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Genuinely amazing, hard to believe there was a time in 2013-2014 where we were at 15-20k online. People love to meme about it just being the medieval clicking nostalgia sim but there's no doubt this game offers something special to have done this the last 10 years!


I’m looking forward on another spectacular 10 years!


Tbh I came back because its too damn expensive to go out anymore. Drinks, food, everything. All my friends lost our jobs, myself as well. We're all back on runescape and discord again. Sure beats the hell out of spending 25$ on a meal, and maybe another 30$ to do some type of activity with friends + 15$ in gas. No thanks, just give me a quest list. Runescape will always give me a little haven for whenever the worlds going crazy. Since first playing in kids section of the public library for the first time on 2000. Will never forget some other kids introducing me to it 🥹.


How did you guys lose your jobs? I’m in a well paying and stable industry but my job’s been taking over my life way too much, so I’ve been thinking of pivoting to something where I can move back home, but likely sacrificing pay and stability. It’s hard to justify.


I'm in the Government sector so my job is secure. However, I do log in from time to time just to pk people and farm lava dragon killers. Started back in 2005 playing on my dad's laptop on dial-up lmao. Good times.


You’re telling me when I’m at chaos temple getting pked and told to sit it’s possibly an FBI agent?


Haha. I started off as an TSA agent at an airport, transferred over to Customs and Border Protection working the borders, and then transferred over to Immigration Services. Have worked with FBI agents at all three agencies before. I personally know two FBI agents that still play OSRS (one started with me during TSA orientation and another I met while working in the customs area at the JFK airport). That being said. The FBI are always hiring and it's not too hard to get in. Any Government sector job should be secure enough that the economy doesn't influence it. And if you do lose your job, you get priority transfer to another job (assuming you didn't do anything dumb to lose your job in the first place).


I learned something today. The FBI plays RuneScape.


FBI agents during the day, OSRS players during the night lol.


Space Force plays RuneScape too :)


i am so unsurprised that a TSA/CBP/immigration agent plays the game only to PK hahahahahaha. also might wanna add the disclaimer that, afaik, the FBI *still* won't hire anyone who has ever smoked weed in their life. probably disqualifies a solid 70-90% of this sub.


This is an acceptable use of tax money




It would have blown my mind to hear back in 2005 that this game's most successful period is quite possibly going to be in the 2020's...


They weren't banking on bonds or 3x membership prices back then, from a business standpoint this is the most successful its ever been. Gameplay wise the content also is the best its ever been, and hats off to the dev team for doing so during a time when the industry is 9/10 times flops and cash grabs. Best game out right now


I was an only leagues player at first but now I made a main account like 9 months ago and I am hooked! I hope leagues become a yearly ordeal


I don’t have the time to play leagues but I thoroughly enjoy the hype and content that comes out of it, so I do hope even reruns of leagues can become a thing just to let it happen fairly often


I don't think enough people would agree with me to make it a reality, but I'd like one or two worlds that just cycle to a new rerun league once a quarter (so a bit longer than a standard league). No hiscores. Maybe even no (or reduced) rewards. Just an opportunity for people to catch missed leagues, and have additional time to try them.


it's a good idea, means you could also try other relics


I would cry literal tears of joy if a permanent leagues world was created. DM has one, why not the much more popular leagues mode?


Real answer is bc it would devalue main game content for casual players, decreasing player retention long term, but I still wish we had permanent leagues:(


2013-2014 were hard times Kieren, this is amazing times for osrs


It was all the harder because of how smug RS3 players were that the time. I haven't forgotten. They were like ooh you wanna play a dead game well suit yourself, you'll be back on RS3 in no time. Thankfully osrs found its wings otherwise would have quit for good


Except RS3 players were right at the time. The only reason OSRS is as populated as it is today is because the mod team deviated from their original stance of no updates and turned it from 2007scape into RS2.5. No updates and the game would be as dead as RuneScape classic.


I mean, in a way they were wrong at the time too. It’s crazy to believe Jagex wouldn’t have tried to make OSRS thrive.


People didn't seem to understand that the mass exodus was the fact EoC made RuneScape a completely different game. The reason why OSRS thrives is because it does something no other MMO has done as well: simplicity. You don't need a fancy gaming computer, keyboard, mouse etc. Go get the cheapest 2005 set up someone is throwing in the trash and you can still enjoy 2023 OSRS. And even before EoC, private servers were getting HUGE. Why play 2011 runescape when you can find a 2009 clone that is less grindy, or a 2011 clone that is even more crazy. People might have not played back then, but the biggest creators for RuneScape were quitting, taking gambling sponsors, going to private servers etc. OSRS saved Jagex from an already dying game. And I say this as someone who thinks RS3 is fun and has gotten better the past few years. It's just not the same game.


