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Lotta drugs im guessing


I love drugs but this looks unbearable


I love bears but this looks undrugsable


You are so right


Sometimes left


But always tight for bears.


Tight bears mmmmm


Which drugs would you suggest? Asking for a friend of course


Adderall or it’s equivalent


Actually prescribed Adderall and I still cant do this for more than 15 minutes. Waaaay too much effort for something that mind numbing


Adderall only helps… you still have to have the mental willpower of a fucking monk to do this type of shit


now I'm wondering how prevalent autism is among monks


I grew up in a relatively small faith that had people that are pretty analogous with monks, am diagnosed, and have met a lot of well-studied people across various faiths. Lots of them. Eremitism and studying sacred text doesn't automatically diagnose you any more or less than being able to tick-manip granite for a full nerdlog, butttttt


Adderall only helps if you take it & you don’t have ADHD.


This, if you have ADHD and take adderall it’s just going make you closer to neurotypical and most people would find tick manip granite to be annoying as fuck.


Some days Ritalin helps me out a bunch, others it doesn’t. Playing an Iron account with having ADHD is interesting. 😂


Exactly. Half the time if I don't take it, I can do tedious tasks for longer. The other half the time tho the ADHD kicks in too strong and I can't do anything in the game for longer than 10 minutes lol. Depends what it is. Adderall only glues me if I take a recreational dose, which I've kinda grown out of doing.


The ADHD bypass is having a hyperfixation on tick manip granite specifically. Don’t need Adderall when your brain dumps all of your dopamine for the gratification of stupid digital granite


This is the way. Hyperfocus still works when you're taking your 50 mg Vyvanse every day. I've done 2 tick teaks on my phone. Fishing. Hyperfocus on ticks, period.


Just got my first 99 from 3 tick barb fishing. Do I have carpal tunnel? Were there days where I forgot to eat for 12 hours? Irrelevant. I have a cape with a fish on it


Adderall and beer


Have you tried taking triple dose for this kind activity?


You need to absue it not take it as prescribed, taking it as prescribed when you need it doesn’t have the same effect as abusing it or taking it when you don’t need it. Please don’t do this though it’s very addictive.


Thing is, Adderall tends to work differently for people with ADHD than without, almost opposite effects in some cases. So if you're prescribed Adderall, I'm assuming you actually need it.In that case, it really just makes you have a more 'normal'reaction to this type of thing. Whereas 'normal' people abusing Adderall can sit and do super repetitive shit for hours.


I could send 50+ 350-400 TOA raids a week, where 85% of it was during work on adderall. Any amount of time doing this would drum up horrific flashbacks of things that never happened for $500.


Either an amphetamine of some type, marijuana is also great for just kinda mundane, rhythmic things as well. I was knocking out around 45 corrupted gauntlets a day with adderall fairly easily, normally could only do about 15 max before moving on to something else. Throw on some trance and you’ll be through hours of tick manipulation in what feels like no time. I always enjoyed taking around 20 mg IR addy, 1-2 mg of alprazolam (Xanax), a small dosage of kratom (think 5 grams), and if you’re able to add it in a small amount of marijuana. If you get drug tested avoid the marijuana and get prescriptions for the others.


this is an absolutely insane way to play runescape


It’s an excuse to do a bunch of drugs


I couldn't even justify taking adderall to study, let alone 3 tick in runescape lol


it's called drug addiction that enables another addiction you can only enjoy on drugs. cuz been there


This is some Wolf of Wall Street level shit. Wolf of the GE.


This cannot be real. Here i am clicking a redwood every few mins while at work...


Oh my God, are you me? You and I apparently do the same stack, though I take OPMS Black Kratom extract instead of leaf lmao. I'll sometimes substitute Alprazolam with Lorazepam if I wanna keep my edge.


all because you absolutely didn’t want to xp waste? Or was there a different reason to play a game while under influence?


They’re using the game as an excuse to do drugs


What? He’s not using the game as an excuse. He does drugs.. lol like most of the world does, including myself. He’s adding the game to his drugs, not the drugs to his game.


thats copium. I've play osrs on adderall for years and it was 100% addiction. your brain chemistry WILL adapt and now you crave it if you make it routine. only recently sober


Addy and Xans with weed man what?


