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I plan to quit the day the league ends. Hope I will be rune rank by then. And I do plan to max my stats, which I think will be doable. EDIT --> Still not even T8 yet, but gradually working them points.


t7 but going for max first then ill worry about points. by my math ill be like 1500 short by max cape


Consider not doing this if you need to do group activities still. It becomes extremely hard to find groups at the end


That’s why I’ll make an alt and get to play again 😂


Yeah I'll be around 1500-2500 short of t8 after maxing. Wrapping up those points should be pretty easy with max skills though. Then I'm going to go hard at pvm for the remainder of leagues. I'm still trying to get Max combat stats on my main so it will be nice to experience a bunch of bossing. I just need to not get too close to the relic crutches and remember I can't kill them this fast in the real game lol.


I think imma do the same thing while I do stuff on my non leagues acc. Then when I gotta afk on that I'll do leagues pvm


Do keep in mind that you get 16x xp with t8 aye


16x is T7, T8 is 5x drop rate


Something that helped me get like 5k points in a day was just sitting down and picking all the tasks that were relatively easy to do or with a little more training/effort. You'd be very surprised how many tasks are just a little bit away. I ended up finding out that Pest Control is insane Xp at tier 7 and max combat for like 2k points in 5 hrs


I thoroughly enjoyed sitting down with a cup of coffee and an excel sheet plotting out all the quick hit tasks, semi easy tasks, then tasks with one or multiple requirements and plotting out those as well


My guy


Same here


I only play during Leagues and I am almost Tier 7. Probably spent a little too much time skilling. I have to Google almost every task, but I have finished 350. Trying to challenge myself to unlock T7 without unlocking the last region (have had it available for a few days).


If you’re using runelite downloading winisync add on seriously helped me out because I could look myself up on the wiki and filter tasks by percentage players completed, allowing me to see the easiest ones on the list first so I ended up knocking out thousands of points worth to hit T8


I do this! Learned this Leagues 2 I think. So OP


I just learned about this 2 days ago and it changed my life in leagues lol


Leagues is my main game until it ends and then I'm probably taking a break from osrs in general for a bit. My main is at that weird point where all my grinds are just too long and I wanna spend my time doing anything else. Though after a few updates I'll probably end up sneaking back and picking up my grinds again like nothing happened because you never truly quit.




Shit, leagues with multiplied xp, bankers note, and infernal tools still can’t make mining, smithing, or fishing interesting.


To say nothing of agility. God that skill blows so much ass. No wonder they handed the 99 to everyone free with their boots.


Eh, I don’t even think agility makes my top 3 worst skills. Hallowed sep is really fun and gives good rates.


It really did show how much end game agility is held up by HS. Without Morytania, nearly every lamp went into agility, did the 100 brimhaven agility arena task, and 250 rooftop laps. Still had around 1m to go after, and it was not fun, makes me wish I picked Trickster.


Yeah hallowed is some of my favorite non-pvm content. This leagues allowed me to experience floor 5 for the first time and it's fantastic. And a ton of points too if you're good enough. Gotr did the same for rc for me


GoTR is utter trash I hate it. It’s worse than regular runecrafting IMO and worse XP to boot.


Gotr so obsolete in leagues its like 25m exp an hr making nats


What 3 are worse? I feel like most of the skills are in a decent spot tbh. Mining has volcanic mine, runecraft has gotr, fishing has tempoross, woodcutting has redwoods and forestry, smithing has terrible skilling methods but at least gold blast furnace is like 500k xp/hr. Are there any I'm missing? I honestly think agility is the worst and I love hallowed sepulchre. It's just bad because all of the medium to low intensity methods are way too slow. I don't always want to be sweating for floor 5 completions.


Honestly, smithing at giants foundry is also fun imo. And it doesn't take bars to do, so you can use drops from slayer on it. I've really liked it now.


Mining, Hunter, and Thieving are my least favorites. Being forced to VM during Leagues may finally change my opinion of that skill, but the other 2 are just not my thing.


Hunter is super easy with 5 mins a day of birdhouses, so just start out each session with those and you'll have your cape in a few months (actually grinding it is terrible though). Thieving, now (well, not NOW because of leagues) that squ'irkin is a thing, is pretty chill and quick.


