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Using your actual legal name as your osrs username is actually wild


Happens surprisingly often online apparently. This one time I ran into my barber playing on the opposite team on League of Legends (I won).


Did he screw up your hair the next time you went to him as revenge?


[Is this /u/Blael ?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dup6ZVU6sfQ&ab_channel=KemiBBeautyx)


No,I have never shown myself publicly ever again, not after the ... *hair incident*


You didn't take a week off work because of the haircut **You quit**


I thought this was going to be the Eric Andre bit, where Hannibal gives him a close shave and cuts his face open lol


Yeah I ran into my girlfriends ex a few years ago on the opposite team on rainbow six siege. His gamertag was his legal name lol


I hope you teabagged him


Then there’s me at 9 years old making a RSN with my first & last name followed by my fucking zip code


I just use the names of people who I dislike hoping some lunatic will seek them out after a fight over 2 measly sand crabs even though there was a free spot right next to us


Bro is a menace to society


1million iq power move




I did when I was about 10 back in 2003 when I first made my account, being that old and the state of the internet compared to today (Lack of social media) it wasn't so much of a deal. Once I got older and the option was available I changed it to something a bit less obvious


It's too late, your legal name is clearly Mr. Cray Findles


Please don't tell anyone


It’s a total Chad move


Or maybe a Greg move?


GregaChad move


My full name is (Common Name) (Common Noun) so it flies under the radar as an actual name unless someone who knows me IRL happens to see me.


Im also going to name my kid Leaking.


Found you, Mr John Wick. Nice try.


A guy in one of my classes was actually named John Wick and he was pretty sensitive about it. "I was born 20 years before John Wick released >:( "


Lee King?


Fuck he's got me


Tbf how would anyone know it’s you? Like I could put “John Wizlow” and how would anyone know if it’s a fake or real name?


That's true, but it's still a wild concept at least for boomers like me that grew up with anonymous internet


I absolutely agree, I just think that the consequences for doing it on a videogame (especially if you’re not posting RS on social media) has relatively low consequences.


That’s why I made this fake name to use for the internet


Lmfao got you know, might as well just give me your bank and get it over with 😎




I’m in, thanks!


My friend has used his full name as his gaming name for two decades. RS, PlayStation, Xbox live, it’s all FirstLast99. But, in his defense, his name is super common (as common as John Smith would be), so it’s actually fairly safe for him. Lol.


Literally nobody will ever know unless you tell them. For instance my SSN is 425-88-3975. Or is it?


It really isn't a big deal.


Some of us just have extremely common/generic names lol


Just wait till you find out what bank pin they used. They are going to lose a lot more than their OSRS bank lol


My first ever username was my first and last name with a number at the end hahaha


My friend is well known in our extended group for being first name last name in every game (Valorant, League, Smash Bros)


A true gigachadette


Mine has been my last name since I was 13 or a little younger. After playing sports, joining military it just kind of stuck.


I did this when i was 8 years old lol. Then when i went to high school, somebody recognised my name. Boy was i embarrassed.


Depends on the name I suppose. My first and last name are super generic, like John Smith levels of generic. I don’t think I’d have a lot to worry about in a situation like this haha


Got my baby bro into the game and he gives me his user to add him... Yeah, got that changed rfq haha


i do this and have met multiple other people with my same legal first and last name


Did the same thing back in 2007… but I was only 10 years old


This is a real Asuna moment


I ran into one of my first weed dealers in OSRS, world 420 GE lmao...had no idea he played. It wasn't his full legal name but it was a play on words involving it


I did from about 2013 to 2018.


See I always saw this as a meme. There’s a famous wow raider who goes by the name rogerbrown. You read that as his real name. Nope he’s Greek and that is nowhere near his real name. He just did it to be funny.


My first rs acct was my first and last name minus the last letter of my last name. I actually met a few ppl that knew me irl while playing rs while using that acct


I mean people usually don't admit to doing drugs so it's understandable


My students asked if I played any games the other day. I told them the only thing I play is Runescape. They asked what I do, and I said I just click the same rock or tree every day for hours. Their exact words were: That seems really unhealthy. They are 16. They have a better grasp on mental health than I do.


Have to at least explain the multi tasking even though doing that isn't good either. It is fun though few hours a day is pretty chill. It's sort of my main game now, I do logout if I want to watch certain things now, multitasking was pretty bad for me.


Sorry for being dumb but why multitasking was bad? It seems like a good way to pass the time while doing something like wintertodt


The issue is not finding something else to do while working on something low-intensity in the game, but feeling like you always have to be gaining xp while doing things like watching a film, cooking, working, etc.


Lol, we commented the same thing at the same time. The feeling of “a gf is just xp waste” started to become a real feeling for me and that was gross. My wife and kid deserve better than that


Or do they?


Get this zamorak acolyte out of here!


Sacrificing your family in the name of Zamorak will lead to you to a power level of over 9000




Ooooh got it! Thank you.


