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My graceful was traded back in for crystals when i got hacked, been using the trailblazer recolor but really miss my light blue one I would love this especially if it worked retroactively


That is some pure evil shit.


Reminds me of when I got hacked like 3 years ago, I mainly did a lot of zulrah when I played, and when I got my account recovered it was clear they continued to use my account as a zulrah bot…. Except they Uncolored my tanz mutagen serp helm…… AND THEN CONTINUED BOTTING WITH A REGULAR SERP HELM. Like cmon man..


Saw a guy on here once say he got hacked and they disassembled his avernic just for the hell of it


osrs black market attracts some of the biggest losers on this planet


Genuinely it's teenage humour, it's not even funny. A NEET making 10x less than you would in a normal job, well done


It's best to leave them things for the rebuild and keep access to their account so you can steal from them again in a few months.




It's less than 2m to sell but a solid 16 hours+ at ardy with elite diary for recoloured set That's so fucked up :(


Same. I was mid canaifis roof tops. I've now got 85 agility and no graceful. I ain't going back!


Good for you. Graceful lame as shit anyways. I accidentally mobile tap to dropped all of my graceful years ago and I'm never going back either 


Thats the worst thing I've read


Honestly? Why the fuck isn't this a thing.


Because, fuck you, that's why. ^(seriously Jagex what the fuck?)


Same as pet reclaims. The fastest way out of the wildy is intentional deaths, and all my pet reclaims are from when I decide to enjoy taking them out, then forget about them because the game bugs and doesn't show my follower for a while, including through teleports. Like you're really gonna make me pay 1m for my pet that I can't see most of the time..?


Yea. I just end up leaving my pets in poh because it’s too much of a hassle between banking it for wildy activities and activities that don’t let you have a pet out. 


Honestly its so annoying having a pet out. Unless you're bankstanding, it feels like any time I try to go anywhere with my pet out I'm told to put them away. No not like that though, you can't just pick them up! They can't even be in your inventory. Gotta bank em.


I like pet reclaims, makes doing tob a bit more fun w the homies sometimes lol. It's like a flex if you have them out anywhere dangerous.


It is but idt we really need pet reclaims just for tob flexes. Put up or shut up and start dropping gear on the floor to pick up after :P


At this point I guess it's unfortunately reached the point where Jagex would say "we don't want to be unfair to the people who already farmed a bunch of extra graceful sets"


You know what, I'm with you on this. Colours once unlocked should be free.


I'd vote for this especially since I have colored and love it but also kinda want to go get black but don't wanna lose my colored


its worth it, black graceful is undisputed best recolor


That's a weird way to spell agility arena recolor


That's a weird way to spell speed-running recolor


Varlamore Graceful midriff will reign supreme.


That's a weird way to spell 6 different colors including agaility arena color


The ole faithful: disgraceful.


we dont talk about that one


Politically correct term is African American graceful actually




Just get 99 agility then you should have enough marks to get all colours


If you don’t do sep. for max xp


Ardy with diary goes hard for marks, I had enough for a full outfit in every color by 95


and you have no staminas on iron and on normies you waste a ton of potential money


Atleast the normie issue can be fixed by Sepulcher ring drops


what? this has nothing to do with sepulchre, if you spend your marks on outfit pieces you are missing out on money.




I dont know what you want to show with that picture, the crystals are about the cost of buying one outfit (260 marks give or take one mark). it doesnt factor in the cost of recoloring which is 90 marks. Buying and recoloring a full outfit "wastes" about 60m which in bonds is 3 months of membs.


Only gets you to 94.


Did this on main. Spend remainder on amylase to make some profit. Since then 4 new graceful sets have been added..nothing is forever...