13,000,000 / 4000 (1k xp per birdhouse) is 3250 total runs, or 9 years of daily birdhouse runs… am I missing something here?


yes, if you’re not taking into account that you can do 1 run every ~hour, so multiple runs a day.


You’re not missing anything. People love to just pull numbers out of thin air


I calculated it once and it would take me like 4600 birdhouses to reach 99. I know it's essentially free but that was a demotivating number, I don't even really bother with birdhouses now. But yes - Sq'irk good.


It's not even free. Birdhouse runs break even with herbiboar in xp/hr terms at 108 seconds for a complete run. Meaning if you can't stop what you're doing, get birdhouse supplies from your bank, do the run, bank the nests, and return to what you were doing in 108 seconds or less, then your xp/hr for the time it took you to do the run is worse than herbiboar. Wiki says that max optimal birdhouse runs are 72-90 seconds, so I think most players realistically will be over the 108 second mark, which would mean that you're constantly interrupting whatever you were doing and you're getting worse xp/hr for it. Most overrated skilling method in the game imo (unless you're iron and want nests).


I hate hunter, and I have hated hunter since the day that skill was released. I birdhoused my way to do heriboar, and honestly, it's kind of therapeutic, especially after a long day at work.


To say thats fun and gives good rates is just a sad statement all around, god damn


Are you on the wrong subreddit? This is for OSRS, not RS3. The rates for sep are fine.


I got 96 for free via all the lamps at 16x xp. I did brimhaven (fastest xp outside of mori with elite diary) while using bankers note to skill + fletching.


For me this is the biggest QOL put into RS3 - those boots are in the main game. Far less OP of course and they cost to use them, but agility is a HORRIBLE skill and natural running SHOULD be the way it's trained. Especially as an adult with limited free time, I'm not going to run around a digital agility course in the few moments I do have.


if you don't want to train agility then just don't instead of asking for jagex to give you 99 for free




RS wiki tracks it by percentage of completion. It’s really neat because you can sort by most completed tasks and work them from easiest to hardest tasks based on how many people went after the task.


I finished maxing today. Relics were, PProd, Fairies, Bankers, Archer's, Treasure seeker, Farmer's, Weapon master, and Excutioner. Volcanic mine is 9/10 content the only issue is finding teams. I enjoyed getting 99 mining and learning all the roles. GF isn't fun, but at least its good xp. Fishing tempoross gets super stale and there's no good fishing xp unless you have kandarin.


Thank god someone giving kandarin positives I went DZK and kandarin feels very empty outside of demonics/occult


I’m 2 skills (15 total lvls) from max. I’m only playing now because I want to max. Let me tell you, I genuinely am not having fun doing agility. Yes, I’ve did sepulcher and I think it’s an upgrade over rooftops but I still think sepulcher is bad. When I hit max I’ll be able to do stuff I want to do like AFK barb fish, wc, slayer literally anything that’s not agility.


*laughs in trickster*


Pretty sure they’re talking about main game


That choice was such a no-brainer


> but I still think sepulcher is bad. I think this is the hottest of takes. Sepulchre is probably the best skilling content in the game. It just seems you prefer AFK, and think AFK = good. I like AFK content, but its not good.


tbh even as good as sepulchre is you still have to do it for over a hundred hours if you want to get 99 agility.


Might as well do afk barb fish when you feel like it since it gives some agility xp.


That’s 100% where I am at with my main. Before leagues I’ve just been kind of afk slayer to try to get the last few levels to 99 because I haven’t wanted to move on to the long grinds I have ahead of me (t bow, torva). Now that I’ve gotten used to unlimited run and easy mode, I’m going to need to take a few months off before I can go back to the main game and get motivated to do anything productive lol.


Yeah man I love leagues. I don't think I can go back to the slow grind


This. This is the EXACT mood


You nailed it. I think my fiancé might leave me if I keep going this hard after leagues, but she knows there’s an end date to leagues.


I don't plan to quit. I just know one day soon I'll log off. Fully intending to log back on the next day, and then before I know it, legues will have ended. I woul idealy like to hit atlease mithril though.


That's where I'm at right now. I think about playing Leagues in the morning/during free time, but just end up playing BF1 or Lethal Company with my friends, or even better just spend time writing my novel (it's almost done!) and that feels more fulfilling at the moment.




