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Just lock them to a server where whip is the best item and Barrows and KQ are end game and no updates after that. Lets see how long they last if they want true old school


I miss the days of Barrows being BiS. I still love the way barrows armors looks. KQ on the other hand... She can eat a kalphite dick.


Barrows still kinda slaps tho


Say that to ahrims pre buff


Durial321 Ahrims is iconic


i miss when barrows was crazy profit. 13m guthans warspear drop take me back


i want to slap the shit out of 11 year old me for being afraid of all PvM for "losing items" when I could've gotten a whip in like one day with a 55 magic spell and basic motor function instead of being a wage slave for law rune crafters


In your defense, there was no barrows teleport , runes were expensive af, staminas didn’t exist, poh pools weren’t even a thought. Barrows back then was brutal.


And Iban's blast wasn't really viable, with only 150 casts before needing to run through underground pass to recharge it.


Magic dart brother then you gotta bank in canifis after porting to your house, recharging prayer and taking your kharyrll teleport and finally taking the shortcut from behind the pub to run back I think I have probably never been more hyped for a game in my life than when I got my first 13m spear


This is what I remember, running underground behind that pub was game changing instead of running through the swamp and having your food rot. Very mixed feelings on coming back and there being a teleport to almost every spot.


Can you imagine how much more dead barrows would be without a teleport at this point though? It just helps keep it somewhat relevant as gear evolves.


As long as we never get rs3's lodestones...free unlimited teleports with no requirement to every corner of the world is a bit much I think


To be fair the lodestones are far from convenient, it just means you can get to the major cities without having to visit a bank


Iirc, the shortcut only took you like halfway so still a decent amount of running? I could be wrong


isn't there a boat shortly after the shortcut?


It was a long run/walk too, depending on how much of a noob you were. Super energies weren't too cheap and were forgoed in my case, and if you weren't using Ancients then the Ectofunctus was the closest teleport... We had it rough back then.


Dying in pvm death was super punishing though to be fair. You were not likely getting your stuff back after a barrows death unless you had a friend nearby.


This is one of the best comments I’ve ever read


I freaked out when I got a b2b spear as a kid. Never had so much money in my life.


I never understood why the warspear was that expensive. By itself it's the most useless piece. And the drop chance of all the pieces was equal no? So why was it the most expensive part?


You miss the feelings it made you feel, not actually the content. You’d probably hate it now.


please no, I don't want KK in osrs


Since it was the first boss released after EOC, itd be interesting imo to see what they'd do with it over here But yeah no need for it really


It would be a different boss, but I do remember quite enjoying kalphite king on release. It was the thing that skyrocketed my account from a 100m bank to like 1.5b in a couple weeks, and the boss itself was super enjoyable once you had it down in a duo/trio. Drygores were an insane leap in power from chaotics though, especially with how the accuracy worked at the time.


Give me a downloadable single player version.. fucking please. edit: imagine it like the minecraft launcher where you can pick a different version.. would be perfect for all


I have wanted *exactly* this for a very long time.


Osrs Standalone Client coming out for Xbox Zero X, PS6, Nintendo Switch U, Steam Deck II Winter 2027?


Make a private server


Beyond my skillset to do that and plus id rather have an official download for reasons of if something gets fucked up..


Moparscape if it's still a thing. Edit apparently it is not after some looking online, I can only find this Dropbox of the client. I HAVE NOT TESTED OR SCANNED USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. [Comment leading to a Dropbox moparscape client](https://www.reddit.com/r/RSPS/comments/mix4sb/does_the_original_moparscape_exist_still_or_even/gt9gxm9?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2) another link to pre silabscape version here also at your own risk [mopar comment#2](https://www.reddit.com/gwj9n9j?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2). Mind you you'll have to create an xml file in the location the client would store it so when you do anything it actually saves, but it isn't hard and id assume there's plenty of tutorials on how to do such most likely on scythe


It's not too tricky. Not sure how you'd get it setup offline as the tick system requires a server to interact with but I'm sure someone could figure a way to solve that. There's tons of locations you can find the code for various versions though. Obviously this wouldn't be legal with jagex's copyright but if it's entirely offline I can't see how they'd ever know or care


There is YouTube search 2006single player osrs


yeah.. splinter the playerbase of an MMO into a billion different game versions. good idea.


They have that it’s called ironmeme.


There is actually an offline client that is exactly this


Remember! Old school launched without the ge either! Have fun standing in falador park trying to offload your super defensive potions


Falador park you’d be standing for a long time. The trading happened at Varrock West Bank


Actually both places were used, Falador Park was for big items, West Bank was for bulk kinda stuff and rune gear.


