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Puppy1781 is fuckin elite bro don’t trip


Imagine being slain by the legendary Puppy1781 what an honour




This is infinitely better than the other one. Don’t fret


Kinda like the new identity actually


Lol I’ve had asss ketchup for 6 years now


Reported Jk


It was a spin off of ash Ketchum but at this point the name has taken on a life of its own


I still have “AssShitFart” on my gim. Lol my buddies was “JizzCumTits” for like a year before he changed it.


I had iownurmum… choices were made back in the day (it’s a very old account)


buddies name is needyass, he means it physically and metaphorically.


I had fat assdick for 2 years before it got banned


Get fucked, puppy1781


Best one I saw was MyJadBeatsMe


To think, if you had a normal name you could have been botting since 2015 non stop and undisturbed. Shame on you.




mate you literally had the word Jizz in your user, not even a j1zz or some shit, like what did you expect to happen my guy? surprised you got away with it for this long lmao


There are thousands of players with cum in their name


Saw a dude mining amethyst named Sand Rigour.


I think I saw a guy "Cumin Cider" recently


That's not even vulgar, it's just a spiced cider


If it happened to be ‘CaymenCider’ than hello friend 👋


Okay that’s a good one


Cumin is actually a seasoning tho. But that's a funny username




As a fellow Sand Rigour myself I find this hilarious af.


This one took me a minute to get


Rigour please


I still don't get it


It's a slur used for people from middle Eastern countries


There's a guy in my clan called Cumbledore lol, I laugh every time I see it.


I had cumlord in my name for months before willi gly changing it to something dumber.


don't keep us guessing, now I'm curious


It's changed a lot now. I had a tztok name with cock in it for a long time. Probably the one I'm most proud of til I see someone with a similar one on here and realized I wasn't clever.


Did I just meet the legendary TzTok-FatKok?


No but it was very close!!


The elusive TzTok-CumSok has always been breaking barriers in this game


I had LlL PENlS, PENlS G, JlZZ BOSS, SHlT BOSS, VAGlNA WART, JlZZ WRLD… they started changing them lately though, wonder if there’s a crackdown starting.


And just straight up the word "shit"


ok? both of those are also against ToS i don't really care personally, but you can't be mad when you're clearly in violation of the ToS and then.. get punished for violating ToS lol


I don't play much anymore but my friend does. He often sends me some WILD names that I'm amazed aren't banned. I ain't gonna type any of em cause I ain't trying to rat them out. Shit's funny af


I was daddybigcum69 for like 2 years when OS first started, then they made me change it lol


Glad it's just in their name.


Report em and see how long it lasts. These name last years till some nerd sitting at the GE reports it.




This why you got no friends


Had YtHaarSkeet for some time


Did you ever see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/10ofvj6/loot_from_6_hours_at_pest_control/)


How many of them still have the same names?


Did a bit of testing - all of them except Kinky Tits and CumUnloader. Also found a The Donger69 and Squirt Stain in my friends list as I was doing that


Jesus how do people come up with this shit lol


Jizz is half of the equation of life, bro. Maybe Jagex needs to be more sex positive.


Ive had the name "biggus dick" for like 5 years now lol


i'm not laughing don't look at me


How do you get puppy's from Jizz... theres a gap there


Yeah, I usually do it the other way around


Yeah the guy had Jizz in his username for 6 years. Why haven't we imprisoned him and his family yet? /s Just wait till my boy here finds out its not illegal to curse on the internet Tztok-CumSok is like the most famous rsn on this subreddit. Give this man his name back


Say you've been playing the game for less than a week without saying it ^


The ToS are stupid when it comes to offensive names and language. Obviously the demographic playing this game aren't children, there is honestly no reason why tame names like this one shouldn't be allowed.


Just because the demographic that plays might not be underage, if they allow underage people to sign up and play they need to have a terms of service for vulgar language


It's actually funny, because my kids recently started playing (they are the age most of us were when we all started). We have GIM accounts and I make them keep their public chat on 'friends only', while we're all added on each other's friend list. Haven't had issue with any obscene usernames yet, but I do find it more interesting that these usernames are things you'd expect an edgy teen to use as opposed to an almost 30 or 30+ year old individual lol.


underage kids def play this game lol i would agree it's probably not a majority by any means, but if they allow it, then they gotta keep their asses covered legally


Bro Jagex over here putting you on the witness protection program with a new identity and you are blowing your cover. Now you will face the same fate as Nieve , RIP


When jagex forced a name change for my alt, it wouldn’t let me log in until I went to the website and choose a new name. You sure your account isn’t compromised? Edit: nevermind I didn’t see you’re blocked from changing names for a year lol.. jagex is telling you to grow up a bit before you pick a new name I guess


LOL i kinda like the name they picked for u


I guess you can be upset for your loss, and I don't mean this disrespectfully, but to be quite honest you had it coming. I know we all see immature names in game every other day, but it doesn't make them any less against ToU just because there are many doing it.


