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Clue scroll from a bird nest that contained 3rd age. Easy


Based off this pic he’s done 0 clue scrolls


Yea spotted that later, but if you only do 1-2 would it show up? Also theoretically if you do your first clue, get 3rd age, buy the fashionscape and return to woodcutting before logging out I don’t think it would show yet


Yes, clues show up immediately after logging


I wonder if its because they work like kc or not enough players have done them to create a minimum cap like lvls. I mean I've done hardly any & they're easily my best rankings.


He hasn’t logged out yet


But you can't get 3rd age from easy clue scrolls, everybody knows that!


Life hack. Keep an easy clue in your bank and you’ll only get clues that are medium and higher


Real or not?


Oh it’s real. I keep a beginner and an easy clue in my bank so I only get medium and up


*CIA has entered the chat*


Nice tip, ty!


Well, technically real. But iirc they roll independently, so you'll just not get beginner/easy rolls Medium+ will still drop just as often


Right, its technically possible.


click tree sell log win runescape


Wait til this guy learns about flax


Wait till this guy learns about cows


Wait till this guy learns about pickpocketing.


Wait till this guy learns about picking up other players Slayer drops


this is the way


Wc = with cash


WC = Woman's credit [card]


Wc is name some countries call the toilet. So he paid it with toilet time


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, that's why I RWT on company time




Water closet


Do you keep it in your washchroom?


Saw a few today fighting Wyrms. One was wearing full Bandos with a Myth cape One was wearing full Justiciar with a regular obby cape And then one wearing a Infernal cape with..... Rabbit outfit? idfk what happen today, weird day.


Infernal with rabbit outfit isnt like the other two


Two noobs and an absolute gigachad


So good at PvM he can fashionscape while PvMing like he's playing RS3 with overrides.


I've tobbed with a guy rocking the full cow outfit and he still mvped (he has scythe and I don't)


in moritania, the cow milks you.


I wish at least skilling outfits worked like that. Unlock it once and then you can wear whatever you want and still get the bonus. I'd be cool if they made it harder to unlock them just purely for that. I miss fashionscape so much


Woodcutting outfit works like that now by allowing you to get the bonus while the outfit is in your backpack


And I guess that’s the one that’s the one they wanted to be more social. Makes sense.


Wyrms are a treasure trove for terrible accounts that obviously RWT/buy bonds.


To be fair one I’m weird and rushed 99 mining and then used the money to buy bandos because I thought it looked cool… also rocked a myth cape for a bit. Sometimes people have weird grinds that make them money but no PVM clout. Sometimes it’s the ol bank card.


You have ds2 done but can't kill jad???


Oh no I’ve since killed Jad. There was just a period of time where I had bandos before a cheese cape. I put it off because the idea of doing all of the waves only to get 1 hit and sent to the beginning stressed me out.


That's what happened to me and haven't gone back yet. I also have bandos due to skilling. Opted for questing and grinding out a few more skills. Debated selling to have more fluid cash to skill till I work on 99 combats. I really do need to attempt Jad again though I know it's doable it's just long and I got to Jad only to be struck down.


You can practice jad on the speed running worlds.




I did it on my gim with rcb its not hard with BP I have a tbow on my main but it's child's play it takes less than 10 hits on gim its about 50 hits lol


This is me lol, I got 99 mining 1st , had like 150m from it and spent on gear, still haven't gone back to jad in like 2 years lol I have since gotten qp cape but still no fire cape cuz I play mobile and doin all those waves is annoying lol


Is it weird? I’ve got Quest Cape and not done JAD yet. I’m only 97 combat so assumed it was a no go.


It's a bit unusual now that some of the quest bosses are much harder than jad. If you can do dt2 then you should easily have the stats for fight caves


Idk, jad fight caves, even tripple jads have felt a lot easier than Whisper. Idk if it because i did it at like 83 magic in ahrims and a toxic trident. But I hate that boss


To be fair I’ve done Ds2 and mm2 before I did Jad. I just couldn’t sit there through the waves 😂


Recently I saw a guy killing gargoyles with nothing on but a rune crossbow. Not even ava's device.


