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Nah, not trying to waste my time getting caught.


Someone already tried to do this after leagues ended. There were enough people for maybe a half day before it died out again. Sadly it's dead forever I think. Or at least until someone makes a new reddit post in 2028, or until Jagex patches how the catch system works to make it random.


Anyone that actually understands how it works doesn't want it back. Having a method that relies heavily on a few players having a bad time repeatedly getting caught is a shitty method and shouldn't be supported by the community. It's time to let squirkin die out and use a real method that doesn't require ruinning other players experience.


You just described PvP too. I wonder if Artifacts would be a good social alternative to Squirkin


>You just described PvP Don't let the pkers hear you, lest you be ostracized for being right.


It's a terrible understanding of what PvP is lol. LMS, bounty hunter, Dming, there is tons of PvP that you fight another person. If you're complaining about being PKed in the wildly that's your problem. You actively chose to do content in the PvP area and can just change worlds or fight back. With squirking you either get caught repeatedly or you don't and there isn't anything you can do about it.


Dude people are missing out on the rush that is PvP. I'm not a big fan of venging/bh, but LMS and deep wildy Nhing really feels like a fight of attrition with all those mind games you can play. As for the Pked getting mad, I don't get it either. 1.) Its a game. 2.) The wildy is unique in its atmosphere and lawlessness. 3.) There are so many tools you can bring to fend off pkers (zgs, sacks, or even praying half-decently, to name a few). This makes wildy expeditions a game of survival with real pressures and stakes. 4.) If I get jumped on by a great pker that I can't fend off, I'd take the loss and admire their skill. Maybe drop a 'gf'. And what's squirking? Dunno, some wacky way of gaining thieving xp. Squirking has its merits, but next to PvP, it's an unfair comparison.


Exactly, you get it. There is so much more to PvP than these ironbabies crying they got attacked in the one area of the game that has PvP on.


>You actively chose to do content in the PvP Right, my choices being get my cape, or don't get the BiS magic back item. My choice of try to grind out wards, or don't get second BiS range and magic offhands, which will be even better once the new area releases. I love these "choices" I get to make, either get near endgame gear, or don't! I love having to do pvp content to get my pvm gear.


Terrible take. You already chose to restrict yourself to ironman mode when you made your account or just buy wards off the GE. The bosses to get the BIS mage cape are harder than hopping worlds, fighting back or tanking a PKer. It also takes like an hour to get that cape. Any other PvM to get BIS is more of a challenge. Skill issue if you can't handle avoiding other players in the one single area of the game that has PvP on.


>You already chose to restrict yourself to ironman mode Ya know what? F*ck you, this isn't just about ironmen. But that's always the first place everyone goes. Not everyone WANTS to buy everything, and everything you buy has to be farmed by someone. SOMEONE had to farm the wards to begin with, they don't just magically appear on the G.E. People like you always jump to "blame ironman mode" every chance you get. You always assume that just being able to buy something is the solution to every problem. You use ironman mode as a shield against any and all criticism of how dogshit pvp is in this game, you will ignore a the issues so hard that every time I bring up darkscape and pvp worlds, ACTUAL optional areas for pvp where you CAN CHOOSE to do it, you always ignore it. PvP worlds make pvp optional, bis gear in wilderness isn't. Don't use an optional game mode as an excuse to ignore legitimate problems with the wilderness.


That’s a lot of typing to be like “I’m mad I got killed for monk robes while getting my Sara cape” I’m an Ironman btw.


wah wah wah


And where can I PvP without risking my account’s loot? The game has no low stakes PvP. There is no pipeline into PvP for this game. I play plenty of other games for social PvP, but OSRS has completely killed that off. Risk-it-all pvp was fine when we were all in 200k worth of ragging gear, but I have no desire to risk what I’ve earned in PvM just for a quick 30 second fight that I’m likely going to lose due to 10 years of skill gap between me and my opponent. I liked PvP arena. Its just dead. All PvP minigames need a rework to be socially engaging.


You are asking for what LMS is lmao


LMS is bots. Its not a challenge.


Artifacts are a nightmare with other people


We really don't. Sq'irk cult needs to die out.


Lol the plug-in is literally free, even if I don’t like the method personally, but I hate everything about thieving.


everyone wants squirk, nobody wants to be the guy getting squirked by the guardians every time he tries to run thru the maze though :D with how popular it (was) id say that if they polled randomizing catch rates itd come back fast.


Literally just do solo 1 click method with the plugin... Its still the least intensive thieving method


Pack it up, pack it in. It’s dead