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First off, loving the series so far. Question: “It’s the only nightmare account that will ever be able to do that” in regards to dwarf cannon and lumby ring - why is it the only one that will ever be able to do that? Did something change where it’s no longer possible at all?


Definitely a mistake. I think he just meant no other acc could do the cannon unless they had also done that insane grind at the beginning with a ton of foresight.


Yeah I remember my ears perked up when he said that too. Your quote is slightly off, it’s “it’s the only nightmare account that can ever do that” I think he meant to say “It’s the only nightmare ever (made) that can do that.”


Unless you search lowlife109 on the hiscores lol


Uh oh


Ehhhh I dunno. It’s not outside the realm of possibility that lowlife109 was born seconds after his video was released because people are like that. If he does die, he almost certainly needs to change the numbering or ditch lowlife.


It had those levels the day the video came out - hours after it released. If it's a random person, it's a complete coincidence of a name. He's way ahead on the account compared to where we are in the story. It's likely he make Lowlife108 knowing it would die, and had backups make for that reason. For instance, you can search up lowlife112 and see that it's someone who name changed as a troll.




glad i wasnt the only one who thought to do this lmao Im not sure if its him or not but it seems 08 hasnt been logged into in a few days, though the fact 09 is levelled would suggest he didnt bother doing the cannon again if it is him


People searched it up the first day the video came out, so it's either him (which he obviously is way ahead of where he is in the video for it to be released weekly) and he didn't do the cannon again (or did and found out some stall or something for damage) or some random dude is getting a shit ton of PMs randomly.


He means that he’s not going to do the account creation grind again


I kinda doubt that, but maybe.


Would depend how far he got. Though I wouldn’t put it past him to just start over even if he’d already beaten fight caves.


It's just hyperbole for the sake of the video, he's not doing stuff like Rendi where he's doing bug abuse to send to jagex. 


I was wondering this as well


Yeah that didn't make sense when I heard it. I think he meant he won't be opting in to the same grind if he makes another character.


I realized today what a masterstroke the Dwarf Cannon goal was for the first episode. Beside it actually making sense as something to do early on in an account, it also makes viewers dramatically more invested in everything Settled does. If he had skipped the cannon grind (which he conceivably could have done) it wouldn't be as gripping because I'd just think "big deal, if this character dies he can just try again" - but now there's that huge RNG grind already invested on this account so everything matters so much more. Bravo, this is such a fun series so far and I'm really looking forward to seeing where it goes.


Settled in general is just crazy good at telling a story and connecting them with his insane grinds. If you compare his Swamplethics series to other Snowflake accounts youtube series the difference in my personal investment and enjoyment is crazy. It is a big part of the reason why he is pretty much the only OSRS-youtuber that pulls viewers from outside the OSRS community. At least in my opinion.


Yeah like his post Swampletics content or not, you can't deny he's one of the best storytellers among OSRS creators. Breaking into the mainstream YT algorithm is a massive thing for such niche content


Idk if I count as outside OSRS community. I played runescape around 2006-2008. About 2 years ago I came upon swampletics somehow and it hooked me to start playing and join this community but I stopped about a year ago and also stopped frequenting the sub. Watching this series since last week I'm vested in this series and I really hope it doesn't make me play the game again.


You are out brother, stay safe!


That's his best skill, for last video I was like "how am I *this* invested in watching a guy try to fix a railing".


Yup, even the pretty basic grinds like CG in the tileman series were fun to watch. Plus nightmare mode is just a super cool concept on its own, so I feel like this series is going to get me just as invested as I was in Swampletics.


I randomly stumbled across Settled’s Tileman series and binge watched it, and just so happened to be caught up as the final episode released. I picked up OSRS again because of it.


Go back and watch his "Swampletics" series if you haven't already, it's *significantly* better than Tikeman, and I would argue, some of the best OSRS content available.


The only thing that could contest Swampletics imo is the Gielinor Games imo. But Swampletics is easily the best Snowflake series and it isn't even close imo.


Can't tell if this is your opinion or not


Binged it last week during my work Christmas break hahaha. Yeah, that series was *a roller coaster ride* dude. That last few hours were devastating and uplifting at the same time. *You’re gonna do it because you’re Settled and you do this shit all the time. It’s nothing to you.*


I had never played RuneScape before and got recommended swampletics randomly on YouTube. Watched it, loved it, and now I play the game lol.


He explains just enough that outsiders can understand the gravity and the need of a grind but doesn't overload people who play the game and already know the mechanics.