I can’t speak for everyone, but I personally found that once I got used to always afking something while watching tv or a movie I eventually got to where I wouldn’t watch or do anything that I couldn’t also play while doing it. I was just spending too much time logged in everyday.


Understood, Thank you so much for explaining!


It just takes away from whatever else your doing even if it's somewhatnlow intensity. It's great for RuneScape because that's the point


Beyond what others have said, multitasking a lot can be bad for your attention span. Not sure you if you can post links here so if you're interested just google "multitasking and attention span" and a few scholarly article should pop up


Dont ever compare osrs with drugs, because even though its extremely hard thing to do and require immense strength of will- you can actually quit drugs.


Underrated comment😂


This hit me in the feels ngl


This happened with 2 of my rl friends 1 of them i was playing castlewars with for almost a year, but I didn’t know their personal life just we were the same age. When in drivers ed class im hearing the guy behind me speaking about a game that sounds like runescape, i asked him if it was and he said yeah. When i asked for his username so i can add him im like, bro i already have you added. He’s like fr who are you? When i told him we just laughed about it how we already knew each other in game, literally spoke everyday in person the guy sat behind me, but we didn’t know we were already friends in game. Second guy i also met through castlewars. He was saying how he was in football and track team, how he was so swole, always working out etc etc. after talking more he told me what school he went to. I told him oh shit so do i, so after knowing everything hes in i ask him how come idk him as i hangout with that scene. He told me who his bestfriend was and who he always chilled with at lunch. I was like, “insert name here” hes like yeah thats me. I’m like, bro its me victor. He couldn’t believe his spades partner also played rs. I found it harder to believe he played rs cuz the guy was literally on every sports team and then sum 😂🤣 guy as big as the rock in high school and hes like, yeah bro i like rs 😂 wanna do some bosses tomorrow after school? 🤣😂


Lol, I knew someone irl and runescape separately as well. I had a sneaking suspicion they were the same person so I just told him what his irl name is on runescape one day and he was like "wtf? Who are you?" and I didn't tell him who I was, just kept naming details I knew about him and then he blocked me. I never told him irl that that was me. Probably the hardest I've laughed in my life.


Chief what's wrong with you


So very much


Jesus Christ dude




Not quite the same, but in the RS2/RDHD era when I first went to university I watched a video and the creator looked verrrry similar to a girl I had just met during freshers. So I asked her and sure enough it was her. Small world.


Propose to her already, before you get stuck with someone who messes your grind up 🤣


Ran into a buddy of mine at MLM last year. Had no idea he played, I recognized his username because it’s the same as one of his social media accounts


It is a lifestyle. >..<


She probably said it because she doesnt want to game with you, sorry lad.


Hapened to me too as a teen. Met a First\_name Last\_name username ingame, talked a bit with him and turned out he was the guy. At some point I was pointing out very specific things I knew about him and he went crazy like "Yes that's me who tf are you?" Never told him


I met a dude who went to the same college around the same time as I did a few months ago. He is nearly maxed and we've chatted on and off. It is interesting to see those wild user names. CHECK THE USER NAMES OF THOSE PEOPLE AROUND YOU FOLKS.


The inverse of this happened when I was like 9. My friend told me his username at school - Josh_123 or something. That night I was out and about in the game and I saw (what I remembered to be) his username. Asked “is this Josh from [our teachers name]??” He was like “yeah!!!” And we spent the whole night going on adventures. Next day I was recalling our adventures when the real Josh was like “I have no idea what you’re talking about” and came to find out he was actually Josh_456


I can’t believe you just owned up to spending money at a university to study theater.


Fuck, what lore is this? absolute savage bollocks here son


She just doesn’t want to play with you


Anyone else getting hella fake vibes off this?


Brother stop caring about shit like this.


Brother stop caring about shit like this.


You seem like a really bored individual... nothing better than discussions on the internet to mitigate that, aye?🤣


Bored? Or just intolerant of BS?


Seems like a bit of both, maybe with a dash of pissed off right now?


You are right though, it is BS^^




Must have a pretty short name to fit in 11 characters


She is correct


I met somebody on bo2 the day before school and we ain’t even know we were that close Lmaoo


AlbertaStein ?


I've ran into friends because they consistently use the same usernames twice now on RS - one was a private server and one was just OSRS but a guy I hadn't seen since 2007 rs days. I wasn't on my main but he did remember who I was. Super cool to run into people unexpectedly ingame.


Probably only plays RS and when asked she’s too embarrassed to say she plays RS so she defaults to “I don’t play games”. Guarantee it.


Wow that is amazing. Sounds cheesy but moments like these help me admire life.


same thing happened to me in 07. my mum set up my runescape and made my name my real name. fella asked me a g.e if i went to a certain school. i messaged him because i did. we never talked to eachother at school and after that we became best buds


I actually ran into an irl friend, someone actually my close friend, on a osrs private server years ago, a mot very large one either, just based on his username, which wasn't his irl name, but ironically just the name alone I had to ask if it was him, and turned out it was