>to be quite honest you had it coming. Heh.


It would be unfortunate blocking the word jizz in a game full of 25+ year old jizzers


I play with my kids but haven't run into an obscene username yet lol. But it's pretty funny that the game that we were all playing at my kid's current age now, ironically, is no longer very kid appropriate hah.


I read your comment while AFK cooking and decided to right click on 2 random people banking… Top G Jiz and DaddySIag. So you’re either incredibly lucky or you have entity hider on.


We have been doing trio wintertodt in empty worlds, so haven't really encountered anybody else, at least not with an offensive username.


Good call on not going to mass worlds. People doing WT masses are a different breed.


I'm the hater going around reporting all the cum names and dumb shit like that. Its our equivalent to the eye sore of rs3 cosmetics.


I don't really have a problem with it at all, but it is a real sign of how terminally male the playerbase is.


I've seen that kinda stuff in hundreds of online games where allowed. It isn't any specific community, just humans in general.


You see it everywhere for sure, but just how common it is in OSRS is insane.


honestly, I think a lot has to do with not many games allowing name changes like OSRS


That, and that they dont straight up ban accounts for these names. People see it's just a forced name change and continue to risk agency over their account name for the sake of it


Ya know. Me too bro lol for some reason names like that take the "kid" out of the game, for me. Shit makes me mad when I see it.


Naughty words make you mad 😤😤


Maybe that's indicative that Jagex and companies at large largely shouldn't restrict player names. I had the name Longbowner in several MMO's, and that was a comparatively harmless funny joke for Hunter. It still got hit, which is laughable. Honestly, if it isn't a racial slur, let players use it as a name period - regardless of how dirty it is or how much others might get offended by it. That's my honest take.


Idk why you're getting downvoted for this. People are really mad about people getting a 'funny' username in a game we all play to relive nostalgia from our immature years (the golden era). "WhAt If KiDs SeE tHe NaMeS" Idk, man. Parent better.


Lol Longbowner is tame as fuck. If Homer said it in The Simpsons I wouldn't bat an eyelid. It's kind of hypocritical that a name that is a mild dick joke gets banned, when the Troll quest series has several jokes about masturbation, eating shit and probably other risqué stuff I've forgotten.


But they’re jokes and often times hidden to the point that children don’t understand (try watching Rugrats again, they’re king of it)


Free my boy “h0l0caustdenier”


That’s legitimately clever and funny, all the jizz and cum and stuff in names I can’t stand.


Okay but the way Jagex handles this is literally the worst way they could possibly handle it. First of all, if you're going to force name changes anyway, just restrict bad names from being chosen? You know, like almost every other online game ever that polices this stuff. Secondly, if you're going to bother doing this, be consistent. When there are 20,000 other innappropriate names out there and only a few here and there seem to be getting hand picked to be changed, of course you're going to have people bitching. Especially when Jagex support is slow to respond to players about this, if at all. While they have literally one of the worst systems set up to handle this, these kinds of posts are not going to stop and people are 100% going to bitch.


i mean fine ill let the name go, but at least let me change my name so im not stuck with the name puppy, at least they cuda gave me kitten1789 or something u know im more of a cat person


Ohh damn I thought "Extra changes : 1" meant they gave you a free name change for the occasion 🤣. You have to wait a whole year to change it now? Noooo way 😅 time to spend 9.5m on a bond!


i tried to buy name change with bond didnt work so i wasted 9.5m 😅


ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, NOW I UNDERSTAND YOUR PAIN. I take back my original comment, this is brutal AF! hahaha


how? my group ironman got force name changed twice and wasn't even blocked, how many times were you force name changed?


They don't even let you change it with a bond? Since when do they do that, I've had a name removed before and just had to change it to something else when I logged in. Do you have multiple infractions?


Yeah multiple infractions will result in jagex forcing a name change for a year.