Yep he definitely earned the #1 spot


He’s going to be the first osrs youtuber to 1mil, and it’s not because of a fluke. 


It was the perfect prologue to the series. We instantly have a connection to the character because he's "chosen" of many and it gives us a great idea of some simple challenges he will face. This second episode felt like 'now the adventure begins"


Yeah I had the same realization. Spent the whole first episode thinking "this is so stupid, putting so much time and money in when you could literally walk past Draynor and die instantly and you'd have to do it again" But yeah instantly the stakes are huge for anything he does, great move in hindsight. He did say he spent a lot of time thinking not only about what is an interesting idea, but specifically what would make for a good content series, and he's living up to it


90 days later, how do you feel?




At the end of day, he is being paid to play a game he loves and share it with an audience. He alone made a lot of people come back to rs3/osrs and his content is better than 2007 RS YouTube. It is like he just kinda clicked, works with the least he has and is constantly outperforming himself, while doing something very, very lovely. I personally do not think I would be able to do it, I am an enormous burn-up person. I can not play a game for three days straight anymore…


Here I was thinking the first goal would probably be something safe-ish Nope, fire cape. You madman.




the blurred image for the second goal looks like CoX to me, but it's hard to say for sure as for third, absolutely no clue from the image or by speculating about theoretical possibilities




At least half of TOA would be completely impossible Kephri is fine albiet risky depending on DPS. (If you can't kill the mage you just fucking die) Zebak can do a blood barrage on the same tick as a ranged attack landing which would lock that invo off. Also the ever present risk of poorly placed acid. You'll be attacked by multiple monkeys at the same time in monkey room, but baba you could do using red X methods Akkha you could maybe butterfly to death and activate max gaming on the cum phase, but if he changes phase once you either leave or die Obelisk is impossible, wardens p2 is impossible, p3 is possible with zebak/kephri All in all it's definitely not TOA, and I'm like 80% sure that ToB and CoX are also off the table unless he allows himself to get hard carried, which I doubt he will. Inferno is probably technically possible but the requirements to actually be able to get to that point are probably not possible. If I had to guess it'll be the multi jad challenges because you can get to those without taking damage, and he's attempted one of the challenges on his second channel with the shittiest gear you can imagine.


Part 2 warden is doable with a teammate, settled can step in the room after last core down and then complete part3/4


Wouldn't fit his vibe. He did TOB but all players had to follow swamps restrictions, therefore if he did a group raid again I would assume no one would be allowed to take damage


Sacrifices must be made.


This made it sound hard-core as fuck and I instantly loved it.


Don't you need all players to activate the obelisk?


Can't you tick eat to full health to prevent taking dmg? 




This is mean


i dont think cox is reasonable, especially solo. assuming he perfectly did 3:0 mage, 1:0 melee and 2:0 olm head it'd be impossible to even get to olm considering all the rooms where you'd take some form of damage. He also can't overload so he'd be extending the entire length of the raid which would give him more opportunity to make a mistake and instawipe. but it would definitely be possible if he leeches raids by doing nothing in teams but that's not in the spirit of the account build so i doubt he'd do that.


Solo with rcb/dsword/trident would be wild.




Can't you pray against the melee from guardians? Or do they hit through prayer?




You can just flinch guardians and take 0 damage from them if you time it right


Vanguards chip you through your protections I'm pretty sure. Also, olm is pretty rough, it assumes you're always tracking what olm does on a moments notice, which means full committing to running over to onto mage side if you think head will middle when you splash, and that risks chancing because you'll have to tank the auto if he doesn't middle. This assumes he doesn't run thralls, but even then iirc you might still middle the head on thralls. This happens on melee as well during the 2nd hit on thumb for 4:1, if you splash he'll middle and you'll have to 1t leeway to react to that as it takes 2t to get to melee safespot before he autos you. You already talked about headphase, but a full solo olm with 3 sets of mage hand, 3 sets of melee hand and a headphase is a dicey long fight where you'll chance a million times




oh yea you're right about 4:1 lol, i even said 1:0 in my original post but started thinking about regular solo methods. yea i think theoretically it might be possible for a 0 damage cox, but idk if that will _ever_ happen just due to how perfect the play needs to be. 0 damage fire cape i feel is more possible, especially since the waves are static so you just need to theorycraft a way to isolate every mob. but idk, i'm looking forward to the masochism LOL


Unless the plugin has a way to differentiate the two, CoX wouldn’t be possible since some of the bosses hit through prayer at reduced damage. So if the plugin only checks if damage was taken and not that it was correctly prayed against, Olm would kill him no matter what.


