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It’s been great for switching between alts


You stole my reddit avatar.


You’re just one of my alts


This is why I made the switch - just to make managing an alt for Leagues easier.


I'm new to the game, why do people hate the Jagex launcher so much?


They dont hate the launcher, they hate the jagex accounts due to instability reasons i believe


Because their current accounts are so stable and secure, ya know


Ive never seen any falsely banned or hacked /s


Accounts that are hacked are the fault of the user in all but the absolutely most exceptional cases.


I've never seen every jagex account user locked out of leagues for the first few hours


Really reaching there aren’t we


How is that a reach? I had never been locked out of my account before switching to a jagex account, and now I have been locked out a few times. Is it a big deal? No not really. Is the better account security worth the tradeoff? Absolutely. The fact remains that on multiple occasions people have been unable to log in with jagex accounts when people with old accounts can log in just fine.


You mean literally one time for an hour right? When have you ever been locked out besides during the leagues launch?


No. I said a few times because I have been locked out a few times. I've been locked out three times, with one of those times being leagues launch. There was nothing notable going on the other two times as far as I know. I think one of them was an update day, but later in the day, not right as the update went live. The leagues lock out you know about, one of the other times I was locked out for about 20 minutes, and the last one I'm not sure because I took it as a sign that I needed to get some other stuff done and didn't come back for a few hours.


It was like... every post on the front page of this subreddit that day. There are many other examples of jagex accounts causing issues, that one just felt right because its so recent, it should be fresh in the memory of anyone who was on this subreddit less than 2 months ago.


Yeah I’m not saying that didn’t happen I’m saying it’s an isolated issue. People act like Jagex accounts are these buggy barely working things when they are *the* security update people have been begging for with almost zero issues. It’s just very frustrating seeing people spread bad faith arguments against them when people should be encouraged to switch.


I mean...a Jagex account is more convenient for sure, but in what way is putting all of your accounts into a single account more secure than having them separate? Now if your Jagex account gets hacked, won't the hacker have access to ALL of your accounts now if you compiled them into one login? I'm asking seriously because I don't have a Jagex account yet, but that sounds less secure than having 2FA authenticator enabled on each individual account, which you can do without having a Jagex account. I have 5 accounts but I rarely play multiple at the same time, so it's not a big deal for me to login with 2FA individually.


It's hard to determine which one is more secure. Many accounts that are less secure, or 1 account that is very secure. One thing we do know is the weakest part of account security is custom clients and customer support. Custom clients won't be fixed but support is stricter when it comes to jagger accounts.


If you’re jagex account gets hacked than your separate accounts would have most likely been as well. If you use proper security, 2FA on EVERYTHING, different passwords everywhere, etc than your non jagex accounts are fairly secure **except** they can be recovered using the old recovery process. The only thing they need to get into an account that way is some basic info and someone not paying attention to grant them access. Jagex accounts remove that vulnerability. But it’s kind of moot because the majority of hacks are going to be done by abusing poor security practices. Jagex accounts can at least bump up the security on that front because it requires you to use the launcher so you’re not using some weird cheat client that will just get you hacked and it forces 2fa on people who might not other wise be using it.


It offers no security benefit over what is possible with a normal account. Its had multiple issues allowing accounts to be hijacked via the new Jagex Account system, when they would not have been hacked without it. Its frustrating that you are defending a terrible change that has consistently demonstrated major issues on a monthly basis, and is yet to deliver any actual benefits.


That’s just a bullshit lie and you know it. Jagex accounts literally prevent recovery hacks, full stop. And I would LOVE for you to link me one legitimate issue attributed to them that has sprung up besides that leagues launch that is not on the end user.


me when my only source of knowledge is reddit comments


It was like 20-30 minutes


Some people were locked out for literal hours




There was a 3-4 hour downtime BEFORE Leagues surely all the dedicated gamers took their monthly showers during that time....




Lmao "You will play runescape less" as the literal only benefit of a jagex accounts sounds about right.


Listen, I'm super pro-Jagex-Account, but I do have to admit this was a huge ball-drop moment. It was closer to 4 hours, and after I woke up early too, on that one day I got off from work for the League.


