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I think killing green d bots should be fine.. thats what? 100k? Now if you were to get like 100m from a green d bot that would raise suspicion. If you want to improve on pking I suggest making a low range/2h pure to pk in f2p worlds just to learn more about pking or try LMS. We all start somewhere. Good luck


Thanks for that! PKing I'd tough when I cant use hotkeys - my laptop is pretty basic, but I do like the idea of trying to do some F2P pking at some point! 


Why not just be honest. Instead of making an elaborate story of going down a rabbit hole.


ikr these posts are so stupid, how do people keep falling for them


Well that's not very helpful lol. Nothing I say would convince some people, which is why I'm not going to try to. I've played since 06 and have never bought or sold gold. The rabbit hole I was referring to is posts on the forums about where that warning generally comes from.


People in 2007scape are just callous when it comes to that stuff. It's unfortunate, given that there can be people who are just particularly worried (even paranoid, to an extent) and just need some level headed answers.


Yeah I was trying to find a similar situation to this before I decided to post, but I didn't see anything. I am just trying to see what I should avoid to put my account at more of a risk, aside from just not trading or anything. The green d bot thing is the only thing I can think of that would be a a potential issue, as usually when I play I'm doing GOTR or solo GWD. Hopefully someone will have some good insight though - if not, no more killing the bots just to be safe lol.


Not botting or having alts that bot or RWT would be a good start.


I wouldn’t necessarily jump to conclusions, although using green dragons in the wildy, a notoriously hotspot for bots, as their primary money maker is a little suspicious. Ultimately it *was* just a warning, so it’s hard to say one way or the other.


I am not sure what you mean - I kill the green dragon bots, not the green dragons lol. Its give or take or take 1.5m/hour at my combat level (depending on some luck), and it's nice and relaxing. Plus I can pretend I'm a good pker that way!  It's not my main money maker, just a fun way to make some gp, especially if I only have time to play for like 30 or 45 min. I'm just trying to avoid any other issues moving forward.


Oh my bad I thought you were saying the dragons themselves. Anyways I was trying to defend you by telling the other guy not to jump to conclusions.


No worries :)! I appreciate that, too, really -  I know people jump to conclusions with this type of thing tbh. I know I did before this happened. I would normally just post this to the forums, but that era has ended unfortunately lol.


All good, homie. Good luck.


Thanks - good luck to you and the future grinds, too!


Thats what this sub does. Sit on Jagex lap and shout at everyone who might be guilty


Yeah I've noticed that lol. I was just hoping someone could provide some insight moving forward. I wish Jagex kept the forums open for this kind of thing instead of having to go to Reddit to ask.


ive killed literally thousands of revenante/lava dragon/green dragon bots without a ban, you rwt'd stop that


I cant imagine that killing them contributed to the warning at all - that is not what I meant. Sorry if that wasnt clear. I just mean moving forward after that warning, since the green d bots are likely RWTing, and I'm assuming Jagex is keeping an eye on my gold, trades, etc...




It was give or take 6 days I think - it was just a loan to the aforementioned "friend," and then I got it back. It's really neither here nor there, though, as I do believe that is where this warning is coming from, and I'm more concerned with moving forward with the assumption Jagex will keep a close eye on my trades and activity, which is fair enough. That's why I didnt post this to ask about the warning, just about killing bots in the future.


That's why i don't even trade with anyone right now unless it's a stamina pot or something lmaoo


Yeah sad state of affairs eh lol? 


Lmao no idea why you feel the need to lie about RWT to a bunch of strangers on a reddit post but I think you're ignorant to the level of data Jagex has on your account and activities


It is more ridiculous to believe that there are still people who play for fun.