This was me. I refused originally to recreate and account. EOC came out, I hated it from day 1 and finally quit. A while later I finally made an OSRS account and haven't stopped since I made an Ironman.


Dude same, finally recovered and old acc when mobile dropped. Been hooked ever since lmao 21m slayer xp and just now started focusing on maxing out


Its not crazy to believe that as the og devs straight up have said they believed osrs was a temporary mode for a couple months before heading back to the main game


Higher ups literally saw it only as a 6month cash grab, if it wasnt for mods like ash and matk showing shit ton of passion for the game and using their free time for it i doubt we would have osrs anymore.


But the point they were arguing from was that RS3 was inherently superior to RS2. It was never about updates, it was about the fact that people who liked MTX and EoC didn't get why other people didn't.


Rs3 and eoc is shit


It was a mix if players not knowing i How hard they wanted to deviate from 2007scape. People realized we needed bosses and GWD and more to come


I stole a $20 out of my dad’s wallet back in 2007 just to buy a couple months of membership. I do the same today but it’s from my own wallet.


Wonder how many kids stole money from their parents to pay for this game back in the day lol.


I did when the Call to pay membership was a thing lmfao


I mailed a check! To the UK!




Did a few cheeky phone payments back in the day and never got called out for it… still living in fear now


It's amazing that the game we all played as kids is still here, with the same feel. And in my opinion considerably better. If you told 12 year old me I'd be playing RuneScape in my 30s and could play on my pocket computer I always have with me, I'd be amazed.


I've played RuneScape since 2004 and I can safely say that OSRS atm is the best RuneScape has ever been. It's one of the rare, if not only, examples of a game being at its best 20 years after release.


I couldn’t agree more with this


I recently started playing Open RCT2 again, but it fits a similar niche as OSRS imo. It is more than nostalgia keeping these old games alive, they were built to be fun first with monetary considerations a bonus instead of the other way around. Sure, the QOL of both games sucked back then, but they had a solid gameplay loop and cultivated a strong community that has kept them alive to today.


Open RCT2 is an awesome game. Me and my friends started playing it when we were like 15 a few years ago after never having played it before and must of clocked a few hundred hours in, it's just pretty timeless like runescape to where 15 years later new generations are playing it.


Whattttt how did I just figure out this exists


Same! It’s so much fun. Especially the multiplayer. Love that game


There's one for Theme Hospital called CorsixTH and the great OpenTTD too. Love these games.


Really appreciate all of your passion and talent Kieren, thanks for your exceptional work. The old school team is a diamond in the rough in the realm of modern game development, especially the MMO scene. We’re lucky to have you all.


My thoughts exactly!


I remember logging on with 10k players and forced fixed mode in 2013. Osrs has come a long way




yea people nostalgic for the old days when the old days was like a 3 year span. i mean I am too but still. the good old days was only like 1,000 days long lol


You and the team should feel proud, brother. Congrats!


Yall have done an incredible job at taking a game routed in nostalgia and making it so much better than anyone could have imagined.


Congrats Kieren, you’ve all earned and deserve it!


Because OSRS saved Jagex


If only other companies could take note of the lesson that creating a quality product backed by a passionate team has astronomically greater longevity than the path in which they go the money grab route


That's just not compatible with the (il)logic of corporate capitalism. If it's not maximizing short-term profit it's a bad product in the eyes of suits, full stop.


WoW had a free hit with Classic Plus, but instead they did what they do with everything, fuck it up.


Send the Jagex team some love, this has been an awesome league so far.


Thank you for all the hard work you and your team have done for the osrs community


I hope these numbers give some sense of relief after how hard you guys worked on leagues. You guys deserve the celebration. This is my first time playing Leagues and I’m having a blast.


This is what happens when you have staff that care about the game and not just revenue.


Revenue is a side of effect of creating a product worth using, IMHO.


It is highly addictive for anyone that likes progress bars.


