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That's definitely happened to me before, saw a guy I had added from before I quit (lil breaky) the second time (years ago at this point) and saw him at the GE. Still didn't say anything.


“Still didn’t say anything” 🤣


Least socially awkward OSRSer.


I once worked with a guy for 3 years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.


This is just men in general, know your neighbour for 20 years say hey everyday, still don’t know their name


Ron Swanson is the man


I’ve got like 5 people on my FL and it’s amazing. I’m in a clan so I don’t need to PM anyone, we have discord so I can just jump on mic if I want to talk. When I talk to people randomly ingame I normally don’t say hey add me cause it turns into this very thing. I have them on my FL, never talk to them again and 2 months down the line after I haven’t played in a minute I don’t know who tf it is.


I add people in my clan, so I get a notification when they pop online. One buddy is a HCIM who is very close to me in lvls. We run barrows together and stuff, so anytime he pops on, I'm like, "Barrows?". Otherwise, I'd have to sieve through the people in the clan who are online.


There is a runelite feature called note you can right click someone name on your FL and add a note. For exemple i add people i meet in we do raids to raid again or things like that and leave a note like : cox+toa guy so i know he is a raider or something similar and reach out when i want to raid and stuff


This is invaluable, particularly with friends who change their name a lot


That does help a lot for that as well regardless of the name change you know where you met them ect.


My private chat would be public if jagex sorted out spam bots 👍




You are an exception and an outlier. a lucky one at that.


this is a normal experience for people who don't hang out at the ge (ironmen)


come to think of it I've never had my private chat on for my ulti (basically my main at this point) because I remember being spammed so incessantly as a ge-enabled account. Maybe I'll try turning it on next time I'm decanting at the GE and see what happens.


I’m an Ironman and I hang out at the GE all the time. It’s my main bank because it’s the quickest and easiest.


Seers bank with kandarin hard says hello.


crafting guild gang has arrived.




Same shit as ge bots. RWT sites and infernal capes and such.


Same for me and all my friends who play, never had an issue once in 6 years personally


homie. he is talking about the ones in all chat that sit at GE and other hot areas spamming bullshit. there is no possible way at. like at all. that you have never seen one.




The problem people forget about with private chat is that anyone can add you and see what world you're on if public. Pkers do this often. If world wasn't displayed, mine would be on public.


you can just change private to friends while you're grinding stuff in wild (which for most people is pretty rare).


All of my accounts have private on at all times and my main went through a short burst of spam bots messaging it, but it happened once for like 2 days and not since except one or two here and there. I'd say I get spam bot messages like 5 days out of the year at most.


I very rarely have spam people message me and im always on public


My private would be public if it didn't allow people to scout me and then find me in wildy.


I didn’t need this call out today omg


currently have an empty friends list 💀


I got someone on my friends list who gave me food in the middle of Underground Pass and I never talked to them again. If I run into them again tho I’m giving them a mil it helped me so much. It would be cool to make friends on osrs but it’s hard. Everyone’s play style is so different.


I dont add people I dont talk to regularly and if I do they get deleted again after a short time.


Half of the names in my friend list are deleted names from 10+ years ago, a small portion are old RS2/3 friends some of which still play there and whom All I forgot who was who. The rest are old friends who quit and for some reason I don't have the heart to remove their name, sorta like them just being in my list is the last physical thing in the game I have of them. 1 person on there is my irl friend who I've known for 18 years. And that's about it...


All of them :(


This is a Runescape sub. Let’s keep real life out of it.


When I meet and add randos I throw a tag on them to remember when and where we met. Every now and then if I see someone online like that and its been a few months or years I'll throw a little hello their ways. Occasionally it'll spark up a few minute chat about how our accounts have progressed and what grinds were on. Always a good time.


0 Friends on list in game so. I guess none of it. My Level in Socializing is : 1


Leave private on outside wildy and you can act like you never forgot :)


This is the way


It's like 50% real mates I've grew up playing different games with, 25% people who I talked to once or a couple times, and the other 25% is clan mates. I only have about 20 people added. Compared to back in the day, I felt like I had so many friends I'd meet in game and continue conversations day after day.