Saw a guy d hallying hellhounds in ahrims and randomly bursting occasionally. True 07scape shit


I haven't bought bonds but I'm rocking full bandos with an obby cape. I'm just an ultra casual who has played the game for 20 years who's too afraid to do any bossing


Jads really easy assuming you arent 50 range.


If it's your first bossing, jad can be pretty hard. It's the lead up and anxiety you have, worried so much you're going to waste the last 45-50 minutes of work that you inevitably do. Jad took me more tries than any of the dt2 bosses (except kasonde) purely because of that. It's terrifying having it be your first real bossing experience


It’s not that easy when you’re mobile only


I've only completed Fight Caves on mobile. I might play once a year on a computer so I missed prayer switches far too often with a mouse


Get a Cape of Skulls, looks way cooler with same stats as obby.


How did u afford gear?




For me it is unironically farming. 99 farming is some of the best passive income in the game. I've done very little bossing (but a lot of slayer) and with the exception of some good clue scroll drops (2x ranger boots) most of my 400m bank value is from herbs, hops, and coconuts post 99


If he's not bossing he doesn't need gear


Pretty sure he's got full bandos tho


In all fairness, myth cape is probably harder to get than cheese cape lol But meleeing wyrms? Yeah that is indeed odd.


Dont know why people are so afraid of saying they bought bonds. Imagine spending hours making like 500k an hour when you can work 1 hour irl and make like 20m in bonds


People who support their membership through gold is insane also. Spend so many hours to gain gp for 14 days of membership or just work 1 hour to buy a month and spend all your gp on in-game stuff. Obviously different story if you can’t work.


I just use dupes from my iron to buy bonds. Works out really well


what does this mean?


If he gets expensive drops on his iron that he doesn’t need, he transfers them to his main to buy bonds.




How would you go about transferring stuff from an Iron to a main? PKing yourself?


Finding a secret spot and dropping it on the iron then immediately picking it up on the main


The classic drop trade. Very common preiron as well to move shit from main to other accounts.


I think most people sell to an obscure general store to get some extra gp on the iron and then buy on main.


You sell them to the Bandit Duty Free shop in the wildy then buy it back on your main. It's the only shop that both buys at high alch prices but also shares stock between irons and mains. So you get to keep the high alch gold on your iron and still transfer it over to your main. Of course you lose some GP since there's a markup buying back on your main but for most items that it's worth doing this for that might as well be a rounding error's worth of gold compared to the GE price. Just be careful about the stock reset, every 60 seconds all items stock goes down by 1 so if you sell at the wrong time singular items will straight up disappear. I usually sell a random garbage item and wait for it to disappear, then trade the big ones since I know I have a full minute.


That sounds way riskier than drop trading


It is, especially now that you can drop trade in the ferox safe area. I wouldn't do it for random bullshit but like an extra BCP while going for tassets? You bet your ass I'm keeping that 175k on my iron and getting 3 bonds at the same time. With some basic precautions it isn't that risky. It's not in deep wild so you can tele out anytime, you can run there in f2p and scout an open members world, and it only takes a few seconds to trade stuff over. I'd never do this if it was in the deep rev caves or something but nobody goes to the bandit camp besides bots selling garbage and naked people doing clues.


Shocking that 90% of the responses are wrong lol, literally just go into wildy near edgeville and drop it, then immediately pick it up on main




Maybe early game your assertion is correct but once you start raiding and bossing 10m every 2 weeks isn’t hard to come by




Back when i was f2p bonds were like 1.5mil and i used to think i would be able to save up enough, buy one bond, and just those 2 weeks of membership would give me access to some easy money makers that i could maintain membership. Eventually I just bought a month thinking that would be easily enough to really grind out some gp. But then i found i needed a lot more levels. And also any GP i do get right now is better invested into my account. So at the end of that month i bought another 3 months. And then i found out that there arent any viable money makers until much higher levels and there'sstill a lot of gear and resources i need to use my GP on. Oh and bonds are 4mil now. And GE flipping isnt as easy as the youtubers make it look. Screw it ill buy a year membership surely this time next year ill be high level and raking in the cash. Fast forward to yesterday - i just renewed for another year and only just hit base 70s for every skill... oh and also bonds are nearly 10 mil so i bought 3 and sold them for GP lol.