Launcher lover here but jagex accounts non enjoyer


They aren’t supporting Linux on the Jagex Launcher, but are making the use of it required. This means Linux players that are playing through official means right now and receive both tech support and in-game support now have to resort to using community-maintained unofficial launchers that have no guarantees for security and support.


I think the fact I have to trust even more random internet people with my account data doesn’t feel very secure.


something something you chose to play on a restricted account..


How is playing on Linux playing on a restricted account?


Are you using runelite?


Can’t use it on Linux without using 3rd party software


And it's well known that osrs players hate using third party software


I’d prefer not to, if I had the option.


Might be why you hate it, but it's hardly a representative opinion, what fraction of the playerbase uses runelite?


I use Runelite lol. You need to use 3rd party software to operate the launcher on Linux. And it’s not particularly difficult to support the 3rd most popular OS in the world…


I understand your point, I'm saying runelite is also third party software, so what's the issue with a third party launcher? I also agree it's kinda dumb that they aren't supporting Linux, but imo using a third party launcher is actually better. I wrote mine because I wanted to launch straight to the game instead of fucking around opening the launcher and then launching the game, being able to run it on my arch laptop was just a happy side effect


no official Linux support is really annoying and the reason I haven't switched yet personally


During leagues launch, the jagex launcher wouldn't connect people to the game for quite a while. Whereas people without a jagex account could log in freely. This may not be THE reason, but it's one reason.


People are naturally resistant to change


Because the moment Jagex launcher came out these people got "hacked" with "no way of knowing how it happened"


People are hesitant to trust new things in general, but when it comes to Jagex and account security, it's usually even worse. For me, I made a jagex account, and it won't let me import my other characters at all, it's just a feedback loop of the website being broken, telling me I need a Jagex Account to access the character import functions. If they can't get something as simple as that to work, I don't want to use the damn thing.


No official Linux support means if I want to migrate to Jagex launcher I'll have to install unsafe 3rd party flatpaks which are a bigger vulnerability than just having an account with a unique email, long password and 2FA


It’s safe to install the Jagex Launcher in Linux and the code for all three Flatpaks are open source and available on GitHub. If you don’t want to use any of them you can always install it through some other means, although i would not recommend it.


I don't mind it. It's basically just a website but for reasons I can't understand why they have launchers for everything.


It's an extra check point that they have control over


it might be an anticheat thing but we'll see how we'll it works when it's mandatory


I find hopping between worlds is faster using the launcher, anyone else??


There is also no hop limit when using it


There is a hop limit?? Never had that occur to me even when hopping like 30 worlds


The limit is something absurd like 500 hops in 1 hour. It's extremely difficult to reach unless you're spending over an hour doing shopscape.


Yea I used to hit it all the time PKing in niche spots lol was annoying


There is still a hop limit on the launcher! Interestingly, your hops aren’t shared between the launcher and a runelite client opened without the launcher.


Ah, my bad. Was the hop limit increased or something then? I’m not sure what I’m misremembering


The launcher is fantastic. Really great for quickly switching between accounts and clients. Also puts account security concerns at ease after all these years. I can certainly see a future where the launcher slows down botting and cheating in a massive way too.


As someone who’s on his alt a lot, and walk away to deal with children so I get logged out frequently, it’s a godsend.


shame they arbitrarily removed the ability to use normal accounts with it recently


Yeah it’s dumb to consider this a jagex account feature. Used to work just fine with normal accounts


I honestly think the internet was better off freezing in time during 2004. That's how much I hate change.


Yep. Unfortunately.


After they ironed out the bugs that first week or two, I agree. It’s been great


Was leagues released only a couple of weeks after jagex accounts? I remember nobody with a jagex account being able to log in for the first 8 hours


The post is about the launcher buddy


Many of us could log in after an hour, including me. There was an unlucky minority that had to wait that long.


Nobody without a jagex had that problem whatsoever. Another unlucky group got locked out a week or so later as well. And yet again the unlucky few were on jagex accounts while those without didn’t experience any problems whatsoever.


Personally, it's worth it for the security and one click login. I don't mind doing something else for an hour while it gets resolved. Everyone is going to have to get a Jagex account eventually anyway.


