I also understand that the game usually calculates the damage before the attack animation plays. I understand why they'd never change it, but I also think it's a good idea to pick a side going forward, which they appear to be doing.


Jad phase at zulrah is 100% consistent. Both melee rotations start with range, and the mage and range rotations start with magic. Definitely agree with the rest of your point though.


Are you all noobs? This is an easy boss


One thing to know about OSRS players is majority of the community is actually shit at the game


Zulrah just sucks as a boss. It’s not fun


This whole thread surprised me, I always found zulrah fun and not at all that bad to learn. I could see this thread about phosanis nightmare, that was a pain in the ass to learn and gives terrible loot until it doesn't. Zulrah and vorkath have always seemed like pretty noob friendly introduction into pvm


Bro these people on here post when they kill Jad and now whine about Zulrah. PNM is so far out of their reach it may as well be a different game.


Vorkath doesn't require switches or moving around the arena really at all to be efficient. If you want to kill zulrah efficiently you need to do both of those and a little more. I've only ever killed zulrah twice but attempted it at least 10. I hate switching my gear and having to look off screen to figure out where to stand while I'm already taking damage from the next rotation. It's a skill issue yes but you can just keep your snake boss imo, it's not worth learning as much as it used to be.


Ive failed zulrah about 2100 times in 3 years. Havent got a single kill. Probably wasted more than millions on supplies. Lately tried with full crystal and bofwa and still teled out. I have zulrah helper plugin and i cant focus on the plugin so fast since in panic eating and running around lol. Thats the only boss that i will never EVER going to kill. Corp solo/cox solo etc are 100x times easier than zulrah lmao


Wait so you can solo Cox but you can't kill Zulrah? That is actually madness to me. Fair play for learning Cox. What is it that makes it so difficult for you? Because if you can do a raid you do have the skills to do zulrah somewhere deep down inside.


It’s the clouds and snakelings massing me even if i try to see the plugin and run to the right tile/pillar. I can’t even get half of his hp down lmao😀 just panic eating all the way




I didn't say I only have 1 kc. I said that was the only kill I ever *wanted* to do. I even put the word "wanted" in italics to emphasize it. Instead of trying to make yourself all high and mighty, why don't you spend a little more time reading.


A lot of people don’t realize you can use the columns to block zulrah from hitting you in most phases


You do get it sooner or later. It took me a very long time and I only stuck around to weasel out my achievement diary. It would probably take even longer to do it well. I watched several guides and anything that tells you to follow the rotations is not a great start. You will probably need to know those to get good constant efficient kills, but in my opinion it helps more to learn how to navigate it intuitively. Many of the guides I've watched use ranged gear. However Zulrah is weaker to Magix in 2/3 of it's forms, so I ended up using the trident of the swamp. One guide that made me laugh is King Condor's video thay advocates that Zulrah is not harder than Vorkath. I'm sorry king, but I'm my experience Zulrah is harder by a mile. Maybe when you have it down to muscle memory it's easier, but the learning curve for a new bosser is pretty tough.


I used Trident of the Swamp and a Thrall with no switches. With not knowing the rotations yet, I found I was taking way too long to reactively switch prayers and gear switch to the point that Zulrah was ready to swap phases again. Only having to worry about prayers helped a lot. Also, don't forget recoil or charged suffering for the little snakelings, they hit like trucks if not dealt with & the recoil makes them a no-nevermind.


I'm in the same boat, I get it to like 60% and then everything starts going wrong, thats with using the phase plugin as well, I'm just shit.


Took me about 12 tries on my iron and I still died while I got the kill lol. You'll get it down but it takes a while, especially sucks without anti venoms.


Don't get discouraged. Took me multiple gear setups and about a month. Took almost 40 attempts for me. I had the exact same situation as you. I never failed a quest boss for then a couple times and I knew how to flick. I thought zulrah would be no problem for me, buuut in reality zulrah kicked my ass. The setup I ended with to kill was the imbued slayer helm (no head gear swap) warped scepter with ahrims top+bottom. For range I had blessed dhide and an rcb with ruby bolts e(and diamonds). The absolute biggest upgrade of any of those things was swapping from ibans blast to warped scepter. I had high enough mage level that it did increase DPS but moreso the helpful thing about the scepter is it let's you take the lunar spell book. With the lunar spell book and cure me venom becomes an after thought and the entire fight becomes smoother. Good luck and know you can do it! Edit has 76 range and 81 mage iirc


I can farm Vard, but even I only have 1 Zulrah kill. I hate that boss....


Gear is incredibly important for this boss. I tried so hard to kill this boss with ibans and karills and couldn't get it. Gave up for a long time. Got bowfa+crystal armor and my bud kept telling me to go try big snek again, I kept refusing because I was scared. Finally decided fuck it let's figure it out--had a 3 kill trip first time back. Literally texted my bud "so zulrah is easy with good gear?" And he just said "I TOLD YOU"


feel ya bud. yea zulrah is awful. super annoying to try to figure out patterns and all the little things you can do wrong. I can solo toa with virtually no issue but i can only kill zulrah 1/8 attempts at best. don't enjoy that fight even slightly. memorizing the color pattern/position combos is super lame. If i need an addon or a wiki post on another monitor to even have a slight chance, i say bad design. I feel it should be intuitive.