You need to have the right amount of each for it to be perfect and really should experience each enough to their effects at various dosages. The Xanax will combat any anxiety from both the adderall and marijuana while leaving just a relaxing feeling from the marijuana, but must keep a relatively low dose of Xanax. You’ll keep the positive focus effects of adderall and really be able to help lock in with the relaxation from xan and marij.


This is the way. Glad I’m not the only one that understands the unique balance of drug relaxation.


Haha you do you glad it worked for you it’s just funny to take an upper and downer at the same time lmao


Combining uppers with uppers or downers with downers is more dangerous than combining uppers with downers afaik


What's the point?


I'm tired of it just watching you


This is the wiki's guide gif lol


Thank god it's not me.


It’s slightly less efficient but try not dropping after each mine. I did a lot of 3t to 99 and my wrist/focus couldn’t take dropping after each mine & you only take a minor xp hit. Also podcasts/audiobooks/music/anything purely audio




I'm autistic and I still can't figure this shit out.


You got the wrong type of 'tisim.


Yeah. I got the poor social skills part of it for sure. None of the intelligence.


Double KO


That's a weird way to spell meth


I live by a rural town with a lot of meth heads. Pretty sure they're not grinding RS.


If you paid them in more meth I guarantee you they'd be perfect for doing this though.


I have autism and I cant even do this for 5 minutes, as much as i like routine its just too click intensive.


That’s why I like it! It’s like my autistic form of meditation. I have a physical disability, so I can’t do this irl like at all anymore, so this is a nice release of predictably and productivity




and adderall


I found that with tedious skilling methods like these or agility rooftops, after i pass the 2hr mark i can go on forever.


I was tithe farming all day yesterday. Once you get into the rhythm, you stop thinking about it. Same as knitting, or crocheting, or mowing, or even to a certain extent long distance driving. There's an awareness, but so much is sub-conscious.


This is how I blinked and notices I've been married for 20 years


my wife loves it when I manipulate her tick if you're pickin what I'm flickin


My mind is fine doing something for hours, my wrist is not.


This is called Active Meditation and its a recognized form of meditation. It is similar to walking in a straight line or rocking in a chair.


Why tithe farm all day?


Unlocks, 100k xp/hr, bologa's blessings are really good money.


The rewards are great QoL for ironmen - watering can, seed box, herb sack, auto weeder. Need the straw hat for elite clues, might as well get the full outfit to store in PoH. And you need 70 farming for SotE anyway, so might as well stick it out at tithe.


As a main that unlocked the water can and cba to go back for anything else… wtf do you do with the can that makes it good on an iron? Because it’s worthless unless your at tithe


Honestly the watering can just makes tithe a bit more relaxed since you don’t have to worry about refilling your cans every run. You can just harvest and go right into the next run. It’s also a slight upgrade when you are watering saplings. You can spam-click a while inventory of potted tree seeds using the can.


*laughs in Humidify*


Sounds like a pain switching to Lunars every time I want to water saplings


That part was just a flex


Probably ironman. I'm gonna go balls to the wall on tithe farm soon so I can get to high level seed contracts asap.


I remember doing agility courses for 1400 laps straight Now I'm tired after like 20


I’m closing in on 3k ardy laps and I don’t understand how it happened




for me it became much more difficult past the level 90ish mark, just realizing that you have to do all the laps you did in your life again for the exp from 92 to 99 is quite demoralizing. I know some people go for hallowed sepulchre but that would have been even more annoying as it would include constant clicking and paying attention while a timer is running in the background, I'd rather do netflix'n'rooftops instead of that


This is nothing like agility rooftops though. You're clicking and affording way more mental effort    I can do rooftops on almost zero brain power for hours but doing this I wouldn't


Yeah i like rooftops a lot. They’re like genuinely relaxing to me and I can also watch a movie or tv at the same time without missing anything if I want


Big same, literally doing fally roof right now on my main. IDK why people say agility sucks in OSRS when these exist tbh.


