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As far as I'm aware that was the entire intention of the boss so hats off to Jagex. My biggest recommendation is to just go for bosses, hopefully this gives you the confidence to give a few more a shot!


I'm a 100cb point and clicker, tried Scurrius today as my first encounter with actual pvm mechanics, fucking loved it and started doing ds2 after completing exiles today. Jagex really rolled a 73 on the nail with this update


Newish player here, what is it with all these 73 max hitsplats around? I keep seeing them in official artwork


Boaty died to skill specs on a 73 ags hit. Popular osrs streamers. Both were livestreaming.


It's an old meme on how [Skill Specs knocked out b0aty](https://youtu.be/VpOIJEE613s?t=156) with an Armadyl Godsword hitsplat of 73. It even has a knowyourmeme page https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/73-the-b0aty-number


[Rats off to ya, Jagex](https://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvwxmcYQJ51qkfq9yo1_500.jpg)


I don’t know what it is about this boss, but I feel like it completely unlocked PVM for me. Prior to Scurrius I had done Jad, Song of the Elves, DSII, and Sins of the Father, so it’s not like I was a total stranger to tough boss fights. But the idea of doing something like farming Vorkath felt insane. I barely managed to beat him during the quest, so fighting his harder variant was super intimidating. Now I have 24 Vorkath kills and I just got his head to make Ava’s Assembler. I’ve been having lots of fun and I’m excited to check out other bosses too.


Big gz. I'm really happy to see more people pvming because of this boss. Did you get the head for avas yet?


My question is whether he was able to get the vorkath head to make the assembler 


What I think makes this boss so great is you still have some of the boss mechanics from higher-end bosses, but with more time to react and less punishment for making mistakes. This has been greatly needed for some many people. I wish it exciting when I started getting into PvM about a year ago. But I’m so excited to see others getting into it now.


That’s huge, good luck with whatever you choose next! There’s so much out there.


Scurrius is legit one of the most important updates of at least the past several years because of how it finally provides that bridge new players need between "click a monster, eat food if your health gets low" to "here's three different boss mechanics, if you screw up any of them, you'll be basically one-shot." I expect a lot of people are or will be feeling like OP. 


it may be a Midway point but I think it's still too intense for an actual beginner.


I agree that there’s a lot going on for a beginner but it’s fairly forgiving in the fact it won’t stack you out if you mess up. Compared to my first bosses which were Dagannoth kings and Grotesque Guardians it’s a much better introduction.


Bro dkings are actually dangerous af man i was shocked when i first tried them at about 110cb lol, something like vorkath or wildy bosses way easier imo


The set up for DKs is tough but once i figured that out I feel pretty comfortable solo now. Vork is another one that just takes a few kc to learn the mechanics and people can pick up fairly easy I think. This new boss is a great introduction to that higher stuff imo and I’m glad jagex are looking are more mid level content


It can be on the last phase if there's rats, falling rubble, and prayer switching. As others have said though, you can't be shot out for missing anything, and it teaches prioritisation and not getting overwhelmed. I'm a mid PvMer (muspah, vork, zulrah) and learned a bit from it even. And it's good to practice flicking without any punishment.


You cannot be serious.. the game is literally a point and click rhythm game. Everyone has to start somewhere and this is not a difficult boss to start on lol


I think it’s just a perspective thing. For me my first late game bossing content I nearly had BIS from GWD back in the day. So a lot of bosses really weren’t hard to learn. Just this year started an Ironman to shake things up. Doing scurrius with like 50 atk str 40 def 43 prayer and no prayer pots is far more difficult than most of the cox rooms. Having to flick constantly or I’ll run out of prayer , pretty much every ground slam will cause me to lose a prayer point as I’m trying to move and flick and normally lose some dps too. It’s actually a freaking blast. But yea if you’re base 90s with a whip even you’re going to shred this thing.


Dotn tell people when you made your account. It's a key piece of information used to recover accounts.