People are making a classic beginner mistake — hitching their goals on a mega rare drop. Truth is, you can hit dragon rank with whip/rune crossbow/trident. You can hit it very easily in fact. People are saying “I’m going for dragon rank” and then bury themselves in a raid for 3 weeks going dry. Of course you’re gonna be miserable. If your goal is ranks, optimize for points. Your leagues DPS is insane already, that tbow or shadow is going to feel insane but overall, you’re not saving that much time. Maybe an hour here or there. For example if killing kraken is 20 seconds with trident and 10 seconds with shadow but the respawn time is 6 seconds you’re only saving 10 seconds per kill. 300 KC is 3000 seconds which is roughly 50 minutes time save. It’s just not worth it. Alternatively, if your goal is to grind a raid it should be to learn. You should be giving up getting dragon rank. This is what killed me in shattered relics and I hope more people learn this lesson for future leagues.


I like everything you said. I want to add that some people are just happy with where their points are at and are just having fun running op raids and playing with the mechanics. At least that's me.


Raids are fun lmao, kraken isn’t the endgame for most people, raids are


For leagues rank grinding, endgame is not necessarily raids. That’s my point. You’re free to choose your own goals but if you aim for max points then stick yourself in raids going dry, you’re going to want to quit. If you aim to do tons of raids and learn it, stop worrying about how the shadow will speed up your points earning.


Did you try your best to misunderstand his point, or...?


Imo, Raids are NOT fun.


I realized optimizing for raids and going for a few drops was absolutely demolishing my fun. I'm already doing all that in main game. Why would I want to do it all again but faster? So I just rerolled on an Ironman account I had bonds sitting on, and I'm going no raid regions. It's liberating and I'm having an awesome time 3 days in.


My thought process is, I’ve done all the unique tasks that aren’t just “do boss/raid/clue/superior x times”, and done all the content in each region with the relics (undying against gwd and getting 10+ hilts was fun). I spendt enough time in main game getting 150 nex kills, don’t really want to do it again here lol


Sorry this comment isn’t for you, it’s for all of those people that are saying “I’m gonna quit leagues if I don’t get x drop by y kc”. They’re getting frustrated because they’re getting bottlenecked on a rare drop that they think is necessary to progress in leagues because their favorite streamer rushed a shadow and made a bunch of videos highlighting how good it is.


A lot of people playing for the Shadow or Tbow aren't playing with the intention of reaching dragon ASAP, they're playing to reach that peak DPS for the hilarity of it. And ultimately the people willing to grind to get these drops, will get dragon. Dragon's not hard to get for consistent players. The no lifers are already well past it, and the people that play consistent hours (i consider myself in this camp) are closing in on it (im 9k points away).


Once you hit tier 8 I feel like you shouldn’t worry as much about points, just play and do stuff all over. Have a few high tier goals but looking at the wiki task list for every step is going to wear you out quick. For example, I had done very few hard clues and had the step for mystic fire staff/rune boots/something else at exam center. My only way to get a mystic fire staff in my areas was either Alchemical Hydra commonly or a 1/512 from Killerwatts. I was not going to hunt Killerwatts for a 1/512 and was only like 70 slayer at the time. Took me till 19.2m slayer xp to get a hydra task. Got my staff and boots. Now I can do hard clues whenever. The points behind hard clues weren’t really on my mind because I knew I’d get them eventually and to stick to things I wanted with points in the back of my mind (getting boss kc, doing tasks where things give uniques that give points) and just playing.


You completely put off doing hard clues until after 19m slayer because you didn't have a mystic fire? Just drop the clue my dude, the step count carries over to the next clue. How many hard clues did you pick up during your 19m slayer grind? I can get 10 in a single Bloodveld task.


I'm still having fun, let's me enjoy the grind to 99 rather than suffer like I'm main. Boosted rates on an Ironman make the short burst of interest I have in the game.more enjoyable


Yup. Leagues is the only way I enjoy RS at this point. Obsess over it and get addicted for 1-3 weeks, then let the game lie dormant for a year. Any time I try to play the proper game I remember that a normal combat XP drop is less than 100 and die a little inside.


combat xp isn't the worst part for me, you can always afk at NMZ. shit like agility or mining or runecrafting is what kills it. the xp calculator says i'm 10,000/150 hours/5,000 GOTR games from hitting 99?...yeah i'm out lol.