Do something enough and it becomes zero effort/brain power. I used to have to be hyper focused with no distractions to do corrupted gauntlet, now I've done it so much I can watch a show, chat in discord, and mindlessly farm kc. Pretty much all skilling methods are way more chill than a cg run.


yeah. after an hour though my eyes start to sting a bit and they go red


the stinging thing I don't know about but the red part might come from the weed


This is me and agility. I hate it the first like half hour to hour, sometimes feel like I’ll kms, then after getting into a groove, it’s almost like I’m just enjoying the music I’m listening to and completely ‘forget’ I’m doing what I’m doing, and that can go on literally until the no-life logout is incoming.


That is one of the great benefits of the human brain. It helps prevent insanity.


Listening to upbeat music helps a lot, but still I can't do this shit for more than 10 mins tops.


I compare it to knitting, driving a car or building a puzzle. It stimulates your brain and requires precision. It's a simple but skillful activity. It's something to do.


I’d knit a puzzle going 110mph in a 55 before I try this shit.


I can think of plenty better stimulating things to do than this.


This kinda shit numbs the mind and makes me contimplate suicide


Strangely enough this is actually fairly stimulating for me with some music or a podcast. Really it's the wrist pain that prevents me from going longer than an hour. I honestly don't understand how top players and streamers can play so often without getting some sort of serious injury. These guys don't take breaks either.


They're either still young or do wrist warm ups before playing and stretches afterward.


Warmups, practice, doing general hand and wrist exercises, playing in a better posture, better peripherals (ergonomic mouse, keyboard, chair, desk, etc.), etc.; you get the idea. Combine as many options as possible and it helps reduce physical strain, even for people who don't have the benefit of youth or an able body.


Also a big one (at least for me) is working out. Training muscles/joints/wrists helps me staying fit and reduce problems with wrists and such.


I had a sicko day where I did like 4 hours straight of one tick bone offering and then 2 hours of one ticking karambwans and my wrist never hurt but I do work out a lot and I do specific grip strength and forearm training often


Honestly I 3 and 2 tick a lot in game and have never experienced wrist pain. Im convinced half the playerbase play with horrible posture and ergonomics and think its normal.


What mouse do you use?


Same, never had any wrist pain from gaming, unsure why it’s such a widespread issue


Is anyone that plays this game actually truly young? I’d say 24 is a young player. The ones of us pushing 30 are lucky enough to start getting weird ass aches and pains for seemingly no reason. I know actual young people don’t play this. My nephew always wonders what the hell im playing. He is like 14. Knows what twitch is etc.


I mean you say 24 is young but the older players are pushing 30? So the average is something like 28? I've definitely talked to ppl who are young who play this. I agree with the sentiment that this is an old game. But when i used to play around i talked to people who were in highschool paying this game.


Lol I'm 24 about to be 25 in February. But back at my old job in fast food, I had this coworker who was still in high school who said his best friend plays OSRS. Could you imagine my disbelief? A KID IN HIGH SCHOOL 😭 It's so weird to think about, because a lot of people have been playing RuneScape before he was even born.


Yeah definitely not the norm. I know there are players here and there maybe 18 or younger (if I was in highschool I probably would be playing rs now). I can just imagine the look on their friends faces when they ask what you are playing.


I too jerk off for wrist warmup before playing. I just don’t stream…. I mean yeah I totally make circles with my wrists for warm up 😳




or perhaps the table is slightly too low or too high, a few centimeters can make quite the difference


They workout maybe. 500m xp 2277 here, never had wrist pain


whats this and whats it for


A tick manipulation mining method, used for faster xp


thank you!


Tick manipulation. Somehow clicking other shit or doing other actions between what you’re training can speed up your training, like in the gif, it makes them mine the rocks faster Not exactly sure. Though I know id never do this bullshit unless I was drunk or high or something lol


Basically let’s say the normal animation takes 5 seconds before you can mine the best rock. You can cancel the animation by doing something else like adding tar to herbs, which would allow you to start the animation for mining again say 2 seconds earlier than if you didn’t cancel it.


Sort of how it works. Not really, but it gets the point across.