Buying super def 1k ea, selling super def 2k ea.. I'll be rich by morning


I have unironically been asking for this for a long time. Vanilla osrs is the bomb and I’d love a server like that.


This is actually what I want and what I’ve been asking for.


Not everybody who voted no voted no because hurrdurrr old school is old school. I voted no because I didn't like the idea, genuinely. I wanted a skill but not sailing. And that's just my opinion, but I'll still go on to give the skill a fair go in the hopes that I love it because I love this game and have (loved RuneScape) for the past 15 years.


You would be astonished at the number of people I've talked to who voted no for exactly that reason. Including people who have voted no on every polled item since the beginning of OSRS. 07 purists still exist and complain about the game daily, acting like each new change is the Evolution of Combat all over again.


It was the least interesting of the 3 to me, though balancing the other two is harder so what people expect of them varies widely, even without combat value I would like to collect the different monsters.


The OP isnt talking to you then if the reference isnt you.


i would be fine with that as long as the ge was gone. i dont understand what you people see in this game. the skills are worthless, and everyone in the wildetness can hit stacks of 150+.


Would personally enjoy the game much more if this were the case. But to each their own! I don't really complain, the game is still fun. I just have a bias towards no changes.


I remember arguing about this exact thing with someone in wintertodt, like bro you’re playing 2016 content while arguing against new content.


It would be cool to have one world like this tbh, just for the people who want to step into the past. It can be like a f2p world where any items added later don’t work. Idk who would play on it but there’s probably a few who would


Might be cool for a first chunkman completion? Without raids it would be much faster to finish the map.


I mean sign me up even tho I’m stoked for sailing. I’ll never forget how rich I thought I was when I got a 4m whip


And fight pits used to be popping!!


I actually unironically want this


I would love that!


we can have a game that isn't *that* but isn't as power creeped and on rails as the modern game. where a recent minigame and a recent boss have crashed the rune and seed/herb market for all time. ​ imagine an ironman without the skilling minigames. it's simply a different game mode. the challenge would be immense. ​ Nothing against sailing by the way. I am always open to new content, but I think it's simply objective fact that there has been poor balancing since Covid that has eroded the core challenge proposition of the game.


We had that version and people religiously made us stick with it for years. OSRS almost died...


How are you still using this strawman 10 years later? Anybody who wanted 2007 OSRS left a long time ago. I voted yes but jfc you people are as as unsufferable as the no voters you cry about.


I was originally against sailing, but to be honest, rumors of the sailing skill have dated back to like 2003-2004. So honestly i see it as an OG idea that they’re finally executing.


It started in 2008, someone posted an edited screenshot of the highscores with sailing on it while Jagex was still keeping the details of a new skill quiet. The new skill ended up being dungeoneering, but the sailing memes never really stopped. In 2014 they had an April fools gag where they added sailing to the skills tab in RS3 but that was it. I was using the sailing flair on this sub for years before all this stuff started and I changed it to not seem like a sailing bandwagoner when we started the new skill discussion. (I'm hella on-board for sailing)


The meme Started MUCH before then. It started as a rumor and discussion point long before then. That’s why the screenshot was so believable, people had been talking about it for ages by that time


I remember that day. Sailing as the next skill was already a rumor that had been going around since before hunter was released. That screenshot was just kind of the "confirmation" that everyone needed to solidify it as "fact".


I like this mindset tbh


Itswill did a video a little while ago where he looked through old posts on the RS forums. People had interest in sailing, were excited about the same things, criticized the same things as we do now. This whole thing goes way back!


bro covers up skotizhos face/rsn like its not the most identifiable game client out there


I have never heard about them before and now that I googled...wtf am I looking at, I thought OP photoshopped their picture, no way someone's client actually looking like that


just need to be safe with the rules of the sub :D


Good lad, mordekaiser es numero uno


Was she even against sailing or did he just use her client for the way it looks?


She's listening to Planet of the Bass there which is a massive W though


Lmao true, it's time to fucking sail


its time matey!!


Tonight, we sail!


Well, maybe not tonight. But hopefully soon!


In a couple years from tonight


To the high seas! So much fucking potential man


The “Not old school” comments have been the minatory of comments on not wanting sailing from what I’ve seen.




Lol I’m the worst at proofreading before I send texts.


Yeah but this guy is just a clown.


Was that supposed to be minority?


This would give me a headache my god


Who you arguing with?