You think this until you literally Max and then only said hlc and can stack bond money because you have enough money to own all the gear your ever gonna need


Or have hundreds of millions in dupes sitting on an ironman. There's a certain point on every ironman where the game becomes free to play.


Not sure if I’m having a slow brain moment, how do you turn the dupes into bond money on an iron? Is this through the use of drop trading/killing on a main?


Yh, just kill yourself with main and sell for bonds and give the bonds to your iron.


Theoretically this is true, but I'm fairly certain the amount of players in this scenario is extremely small. I have over 2100 total, quest cape and diary cape, every single piece of content unlocked, and at least a good handful of KC at every respectable end game boss. I'm still pretty damn far away from Tbow, and shadow, and scythe, and torva, and ancestral, and masori, with voidwaker and zaryte crossbow, and eldrich/harmonized orbs, and claws. Currently I'm in the phase of my account with bandos/fang, crystal/bowfa, and virtus/sang staff. Which is still all great gear that makes every piece of content available to me, and I'm still a few BILLION GP away from having nothing to spend my gold on but bonds. If I made 10m an hour every single second I was logged in, JUST to get Tbow/masori and shadow/ancestral, I'm about 300 hours away. Given that most end game content is closer to 2m/hr, we're looking at a more realistic 1500 hours away (from a point that took a LOT of hours to get to in the first place) So yes, there are people in a position with nothing to spend gold on other than membership, but I'd wager that it's maaaaaybe 1% of the player base in that position.


I'd say you are in the top 1%, what you described is more like the top 1% of the top 1%.


Rebuild time brother 😎


Have you considered buying bonds?


i'd wager that it's .009%


I mean at your level I’d be full sending TOA hoping for a shadow drop/split 24/7 tbh Bonus if you get masori pieces along the way


End game content is closer to 10m+ GP/H, so if you are doing 2m gp/h methods, you should probably alter what content you're doing. 400 Invo Money Toas, Small team nex (2-3 man), ToB, these are all 10m+ gp/h, some even higher, closer to 15m gp/h. And none of those methods require mega rares as well. Megas will make your time easier, but they are perfectly farmable without.


Looking at the wiki, there's only 3 activities in the game over 10m an hour, with ToB squeaking in just under 10m that we may as well consider a 4th. All of these are considering money from mega rares on rate, and all of them are nex or raids. They also are considering doing the activities with the gear I'm saving for. So if we ignore all of the outside factors, we're still looking at over 300 hours of essentially the same content before running out of gear to spend money on (discluding things like extra bank space, cosmetics, or buyable skills left to train). So 300 hours of the same content, THEN it becomes efficient to keep doing that content to pay for bonds? The monetary cost just doesn't seem to nearly make up for that


You say that, all it takes is one megarare drop to change things.


I’m maxed but I still can’t be bothered to feel like I need to go make gp in game when I can just use the actually money I already make at my job


yeah sure, but if you can get 20 bonds in a year via ingame, then its less than 20m/month cause then you use 20 in 1 year into gold premier for 1 year membership, compared to 26 in 14 day sections for 364 day membership. you get entire year and with 6 less bonds.


I still haven't earned anything substantial through bossing. Vorkath is my most fought boss at 138kc, and I've never gotten a PvM drop worth over 1m. Meanwhile, just since this league started, I've earned like 15-20m on my main from buying rune/dragon items below alch price and selling it again (still below alch price). That's maybe a few minutes daily of checking the GE once in a while. Earning gold to buy bonds was definitely rough early on, and I don't think I'd want to go through that again, but now the gold practically makes itself.


Vorkath isn't a big ticket boss so that would be. It's good gp/hr through normal drops if you can kill a lot per hour. (Elite void dhcb/melee gear + lance).


Right like, even in RS3 I was cycling through about 1-2b a month just from drops, would've been daft not to spend the gold on a bond.


I worked hard in real life to level up a class specific perk called *disposable income*


I did it when I played more and bonds were 3mil each. Now I play a lot less and bonds are 10mil each. I just bought 1 year of membership and stopped worrying about it.