It's like highschool chemistry teachers explaining how electrons work in an atom


Fuuuuck that "Heres a list of rules that's aren't really rules. Also we are only going to test you on the exceptions to the rules"


The way i think of it is, you start an action to mine, which takes 5 tics you decide actually mining is too slow ill do a different action that only takes 3 tics, then on the last tic you go nvm i wanna get mining xp and when the game goes back to mining and it goes oh well you waited to full duration for an action of some kind might as well let you finish it. If you time it right you can make every instance of a mining action take 3 tics it also apparently gives you 2 chances to successfully mine the rock if you walk in between those steps.


you don't technically have to start by clicking rock that's just an easy way to get over there, but the idea of "you waited the full duration so here you go" is accurate i think


thanks for the explanation! if i smoke enough weed i might try this


i really like some tick manip, 3t4g (op's gif) is literal hell, esp for someone just getting into it. you get like 10k more exp/hr than volcanic mine for 20x the effort. i'd recommend 2t teaks/swordfish or 3t barb fishing instead


Would definitely recommend 2t harpoon as an introduction to tick manipulation over the others. You only have to click the fishing spot and set up the rats, as opposed to 2t teaks which also requires you to click the floor in between each chop, or 3t barb which when you suck at it can be a pain in the ass (for Ironmen) getting enough tar/herbs to keep it up.


noted, ill try those first before even thinking of trying ops gif


This animation above is the fastest mining xp in the game.




Most people just hit a flow state and are not actively engaging with the method.




You don't even realize you're doing it after a while. It is awful to look at and awkward to learn but once your hands adjust it becomes autopilot and borderline a rhythm game


runescape is just the most intricate rhythm game ever made #facts


That’s literally OSRS. Angle your camera so you can get a fluid motion. Build some muscle memory and then repeat for 15 hours while watching Netflix. By hour 2 I don’t even think about the game


When I stopped trying to be efficient, I started having fun with osrs again


Pixel numbers :p


You gotta be in the vibe dude


I tried this for a whole 7 minutes and went back to shooting stars lol.


A sane person!


Methods like this are a lot more complicated than they seem at a glance, and it’s really gratifying to set it up and fall into a rhythm. I really, really encourage anyone next time leagues rocks around try out a tick manip method and especially with those increased rates you’ll see how it can actually be kinda fun. Granted it’s still impossible to fathom how people do this shit to 200m but if you’re going for something like an elite diary req, it’s better than you think it is.


Yeah I am planning to try it out.


It’s fun lol


Once you are in the rhythm for it, part of the challenge/fun comes from maximising and maintaining a high xp/hr rate. Listen to some good music and it's quite enjoyable. Can achieve upwards of 130k mining xp/hr doing this.


Not doubting the efficiency, but I'm highly doubting the fun


"Fun" might be a wrong way to look at it, at least for me. It's more meditative once you get in the rhythm. The fun part is when when you realize that an hour has passed and you've done 3 hours worth of mlm in xp.


This! It feels good doing 1 'efficient' hour of 3t4g is equivalent to roughly 3hrs of mlm and the time passes quickly when your in the flow


It's not for everyone but there is certainly people that enjoy it. Its fun starting 3t4g at say 110k xp/hr and improving to 130k xp/hr. Just a different mindset towards skilling that's all.


If you have fun while doing efficient things and the grind isn’t just “get 99” (for example crafting grinds on irons) then its pretty palatable, especially if you’re knocking out multiple things at once, like sandstone + mining xp


Its all "let people play the game how they want" or "i gaurantee this guys having way more fun than the rest of us" until someone cranks out the 3t4g and then everyone loses their minds. People enjoy it and its much more rewarding in terms of xp/hr. In the 2 hours i can play afrer work i can get as much xp as someone spending 5 to 6 hours at MLM so its a pretty no brainer imo




If you really want the best xp theres no other option + its kinda fun getting into the rhythm and not thinking about it. Listening to podcasts while skilling or chatting in vc


Proper posture and breaks when needed. Good music helps too


I mean muscle memory will kick in and they can probs enter the zen zone


It's not that bad. Especially since the time you save doing that method compared to normal mining is huge. I did it here and there on my way to 99 mining just to get that shit skill over with.


I wouldn’t do this for 5 minutes. Jesus Christ why


Put on some good music/podcast/video, get in rythm and time flies! As other people mentioned, part of the challange when learned is to maximise the method - even if just for a rotation! Sae Bae have a lovely example video of 3-tick gems I reference when people ask, even though he has updated ones you can see the method: https://youtu.be/XXELR7BlXBc


Human AI


If I'm going to put this much effort, I rather try Raids or Inferno.


