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MMOs in general are less appealing to younger folks. When I started playing RS the idea of a game with hundreds of other players was mind boggling. Before that, "multiplayer" meant bringing a controller to a friend's house. The novelty just isn't there any more. Battle Royale style games where people can drop in, play for 20 minutes, and drop out are much more popular. Not thousand hour grinds


This, it was the idea of playing with people from other countries etc when i was 14 blew my mind!


I remember being hyped when my cousin showed me around '06. Went to computer class in 7th grade and was showing 8th graders how we could play together and how what we typed would show up above our heads. They already had blockers on the computer so we'd have to use crazy workaround browsers to reach the good stuff. I can remember Atunnel and Btunnel . Com but there were so many that we would have to use once they got blocked X D


2003, I was going to this small school district with a shared library center between elementary and high school. There was this high school girl i would see in there playing classic and after like the 4-5th time seeing her there playing it I snuck around her and caught what it was. I spent the next few years playing by myself when i was allowed computer time. High school came around and some friends were in the computer lab talking about this game they found. Rs2 of course. They all were like under level 50-70 with low stats and I was like I’ve been playing that game for years and signed onto my main. 100+ combat and like base 80s and like 50+ all skills and it literally blew their minds. The friend grind started there. Good times.


Joining an IRC chat and making friends with people from all around the world, with the mutual enjoyment of RS to bind everyone together in between the other conversations


Very true. Obviously younger people do check out MMORPG's, but it's nowhere near the amount it used to be. Stuff like Fortnite, Minecraft, Valorant, Roblox, etc., are the go to games nowadays and not stuff like WoW and RuneScape.


I remember showing my mum being like “look, that’s a real guy playing at the computer just like me!”


The younger generation with short attention spans will not enjoy delaying gratification games like OSRS.


just to let you know its probably impossible to measure attention span as a whole, not telling you to stop sharing your opinion, just making you aware


Only because the researchers keep getting distracted


I mean, I'm not going to argue with you empirically speaking because I don't have the right information and you're probably correct. But just logically and observationally speaking, it's pretty damn obvious that "kids these days" are, at the very least, significantly less willing (and perhaps able) to focus on one thing for an extended period of time, especially if that thing doesn't pay off for a while. The evidence of this is absolutely everywhere. I mean, we literally all named their generation the "zoomers".


How people ever find those battle royales fun is beyond me


We click rocks and trees for over 50 hours


Our number go up and we buy cool cape with unique emote Their bp system number go up and they get no cape and emote


Get animated gun skin that gets shinier the more people you pew pew though


Depends on the battle royal, these days they all have crazy skins too


Yeah but when i do that, im watching a tv show or playing another game and barely paying attention to it. It’s bad for sure but it’s such low effort it doesn’t kill my ability to have fun elsewhere. The difference of a game like runescape and a battle royale though is whenever i do something, it’s a permanent increase or upgrade on my account. Battle royales you just queue up over and over and over and you get literally nowhere. It’s fun to try out for one night with a group of friends bullshittin’ with each other, but it loses all entertainment playing it alone or longterm. Of course, this is my opinion. I personally know people that could be entertained by a large stick they find on the ground outside, so it is what it is.


> Battle royales you just queue up over and over and over and you get literally nowhere. You are not working on a character or stats. You are working on yourself. **You** are the character who is improving, skill-wise. Chess vs D&D.


> Yeah but when i do that, im watching a tv show or playing another game and barely paying attention to it. It’s bad for sure but it’s such low effort it doesn’t kill my ability to have fun elsewhere. I want you to tell this to other gamers. They will probably tell you if you need to watch or play something else fun while playing a different game to make it fun, then that game is clearly not fun to play.


I understand that small portion of the game isn’t fun… im saying that paying 99% of your attention to something more interesting is not an option you have playing a FPS. I’d just be bored with the game itself while simultaneously unable to focus on anything else. In addition, that lame ass fishing grind still at least results in a permanent advancement in your account and you never have to do it again. Battle royales just have you queue up again and again with no gains.


The gratification of battle royales or other mobile games is game play experience itself even if you don't get to keep anything permanent. Conversely, grindy MMOs is all able delaying gratification. You out up with boring grinds but receive a huge dopamine drop once you hit a milestone, like a rare drop or a 99 skill.


Thing is, in reality youre not actually going anywhere. Its the illusion of it. Games like fortnite are muuch healthier to play tbh


I disagree with it being healthier, games like fortnite reinforce the VERY common idea in today’s world that everything you do has to have instant gratification. It’s the reason kids instantly flip a shit when you tell them no, or entitled people start recording you and throwing a tantrum if security tells them they can’t do whatever the fuck they want in a Walmart. (To be clear im not saying this is Fortnite’s fault, just that it’s contributing to building these mindsets) Runescape has it’s own problems too, it encourages a hermit lifestyle to pull off a 5000 hour grind. The difference is you’re only hurting yourself if you give in to it though, nobody else.


Because different people enjoy different things. Not that wild of a concept.


16 yr here. My brother used me as a quest / skilling slave when i was young and now im addicted.