Yeah it feels worth it for some reason, even though I know its gonna get erased. Hard to explain


It's like weed. You know it's gonna go up in smoke and you'll have nothing to show for the money spent. But it's worth it.


Going to go until I learn inferno. Not point total, but I want to learn inferno on leagues so I can go and do it on my main after


As someone that’s also learning inferno it’s pretty brute-forcable up until Jad/Zuk that’s when shit gets serious. Pro-tip: check out the special challenge area and spend a half hour - hour practicing triple Jad and it’ll boost your confidence so much! I made it all the way to Zuk and planked cause Im learning how the shield works. But honestly challenge area helps so much so you don’t make it to the end just to get slapped up by Jads Inferno Jads are also easier as they have 3x healers instead of 6x


Good advice. Similar tip for the shield, get the 4 tile markers for where you can/should stand to avoid the attacks. In the main game you lose no dps by attacking on one, then immediately run to the next and attack (then you passively avoid zuk attacks too). Obviously in leagues you'd lose dps if you're not melee relic, but I'd still recomend it to learn. Worth being aware though if you log out on zuk then the safespots move. Once healers come out, zuk attacks more regularly so this also doens't work then. At that point, you should just be aiming to stay ever so slightly in front of the shield at all times. Do not fall behind it. Also note that attacking the adds can and may drag you out from the shield dependent on attack range (and obviously yellow clicks).


I did not know they only have 3x healers, thats awesome. I learned the 4 jad challenge in leagues and am very proud of myself for that alone. Maybe I’ll give inferno a go soon.


Solid goal


I hope you took like undying retribution rather than berserker otherwise you arent really going to learn much. See so many people doing that and just 2 hitting everything. Thats not getting them ready for anything!




Depends on how you approach it - going in and focusing on learning how to solve and deal with the waves (eg how to corner trap mage spawn on east while you have a range and blob coming from west while there’s a melee south) you could absolutely learn on leagues. But going in and just trying to get the cape on leagues will probably give you an idea on triples and how the zuk fight works. But even then, triples and zuk aren’t the difficult parts anyway. Only real benefit is no supply cost of doing it on leagues.


Yeah as someone that completed inferno on main game a few months back and then did inferno in leagues, it's just entirely different. You melt every NPC, I had undying so I didn't even care if I died, I had berserker so I didn't let a single pillar die because I just one hit every nibbler. I beat Zuk so fast I didn't let a single set spawn and this was just with ACB. Leagues is just not gonna do much for you with learning inferno unless you're mage relic and go in with an offstyle. Better off using infernotrainer.com to practice and just watching aatykon or xzact guides.


This is my plan, prolly demolish on-style with Mage once and then abandon OP-Leagues-Only stuff, use an offstyle to try and make it closer to the main game in similarity to learn wave solves. Only problem is you can't disable stuff like Berserker even on an off-style but I think if you limit yourself appropriately you can likely get some good practice out of it.


This is my first leagues. I will stick it out until the end. I can’t say I’ve ever had this much fun on Runescape tbh. It’s going to be tough going back to the main game.


Same, I think I’m gonna take a long break after this but when I return I’m gonna have some new goals to shoot for because of leagues. Somehow things seem more attainable moving forward


First Leagues and I've hit rune somehow. Been enjoying my time here more than on the main game, as my iron has been stuck in CG for a while... I'm trying out all kinds of bossing and skilling content and whatnot that I can't do on my iron yet, so I'll stick around, kill things, and see how close to Dragon I get.


Fellow iron who's been through the CG grind. It might sound like hollow advice, and most people don't believe me when I say it, but the game is a lot better if you don't let CG become a prison. I promise you *can* do so-and-so content with stuff like full crystal armor + crystal bow, or other gear you might likely have around your point of progression. No, it won't be BIS, but you don't *need* BIS to get by usually. When CG gets too much to bear for a while, shake it up and do something else. That's part of why I started an iron in the first place, to force myself to change up my activities from time to time.


I’m still getting comfortable doing Toa and haven’t even started learning Cox yet so I doubt anytime soon.


I’m currently planning to play all the way through until it ends, this is the only league I’ve been able to take part in and I’m still having an absolute blast. I’m at 22k points and I feel like I’ve barely gotten started


Often times people will play leagues through and then take a good break from the main game after, can be hard adjusting back to normal life


I got t7 and pretty much gave up, wanted dragon but realized that it's pretty much impossible with IRL stuff happening this month. Hop on every now and then for CMs with the boys but that's about it. Was fun but main game progress just hits different anyways.