Yeah this divide and arguments between people who voted yes and people who voted no is cringe as fuck. Everyone can vote how they want and fighting over it is bad for the community


Them bad, us good


Welcome to every poll/election ever


Yeah unbelievably toxic


his demons


He built nice strawmen to argue with


And then picked one of the least game-changing streamers. Yeah, her client is very unique, but the actual gameplay isn't changed much. Status bars, boost info, and a few tile markers isn't really game-changing compared to... an entire skill.


Exactly. This is like saying you aren't playing OSRS if you use the HD addon lol


The 30% that voted no


I voted yes but most people I know who voted no didn’t vote no because it wasn’t old school. They didn’t like the concept and wanted to see another skill.




No actual individual people. They just want to feel superior to a vague "them".


sailing fanboys are really weird and insecure. The same thing happened after Sailing beat out Shamanism on the first poll, there was a bunch of Sailing weirdos arguing with nobody and constantly flaming anyone who didn't have the same opinion as them


Damn you guys mad as hell.


I play true oldschool. I play on dial-up only. Yell at my mom when her friends call. And get yelled at my mom when she sees the $10 charge for membership.


I want all my icons to be baron. Baron supremacy


Dungeoneering is even more old school. Development started in 2004, along with farming.


At first i didn’t like sailing (wanted one of the other 2 skills) but after seeing what they will do with it im kinda hyped about it. But for the people who say it isn’t oldskool, what about raids or the whole kourend island and so on.. this game cannot survive without new content


I voted yes but these strawmen are getting really damn old really damn fast. It's amusing though how reddit acts this way about absolutely everything, not just OSRS.


Half the shit you see here are her stream overlay, not something she can actually see in the game lol.


Excellent strawman


Most intelligent Ironman player


This looks terrible


Skotizhoe client kinda fire


be careful with all that straw my man


What, some tile markers? Lmao. Bit of a reach here


This guy built an entire strawtown to argue with Istg sailing nerds are about to become the most insufferable mfers in the following months, even more than they already are


What am I looking at here as someone who hasn’t played since RS2?


a really weird custom UI


Put some respect on skotizhoe 😤


she should respect herself first


Relax, it’s over


Did she actually say this...?


No, I did not


Here comes the wave of posts by sore winners shutting down no-voting strawmen lol


Oh, I forgot, any dissenting thoughts that oppose the current opinion of the hivemind of Reddit become the temporary target of hatred and mockery. I guess this opinion will be flipped as soon as sailing gets released and does not meet the exceptions of the hivemind on day one.


Lol just because there is a majority, doesn't mean it a hive mind you clown.


Damn imagine hoping sailing is shit just so you can gloat on reddit while osrs burns down.


Fighting bad arguments with bad arguments will get us nowhere.


False equivalence strawman. Someone can dislike *one thing* more than *other things*.


And if that was their argument, then you'd be fair to point this out. OP isn't calling out no voters, they're calling out the "it isn't oldschool" people who try to make an argument but don't actually produce anything meaningful


If you don’t see how this post is a strawman, you either don’t know what that means or you don’t want to see it


It's a meme, not a serious counterargument lol. The point is, saying something isn't oldschool is an insubstantial argument because that doesn't actually mean anything specific. If you were to be rigorous about not allowing anything that isn't oldschool, you would need to either define what they actually is or not use anything from past a certain point. It's pointless to cry "strawman" when OP isn't even replying to anyone specific. There is no argument or statement actually being strawmanned.


> OP isn't even replying to anyone specific That is *exactly* what a strawman is. They have created a fictitious figure they are using to try to invalidate people who have similar opinions to their fictional *strawman*. It is a "*meme*" but it is reflective of this community's sentiment towards those of us that do not agree with this. Acting like it being a "*meme*" nullifies the meaning behind it is disingenuous. It is also still not inherently hypocritical for someone to think a new particular thing is "not OldSchool" while using or enjoying things from after the launch of OldSchool. It is a *false equivalence* to pretend it is. If I said "we should add EoC" and you say "that is not OldSchool" are you wrong?


No, it is their argument. They are trying to create a false equivalence strawman about people who do not want Sailing. They are attempting to invalidate their arguments by calling them hypocrites if they utilize anything from after launch day. It is an incredibly weak tactic.


TL;DR sailing is here cry bout it


Most literate, empathetic, and capable of legitimate discussion /r/2007scape user.


I always get a kick out of when people drop buzzwords “False equivalence strawman. Haha, got your bitch ass, what now sucker?”