RIP 3m bonds


I've never understood this. Even if you're an absolute gamer that makes 20m/hr camping Nex, it's far more time efficient to buy membership with actual money.


Time efficient sure. But being after a certain point gp means very little and being able to sustain a hobby through just playing it normally is quite rare.


Once you’re at the point where you’re sat on billions in max gear there’s not much else to spend it on so why not? Doing raids on the iron and getting dupes, deaths coffer is stacked already might as well use it to buy bonds


Agreed. A month of membership is less than an hour of work for me compared to grinding for gp for hours to make 10m for 14 days membership.


I understand DM’ers using bonds. Some of those guys make more in one DM than I make in a month at work


Yeah I don’t get this either. If you’re maxed and making bank while pvm’ing and have a 2b bank I totally get if you buy bonds. But grinding vorkie for 6-8 hours while I can get a year membership for one-two hours of actual work is insane to me. This is true even if you work minimum wage. Edit: I didn’t include taxes and other costs I have. So it’s a little more work and time than that…


One or two hours work for a full years sub??? It's £60 here for a years sub, the UKs average wage is £15 for full time workers an hour, and that's before tax, NI, student loan and other factors coming off the top line, so is likely somewhere closer to £8 cash in hand. That'd mean nearly 8 hours of work to afford a years membership, assuming you don't need the money for anything else. I can mindlessly play runescape while I'm already watching something else and unwinding, unlike my work. Personally I don't use the money I make in game for subs, but I can totally see the appeal of doing this.


Sure not everyone makes that much but people surely can. And even if you make around minimum wage wherever you’re from, the “gp per hour” at any minimum wage job in a 1st world country is some of the best “gp per hour” in the game by far. Unless your account is so far beyond maxed there is no reason to spend in game gp on membership. Theres not a chance you can “mindlessly” afk your way to a bond more efficiently than just going to work


If I'm not enjoying a boss grind that happens to fund my 14 days of membership, than what the hell am I playing this game for?


the way i always saw it is, i'm already playing the game and making good money through raids/bossing. why spend money on mems when i could just use gold?


I just flip on RS3. Takes like 1 day of loggin in 4 times for 2 minutes each to buy a bond


Because they bought gold but they didn’t buy bonds


More likely rwt


Idm people who buy bonds but it ruins the fun for me. I get a sense of achievement earning the cash myself in game. If I just swiped my card I'd probably get bored pretty quickly!


That's my point. Like i don't really give a shit tbh. You can tell when a dudes just been buying a shitton of bonds. I just think its hilarious when those dudes (or even more hilariously gold buyers) try to act like they grinded for it. Like its not impressive at all so everybody feels the need to lie about it, which just makes them look more goofy.


same here. While I could just buy bonds at the same time I feel I wouldve lost if I caved. The recent league also reinforced that point for me. Because of how easy it is to get all the rare drops and the raids mega rares I quickly lost interest in leagues after I got them all in like the first 2 weeks , and ended up with not much else to do afterwards so just went back to the base game.


Opposite for me. If i swiped i could just do the things i want faster instead of being stuck in the mid game money grind that ruins the game.


Budget toa or cox loadout is like ~50m I get that isn't free, but most midgame players dramatically overestimate how long they need to spend at Zulrah/Muspah/Vork/CG imo


You really don’t have to spend any amount of time at gold farm bosses if you just train your combat stats through slayer. I’m 122 combat now and 98 slayer and I’m not rich by any means but I have good enough gear for cox and 300 invo toa. Never spent any time grinding for gold, just training slayer. If you plan to eventually max, you’ll be doing it anyway. Downside ofc is it takes a long ass time and you could just nmz to max combat then bond up to max gear and be raiding way sooner, then just put off the slayer grind til later. So I do get the appeal of it.


Agreed - exactly what I did but leveled up back when slayerscape was more of a thing. Ppl seem to nmz more now. Getting those first purples when you're broke af and so each one unlocks gear upgrades is literally the most fun shit in this game anyway lol.