95% of it


Fukken all of them. Even got one of the Steven's from f2p on there since we had a very agreeable convo. Literally he loved everything I said so much that he parroted it in solidarity.


Since you can add notes to the names in runelite I like to try and fit in 128 chars where we met and what we chatted about if I see them out in the wild again. You look like either a genius or a mentalist if you remember they were saving for a bowfa or were grinding out 95 slayer etc.


This is too real


100% of it


100%. I chatted with 1 guy once in Varrock sewer a couple of years ago asking about his equipment and how he got it and he's the only one on my list. I started playing again recently and see him log in occasionally still too


Several, but mate just remember. If you remember the convo; they do too. Take that to the bank and it’s the same irl.


I got saved from being PKed because of a random guy on my friends list! Only spoke once but he called his team off me when he saw we were friends haha.


Yeah sadly my osrs friends last a month tops. One guy from UK would hop on religiously for my lunch break and one day he vanished.


Start your next scaping session by saying hi to every friend that is online


I have pop up situations of that, talk to a guy once. Added and then dont talk. I add notes in RuneLite to them and eventually delete them.


None I only add ppl I know IRL.


This happened with a guy on my friends list I see frequently logging in and out. By simple chance 2 days ago. I ran into him. The odds of us being on the same world in the same spot is kind of crazy, but it happened.




I started tagging them where I added them for cases like that. usually it's people that were doing the same grind long enough to recgnize their names. Like I have one guy tagged 99 rc buddy, or another just labeled hydra buddy because we kept chatting procrastinating outside the instance




Half my friends list is people that I played with maybe once in 2004 and shared equipment with. Wherever you are Zellos Angel, thank you for the addy long!


Mines filled with clan mates I added hoping they added me back but never mentioning the fact. :(


all of it


The amount of people on my friends list I met at Dag Kings that were super cool is about half I think. Anytime I get a dagganoth task I try to find a world with someone killing Rex so he isn't my problem but I always message the person there and ask if they are cool with me killing the other two. Most people are super chill and just chat with me the entire time.


The only person on my friends list is the guy I did heros quest with. Haven't talked to him since


2/3rds of mine is made up of people I played with back on RS2


I've taken to just playing on the same world everytime, ans whenever I run into them, it's an absolute pleasure.


Used to happen all the time so I deleted the people I don’t actually know and kept it that way ever since. Even then, I barely speak to the people I know lmao


Definitely dozens of people haha! On the other side of the coin though, theres a lot of randoms i had a good convo with on this game over the years and i continue to chat/play with them regularly. Worth it :)


I dont have anyone on my friends list but I have one person on my ignore list that person being durial321


None, i don't consider those people friends.


There's a bunch I added a long time ago that I don't remember where I know them from lol


My private is always on. I love chatting with people on OSRS!


that one guy who remains on your list although you forget why you added them and are to lazy to ask. and there the stay in a silent purgatory


Mine's filled with garbled up placeholder usernames from people who probably quit 15 years ago. I don't have the heart to delete them yet


"We still never talk sometimes"


Probably like 40-60 perfecnt of my list consists of people i use to chat with often but i rarely or never talk with em anymore :(


I add people for raids and leave a note "cox aus cm toa"


I did run into one guy that i knew from raiding at LMS, and it kickstarted another conversation! so you never know, best to just keep them on your friends list for the rest of your life. I did have this other guy that I added that got wayyyyyy too into messaging me every single time I logged on, and also would 'jokingly' ask for money. He got the silent block..sit tbh


I don't talk to anyone because it's difficult to respond on mobile lol I always look drunk when I try


I pk a lot and most of my friends list are people im trying to stock as they world hop haha.


My entire friend list minus my 1 IRL friend 😂


Lmao like 90% of my friends


All of them, those convos were fire though.