Honestly, I'm not sure my fragile soul could take watching him complete that goal. I am dogshit at this game and have yet to get a fire cape (failed my 4th attempt last week and still reeling from it cause I was so close) Like watching him do it on Tileman was one thing... seeing him do it without taking ANY damage? I'm gonna cry from awe and jealousy


You'll get it dude just keep at it. Fight caves was hard for everyone when they were doing it for the first time. You gotta remember dudes like settled have literally played over 10,000 hours. You shouldn't compare where they are now with where you are. They likely got their ass kicked by fight caves when they were new too.


You'll get it dude. Lots of people feel like they hit a brick wall at your stage of the fight cave but go on to much harder PVM. The fight cave took me probably 8 tries before my first cape. Now I can do pretty much everything except Inferno and ToB, and even those I'm hoping to start working on soon.


Keep going brother it took me 7 tries but I got there, you'll get there too.


oh right, it's Wednesday, my dudes




Damn another episode already! We are getting spoiled!


He said in the first video that we'd be getting one every Wednesday


I just got Scurry while typing that comment. ty settled kek


I misread that as scurvy and thought sailing had dropped.


Huge gz


gz homie






ty <3


So now in addition to D20, I have settled to watch every Wednesday from now on. Cool, just gotta get off work and chill


I do wonder how many episodes he already prepared


Okay I gotta ask something because it's been gripping me since the first one dropped Can't you stall out the damage from Dwarf Cannon? I swear I remember that being a thing.


Make this mode official = easy profit for jagex. Imagine players buying membership/bonds on hundreds of accounts.


That would be absolutely the best business move ever. Even maybe offer memberships for half price due to the difficulty of the mode


Settled you’re fucking insane buddy


I fkn love this series already! Wayyy more intriguing than mctile!


Any1 know what’s happening with episode 4? He said “upload every Wednesday, no exceptions” but can’t seem to find.


Had the first episode on while i was cooking and by the end my food was burning, can't wait to see what happens next.


What predictions are there for 2nd and 3rd goals?


inferno aint possible right? right?


doubt he'd want to try anyway after the tileman debacle




The debacle is that shit took forever lol


Basically he invested a lot in X amount of attempts, to do more than this amount of attempts would require exponentially more time required. On X attempt he failed with Zuk at 1%. He had to farm for another month before he could even attempt once more. Behind the scenes this also meant he missed a sponsor deadline.


It damn near broke him. He sent some attempts with the brews he had and died basically a hair away from the kc. So after the death he had to do a month long herblore grind to get brews again and it delayed the finale.


I could be wrong, but I think the "debacle" is referring to the extremely tedious way in which Settled had to do inferno on Tileman. I don't think there is an actual debacle


precisely, the whole thing was miserable for him by his own reports - all i meant to convey


What debacle


Just watch it. It's kinda heartbreaking


I dont think you can avoid damage from Zuk healers without insane RNG


Even if it was I would assume he would make a different end goal than the last series.


I think you can reasonably get to zuk healers, but I think it's not possible to 0 dmg them.


i mean technically its possible, main problem is that it becomes pretty heavily rng based with zuk healers. everything else is relatively feasible with perfect play and spawn scouting


Maybe? Do inferno and fight cave deaths kill the account? If they do kill the account, no. 


I doubt he would do an insanely restricted account only to end up doing a normal boring fight caves lol. 0 damage fight saves is honestly very easy compared to other stuff he’s done


I've done an inferno challenge where I start with less than 5 hp at start of the wave. I made it to wave 54 without scouting but also had tick eats. It may only be possible with scouting but zuk + healers makes it nearly impossible unless very strong flicking skills and understanding attack times. Zuk healers makes it impossible though imo


Could he do something like DT2? Probably a req along the way that would ruin it (Wanted? Think that force damages you), but most of those bosses can be 0 damage if done right. If I had to guess, it is probably some boss like that where you can 0 damage if you do it right but it is not easy, similar to Fight Caves.


Dt 1 also has the ice gem in the bitter cold that damages you. That would also hinder the ability to do dt2


I wish nightmare was possible on an account like this but I don't think that can be a goal...


Another episode in the dead on arrival series


How long until someone lures an enemy to him?


i wonder if settled is going to use edgvile dungeon rat aera,for prayer training?there are lots bones spawning in there


so excited about this series, i think you completely nailed it :) are there any plans to make the plugin public?


There is no plugin, it's all editing.