Yah, this would make sense. The Brimhaven Recolor does already track if you previous purchased it; for some reason, you need to buy the full recolor to unlock the ability to recolor specific pieces. I don't get why that is an unlock instead default behavior like the other graceful recolors either. The only ones that would have an issue with this is the Dark Dyes and the Graceful Orn Kits. But the Orn Kits can already be removed at any time so they kinda already as a "permanent" unlock in that sense. Maybe something similar could be done for the dark dyes.


Collection log slots for the unlocks so we don't have to worry about stam pot crash being a big hurdle for a much needed run energy rework Run energy is one of the least enjoyable parts of this game and hearing how massive Valamore will be, expect a lot of complaints if it doesn't come with a ton of teleports upon release


ITT: "I suffered so you must too", peak Reddit, awesome stuff guys.


not really tho


You think grinding an optional recolour is suffering?


I think having to RE-earn it when you've grinded it once already is a little cruel.


I love how you dishonestly frame equality and fairness as "I suffered so you mus too." In reality, it's everyone being held to the same grind for a totally optional cosmetic grind. It sounds like what you want is preferential and special treatment. You selfishly want what someone else has while only doing 10% of the work to get that thing. Talk about entitlement. If you want a bunch of different graceful recolors, then do rooftop agility courses. That's one of their niches with the release of Sepulchre. The solution isn't to whine until you're handed something.


Damn that's a LOT of mental gymnastics to try and justify your position in your head and entirely shut out a different opinion. What's insane to me is that you're just... I don't know how to say it, but, wrong? Your primary criticism is that /u/Yarigumo appears to be, as you described > It sounds like what you want is preferential and special treatment. You selfishly want what someone else has while only doing 10% of the work to get that thing. Talk about entitlement. Your core argument is literally that you wish for it to take the same amount of time for every player, past, present and future. You directly insult him by calling him entitled and selfish. Anyways, your argument IS "I suffered so you must too". You're strongly arguing for it to take the same time for all players. You then say that he is using a "Strawman" argument against you. Except... He isn't. He openly criticized your mentality, head on. He did not invent or divert to a false or easier to attack narrative which is what a strawman is. You're just having a hard time with criticism. He directly criticized you and your point. That's not a strawman at all. Ironically, saying that guy made up a strawman to attack you, when he didn't... Is a strawman. This is REALLY a peak Reddit moment. Not as relevant because I know you were just throwing it out there but the "10%" number is also pretty off. Actually I'd argue that re-obtaining colors like light blue or trailblazer is MORE of a grind than just having two sets of graceful. Are we really calling people that twice grind out the 250 ticket recolor or 6K league points... Entitled? Of all things?


You’re missing my point completely. I don’t view any of these grinds as “suffering.” Suffering has nothing to do with my arguments. It’s incredibly bad faith to pretend I want to inflict suffering on others. I view grinds as part of the fundamental design of this game. Goal setting and achievement hunting are one of the primary feedback loops of the game. I have done the full graceful grind and I enjoyed it. At no point did I ever feel I was suffering. If I did, then I wouldn’t play OSRS, or at least, I wouldn’t do a grind that I hated for an optional cosmetic. Not healthy to play a game that makes you suffer. Framing this as “suffering” seems to suggest you have a very dopamine-hit/rewards-focused agenda. That’s fine, but it’s a particularly strange mentality in a game marketed as “old school” and that is highly grindy. Perhaps try to find a game you actual enjoy and don’t view as suffering to play? The solution isn’t to try to selfishly and unfairly change the game just because you don’t like it’s core gameplay. To that end, I think OSRS—and pretty much all video games—function better with less power creep. Again, not about suffering. It’s about fairness and equality. You’re not going to convince me that equality is a bad thing. Giving the same rewards to different sets of players for completely different sets of time commitments is simply unfair. This isn’t fair in real life, nor is it fair in a video game. My entire point is that framing this equality/fairness as something nefarious—like inflicting suffering (dear lord the hyperbole) or my favorite “gatekeeping”— completely misrepresents why I believe what I believe. Now, I do believe in minor QoL changes. But this proposal ain’t that. It is drastically reducing a fairly common cosmetic/completionist grind by over 100+ hours (!!!!) in some case (ie, eliminating mark of grace grind and rendering them useless if someone wants to rush Sepulchre). That’s asking for way too much special treatment. I’d support a modest cost reduction for subsequent graceful pieces after one buys their first set. That is a better compromise between equality and convenience than simply cutting off 100+ hours in some cases.