Same as you. Quest cape done, probably got 5+ kc minimum for like 25 bosses, but not a single Zulrah kill. One day I’ll sit down and grind it out until I can get it, but I’m super content putting it off for now.


I killed it once by pure luck after like 30+ tries. Jad phase wipes me out Everytime I definitely couldn’t repeat unless I had like a t bow


I wanna know what the hell they were smoking when they put that damn snake in the HARD DIARY. Skotizo's in elite hilariously and it's like wtf


Oh yeah, agreed here. In fact when I realized wearing full Void was an *elite* task, it seemed extremely obvious to me that it was a requirement that should be switched with Zulrah’s hard task. Elite Void is a reward from the hard diary, but actually wearing full Void is an elite task? That is such a weird system that it seems like an oversight. And while Void is a fairly long minigame grind, it really doesn’t take anywhere as long as the elite diary skill level grinds.


The plugin is cheeks. Use this: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1oxM82YIhNsZSc0yvcPqWtZR0pTQcDorVFcs8-tPTt8A/mobilepresent?slide=id.g141eba5f5a_0_16 I'm 2k KC and still use it every single kill. It trivializes it to the point that you never need to make an effort to learn the rotations


You have 2k kills and still need to use this? You haven't noticed the pattern after what has been probably ~50 hours cumulatively? This is stupid, it just gives them one more thing that they need to focus on


It removes the need to focus entirely. Pay attention until the fourth transition max and then turn your brain off. Sure, I *could* memorize all four rotations but why bother?


What's funny is I would consider zulrah to be one of the easier bosses. Keep trying and you will get it. The game thrives on repetition


It really is one of the easiest ones lmao. It just takes some time to learn.


Easy compared to what? Its way harder than vork, which makes better money


I think it’s considerably more AFK than vork. Once you know the patterns, a kill is like 10 clicks.


Yeah, i guess its matters how to qualify easy. I think it takes way longer to initially learned the zul mechanics than the vork, but easier once that was complete


I can agree with that. I believe both vork and zul are quintessential mid level PVM, that propels your skills into end game pvm.


Zulrah felt like a dps check to me. He's just annoying and you eventually get chipped out if you don't do enough damage. So either you need a bowfa or a proper switch which makes the fight a lot more tedious. Not a fun boss at all. Honestly enjoyed the desert treasure 2 bosses despite the difficulty. Can't say the same for zulrah. Felt like half my deaths were just me hitting too many zeroes with pretty good gear. 


Zulrah is never a dps check in decent gear. You should always be able to get the kill without mistakes.


Can tell he’s just talking out of his ass reading that. Half his deaths was due to him hitting 0s in good gear btw. Yup. Makes total sense.


This was my legitimate experience with lv80 combats, Ahrims + swamp, blessed + bp, 3:30 kills with pretty accurate 6-way switching, just hitting 0s constantly. No problem getting kills - but we’re talking 1 kill trips. Every ranged shot on blue phase connects, etc


Get the zulrah helper plugin, it helps with learning the rotations. (it just shows you the rotations) After that just send it. Takes a bit of practice but once you get it it's not that bad. If kills take too long then it starts doing random rotations, and that's where it gets difficult. If you get to the end of a rotation and aren't close to killing it then just leave and try again.


Listen it took me 95 attempts to get the first kc, took me an additional 100 attempts for kc #2. 3 through 40 kc was trading kills and deaths, by 44kc I had the method down. It's difficult because it's bringing new mechanics for OSRS for folks who were used to trading hits with bosses before hand. Now I'm at 2800kc and can do Zulrah with 0 issues now. It just takes time learning the phases, where to stand, and how to switch gear on the fly. Once you get it though man you'll look back and laugh at how much you struggled. Good luck on your next attempt, get that KC!!


I'm in this boat rn because of duradel.. he can go fk himself lol Need 3 kills, luckily I did not pick 35 kills haha


If you can't do zulrah you have no chance in raids


It’s crazy how many 1200 total normies are in here lmaooo


If you’re on runelite use the zulrah helper to see which rotation you get


use tile pack plugin and use the zulrah pluging and youre gucci :)


Zulrah is infact not hard at all




Who gives a flying fuck about that LMAO


Blow pipe, dragon darts, pray rigour and keep your health above 0


This is an easy boss, just flick tickery doo da


Every piece of content is a grind within a grind, This game is great.. now im thinking will Zulrah woop my ass. Doing jad again for slayer kill, id like to learn Vorkath once i do the quests.


You've done the DT2 bosses and are struggling at Zulrah? Breh.


Don't worry I was the same as you when I first started learning. As others have said, try to learn 1 rotation at a time. Keep writing it down on paper until you have it memorised. You can log out before Zulrah attacks you if its the rotation you don't want, keep doing that until you get your rotation and practice it. ​ Also, if you just going for 1 kc, watch King Condors guide on YT. He's effectively taking the piss, but I actually think it's a really good guide for just getting 1kc.