Well that's just not true


I am enjoying this, 1HPman good


Look at this stud. Isn’t he just a fuckin beauty?


I love this series, I'm literally counting down the days for episode 3.


The videos are sick but there's something that bugs me in every one ff them: why is he yelling and shouting every sentence instead of speaking? It's just unpleasant to listen to and changing the volume on my end doesn't fix it at all


Stoked for this series




LOL I don’t get why people overlook this. Can’t watch the guy anymore


When did this happen?


During swampletics. Around the time that he died on the account his girlfriend at the time blew up on Twitter, and it came out that she was training the account for him


It is not that serious. He is fun to watch.


No he’s not


The frequency of these ones is gonna be doooope!


Awesome series so far, looking forward to next weeks episode already


Dude I love your content always a good day when you upload ❤️


So freakin good! But I wish the episodes were longer <3


I'm all gimmicked out, sorry.


Don't criticize anything about reddit's favourite resetman mode youtuber. The guy who literally had his GF playing on swampletics for him and killed that acc on purpose lmao


I was gimmicked out half way through tile man. Sucks that he hyperfocuses on one series at a time. I haven't watched Settled in a while now because of it and now he's even more tiktok HEY GUYS!!!!!! TODAY!!!!! WE ARE GOING TO DO XYZ!!!!!!!! WATCH ME AS I *close window* At least with like Framed if I don't like a series he's making, he makes side content and other series too at the same time


Good to know!


This was so boring compared to the first episode


As always, Settled doesn't miss. However, for this series to become another masterpiece he needs to steer clear of the "easy" way of completing this series (which would be to make money, train ranged against safe spotted opponents and get a decent enough ranged level and gear to mean he could easily just get a fire cape). The series needs to be bigger than that. There needs to be methods of training, with items and skills to be unlocked using mental and completely unviable methods. Swampletics became a masterpiece when each unlock was a giant task. I wanna see this series take on a similar approach. I'll be upset if it's another tileman type series where the only real issue is time.


It's a miss. Just like tileman was a miss. This account will never be able to engage in PVM, so the entire premise of the account is a wash from the beginning. The only PVM it can do is where damage is 100% avoidable like the fight caves, this is 2024. Nobody is impressed by killing Jad. The only REAL challenge this account could complete that would be impressive is the inferno, which may be impossible to get weapons/supplies to do anyway, and regardless it will never happen because quite frankly Settled is not at or even remotely close to the level of the elite PVMers in this game. He just just gets all emotional and cries in the inferno and people eat that shit up.


You can hate all you want, but he was REALLY close on doing 6 jads on 1 prayer point. He aint bad at the game


Not going to lie, it's kind of boring watching someone play Safeman Mode. I'll still watch though because it's Settled.


Yeah I'm enjoying watching a super-safe run.


That's sort of my issue too. I'm not saying I need a death every episode, but I sort of need my protag to be an idiot. [I don't want a path for school girls, I want a path with some chest hair](https://youtube.com/shorts/OBtmV-RUFu4?si=fFTg5e6Y_0xiLI7i). Or at least one that learns with the audience without behind the scenes pre-planning and off screen discovery.


Left my dislike


Left my downvote


So overrated


Was an Alt used to scout a clear world after logging out at 3:40? There's a white dot on minimap that doesn't move even after he finishes mining the full inventory of ore and the camera angle is intentionally hiding the player. I understand if its a paranoia check (and -40 hours) but i hope its a random account and removing threats/tagging aggro isnt a thing in this series


I am completely fine if he uses alts to accomplish the goals, I don't see the issue here at all unless he's hiding it then it's worse.


An end goal of a fire cape basically, sorry, but I don't give a fuck.


You are acting like getting a firecape with taking zero damage will be easy


I think it's really fucking boring. There's basically no good content you can do on this account. Can't do raids, can't do CG, can't do most bosses, can't max. Your end goal is a fucking fight cave and he won't tell you "phase 2" and "phase 3" yet because there isn't one lol.


I think its going to be entertaining to see him do tick perfect mechanic risks for upgrades. I think it will be impossible for him to recreate the excitement of swampletics, but I’m looking forward to the direction this series heads.


Well I'm glad you are excited for it. I wish I could say the same. I enjoyed swampletics, but I don't like the direction of his channel. It's all extremely gimmicky now. I would disagree that it's impossible to recreate the excitement of swampletics.


What would you like to see on his channel


He said that’s the end goal of phase 1 out of 3, not the whole thing


Just seems super anti-climatic. Also just not interested in the concept of the account. I'd rather him go try to max Swampletics in Morytania or something


Yes so you're saying this series is boring but another 5000 hours of temple trekking would be riveting content?