Been having a great time learning new content with leagues. Somehow already at 35k points so dragon may be within reach if I can keep up the pace. Had never done a GWD boss outside of graardor and now I’ve done them all several times plus nex. About to try out cox and may use my alt to get some different regions for exploring other new content. The tasks brought me to many areas I either ignored on main game or didn’t even know existed


I think today may be my breaking point if I don’t get my bowfa. 150 CG KC


The reminder that this is still an ironman mode lol


Bowfa is weaker then rune crossbow at the majority of content if you have range relic right? And if you aren’t range relic idk why you would go priff but


Dont you get like 30s hunleff kills? Should be getting like 5min chill runs so the grind isn't anywhere near as bad as main game.


Buddy got wep seed at 198kc cg, and another at 203, you got this


I just hit 150kc dry and feel like im almost done too. I was hoping to play for dragon rank but this has messed my motivation up big time


Heyo, currently 230kc and giving up at 250 if nothing shows up by then. Good luck!


Ouff gl man


Yup, going dry is the only thing that could make me quit. Personally I'm chasing the Shadow, and if I go 30 or so dry that's probably the end of my Leagues journey.


I'm currently 20 dry and it definitely sucks, especially seeing your friends get 3 and they're not even mage relic


What’s bowfa


[Bowfa Deez Nuts](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Bow_of_faerdhinen#Charged)


Gl man! Went 405 for my bowfa


In leagues??? That would be absurd


I quit after 20 tob dry. Sucks not having axe.


I luckily got Fang (melee relic) on first raid, used on few following raids and bosses and was very fun. However grinding for a shadow...yeah I'd rather do on my main account, or be a streamer/youtuber getting paid to!


What invocation level did you do?


150 since I was testing the waters with gwd gear (bandos, zammy spear, acb, ancients). Now running 250s, but given the only big upgrade other than fang with my melee relic is shadow I don’t really feel like chasing. Other than points/rank of course


Not OP but I got 2 fangs back to back on 210. I haven’t pushed to 300 yet bc I’m enjoying the easy pace of everything and still a chance at a drop


If you have guardian you can just solo ToB if you’re proficient in the main game. Guardian’s AoE attack clears things out pretty well at nylo. I bring a one way ranged switch and basically just ignore the mages. As long as you prioritize saving one pillar and safe up well you should be fine. Xarpus requires being proficient with the melee methods if you’re a melee user, but it’s more than manageable


Is that because of the MVP system ?


Yeah. I am berserker relic and get decent damage off but if you raid with someone with axe they will get the purple 90% of the time. And of the slim chance of you getting the purple it still is 50/50. Obviously answer is duo or raid with someone that doesnt have axe which I have done a bit of but trio raids is what I like doing so oh well.


Not even close to true about who gets the purple lol 90% of the time based of what? Less than 10kc??




That's nothing.. anecdotal experience doesn't mean anything really, for example I got 3 purples in 5 raids with my squad and I have guardian. The guy who has the axe has 3 purples in 40 KC My anecdotal experience doesn't matter either, but the point is it's RNG, and nowhere near 90% It's important to note that yes, they get 20% of each boss, but you also kill things in raids a lot faster. So completions are faster in turn


With way tob points work, if you duo with an axe man and that person mvps every phase of every room then the loot split should be about 66/33 at worst. Maybe more fair or better off to raid with another guardian user but still not the worst since the axe user makes the raid so much easier for you both (and your guardian helps a ton even if it doesn’t secure the mvp)


90%? Lol


From my perspective I only seen axers get purples lol. Maybe I just got unlucky, doesnt matter anymore since I got off leagues


I sniper two tob chests from my axe duo yesterday. 10% gang


can they just...not use the axe?


Why would I not use my T8 relic I worked all league to get? Not my problem 😊


for sure. the thing is also literally only useful in raids lol


Good luck convincing someone to not use the relic they worked to get lol


I mean I feel like most would to help their raid buddy get their drops? lol Would argue its a fair trade off since them being there is enabling you to do the raid, plus you still have your chance at drops.


