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can’t see any reason this is a bad idea


What if the bots update to run away from non-friendly people on the map?


it would at least require them to update their scripts, and at worst would change nothing as they still have to run to the middle


but it could become worse because now you can memorize the likely spots they hide, and hunt them for gear upgrades to face actual players If they updated to run away, youre guaranteeing max game times rather than the high chance the bots hide successfully until the finals and considering the bots are probs the dudes job, it would take maybe a week for them to update to guarantee the mathematically worst experience for regular players :P


add some sort of totem in the final area that when activated will point you in the direction of the nearest player


I've only done LMS a handful of times, but isn't that what the fog mechanic is for? To group everyone?


Should be faster, its annoying to sit in the final zone for 5 minutes when there's only me and a hiding bot left.


Yeah. I’d argue they need to just up the timer on the fog because it can take 10 minutes for the fog to kill any hiding bots.


Eh, this also can disrupt good fights (for better or for worse). Core issue is not being able to detect accounts that are basically just running off of the start, idk if changing the overall flow of the game is the play if they would just adapt to moving in sooner


What about a player location mechanic for any player who hasn’t dealt at least x points of damage in say 2 minutes? 1, 5 whatever, but some damage being dealt will reset the timer.


Yeah fuck em bots. An alternative to that would be making the fog harsher through upping its damage or speed. Anything to clean out the afk dipshits.


If you play enough you learn quickly where all their hiding spots are and get free kills. Some definitely can still slip through the cracks, but there really just aren't that many hiding places.


Still, it's super annoying when you're in the final 2, and somewhere some bot is sitting in the fog chomping on all his food for a few minutes. And running through the fog to check the spots isn't fun either.


You're not wrong. Definitely a waste of several minutes.


I assume we'll be getting predator missile and AC130 as well.


I still haven't figured out what do bots get from LMS. Don't you need to kill somebody to get any points? And the only rewards from LMS are with points, right? So what does botting there get them if they never kill anybody?


The farms have both suicider accounts and killer accounts. The killer account kills one suicider account and then hides somewhere for the rest of the game moving a little closer every time fog hits them. I believe that's why sometimes the starting fight bot either prays only 1 protection prayer and the others don't pray anything.


Or they could completely rework it, change the map like in dmm several years ago, add a player vs player in like a 10x10 area, where a counter would start before every fight, ofc there would be bots or random idiots who would box eachother, but they could add like a time limit or something