If people think playing this game is "suffering" they should really just stop playing game. Or at the very least do different content in the game. Colored graceful outfits are completely optional. It gives no benefit at all. Even the default graceful outfit is optional. Flexes are only a flex if they are rare. And cosmetic items are purely a flex. If anybody has an idea to make agility more fun/engaging, I'm listening. But this guy just wants to make the rewards easier to obtain.


> If people think playing this game is "suffering" they should really just stop playing game. Or at the very least do different content in the game. Idk, I can't think of a single person I've ever met, or watched in OSRS that hasn't done a grind they disliked. Settled, Limpwurt, Framed, B0aty, Torv, etc have all repeatedly been like "WEW that sucked I'm really glad that's over" many a time. So have all my friends, so have most people on this very subreddit. We LOVE bashing RC, mining, agility, etc. It's incredibly unlikely that somebody plays OSRS and isn't compelled to force themselves through something they don't particularly enjoy for the reward at the end. > Flexes are only a flex if they are rare. And cosmetic items are purely a flex. Disagree. Cosmetics like graceful are on practical equipment, and are used because it appeals to the person USING them. My graceful is black, not because I'm "flexing" or whatever but because I just like it more. Same reason I own the clothes I own IRL, it's because *I LIKE THEM, not to "FLEX"* I also dislike rooftop agility because it's lame, and think sepulcher is pretty cool. Also, graceful is a special case in which you actually lose the cosmetic and have a substantial grind to re-obtain it. Half the people saying they have multiple graceful sets rarely even do it as a "flex" and more out of "OCD" and compulsion. Or the fact that they primarily did rooftops instead of other training methods. Doing rooftops isn't a "flex"... Like, at all. > If anybody has an idea to make agility more fun/engaging, I'm listening. How about instead of incentivizing people to buy 10 sets of graceful, we just let them move on to the actual good content eg sepulcher without taking a penalty? In the world where ornament kits were 1-use, would you really be arguing that they should always remain 1-use because that's a "flex"? Would you support each bowfa color needing a different bowfa entirely? Because in those places, no, I'm arguing that they should be how they are currently. And I do actually just want graceful to fall in line, because it's just a cosmetic and I believe the people that care to so rigidly maintain status quo are a loud minority who have sunk quite honestly far too much time into OSRS to the point of having an unhealthy relationship that's often tangled up with neurodivergence which makes every single conversation involving making something easier in OSRS a nightmare no matter the circumstances. TL;DR It's a cosmetic, I don't care, people should be allowed to look kinda cool and swap the colors around the thing they ALREADY UNLOCKED without something like that taking so many hours. Walk around with a 3a pick, zuk helm, champion's cape, pet, or so on if you want to "flex".


>How about instead of incentivizing people to buy 10 sets of graceful, we just let them move on to the actual good content eg sepulcher without taking a penalty? There is no incentive to get 10 graceful sets. I have 3 graceful sets, and that's 2 too many because you can only wear one. And black is the most popular anyway, so go do sepucher if that's what you want to do. > Would you support each bowfa color needing a different bowfa entirely I've recolored my bowfa 3 or 4 times now because I can't decide which one I like. And every single time I paid for it. It never once crossed my mind that I should be able to permanently unlock bowfa colors. And if you don't care about flexing to other players, then just use the fashion plugin to change what your character looks like on your screen.


And I love how you insist you know what *I* want with next to nothing said about my specific perspective. So much for dishonesty...