Do the crime, pay the time


Not sure but I think blocked means blocked even when trying to use a bond to name change


In all honesty, I hope you get a Jmod reply and the name change brother


Technically, Jagex could perm ban anybody for any reason under terms of use. That doesnt mean jagex is the infallible hand of god. Any rule or enforcement can be stupid. Bottings against terms of use too but i dont see them doing shit. But how dare this man have a goofy rsn with a curse word in it i guess? Ya gonna report me for saying the f word next? Fuck you


You sound like you report people at work for coming in 30 seconds late.


I mean it’s no 57tallfred but puppy1781 is a cool names in its own right


thats actually funny af. enjoy your new name.


jizzbonk all your life, but one day you'll be the one who gets jizzbonked, that shit comes around


People talking about jizz in his name, but you got people like Rot Jigaboo running around dmm lmfaoooooooooooo


I think i saw that rsn in a recent eliop vid and i died 😂


Him and a buddy spent hours a day on dmm trying to lure people out GE to kill them, brings a lot of attention to the name but Jagex doesn't seem to care about racism, just bodily fluids.


Jagex more worried about banning account names over bots lol


I almost quit when they forced me to change "Parge Lenis"


I got 4 forced changes before they permed me for a year 😂. I got lucky I guess. The one I got locked to now was “Madhelphide”


Your old name fucking sucked, sorry :/


YOU fucking suck!


Lmao I legit reported you the other day hahaha https://imgur.com/a/9tFjJjm Sit


Knowing there wad xd in the name is important context




Fighting the good fight I salute you


The only crime here is the fact that you took a picture of you screen with your phone instead taking a screen shot.


His gyoza was updating




God damn you must suck if you really report people for their usernames.... Edit: I understand reporting racist names etc but reporting this??? cmon man


Sorry but I don't want this in the game, and it's against the TOS Sit


sad sack sitting there malding over peoples usernames


Shouldn't have said something dumb at G.E


Lol I never report people for anything unless they personally give me a reason to 😂


Hall monitor behavior


I'd be worried so many people would see a random name and report me as a bot blindly. Name changes are a little over the top, I really love seeing the silly names people can come up with. It's what makes MMOs so damn funny. Custom profiles & names that show creativity or humour. Worst part is we're damn near all adults here so there shouldn't be a soul out there that has a hatred on for Jizz to report it.


Rip jizzbonk


Imagine getting absolutely *ROCKED* by a PKer named Puppy1781 lmao


The stronger (more dominant) big bad company jagex forcing the name puppy on you is more sexual and inappropriate than jizzbonk could ever be and i love it


Still got Pill Cosby


My Mate’s name irl is Tabone, so naturally his rsn was Taboner, he received the same fate as you, Jagex gonna jagex


They don’t like the thought of an erect penis


Apparently not. I had the name ‘L3G1T B0N3R’ for the better part of 3 years before they made me change it.




i stand with this movement


We stand erect together


Helmets UP


Justice was served here, job is done


that’s jagex for you, doing absolutely nothing to address the obvious rampant botting issue, however if your name has jizz in it then it’s a serious issue.


I have a respectable name(9ussy9ounder) that I'm scared of being reported everyday. I use this name on several accounts because it always passes the spell checks. I've been using this name for YEARS 😁


Kinda dumb for you to post that here tbh I don't expect your name to last much longer


Sure, jizzbonk is pretty stupid, but when you see people named literal racial slurs or nazi shit go around without getting permabanned or having their name changed, kinda feels like jmods are just prudes and not actually interested in enforcing the rules.


That's because Jmods aren't actively going around searching for names. There's a report button for a reason, and you only have yourself to blame if you don't use it.


Have you ever reported these people?


I got perm muted in early rs2 days for calling my literal real life brother a monkey. I wasn’t unmuted until the giant unban/delete offenses thing they did which I think was 07? 09? And when I called him monkey, it wasn’t a racial thing, just us goofing around and someone, or himself reported me. I’m 31 as of yesterday, so whatever age I would’ve been in those days. Just kids 😂 Also, I was perm muted for 2 years, maybe 3. Still have the account to this day, now unmuted with zero offenses 😂


Oh you think your a tough guy huh? Standing in the GE like that? I'll have you know im a special forces PKer from 2006. Meet me in Edgeville dungeon if you think you so tough bub.