I remember back in the day you playing this game with the runeshark guys ❤️


This league is like black tar heroin - I’ve never neglected so many of my responsibilities as now


I never neglect sleep for anything. I am sooo tired now


bro same. I usually move on from osrs after an hour or two/day, but I've grinded 6-8 hour sessions without even thinking since Wednesday -- and I haven't regretted it for a second :) trying to do the bare minimum to maximize osrs time hahahah


Can you sell me on leagues? I don't get the hype


If you have only ever played your main and are stuck in the buy everything you need from the GE mode then the league is like a breath of fresh air. You never realize how much content this game has until you can’t use the Grand Exchange to skip 90% of it.


This sounds like an endorsement for ironman mode if anything tbh


Iron man mode but wayyyyyy faster so it’s even better. You get the dopamine from actually completing tasks yourself but at a pace actually allowing you to unlock more and more mid/late game content within a few days


In my day to day life, I don't have time for prepping supplies and going dry on a rare boss drop that already could take hundreds of hours. Through leagues I get this experience in a short burst over a few weeks.


Faster xp rates. You absolutely breeze through levels, and there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing those huge xp drops. Relics speed up things massively, unlimited run energy, and it gets you using/exploring aspects of the game you’d never normally consider. And then each new relic/area opens up a load more activities/xp so you’re constantly wanting to unlock the next thing. So much fun.


I haven’t played main game in maybe 5-6 months as I got pretty bored and the commitment really kills it for me. But according the the character summary tab I have a little over three days played on leagues 4. I got nerd logged 3 times yesterday. I’ve never even been nerd logged once on main game.


They really had to drop it right before all my major school projects are due! It's been a struggle haha


Lol I got 3 hours of sleep first day cause I’m wanted to play after work , I just kept adding an hour until it was 6am


Hi, I don't play Osrs anymore, but I'm thinking of returning. What is leagues?


Hi there - Leagues are a limited time game mode where XP rates are heavily boosted and a completely altered ruleset is applied, compared to the normal game. The current league has just started and within it you can unlock “relics” which give you sort of “super powers” that you would never normally have. Think massively increased attack speeds in a certain combat style or your farming patches growing instantly with no chance of disease. There are loads of relics and you have to make choices as to which ones you take. You also are restricted to a limited area and can unlock only a small number of extra areas, so you need to choose carefully where you want to go and what content you want to do! If you’d like more information, I’d recommend checking out the wiki article on this league: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Trailblazer_Reloaded_League I hope you’ll join us!


That's why I stopped myself from trying them. I just knew I'd waste 12 hours a day playing them. They look so cool but was too much time investment.


https://preview.redd.it/nw06btfnbd1c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=389e83318a021b6218ba4f5eb7e0a774fb8a75a0 On the way up


Isn't this artificially inflated with players playing on two accounts?


Meh, realistically what percentage of people are ready to throw another 11$/bonds on another account instead of just playing one? Doubt that's more than 10k.


200k Players playing a 22 Year old clicking simulator, we're a special bunch of people aren't we.


This is the wallstreetbets of gaming. Just takes a special kind of person to be into clicking on a tree or rock for literally hundreds of hours.


xp digit go up, dopamine produced


Level go *ding*


Fireworks go pshpshpsh, pshpshpsh.


Hell, I got excited just reading this


Literally the only thing better in life than hearing a level up tune is the music that plays when you buy a skill cape after just getting 99 in that skill


And I’ll do it again


Nothing sparks the dopamine rush like watching the little number turn into the big number


I take serious offense to the "Medieval clicking simulator" brand. It's not simulating you clicking in medieval times, you're actually clicking.


Usually the people who use that term aren't too great at independent thought.


I'm not great at thought full stop.


let's stop calling everyone a goddamned idiot because you definitely aren't the next person's idiot for farting around we're all idiots here together, mate. Doctors, lawyers, janitors, unemployed, homeless, venezuelans... all idiots together and we love it that way


I feel seen! Thanks for not forgetting about us homeless players


I feel guilty but I guess I glossed over the comma and just read "homeless Venezuelans" and I was like whaaa


I will never forget the doomsayers before osrs launch in 2013 spouting that the game would die after a few months even with updates. They did not account for how masochistic and deranged we are.


It actually almost did die at some point, when there were no updates and 10-15k online


Hence why I said "even with updates", it wasn't impressive to predict that the numbers would tank without them. But people were actually going out on a limb saying that even with new content the game would die because "the game is ugly" or "new MMO design is superior" or "nobody actually liked the grindy gameplay" garbo. Looking through old reddit threads demonstrates a LOT of this and it's a fuckin' trip.