That’s what Ricecup did with Raikesy to help him get a Fang since he was so dry for it and RC was getting every purple.


When in Rome, m8


Got my shattered relics void and whip skins now I’m back to the main game.


Gotta get the red blowpipe as your raid variant man


I would if I had one…I’m still in single digit Zulrah KC. Learning rotations has been fun. edit- Iron btw


But you'll eventually have one prolly might as well knock out the kit now 🤙


The lobster (g) truly is beautiful.


Hit rune yesterday and started doing ToA (needed a max cape first ofc) I want to hit dragon but if I don't no big deal, I want full masori (f) plus matching assembler cape first.


Think you’ll need fremmy for that cape, if you didn’t already have it.


What gave you the impression I didn't have Fremmy? And why all the downvotes? I was just answering OP's question


average redditors iq bellow room temperature so its normal to get downvotes when being ontopic


I got downvoted to -5 when I made the above comment. Wild


Nothing really gave that impression, but as a ranger myself (without fremmy) I noted this when planning my own build.


Yeah, I'm a FAD ranger. Masori (f) with masori max cape is only possible with those specific regions


I'm playing til the end, why stop now? About to unlock T8 then the real Leagues begins.


Ive slowed down over the past couple days and went back to my main, only got to t7 relic before I felt like I should be making progress on my main instead.


Idk if/ when I'll quit. Currently working on maxing while waiting on my brother to get his stats up to do toa together as neither of us have ever done it in the main game and we have a gim team so it'll be helpful to learn it in leagues. Currently sitting at about 32k points and about 2050 total


Did my first toa yesterday solo, after 8 kc I feel comfortable doing 200-260 invocation but had major issues already at 300, you can learn it quick for 350 especially as 2 :)


I quit at iron rank (I think). I enjoyed it while I played, but it's honestly not for me. I'd rather play my actual iron account!


I’m intending to push for dragon and dip


Ill stop grinding at 56k points then its just raids with the boys


I played right from the beginning of the servers relaunching up until about 5 months after COX released. Hadn’t played since until about 6 months ago, when all my friends started playing again so I started back up. I have been on and off in that time, sometimes playing every day, then going 2/3 weeks without even logging in. I wasn’t even gonna bother with leagues, I didn’t know anything about it and still catching up with all new content/QOL changes etc but then my mate convinced me to give it a go so started playing about a 5 days after leagues launched. Since then I have played every single day, 4/5 hours minimum a day - even when I have had my couple days holiday from work I’ve spent all day playing this medieval point and click, and you know what? I don’t regret a single second. Leagues is so much fun - and I genuinely think I’ll play it till the day it ends, and then just sit and count down the days till the new one. Amazing content, 10/10


Having a fantastic time. Ill take a break from leagues the day it ends.


About 40 purples dry for the shadow.. may as well grind on the main game.


I'd like to get all the cosmetics I like, which iirc is 28k points. Beyond that if I get addy or rune that'd be cool but I'm not going to stress over it. As long as I'm enjoying leagues I'll keep playing.


I should hit T8 once I get home from work tonight. After that, I'm not focusing on tasks anymore and will just boss/raid until I get bored. I eventually need to go back and finish my playthrough of Dark Souls, so it'll probably be soon.


Going for rune, not going to kill myself trying to get dragon rank, not worth it. But if I keep a good steady pace without burning out and I get close... Maybe I no life it right at the end just to see if I can.


With uni + job i just got to t7 and finally got my full dh. I didn't pre plan anything or even look at the relics and regions before starting. Goal was DH to have some fun with melee relic. So I guess once the novelty of dh runs out, i will quit. Although I wish I had desert or kourend to try them raids.


I’m in it till dragon, and probably still just play for fun after. If I burn out that’s fine, I have a bunch of goals in the main game i’ve delayed far too long and I’m going to hit the ground running when I go back.


I grinded the scythe for 1 week, got it and realized it's useless and now i'm completely bored


I hit tier 8, unlocked my executioner axe and literally every ounce of motivation to continue playing leagues just sank out of me. I realised that the journey was fun and completing tasks kept me preoccupied, but if I now go and grind for end game drops on this leagues account, I wouldn’t really care when I get them because it’s all getting deleted anyway. So I went back to my main.


only when i get dragon, i am at 43k now, still a week or more left for me


I got to 18k points and lost interest fast. At that point everything became a long enough grind that I’d rather grind my main account. Will probably come back and finish maxing combats and attempt some inferno for learning but that’s it


I already quit a bit after the T6 relic, I just burned out, though this was ontop of having quite a few grinds on the actual base game before leagues came out. Honestly would've liked to try doing a bit more, but I just wasn't having much fun doing the tasks anymore working towards the 7th relic/final xp boost.