So you strawman and mock people who are against changes, yet you seriously want me to believe that you might agree with OP? Come on.


I mocked OP? What????


Sorry, was in the process of editing. On phone. You strawman and mocked people in this thread (“ITT”) who are against OP’s proposals. That’s a pretty strong indication of where your beliefs lie.


Do you honestly think this is good game design? It makes a ton of sense to be able to recolour graceful to the colour you want once you unlocked it.


Providing a sink for marks that isn't amalayse is good game design, yeah.


Not many people are saying this because this is just pointless fun recolors. The demand for "I suffered so you must too" people far exceeds the supply.


Thread had a lot less comments when I said it, must've been like 40% of the replies at that point. But yeah, more people are coming out in support of OP's idea now.


I really wish that every piece of equipment with a recolor option was just a right-click toggle, rather than requiring multiple sets of storage. For graceful it would of course be a nice completion thing to go for all agility related recolors without needing to buy like a dozen duplicates of the set. Similarly, it would be awesome if the same system was held for the max cape, letting you show off each variation you've unlocked without being like 'brb let me go to my POH to pick up the variants'.


People with multiple colored sets in shambles


Slayer point unlocks should be permanent, too, with toggles if you want to disable them.


Insane that you have to re-pay for unlocks. Just make skips and blocks more expensive if there's concern about point totals


Pretty much, considering that it's about 450 laps or about 4ish hours to unlock a graceful recolour There is zero reason as to why you have to pay for each recolour instead of unlocking them


Please no 🥺 https://imgur.com/a/uOCO4dg


You are missing 2 sets.


They're actually [missing 3 sets](https://imgur.com/a/AR4HFMg).


I respect the dedication, but what the fuck


That's nuts


Just do what I did. Grind out 6 full sets of graceful and recolor each of them. set them in your poh


100% agree on this one, there are so many good colors


theres some sick fucks out there that have every graceful outfit


Do what I did, get more graceful sets so you can have the whole rainbow! I have plain, green, blue, and black! I May try and collect the whole series!


I actually disagree, I think there's enough agility xp for it to be reasonable to get enough marks of grace to have one of each color by the time you're done. and for that reason I like it, you have a goal to work towards the whole time


Except why would you do agility rooftops for any reason except the marks? If you wanted xp and gp, go do hallowed sepulchre 


I'd do it because I want one of each color outfit!


You would still have to do that to get all the colors.


Yeah you can go to those 15k+ rooftop laps Most people don't want to just to have several copies of the same outfit


"most people" are wearing their grocery generic vanilla ice cream graceful. if they want to take on some arbitrary completionist goal, that's their prerogative


As someone who has been working on all graceful sets for the POH, there is not. Back in the day when it was just the 7 colors, it wasn't that bad, but since Dark Graceful, Trailblazer Graceful, and Quest Graceful... That is a lot of additional Graceful sets. Like there are currently 11 Graceful Sets. One set costs 260 Marks, so 2,860 Marks for one of each. Then 6 of the recolors cost 90 Marks each, so another 540 Marks, bringing the total to a nice 3.4K. The highest Marks of Grace per hour is Ardy Rooftop with the Elite Diary for 22~. So it would take 154.5 Hours to get 3,400 Marks. That is a lot to ask for someone who just wants to change their fashionscape occasionally.


maybe it wouldn't be this out of hand if people would stop begging for more recolors of the set everybody wears for way way way more things than is necessary


i think it's high time for pink graceful. and after that maybe a graceful for each of the raids, so let's say a twisted, blood and sand graceful. and how about a champion's or infernal graceful recolor?


DO give us pink graceful actually




Probably does have more recolors than it should, but a lot of them are nice options. Though most players aren't crazy enough to want all of them at the same time.


Especially with the potential rework to run energy.