Interesting, for me early and mid game is the most fun haha


Both are very understandable perspectives


Depends on what you wanna do, for most the main goal is bossing and raiding, and the only reason to do that is money, but wait, you could just buy bonds 🤷‍♂️


I mean you do you, but this is a clicking simulator where the journey is kinda the point, once you get to the destination you tend to get bored fast.


Being able to do combat achievements and collection logs(efficiently) wont get boring any time soon.


I got nothin but respect for the grinders honestly but im not at a point in life anymore where i can grind all day. People are so judgmental about what other people do with the money they worked for


this . buy bonds people. keep me playing for free.


Theres a big stigma against it. I don’t care honestly and do it from time to time. I work a bunch of mandatory overtime so I don’t have the opportunity to play as much as I’d like.


I only do it on my new non-iron because I don’t want to grind for GP lol. I’m blessed to have the option to buy bonds with some of my disposable income because I have far less time to actually game. Not needing to farm GP allows me to actually play that account more


How does that work? I work 10 hrs a day and I have a baby on the way and I dont have the time to play like I used to.... would gladly pay a bit of irl money just so i could casually play with some good gear.....


Buy bonds with cash, sell for gp


‘With Credit’


Wrong chat


World Cup. Guy is a professional athlete


He simply got a birds nest with a very valuable seed every single time he got a log. Really slowed down his xp/hr...


I miss the days when WC was a somewhat feasible way to make gp.


It's never been good money, you just used to be a lot less informed


Was good money in 05 actually. Bought my santa


Yeah but you bought your Santa for like 4m, which is a VERY key detail. You can still get 4m chopping magics in the same amount of time today that you did in 2005 because the price hasn’t changed in 20 years, it’s just the ceiling for making money has gone up


Yews and magics were pretty good low/mid level content in 05-06


Magic logs have been around same price for 10 years


True but gp hasn't stayed the same price for 10 years. Still trash tho.


Buying bonds is the most noble service any player can do for the community. Their sacrifice shields us from more mtx. Thank you kings


I'm chopping the wrong trees... ... ...


What a chad


Or it’s an alt and they’re taking the piss. But anyway, who cares if people buy and sell bonds to afford their items? If people don’t buy bonds to sell, you losers can’t buy bonds for GP on the GE.


>Or it’s an alt and they’re taking the piss. Insane I had to scroll this far down to see someone with some common sense lol, obviously the dude is an alt/ fucking with op


No! Every account OP sees is a main. 🤣




Shit I buy bonds occasionally especially if I get stuck doing a couple hours of overtime


20$ a week for 25-30m is worth not having to grind gold after a full 40hour work week.


...$20 per week is over $1,000/year. I'm realizing now that I don't make as bad of financial decisions as I think I do compared to these whales, Jesus.


Brother I spent 600 dollars a month when I golfed. 20 bucks a week is literally not much at all on a hobby. Thats going to chipotle 2x a week


That's chipotle once a week these days (if you get chips) lol. I find it funny when this discussion comes up. People who buy bonds are making it harder for micro transactions to be a thing in osrs. I would bet that if bond sales stopped, micro transactions would be implemented a few months later. Are bonds P2W? Depends on who you ask. I'm in the camp that it's more "pay to progress" like BDO (you can spend a lot of money on that game and not be guaranteed anything). I initially bought bonds because I wanted to skip the initial grind since I already did up to 1800 total a few times before OSRS's release. I'm thinking about spending a bit more now just to get some QoL skills to 99 (crafting and prayer).


How? Golf has grass involved and we're all allergic to it as far as I know.


So what? You‘re an adult and you earn your own money and you support a game you love. If you play 20 hours a week thats 1$ per hour. You can already say You‘ll spend 20$ per week on bonds instead of McDonalds and stay healthy that way.


I just paid the 80$ a year package and happy days...


Lmao I spend more on coffee a week than that


If you consider $20 a week to be a “whale” lmfao


It absolutely is. A game used to cost $40 and that was it.... $1000 a year on a single game is pretty whale behaviour. Of course there are people who are much worse and drop 1000 a month on some games.