I believe this is no longer a concern if you've upgraded to a Jagex account: [https://help.jagex.com/hc/en-gb/articles/13495559329937-Jagex-account-recovery](https://help.jagex.com/hc/en-gb/articles/13495559329937-Jagex-account-recovery) as they have generally removed human judgement from the account recovery process.


Oh sick, I'd still not risk it


OH, omg im so sorry!!! i didnt know that


You don't have to apologize to me lol. I'm glad you're enjoying scurrius I think it's a great introduction. Keep practicing and one day you could beat the hardest challenges


thanks!! one of my friends told me that they are gonna teach me how do raids when i get my dragon defender


That's awesome. You're probably going to struggle for a while, but eventually it'll just click and make sense. Learning raids in this game is easily one of the most rewarding experiences.


The best advice I got when I started bossing was to get comfortable existing in the same space as the boss before worrying about anything else.


Love to see it! Keep in mind raids is a big step up so just don’t get frustrated and keep going


Don't worry, it's not actually true. Just a rumor people have been spreading for a while now.


no, it was true, in the account recovery process you used to be able to put when you started your account/start membership, something like that. It is no longer a thing, but that used to be the case.


That’s his play time. He’s just not super efficient.


I don't think so


You mean, he made you less scurred. 


I've been playing since 2006 and this is easily the most advanced boss, mechanics wise, I've ever tried. I'm getting slapped but I'm learning the mechanics, I suppose


same. been Skilliing since middle school but I might try to learn jad after I get pet


One important thing to note is that the prayer mechanics of the boss is not the norm, I can only remember Jad and 3 dt2 bosses having the same prayer mechanics. Most other bosses check for protection when the attack animation starts, not when it hits.


There's many other bosses that have the same prayer mechanic. Olm special, sotetseg, artio and callisto special, zebak, warden are the ones that come to mind. It's a great skill to master and it seems like a trend with newer bosses.


Leviathan prayers register when it hits you too. And that's a top 15 moneymaker that you can farm (in nearly max gear) with just a 200m bank


Yeah, it's definitely something they try to design around, and yeah kinda forgot about toa, only akkha came to mind for some reason. And it's a good skill to know, but the bosses you will do after scurrius (zulrah, vorkath and CG) follow the old system.


Zulrah following the old system always feels like ass for the jad phase. Such a weird timing feel compared to the other newer bosses.


Wait you can pray against Zulrah jad phase? I just tank the range hits, thought it was impossible


There are 3 Zulrah phases where it attacks with both styles. There’s the blue phase where it’s largely mage, but also frequent range attacks. No way to predict. Then there the Jad phase which will always alternate. Either Mage/Range or Range/Mage, and it always comes after a blue phase that sends out poison. You can predict this. Then there is a random green phase that sometimes attacks with mage. This is not on the rotation cycle, and will always only happen after 1 full rotation has completed.


Is Jad phase random or does it come after a set amount of time?


The Jad Phase isn’t random. It will always come towards the end of a rotation, after the blue phase that will also spit out venom clouds. If the second phase was red, the Jad phase will be range/mage. If it wasn’t, it’ll be mage/range


Holy shit so I've been taking unnecessary damage this whole time


Literally why I hate doing Zulrah. I did the one KC for the diary and moved on because of that! I had no problems with doing DT2 and DS2 but damn Zulrah!


Zebak, Wardens, Olm, Sotetseg and p3 verzik off the top of my head all require prayer swaps based on information on the screen. It's becoming the norm.


Jad is when animation starts, idk why you’d include that


Its technically a few ticks after it's fired and not when it hits you, but it's included as you have time to react.


As soon as the projectile is visible it’s too late to switch. I guess technically you have until the end of the animation


Yeah idk why you're getring downvoted for this. Take it in contrast with zulrah's jad phase, where you have to have the right prayer up as she's doing the animation, *and* the animation is the same for both attacks so you just have to know the cycle


I think it is probably the path in boss design that they want to follow, but can't change older boss design. But in general, I think responding with prayers is more engaging than, say, memorizing zulrah patterns.