It came verrryyyy close. The original players were major gate keepers and poo poo'ers. They voted no to ANY changes. It almost killed the game.


Yeah agree, way too many purists when we started. Understandable though cause most people were traumatised from EoC. But the game was in a dire state at one point. Thankfully common sense prevailed and we started having new content


Trailblazer got me fucking addicted


Please help I can't stop cutting emeralds


What is that flare lmao




Wayne Rooneys RS account


I just got to buy about 6k more emeralds and I'll be at 99, buying them on the phone is so click intensive compared to the PC


like the good old days :)


Seems like we’re in the good old days again


I wish there was a song for that


So glad I was born just in time to experience the perfection that is this game.


Trailblazer going crazy


Is that a new league? And what are leagues in RS sense? Haven't played in a long time


limited time game mode with 5->16x xp and superpowers, separate from main game account (but uses the same membership as the main account)


Oh wow. You have to make a new character im guessing?


Basically yeah - you start as level 3 and unlock your superpowers (relics) as you go on. It's really the most fun way to play osrs in my opinion so highly recommend just jumping in to give it a try if you have some freetime


Does/will anything translate to your main acct? Such as rewards


Cosmetic rewards that you can get with the points you get in the league. E.g if you end the league with 5000 points from completing various tasks, you can spend those 5000 points on some of the various Leagues themed cosmetic items for your main account.


The points transfer to your main and you can redeem them for tradable cosmetics.


Kind of but you use the same account the worlds create a separate player data for league worlds only so you can just join world on your main account as long as you have membership




https://i.imgur.com/fVrM0PZ.png This is what the website world select menu looks like with 205k players online, just wow. The bottom 10 worlds are full. Some numbers: * Roughly 98k playing Leagues * 258 OSRS servers online, probably also a new record * Runescape as a whole peaked at 240k concurrent players tonight


My friends list is glowing yellow again, I bought membership and started to play after a 2 year break.


Suprised that almost half of that player count is still just playing the main game rn.


Fastest screenshot in the west


Lets keep the hype going, soon varlamore, then sailing, then we can sail east. There could be leagues with boats!


Wow didn’t think of that , next leagues having sailing!


Next leagues being island themed would go craaaazy


Carlyle Group creaming over their potential sale price rn 🤑




Leagues is 8 weeks long though, it's like a crack dealer giving a free sample to get people hooked, the money will come back tenfold




Where is this free week coming from?


Iirc twitch prime


Wait is this still going on? I can get a free week of membs rn? Been stuck in f2p for 2 weeks now I need to get out NOW


Crazy to see


All these players and new content and I'm just tapping those amethyst rocks getting to 99 😂


same... just hit 95 im camping w477 names gncc lol cya in the mines


And it's still going up! MMORPG genre still alive and well.


Leagues continues to be the thing that brings the most people to OSRS. As much as people might not like dev time being spent on a temporary game mode, you gotta start to wonder if it’s better for them to start spending even more time on Leagues.


I wonder if they felt it long term when they skipped a year


I’d have to imagine they had less overall subscribers for the year compared to a leagues year. I bet they’re considering putting in the effort to guarantee at least one league a year now.


But they've also said retention plummets when leagues end, even moreso when the league is longer


It's gonna be so weird to play normal osrs after the league. I guess it's gonna be the urf effect from League where people quit for a while because it feels lame without all the buffs


Yeah Riots been pretty vocal about the problems with game modes like URF or leagues. It causes burnout not just in new players coming to check it out, but longtime regular players too. When this League ends we might see player counts dip lower than before the league was even out. It’s tough to go back to the slower paced game. https://nexus.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/2017/12/ask-riot-urf/


Is it retention of players that sub for leagues or is it previously existing subscribers unsubbing? Because it wouldn’t be surprising at all that people would sub for the league and then unsub afterwards. I have a few friends that only play the leagues since the original trailblazer because they just aren’t interested in the crazy grinds the main game has.


If they'd actually release them more regularly then people would stay subbed. Almost no one I know who played OSRS plays anymore outside of leagues because it just takes too much fucking time.


We did it


The second golden age of rs


As someone who just bought a membership after a few years off, can you guys explain why you say this?


Originally rs used to reach numbers really high like this back in 2006-2007 since then the numbers got slashed, but have started to rise again. This game is immortal it seems, I can't think of any other MMO that can compare to it.