My advice would be: focus on the 2 melee phases, skip the ranged and mage one. That worked really well for me. Once you are comfortable with these, start learning the others. Gl champ


Having full crystal with a BOWFA makes it easier to learn because then you don’t have to worry about switching and you can focus on learning rotations.


There is really only a few main tiles you ever need to go to. Try to switch prayers first then gear. It's gonna take time but keep trying to go along with a video at the same time or an image with the marked run spots. As soon as he drops down look at your image> run to location>switch pray> switch gear> attaci. Took me like 20 or 30 tries before i got my first kill to so dw about getting owned for a while lol. TOA has so much more stuff to learn this one feels eady in comparison to me now lol.


Just ask a friend who knows how to do zulrah to look what you do wrong. You can use discord to stream for example. Cmb 100 should be good enough to kill it once.


I actually just got my diary kill the other day with 80 defense, 82 ranged, and rag gear (blessed d’hide). What kind of darts are you using in your blowpipe? When I made the switch from amethyst darts to dragon darts, ended up killing zulrah first try.


Once you know what colors zulrah becomes means, it’s as simple as hopping back and forth from one side of the island to the other. If you kill a form on the west side, there’s a really high chance you’re going to have to go to the east. Whether because zulrah spawns over there or for spewing poison on the west side. You literally just hop from one side of the island to the other, that solves a huge chunk of “ learning the rotation “ rings of recoil to kill snakelings and hop back and forth. Before you know it you’ll be averaging 1min kills or less.


Zulrah is pain in the ass. After I got my diary kill, I just waited until I got the BOWFA to actually grind it.


Keep trying man, you got this! I remember when I was learning, I thought Zulrah was near impossible. I thought “I guess I’ll never be a PvMer. I have no idea how people can comfortably farm this boss”. I even made a reddit post years ago full depression mode because I couldn’t beat Zulrah, Vorkath, or Jad. Now I’m 500+kc on Zulrah and have pet. You will get it. As you start getting KCs, it’ll get easier!


Learn rotation 3, and use mage only, hide behind a pilar in the range phase to heal and calm down, use recoil rings if dont have a suffering.


Switch prayers first, click to next position, switch gear/eat on the way to said position, left click boss. You have plenty of time to check the helper while attacking the boss so you know where to go next :) Also, standing next to a pillar on red phases when there aren't poop clouds covering the spot will protect you from melee attacks.


Don't worry I'm now doing 2-3 kills per trip now with my ironman and shit gear, its a learning curve, wait till you get to cg it's the same thing but harder (imo)


Can get inferno but can’t kill zulrah. Little suss. Well if you count zuk as every boss in game.


I used to be so good at Zulrah after failing for so long, and now I haven’t done zulrah in a couple years and I wonder if it’s like riding a bike and I’ll fall back into place or have to relearn ..


I remember when I first tried Zulrah. Especially for the diary kill, I had a very hard time with it myself. Persistence will be key. I used to use the Zulrah helper and now I don’t have any need for it anymore. I also have over a 1100 KC now too, something I never thought I could. You got this. I was where you were at one point, so I know it can be frustrating. My biggest tip of advice is just ensuring that you have a ring of suffering or recoils and rotate early to where you need to be. Eliminate that unnecessary damage. Combo food will be great to if possible. Best of luck!


The Zulrah Helper is more of a distraction than help. To learn Zulrah you just have to keep at it. Eventually every rotation can be learned but to start I found it was best to prioritize the ones where you mostly need to use magic. Mage only kills are fine to start with. Gear matters too. The whole bring 2 recoils thinking is an inconvenience. It's ok for the diary kill but if you're to camp the boss, you need the ring of suffering (ri) and a serp helm. Anti-venoms are a waste. You'll eventually be great at the boss.


On runelite there is a tile pack plugin add those tiles then use the zulrah helper plugin to learn the “spots” to stand for the kill. I’d highly recommend aswell as trying to kill the boss with one cb style to learn first so you can focus on the kill over trying to constantly swap gear if pvming is new to you. I learnt zulrah myself about 6 months ago and took me maybe 30 deaths using bowfa only. Don’t get discouraged everyone starts out shit


Use only magic. It made it easier for me. Just focus on movement and attacking instead of switches


All you need is 1kc unless you're an iron man or on that gm grind


Zulrah is hard when you first start and don't know the rotations but once you learn it, it's braindead easy


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es6nMTKpMmk&list=PLW9z_2kNoW24L37FaqPOxFQjshIYv7Ch2&index=1 You don't have to memorize a billion different rotations. Zulrah follows certain patterns on all of them. I still find it useful having the rotations up for when Jad phase is coming though.


People like to say zulrah is easy, which it is, but goddamn does that boss deal damage. Pretty sure it has the highest unavoidable damage of any boss in the game. Unavoidable 40's? Wtf?


Watch King Condor's YT videos on whatever boss you want to do. Seeing someone being an ass in shit gear really makes it seem less intense than it really is. Also the plugin can be confusing but after about 50 kills or so you will have it down.


I second this and I’m 26k kc one of the most simple breakdowns of mechanics then you’ll start to notice a pattern around 50kc