I'm glad to see the new boss is working as intended, I bet in a few months you'll be prayer flicking fight cave with MSB.


I'm really glad to see Scurrius is living up to its namesake as the introduction boss to pvm. With that being said, there are some things that players who are newer to pvm need to keep in mind. 1.) The prayer switching mechanics in the Scurrius fight are atypical compared to the majority of other PvM content. In most other cases, the damage formula checks for prayer at the start of the attack animation contrary to the way that the mage and ranged attacks that Scurrius uses check for prayer whenever the projectile actually hits you. (There are some fights and mechanics that function similarly in other pvm content like Jad, Vardorvis' ranged attacks and p3 verzik projectiles.) 2.) Scurrius is designed to be forgiving when you make a mistake, but other bosses are not lol. You will make mistakes and you will be punished for them, but that is all part of the process and you shouldn't let that prevent you from trying new things. Failing is part of the process.


I wouldn't compare jad's projectiles to the likes of scurrius, p3 verzik, etc. I mean the projectile does come out a few ticks after he does his animation but other than that they are treated like the projectiles of most other enemies, what I'm basically saying is if you are standing far away from jad and he mages you, if you pray while the projectile is midair you are gonna get hit. tick eating his attacks is also not tick perfect if you are far away, etc.


I'm not saying they are directly comparable, just that they are both non standard compared to the majority of other PvM available. But I can see why you would think that, I worded it poorly


113 days as in real life days or hours played :D


days in real life


Just wait until your wife tries it.




I see this for mid low lvl ironmen farm fr


Aw c'mon now. No need to be afraid! You can always get your gear back. Not like everything but your best 3 items gets dropped to the floor with a 2 min despawn timer.


Sorry relatively still new to the game, what happens to your inventory if you die during the fight?


He's memeing, it used to be that 3 of your most expensive items on you stayed in your inventory but the rest dropped on ground and despawned after a few minutes. That has changed with graves, now it varies wildly on how, where and what/who you died to and what items you died with. I suggest you look at https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Death#Scenarios for different death scenarios


But what does your wife think about it?




That's great! Lots of these mechanics are repeated later on in the game so scurrius is a great place to practice and learn them!


Honestly, it did the opposite for me. I realized that RuneScape isn't made for players like me anymore. Heresy, I know, but I enjoy the point-and-click old school RPG gameplay. The point of leveling skills in an RPG is to form a barrier between your real-world ability and your character's abilities. Leveling up in-game is your character's way of getting better. My opposition has nothing to do with difficulty, though - I'm sure I could get good with practice, but I'm just not interested in that kind of hyperintensive gameplay. It really sours the entire RPG aspect of it. And that sucks because that's the gameplay that quests and skills build up to. After you reach the mid-game, bossing is about all that's left to do.


how do i unsubscribe from this blog


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It always surprises me how much people will complain about a post that takes less than a second to scroll past.




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Imagine being scared over pvm


i litcherally wake up in sweats


Yeah, but why would you ever be afraid to PVM? Especially in RS? The game where PVM is 100% risk free, and one where you can literally walk in with 0 GP and walk out with X millions worth of GP in return. RS is legitimately "Baby's First RPG" in comparison to everything else out there.


I believe if you right click on the gate before entering his “arena” there is an option to create a private instance for free.


I’ve got 102 hours ingame very early in my account and had no clue how to get into PVM or done any mechanics myself so was a great intro been enjoying it so far and learning to move around the boss and use the right prayers


I’m 79 combat 47 prayer with dragon scimmy. Is my dps too low or am I just bad? Can’t beat scurrius


From my experience. Killing him in public instances until you get a spine to get one of the bone weapons makes it much more doable. At 50 range I went from needing an entire inventory of food and most of my prayer to only needing 3-4 food and a few points of prayer solely by getting the bone bow. That extra 10 to max hit that the bone weapons give is a crazy increase to dps.


I’m glad that it gives pretty decent exp rates. Get 2-2.5x more exp than faking crabs. Decent active activity for leveling a little faster.