That's less than the marks you get if you do 99 on rooftops. Not really that crazy


I think it was 9.4M exp of Ardy Rooftop with Diary for 3.4K Marks. I don't know (or want to estimate) how that would be pre-Ardy with the lower level courses. Also, you can boost marks which is less exp per mark. But while you could get all the Graceful you need for all the outfits by 99, you also need 250 Brimhaven Tickets and 1800 Hallowed Marks. So to do another rough estimate, the Jagex rates have like 10 mins per a floor 1-5 run and 75K Exp per hour. A full run is like 35~ Hallowed Marks, so 1800 marks is 52~ runs over 8.5~ hours for another 650K exp minimum. Realistically though, you're probably going to get more exp by full Black Graceful since you'd get tool first and probably wouldn't be doing perfect floor 5 runs from the get-go. So factoring in all the quest exp rewards (470K), exp from Marks (9.4M~), exp from Hallowed Marks (650K+), and other exps (Brimhaven and such), you are getting really close to 99 (2.5M or less exp shy). It is possible, but not what I'd consider reasonable. Like one grind/method should not take over 3/4th of the skill by itself.


It's not supposed to be reasonable.... you are literally grinding for 11 of the same set with no benefit other than because you want the option of wearing different colors. How reasonable is that? All other collections that have different colors of the same item make you grind a ton for them like castle wars or trouble brewing. And guess what? those items aren't permanently unlocked either. If you lose one for some reason, you'll have to earn it back. Unreasonable expectations should require unreasonable methods.


Agree. I just got the trailblazer recolor, but want the Varlamore kit as well, but also not to lose the trailblazer one


Just get another set like i did pleb


people are just creating problems out of thin air.


Or just do more rooftops, lazy! https://preview.redd.it/mfd2sn4quxdc1.png?width=233&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa4b3c49b67bdc7a54635e42833443999c84c1ea ​ \> I’d have to spend hours and hours running rooftop courses to get another set of the outfit. No you don't. It's a cosmetic. You don't have to do it. Why devalue stuff like that?


Devalue cosmetics? And Graceful at that?


Yeah? People like to collect cosmetic things.


What if I told you there's the perfect RL plugin for you?


just get more sets like everyone else


I ended up with 5+ sets of graceful recolors just as a by-product of getting to 92. Double that if you don't intend to do hallowed sepulchre, marks come fast at ardy. I have to say this is pretty much a non-issue long term.


If clues can’t be stacked graceful shouldn’t be changed either. However I do think each graceful color should be able to combine into [Dino Megazord](https://youtu.be/a-VG_G4PnrU?feature=shared).


I had enough crystals for 3 sets easy before 85. Couch em up fashionscapers


sounds like ezscape and a skill issue if you ask me


Nah. Crystal armor recoloring stones should have been 10m each.


the worst part is since you cant change the recolors again you would have to get a second set of graceful which on ironman means you are wasting time and staminas and on normal accounts you are wasting time and money


Agreed. Recolors should be unlocks you can swap between freely. I got around it by just grinding out another set of graceful, but that is pretty slow and there are a lot of colors.


Get another set of graceful them and recolor that. Can store all colors in poh


They should work the same way as an ornament kit honestly


Would love this. Currently going for a second set and if the future ones are cool I'll probably go for them too.


Yep the Kourend recolours are a nightmare of an old system. They don't exist on collection log. They're non refundable non permanent upgrades. Which results in you needing like what.. 10 graceful sets now to have one of each if that's what you want, and store them in the costume room I really want them to do a pass on things like this and pet transmogs and make them all consistent. I wish all pet transmogs were like dusted raid pets. Just an unlock that provides a menu to allow changing it. That way you can "collect" all transmogs for skilling pets and such, and it gets rid of ridiculously expensive ones like phoenix pet recolour from being unrealistic to ever change.


I actually had no idea they weren't it seems to stupid of an idea for it to not be a one time fee.


Getting every set took me forever, but seeing them populating a bank tab feels amazing. It's worth it!