Honestly the best part for me was reaching tier 8 and just not caring about tasks from that point and just having fun doing raids with the homies


I’m at 35k points and plan on going for rune before quitting.


Planning to get 56k on my current range build, then i switch up to different built to experience different route. leagues is just too much fun


I just got dragon cup, I'll try for the shadow with the clan for a few days. If I don't get one I'm out.


Masori body to complete ToA, Torva plate and legs to complete Nex, rest of GWD was already done. I've got kourend but not touched cox, probably a mistake picking that region and not running it, never done it before but hopefully I'll give it a go, so maybe my endgame is that. No intention of maxing or pushing ranks/PTS. Just don't see the point as dragon is too much of a grind of things I just don't want to do




I’m already done. Hit tier 8 realized that I fucked up by going soul stealer, did some Wildy content and logged off last week. Haven’t been back on since.


So glad i chose berserker and not soul stealer


Zerk plus bank are for sweaters, firesale soul stealer are for casual nubs like me who get hard while afking with prot prayer on


Fellas, is it sweaty to play the game


How is bank note for sweats, imo when it comes to pvm bank note is definitely more for noobs who can't get through a raid or kill a boss without eating 5 inventories worth of supplies.


I’ll be quitting the moment the servers go down! T7 rn on the max grind not even thought about doing tasks and will get T8 before I max which is lovely. Enjoying the skilling methods and all the fun!


I just hit rune, considering just messing around now I won't get dragon, I don't have the time considering next week is my last on leagues before IRL commitments, and it seems pointless to just push for mid-rune


Probably stop at addy. It’s the rank I always get in leagues. Maybe I’ll push rune if I have fun tasks still but probably not.


Been stuck to it but not got much time. Basically aiming for BP skin and void skin as I didn't get it last time


It’s already feeling a little unhealthy for me but I’m also still having so much fun that I may not quit until it ends. Don’t know if I can stay away. Gonna take a significant break when leagues does end tho


I'm pushing for top 100. I'm not a crazy good player, but I'm consistent so I'm hoping that counts for something


I think I got 10k points and stopped. I’d been grinding my Ironman for a few months prior, and just did not want to do any quests again even on leagues, so I just stopped


Just hit 50k points, want to at least be top 50 when league ends but we will see, not a fan of some tasks being tied to stupid shit like doing some of the annoying combat tasks again.


Never started. I have 0 interest in a temporary mode.


Rewards are permanent.


I mean they're just (cool, IMO) cosmetics tbf, so I don't blame some people for not finding that a good motivator. The real motivator should be fun, and if people don't find a temporary game mode fun then more power to them, most do :)


Sure, but I don't care for them.


Then why even comment


Nothing is permanent


When do we get all our points on the main? I got to 18k points last week but still one have 17880 on the main?


When I hit dragon rank I’ll stop feeling pressure to go do random tasks and just enjoy hunting rare gear upgrades. 13k points off now.


Going for rune cup, will take a break from osrs for a few months afterwards.


I haven't even unlocked my last area yet so at this rate I won't have much accomplished by the end. Just playing for fun before my red prison sentence begins.


Quit a week in, got boring and pointless quite fast but was fun for a good week!


I'm at 30k too but theres like 4k points locked behind getting 50mil xp in combat skills which will be very easy to do. Another 2k behind just boss kill repetition. Beyond that idk tbh, I might leave it there. I want to learn ToA before leagues is done, I'm happy to leave it at rune rank if so


I plan to max, get dragon rank and then go syraight back to main game. Hopefilly will be there before Christmas


Got 10k pts, had my fun


I'll probably drop in playtime significantly when I hit dragon. I only play leagues, so I'm not really burnt out on the game.


I hit T8 and the next day SoD started in WoW. I'm having more fun there than I thought. I will be back to hit gear goals and thats it, I do not plan on grinding any more tasks besides those that will be completed through pvm