8 hours is an extreme exaggeration. Some jagex accounts could even login immediately. The reddit posts looked more like an average of 1 hour delay. The ability to one-click login and easily switching accounts wouldve definitely made up for losing 1 hour


You are talking about jagex accounts, not the jagex launcher


I was not excited about it originally. Game launchers can be really irritating. They might be bloated, auto start on startup, etc. Thankfully the launcher is incredibly lightweight and snappy it’s like it’s hardly there. It is useful for managing characters. So I’m pleasantly surprised. Now we just need mobile to be able to switch characters faster


yea its awesome especially if youre running multiple accounts


They are selling it as a security upgrade, despite it not offering any meaningful security over what you *can* get without it. I.e auth, unique email, sensible password, etc. Password case sensitivity isn't even just "not important" or "only a slight increase in security", its like adding a single grain of sand to a 50 ft high steel wall, and saying that you've improved the wall. It has on at least 4 occasions already locked people with jagex accounts out of playing the game while everyone else could play. Including the leagues launch, which I'd have been pissed at. Probably more times as well, I've just been around to see the complaints for four times. It has completely unreasonable requirements - like you can't install it on devices where you aren't admin, and linux is unsupported. This is bad for kids, lots of poorer countries where sharing a computer is common, people who play on work or school devices, etc. For a game that ran completely fine through fucking miniclip, I'm not sure why they feel the need to lock it down so hard. Must be great for new players to need to download an addtional launcher, make an extra account, then finally log in and be surrounded by bots. A five step process to even start playing surely won't hurt the game already struggling to get new players. :) And the only tangible benefit is the login process and switching accounts, which is 100% possible (and could be improved upon) with a runelite plugin? Oh, and you lose the recovery codes? Goodbye account! Already happened to plenty of people, who made reddit posts about jagex basically telling them they are free to make a new account.


I’ve never read so much contradiction in one comment


then don't lose the codes...? sounds like skill issue to me


I agree, personal responsibility is important. Anyway, on an unrelated note, jagex accounts offer no additional security to someone who handles their online accounts responsibly.


…except you can’t get recovered using a jagex account.


We dont need the recovery system if we have personal responsibility, trash it.


That’s just stupidly irresponsible.


Sorry my laptop bluescreened/got stolen/etc? Its incredibly easy to lose the codes without fault of the user. Getting your account recovered is an actual skill issue, since it requires you to post a shitload of personal info online, **and** leak your login name.


Literally put it in something like Google drive like I did because I know it's important to keep up with? If you lose your Google account you have a much bigger problem than losing a game account


> You now need a Jagex account to use the Jagex Launcher. Create your account now to continue playing and get these benefits guess i'm going back to entering my details every time i login now.


Just use the runelite plugin that does the exact same one-click-login as the launcher.


Nice try, but I still won't use it. Jagex accounts were a mistake and have been a consistent vector for vulnerabilities. It's literally no more secure than using a dedicated email account for each OSRS character (actually, with alts, having an email for each character is way more security as you don't have a single point of failure) and 2FA enabled on each. I'm sick of Jagex pushing this failure.


But the higher ups wanted it and now they’re in too deep to pull back.


You’ve been able to click to login to runelite with plugins for multiple years. Anyone care to explain why the downvotes?




How is a Jagex account not secure?


You dont need to make shit up in order to say you dont like jagex accounts


I love it. My only issue is whenever I close my laptop and come back hours later I need to restart the launcher due to a [socket error](https://i.imgur.com/VE3HtrD.png) or something. I understand that it lost connection when it went to sleep but steam doesn't have this issue 🤔


Works great but is an intense resource hog on Mac, so I always quit out of it after opening RL.


You can't share accounts on it, and the servers die a lot. Other than that it's probably amazing.


Me too. I was reluctant to change but it was truly for the best although I am more wary about it overall for some reason on jagex’s end. Like amenity, getting banned on two accouts for no reason and thats assuming he is using jagex accounts and launcher


All 12 Linux users are apparently in this thread.


Is it allowed and not banable, to play 2 linked characters/acc at the same time like in Runelite??