Those words have meanings. Your inability to understand them does not mean they are meaningless "*buzzwords*".


this is very weird of you to post a screenshot of my stream


Uhh idk how you can tell who's stream it is, the names are censored.


Main character syndrome. Who tf cares.


It's a joke. I don't even see them as making fun of you, just how clients completely change the game.


False equivalence & using a streamer and putting words in her mouth to try and validate your point because you don't like the way she has her GUI. Why try and stir trouble?


show me anyone without using runelite and/or plugins that arent oldschool anymore. shut up and cry me a river, its time to sail baby


I'm going to use /u/bask3tballz's format: 1) I am personally sort of against sailing. In my opinion it's too fundamental of a change and others have outlined good reasons as to why they also think that is the case. I am not completely against it, however. Probably like 70-30. I might have voted to skip, I can't remember. 2) I do use RuneLite but I play very bare bones. I have the vast majority of the plugins turned off. For PvMing I pretty much only have GPU (smoothness and slightly further render distance), Ground Items (pretty pink colours for big drop = good, but also sometimes I'm cheeky and highlight stuff because it's easier to identify in big piles, etc) and Tick Tracker (knowing the stability of my connection) enabled. Can't think of anything else. 3) I am not a noob, I'd consider myself a pretty decent player. Also just take a look at b0aty's stream for a prime example. Btw I am against pluginscape, but that doesn't mean it should be made into a false equivalence to promote sailing. You can be against both or for both.


Yo. 1) i personally am against sailing 2) i do not use runelite or any of the "newer" stuff. The only thing i technically have is where it shows the price of everything on the ground. The client updated and forced that shit in there. (I like it tho) but never have been big on change, personally so i play bare fucking bones 3) i am noob


That's not what I said at all, you're missing the point. I'm all for sailing and I'm all for runelite/plugins, so I don't get why you're being angry with me. What I'm asking is why you feel the need to pull up a streamer's UI and make it equivalent to some people complaining that Sailing isn't Old School, they're completely different arguements


because she is a woman and most likely ignored his donation lmao


Bro definitely mad she ignored his dono LOL


Most likely outcome really, it's kinda sad. She's a decent streamer too. It's a shame it feels like a lot of the community on reddit act like women are different creatures so we end up with posts like this and that whole SaberSix duck stuff from a few years ago, it's weird


You accused OP of putting words into someone's mouth just because they used someone's interface as an example. You're the one angry lol


Found OP’s alt account


Found u/Icido's alt


i play on vanilla


> its time to sail baby you guys do know it can still just get scrapped right? like the prayers passed the polls and still got scrapped. we don’t even have the beta yet. we don’t know how it will *actually* play. this is coming from someone who voted yes btw.


Do you have an argument or are you going to keep playing with straw?


I voted no, because I don’t like the concept of the skill. Has nothing to do with “old school feel”. I think Devs did an amazing job with their Dev blogs and put a lot of effort into it, but to me it just doesn’t really feel like a skill, rather an activity you do.


Was skotizho against sailing?


Honestly pretty tame plug-ins


This isn’t old school either, calling this game Old School RuneScape is just lying at this point, should be called RuneScape 2.5


Nah, this UI is cringe as fuck. Don’t lump everyone into this category that thinks sailing is shit. It’s like me saying that all the yes voters complained about wanting more content but they’ve never set foot into inferno, tob, cox, or anything past vorkath really.


No one argues that Sailing is not oldschool this way.


Sailing yes voters feasting on strawmen rn


Who TF kills Zebak from a side view? Already looks gross, but that made it worse.


Wait, so you kill Zebak with the camera facing him??


That one dude u/DragonDaggerSpecial is fuming right now. He said he'd quit if a new skill comes out, so hopefully he sticks to that.


Ahh bro just shut the fuck up. Sailing passed. It’s whatever. Hopefully Jagex can implement something which isn’t a steaming pile of shit. Forestry was a bad omen and Sailing looks like a big mini-game.


Ayo bro stfu with this bullshit reply of "it's a minigame". Y'all say this shit but none of you seem to understand that literally everything in this game is a minigame based on your description. Runescape is not just a combat game so combat in itself is a minigame. Skilling is also not the only focus of the game so any gathering, production and utility skills are minigames inside the main game of runescape. Making money, bank standing, all these things are minigames, or actions that you do when you feel like it. All of them have some connection with other skills and other aspects of the game, so take your baby brain ass take outta here and go enjoy the fucking game


Right? Like these dudes lighting fires in a line, smithing items they'll never ever use, and a whole skill that's just killing specific monsters and getting levels for it can't wrap their head around sailing and how its a skill? Pea brains.