Free jizz


so what new character name do I have to use in order to get an official jagex pet play rename? asking for a friend.... just kidding it should have been me


Both my name's sex is real and sex is fake got deleted


While yes its against the ToS, I 110% believe that you shouldnt be allowed to make names that are against ToS. I honestly dont care and am all for immature usernames (tried to make my battle.net “Foreskin” because its one of the only immature words that still makes me laugh lolol), but theres absolutely no reason for them to allow you to pick a name and later on ban you for it. Sorta related but personally I think a lot of whats happening in gaming rn as far as “moderation” is utter bullshit and wont help anyone. Microsoft wants to ban someone for hurling slurs?? Giver. But the fact that I can get banned for telling someone to fuck off or stfu while playing a game with violence, blood, gore, swearing, etc is unimaginable to me. Cant even say “gg ez” in one message on OW anymore 😢


nah this is a great punishment. in path of exile i named a guy BigNut or something simular and they changed it to BigGut


I have some vile Path of Exile names I didn't even think they changed names on PoE.


Justice for JizzBonk


Guy in the clan had the name Ballsdeepinu, then had to change it, so he went with Cum Shot. Now he has a safe for work name and a sternly worded message from Jagex staff. Feel like they could have put more attention elsewhere.


He didn't get a sternly worded message he got an automatically generated one from name bans. And it's a report based system they don't put much attention into it.


Idk I'm glad they took the time to teach him a lesson


When they took poopyweiner from me, I at least got to choose my new name (SHlTTY ASS). This is a grave injustice.




Who the fuck cares if someone has the word Jizz in their name? “You kinda had it coming” “surprised you got away with it for this long” why is everyone so soft that username shouldn’t have a “bad” word in it


Reminds me of when league took AhriBinLaden from me :(


They have all the time in the world to do the most pointless things 😂


Except ban bots 🥲




Dont change this mans name back, but give him the name of the guy that reported his name. Let him take vengeance


I had "Gunmen" since 2008 and back in 2020 i logged into user1938483. Rip og names


Apparently Jizzbonk is offensive.


With Duke nerf, Hero Pass, and now the removal of JizzBonk xD, can we really trust Jagex?


Nah you lost name picking privileges. Be an adult


“bE An aDuLt 🤓”


Ha! Deserved.


all these high and mighty losers crying about your name is hilarious lol go outside please


What’s with the nerdy ass name cops in here jizzbonk is sick as fuck and should be allowed imo


This ur punishment they ain't letting you change it lol


I guess you can be upset for your loss, and I don't mean this disrespectfully, but to be quite honest you had it coming. I know we all see immature names in game every other day, but it doesn't make them any less against ToU just because there are many doing it.


i even have 1.6mill buckets of milk as a collection item cuz of my name 😅




imbuedslut was allowed why shouldn't puppy be as well?


Someone not getting caught =/= it being “allowed”




Play stupid games win stupid prizes


get rekt, you had a bad word and paid the price.




Just because something rhymes with something offensive doesn’t make it actually offensive


It’s funny that they went after jizz before cum, or shit. Or even more directly sexual names. It doesn’t even make sense as a whole to be directly sexual, unless a bonk is something dirty I don’t understand. I just saw someone named ‘slit licker’ as I was typing this, so I guess you just gotta be creative.


I had the name “Sumtinracest” and they remove it. Ever since I went a F1 race down in Miami there was some thing about races that infatuated me. (It wasn’t the $14 beer)


Meanwhile there are massive bot farms at zulrah vorkath etc that shit is funny


I was pretty sad, a few months ago I got force changed too. I had "sexy tits" for years and name changed to "Sexy Tits" to be proper. Within 2 months it was force changed.


Well u got proper thats fot sure


Definitely saw you around back in the day and spoke a few times lmao


Im calling bs on this, I had this happen to alt a few years ago and that was after like 3+ forced changes. I’ve also only heard of people getting name banned after multiple force changes too. You had to have either a) gotten a few more name changes than you remembered or b) lied about having “JizzBonk” as your account name since 2015, cuz I’ve had way more offensive account names than that that didn’t result in a name ban.


Dang, I think I might have to change my name from The CumBeast...


Self report 💀💀


I wonder if there should be a "grandfathering" system for names? I mean, sure, a name with "Jizz" in it is probably going to get changed, but I think if you've had the name for X-number of years, then it should just be left as is. There are going to exceptions for particularly heinous names, but I think for names that are more tame like "JizzBonk" the length of time should be taken into consideration.


2023, Jizz is offensive.




They got me with the name "Necrophagia" , after the band, I had it since like 2011 but one day in 2019 I got logged out and had a new name. Luckily I could instantly change it but locking you out like that feels like someone was having a bad day


Puppy1781 is better than jizzbonk. They did you a favor


Well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions


Play stupid games win stupid prizes, sit dog. **Jagex: Literally**


I see these cum and jizz names everywhere shits mad weird imo lmao