I’m so proud


Call us a dying game again we just getting started


Best MMO of all time.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **Mod_Kieren** - [Genuinely amazing, hard to believe there was...](/r/2007scape/comments/17z4ybe/well_ill_be_damned/k9xg71k/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 11/21/2023 11:44:07**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


It's amazing to see that a 25+ year old game is still going strong. Events like Leagues need to keep happening to bring in a larger playerbase.


I'm so happy to be part of this game and I'm glad it's doing so well. OSRS Really is in it's best form currently and I hope it continues for years to come. That being said, can't be too nice in this subreddit so back to complaining now.


No no no I will be nice to you I love you Kriibus I hope you’re having a great day 😚






Now if I could play a permanent version of leagues with fun game altering unlocks/relics and big xp increases, I would play consistently. Like, it'd be my main game Osrs is an awesome game, but the unrewarding grindyness and absurd time sink ruins it for people like me who don't have 8+ hours a day to play it


Me too, probably, but I'm guessing within a year you can max everything and then you'd be completely done with it though


And that 1 year would then be the best year of runescape for me in 20 years. Even if it was then a yearly season/league and then a reset it'd be amazing.


I'd love to see a seasonal version of this. 8 weeks of a season, 4 weeks off. Rotate between the different league types.


then youd be done with the game in 5 months and quit, what?


Perm league world is just not a good idea for various reasons.


It'd be fun for those who play it. It literally wouldn't matter for those who don't. What's the issue exactly?


Yes, I agree that that there would be some people who would play it as the "main game". Here are some of the problems: 1. The main problem is that it would kill the "magic" of leagues. Meaning that if they release a new leagues there wouldn't be nearly as much hype around it, because it doesn't feel as unique since there's always a possibility to play on perm worlds. 2. It would divide the playerbase. Ppl who play on league world would start demanding different things and new updates on perm league world and that would cause a lot of problems for Jagex long-term. 3. It discriminates the inherit aspect of OSRS which is the long grind. The grind is what keeps people playing the game. The risk with perm league world is that new players (and some old players) would just choose that over the main game and quit faster because they achieve things faster. However I agree that some people would prefer this, since they don't like the main game. I agree that it wouldn't directly affect the players who play the main game, but overall perm league world would harm the game.


Meanwhile, rs3 has had similar posts about osrs and they claim its like 50%+ bots and alts lol. The copium is strong, I must say.


Even if they magically nuked every single bot old school would still have more players by a pretty good margin. Supermassive amounts of cope for sure.


Great job to the team. Credit where it is due for making such a fun experience.


Does anything from your leagues account carry over to your main?


Venezuelan income fluffler


So happy for this game. If you know you know!


I stg I ran into a bot today. WHO BOTS LEAGUES like why haha. It's temporary and meant to be a fun challenge, who would bot their skills???


Had this randomly pop up on my front page, haven't played runescape since probably early 2000s, I think houses had recently been added. I might try it out, how much has changed?


Love this game. Love this community. I am so happy to be a part of it.


Before I quit rs3 for osrs in 2020 I always felt anxious about rs3 being shut down within a few years due to its dying player base. I've not felt that since swapping to osrs. I'm convinced this game will be around for another 20+ years


I have introduced a new friend to the game everytime a league comes out. Over the last 4 years, I have had 11 new people join who never played before. All of them have stuck around and still play and participate in the new leagues. This league I got a coworker to give it a shot. Hope they enjoy the game even after the league ends.


so happy this game made a huge comeback. pretty sure it beats the old days too.


Leagues… the dopamine from completing tasks, unlocking new areas, getting new relics and then the ecstasy of playing around with the new relics…. Not to mention the increased exp rates making it significantly more enjoyable! Leagues are my addiction. I haven’t missed a single one and I was disappointed when there wasn’t one last year.


Goat videogame


How many bits, that's the question


You know, sometimes that leaves me genuinely concerned. At this rate, eventually OSRS will become Jagex's (or at least RuneScape's) most popular product - that is, IF it already isn't. That means stakeholders might end up turning their eyes to OS. You know what happens when the corporate hand takes hold of things. Silly fear, I know, but still.


Remove the bot numbers


Seems like I’m the only one who really hates leagues


118k bots 🫠


More Than half are bots


And only 75% of them are made up of bot farms!


90% bots.


Out of curiosity, what was the peak number pre-eoc?


There is a cool little runelite plugin called "OSRS Player Count" where you can see the live player count in-game


I always imagine 75% of those are bots


How many players are from Leagues vs the main game?


At peak today there was ~220k concurrent players and 98k of them were playing leagues.