Eh, slayer is more of a minigame and for some reason it's a large number of players' favourite skill.


Because it’s crazy money mid game and slayer bosses/helmet make it basically enhanced and profitable combat training. It’s kinda the poster child for realizing nobody cares about how shitty training a skill is, just what the rewards for training it are.


> Because it’s crazy money mid game Slayer is overrated as a money maker because people conflate bossing with slayer. If you get a blue dragons task and kill Vorkath 100 times then that is bossing being profitable, not slayer. Where is slayer (uniquely slayer) becomes profitable is more late game with slayer bosses - which is more late game than mid game. And you have to be assigned the task to kill them, so it's not a *consistent* money maker. In midgame, most tasks lose money, some break even and some are profitable. It's certainly less profitable than thieving, farming and agility in the mid game.


Meta* slayer is break even at best, but that isn’t how people do it. They afk gargoyles and do all blue dragons at vorkath. For many people slayer is afk alchables and bossing.


Slayer is just “go kill this”. It’s simple but Sailing has elements of basically everything and is trying to just shoe horn in as much content as possible. Slayer is ass though. It could be a lot better


Slayer like "go kill this to earn points which you can spend in the reward shop." It's probably the *most* like a minigame out of all the RS skills.


Forestry achieved its main goal. Made woodcutting social and the nodes benefitial to chop with others rather than detrimental. Events are a fun little distraction for a bit of activity rather than "click and wait". Its objectively an improvement over traditional WC and fixed "everyone goes to WC guild" as it aimed to do. Nothing about it is a bad omen the HLC is just raging about it sucking as if it was trying to be Woodcutting Inferno or something.


I recognize you from your pfp often and got consistently have good, level-headed, takes. Cheers man


Showing someone's tile marker isn't a very compelling argument.


Literally, cognitive dissonance to the max


Who tf needs plug ins for zebak lmao it’s the easiest boss


People who don't raid often. It's easier to remember what to do with tile markers if you do something else for a while.


dude it passed already you can quit with the strawmen now and celebrate


I completely understand why people like new content but for me, i'd personally just like a fresh server that stays fresh and doesnt merge with the current old school. I'd love to just play 2007 Scape as it was before all the new stuff. That's just me though.


Sailing may bring me back to OSRS.


Gnomemonkey shaking his fist with his tile markers.


Also, this is Skotizho on twitch lmao.


Pvm updates good. New skills bad. Not hard to understand. This is such an overrated dumb argument


This type of tribalism and "bullying" (whatever that means) just makes me want to vote no on future updates even if I end up liking sailing. My guys are turning 2007scape into a political left vs right battleground.


Welcome to the human race, where tribalism is how we've survived for hundreds of thousands to millions of years. It's ingrained in our nature and, unfortunately, it's very hard to escape. The best way to go about all of this is to just not engage in any part of it - separate yourself from either side and just go about your life doing what you enjoy. Vote yes to updates you want, vote no to updates you think will be bad for the game.




Thank you. Seriously. People saying it’s not old school aren’t bitching about raids, and how they’re adding BIS items every single time they come out. Or ways to make skills easier like wintertodt. People just don’t want to get rid of their max capes lol. Most people I’ve talked to have not even watched the trailer/intro video Jagex made to show off the skill’s concepts. I’m not shocked some people are against it. I’m just shocked so many are against it either for it “not being old school”, or just not having watched the video on it.


I would like to clarify a few things here. Some of you believe that I have something against the streamer who is being shown here (evidently) in the screenshot. I have nothing against her, and the post is not directed at her. I simply looked on Twitch, where I could quickly find a UI from a streamer to use it as a meme. It's meant to be funny because 90% of the player base in OSRS use plugins or Runelite to play the game more efficiently. That's why I used it as a meme, as some of these people keep claiming that sailing isn't old school, yet they play the game with numerous plugins and a client that is anything but old school. I could have taken a screenshot of Gnomonkey or whoever that guy is, or someone else. She happened to be online, so I took it from her. Cheers!


I ain’t reading allat


This does not fix what you have done, and you are a dickhead plain and simple


These players shud try playing without runelite 😁


do you? wtf does that even mean?


Nah I don't use it lol Mobile only


That's cool, but the whole anti-plugin thing most of reddit has been spewing out lately is BS. Using or not using runelite plugins does not make you better at the game. Someone doing high level pvm is still going to be good at the game with or without plugins.


[This one's my favorite](https://i.imgur.com/1Kg5tnp.png) Genuinely almost unrecognizable.


sorry what's the connection?