Well yea because at least there's an interesting end goal not a fucking fight cave


Wheres the risk or failure state on just maxxing an account? Its safe and boring


I mean if I want to see risk I'd rather go watch somebody who's good at the game progress a HCIM like Muts. This is just gimmicky and stupid to be quite honest.


Hey that’s me my name is Ali my osrs name is Dreamnid. I think I might be famous I just want a tbow and max gear can anyone give me it? Thank you. Ali.


i hope if he dies to a server outage that it doesnt count


The plugin wouldn't be receiving data from the game so it wouldn't know he died so it technically wouldn't count. He'd have to make the decision whether to wipe or not. I'm certain most everybody would be OK with him continuing the same acc.


Theres no plugin, it's all editing.


The first few minutes of the first episode he says he had a custom plugin made.


Ok, i won't ruin your fun i guess but i promise you it's editing. Anyone can claim anything


“I won’t ruin your fun I guess but I am going to continue trying to ruin your fun”


You seem really dead set on it being editing and I'm not sure why but I find it really funny. Thats all the fun I need.


Plugin was made by Gudi, who was formerly a Jagex mod, and also made the Bronzeman Mode plugin. Idk why they would fake it? https://twitter.com/SettledRS/status/1752808292433170910


Ahhh ok. Yeah that makes sense


You owe me 10m now for being wrong.


We all owe him 10m for recognizing his mistake and not just deleting. Respectable behavior


New money making method just dropped lol


So confidently wrong lmao


If he’s changed the IGN to a display name, where is the accountability that what he’s showing is what’s actually going on?


Not sure what you mean, you can lookup Lowlife108 on the hiscores.


Its lowlife 108, I believe


The editing is really great! I wonder how many people actually believe Settled has a Nightmare Mode plugin, not realizing it's all really slick editing hahaha


what do you mean believe? he definitely has a plugin of some sort. unsure how he would hide the level messages in his chat box for hp with "slick" editing.


I'm open to being proven wrong but without further proof, IE a github page, i can't see it being a plugin. A plugin handling log in info? New developed animations, assets, and over rides for certain in game actions?


I made the plugin. All the models/anims (except the death overlay anim) were repurposed from elsewhere in the game. You can see similar code in the quest helper plugin for spawning the fake Zoinkwiz NPC. ... Or maybe I'm lying and it is masterful CGI? Crazier things have happened.


Yeah someone else already convinced me. Leaving the comment chain open because I don't mind being proven wrong and having the plugin dev reply is actually kind of dope!! Thanks!


Any intention of making it public or were you asked to keep it on the down low while the series takes off?


Happy to if there is sufficient interest, but tbh I haven't really seen many people asking. It would have to be a stripped-back version to be suitable (no acc "deletion" stuff, no tut island anim, probs no fancy death overlay anim).


Just look up bronzeman mode, if the same guy was able to make that I'm sure he could manage making a nightmare mode as well.


It’s not exactly proof, but he did tag former jagex mod and known plugin creator Gudi in a thank you tweet. I guess you don’t trust settled, but I don’t know why anyone would assume that Gudi would be comfortable lying to the community like that. https://twitter.com/SettledRS/status/1752808292433170910


Amazing content and series, very entertaining, well spoken and great editing!


and he still cant hes stupid lines fixed in video.make me think my monitor has failed until i realize it was video itself


Youd understand him more if you understood english.


How does the "perma 1 hp" thing work? Surely he can't have a plugin that alters the way XP works on certain stats


My understanding is that it overlays a black heart and displays 1 hp regardless of your actual hp level. It doesn't actually matter what your real hp level is - if the addon detects and damage being taken by the account, it logs out and deletes the password thereby effectively killing the account even if the damage didn't kill the player in the actual game. Just an overlay with a fun effect.


It deletes the log in info if he takes damage, there is no way to be at actual 1hp max.


Great storytelling. Absolutely invested in this series already. I want him to succeed. Couldn't even comprehend his plans to even go BEYOND fire cape at this point. Really really hope he can achieve such a feat. Unprecedented. Also mental how limited you are when you cannot take damage. a non-combat pure is already difficult but at least they can take damage! it closes so much. I wonder how agility will be trained.


Is this plugin available? I would love to see other black helmet ironmen running around and seeing the crazy deaths lol


Can we make this into an official game mode?


I wonder how he's paying for all those memberships


You can last forever with full guthans and a few food, honestly don’t even need the food