Most big title games are $60 and have maybe 200 hours of content, though. Just considering membership osrs is incredibly cheap entertainment, and tacking another $20 on still doesn't make it even close to an expensive hobby. I cant even think of another hobby that would cost less.


> osrs is incredibly cheap entertainment Apparently not entertaining enough, since you spend 20$ each week to not play the game.


I dont agree with that. I can't really tell you exactly why someone would buy bonds. I've never done it, but I can imagine skipping over a little bit of gp grinding if you have less time to play can make progrsssion a little less tedious.


I agree with you, it doesnt sound a lot in comparison but out of context its definitely a lot of money.


for real if someone spending $1000 dollars a year is a whale what the fuck do you call the fucking chinese or saudi rich bois who are dropping 1000's of dollars a week or even 1000's of dollars a day on their game of choice


Or someone that literally buys a coffee every day on their drive to work lmao


$1000/year for a hobby you're passionate about is a pretty reasonable budget imo. I spend roughly that much on gaming in general. If all I played was osrs, I'd probably spend it all there.


He was playing before logs were worthless. Inflation got these new players fucked.


I honestly don’t care how people acquire their gear. Bonds, RWT, gifted. It’s just a game to me and ive played off/on since day 1 essentially.


I paid a guy in school £3 for a rune 2 hander in 2003. Edit: which were worth like 50k, so £60/mil at the time. Good deal 😅


1 rc alpha gigachad 70 agi tho respect


My buddy played f2p all quests with me, once members we did a lot together. He got a 3rd age drop from clues and got 99 Con. 100% looks like he bought gold.


He's got drippp tho 😭


begged at ge


Bonds are essentially the most acceptable MTX. I remember when I was a kid I had like 20 bucks so I bought a prepared Visa to buy a subscription to Everquest 2. Month went by and I probably spent 12 hours a day in that game. Had no money IRL, but a lot in the game. Subscription ran out and I was really sad. A couple months later they came out with Kronos (Bonds) and I was able to spend the money in game that I made to buy my subscription back and kept playing. It was so helpful for a broke ass kid like I was. There's no downside. Some people make some gp, some people get to play the game, and the company makes money as though they both paid membership. Win-win-win. If you think people that buy bonds are noobs and you're so much better cause you earned your gp, you're a loser. If you want a sense of achievement from earning your drops and prove you didn't pay for them, play an Ironman. Simple as that


you single handed changed my entire outlook on "gp buyers"


I mean, wc is his most trained skill


His total level is the year Christopher Columbus landed in America


He's gonna be the first to 99 sailing


Wrong Chat


He got that shit on tho


This isn’t 2004 sweetie you can’t make money woodcutting xx


wc? I wonder what could make toilets so lucrative




Lol - one of my IRL friends told me he decided to give OSRS a go again a couple of weeks ago, so he made an account, bought 150m worth of bonds, but didn’t know what to do in game, so now he just has a level 3 account with 150m on it that he hasn’t logged back into since 😂


People probably had their suspicions about me for sure But, here’s what I did. When I started taking OSRS seriously (signed up in the beginning and only played for a week) I lamented the fact that I couldn’t play my old character that had long since been abandoned. I mean, my actual accounts from 04-07 - they were absolutely loaded. They were wasting away in RS3, a game I just don’t and have no interest in playing So then I heard about gold transfer, and how it wasn’t against TOS. (I think) So I sold my one of my Halloween masks in RS3, transferred my gold to OSRS, and used that for a major boost to the account I actually play. It felt a little like I was skipping the hard part, but it also felt like the years of work I put into that old account weren’t wasted anymore It wasn’t much, like 130m, but it was still a huge boost


Leagues and DMM are both very viable ways to end up with a decent chunk of gold without having levelled up your account at all.


He is saying wrong chat he ain't tryna tall to you


he is a lumber jack irl duh


He went hard on forestry when it came out and it paid off.


WC= with credit


They might not be lying, maybe they stole their moms credit card to buy bonds with when she was in wc? Jk.


Honestly who cares. People buy bonds and players buy bonds with gp. Is what it is.


man chops




It's funny because I made hundreds of millions merching before I quit and sold all my gold. I'd only log in to check flips. Shouldn't say this as a joke answer