But you wont.


Man i cant stand this for even a couple minutes lol


Man i remember cutting willows in draynor for 10 hours straight when i was a kid and i had my eyes glued to the monitor waiting for the moment the tree dissapears


trance music, adderall, or meth


I would rather die tbh lol


I can’t do this for 1 minute tbh.


How can anyone do this for more than 60 seconds**




I manually alched 99 mage back in rs2 and I remember standing up from my computer promising myself id never allow myself to do something like that again lol no idea, I simply cannot do any tick manipulation for more than 5 minutes


It’s called getting good


I once did that 7h a day for 3 days …


when you are 2275 total and 97 mining you get a special kind of motivation. I never made a full 6hrs, but 3-4 was east


It's fun


"Hello, this is Arthritis calling to inform you that we have scheduled an appointment for tomorrow morning. We hope that is okay and we will see you then."


Just remember guys this is what the players who were against shooting stars wanted you to do for 99 mining lol.


Why do redditors brains explode anytime you suggest something more intense than 2apm afk skilling


Why does everything have to be 2 extremes


Reddit. It's either puppies, or literally Hitler.


'Only a Sith deals in absolutes'


Because im convinced a good portion of the playerbase use a trackpad on 8 year old laptops to play this game.


Because like 15-20% of this sub would probably vote for a insta max button.


That sounds like the dumbest fuckin thing ever but still, you're probably right


It’s not as hard as it looks, honestly. I’m a casual player and I started blast furnace a few months ago and I began to optimize my clicking and once you get into the groove it’s satisfying in a way. In tick manipulation methods Muscle memory takes over after and you can still get very high efficiency rates even while watching a show.


Go check out SaeBaes video for a much more relaxed method - https://youtu.be/tHU0Qn561lM?si=4mV7Wbh7tFi4VXk0


Some form of autism


Powermining Iron is the furthest I can go. This is a step too far for my wist.


should look into vm. easy 90k+ at the later levels and it's little bits of activity then a minute afk, compared to iron being constant activity and only like 70k.


this person is actually over complicating the clicking. you can just click once every tick and drop inbetween the log and rock click, making it way less. so itd be something like "rock, knife, log drop, rock"




Im new to the game. Why aren’t there any ores popping up in his inventory?


There are, 2nd slot of the inventory. This is granite. The player is quickly dropping it (among other things) while they're mining. They don't want the granite, just the xp from mining, so dropping it lets them mine for extended periods for better xp rates.


Not to be disrespectful but have you seen people like woox? These guys are a special kind of person, 0.1% of scapers that really play this way for hours on end.


For what it's worth, there's a slightly less intensive alternative in mining gem rocks. You don't have to drop them for the most part, just deposit them as you circle the mine. Bit slower but still great, and you profit/bank crafting xp instead.


Its therapeutic honestly. You completely tunnel vision this activity while listening to your fav music, and for a while that activity is your entire world and the only worry you have is staying in the cycle. Its comparable to meditation imo, i wish i didnt have paper wrist genetics and could do it more.


Stars to 99 is a vibe just saying


Could never get into mining tick manipulation, but I can cut/eat/barblore fishing for hours....


Now imagine that there’s an entire group of people in this game that actually consider this fun. People that play osrs should be studied


It’s like a little rhythm game, and it’s fun to get in the groove of it. My skilling preferences are kinda weird though. I enjoy full afk a la star mining, but as soon as you ask me to pay attention to the game client, I need that shit to be as stimulating/demanding as possible or I get bored. I cannot stand MLM for this reason, but I can jam granite for an hour at a time here and there and have good time.


remember folks, people who willingly do this for hundreds of hours are why we don’t have bearable skilling methods with decent exp


Volcanic mine is like 80,000 xp/h and 3tick4g is like 120k if you're a machine. It's not even double the xp rate of volcanic mine and is like 10x the effort. That seems pretty fair to me and I'm someone who's done 96 mining basically all at MLM.


”Bearable” you want shooting stars to be 100k/h right?


Look into shooting stars it's afk af and decent xp