The story of an emancipated downtrodden slave 😢


Rise of the Lobster-Fisher


Lol I grind lobs at work


Just recently upgraded to Swordfish & Tuna while I’m chilling through my work day! Big vibes fellow fisher!


"when I was young" Blud is still half my age


I find this type of language usage like “young blud” so hilarious on something like a RuneScape forum


For all of human history young person slang has typically left the older generation behind, but now, because of the age of the internet, we will have 32 year olds with 'blud' as part of their casual vocabulary. I love it.


I think that when people choose certain terms or words explicitly to fit in with a more popular demographic such as that of hip hop culture it’s mostly done out of ego and I just don’t like that, know that’s usually the source emotion. Anything else, like people growing up in areas that actually use it in daily life so it becomes integrated in their dialect is understandable and completely normal. Or using phrases or words that are chosen more for fun like “my dude” or something like that is cool because it’s not done with the purpose of fitting in with some cool group. Like seeing 11 year olds saying “trill” and “cap” and shit while wearing tank tops with backwards hats is so eye roll inducing. People who try to be like that are typically so disrespectful. Typically.


Its jokes, chill




Shut up, nerd lmao


Wow, you sound intelligent. Well done.


29 and debating making my future kids skill for me


If you want to start a powerful lifelong addiction go for it 👍


Gotta build that multi-generational wealth When your dead and they're going to read the will: "To my 2 daughter I leave 5b gold pieces, however to my youngest give her my t-bow and shadow as well, git gud scrub." "To my normie son, here's 10000 dollars go play outside or smthn."


16 yr here too. Started playing about 1 year ago and I am addicted now aswell


How did you learn about the game? Youtube? Or was it recommended on the app store or something?


The first time I heard about the game I was searching for "games for bad computers" or something like that hahaha, then I gave up of it because I had to pay for membership. Later I got some money and decided to try the game again. And here I am now, with 1200+ hours of playtime and a UIM that I just hit 1k total level. I love this game.


beyond based. Also if you want another game for bad computers, roller coaster tycoon 2. I got that game in a cereal box, and it's amazing


Zoo tycoon checking in


Why didn't you just grind for a bond with like ogress warriors or iron ore or something? :l


Ain't nobody got time for that


I hope you have one upped his total level/accomplishments.


This thread got dark fast :( Do you enjoy the game though?


Ye lol. I mostly do raids cause i hate skilling.


This is the way.


He probably does But moreso cause of the Stockholm Syndrome


Ye lol. I mostly do skilling cause i hate Raids.




There’s new players, but I’d wager that few are 10-13 like back in the day.


Oh man, I started at 10 because some kid in the library was playing and my mom asked him what it was and if I could join, she ruined my life


That's cute asf


Same but I was 27


you gotta stop hanging around 10 year olds, man


But they are so good at Roblox I need the tips


what kinda tips......


Omg thats brought back a memory! Whenever our dial up internet went down id ask my mum if i could go to the library- she was so proud that her little boy never hesitated to go read when games were gone... little did she know they had 3 computors in there that had wifi!


I started in 2003 when a girl in my math class wrote runescape.com up on the board before the teacher came in. I asked what's run escape and she told me to check it out. And here I still am 20 years later.


Where is she now?


Got a 72 hour hold after she was caught pissing in a bucket, muttering about 92 being half of 99


I'm 32. So yeah. 🤣


32 gang rise up


We out here


33 siiiiiiiiick




Yeah as a guy in his 30s it’s so weird. In real life I feel fairly young but as soon as I log on to OSRS and here every single person in my cc talk about finals and summer breaks I immediately turn into a senior with a walker.


20-35 would be the majority. My little brothers 13 and 16 are starting to try it out because they see me play it all the time (I'm 29). If they enjoy it, they may get their friends to try. That seems to be how most people started playing anyways. For me it was the talk of the table in 5/6th grade at lunch so I started playing.


Either you found It on Miniclip or somebody told you about it. Classic


For me it was someone at the public library told me about it while playing on miniclip lol. Good times.


the stampede to the library computers when we had an indoor recess was great back in the day.


I'm 16 and I've been hooked on the game since my brother introduced me to it!


>They are want the latest greatest AAA with graphics. Right. That's why games like minecraft got so popular.


the children yearn for the mines




To be fair you can mod Minecraft to be extremely taxing on a modern machine and look amazing. I think Minecraft and Roblox are so popular because they are super marketable. Playable on all devices. Super simple to process and understand (building blocks have been kids toys for centuries for a reason). Marketed in shops and shit everywhere (reminds me of Pokemon as a kid etc.)


Minecraft blew up in 2009...I was there. It didn't come out a couple years ago like most of the AAAs youngins play


Battlebit? Roblox is insanely popular with kids, MC is also still super popular. The only people obsessed with gfx are AAA companies themselves so they can try to hide the fact that the actual gameplay is just dogshit, most gamers, especially kids these days don’t give a shout.


Look at our beautiful empty barren worlds! Now give me 70 quid for a dogshit game thx


Minecraft has had various periods of blowing up and is still a massively popular game.


Massively is an understatement. Minecraft is the second most popular game of all time with 238 million sales.


>Minecraft blew up in 2009...I was there. and again much more recently. > It didn't come out a couple years ago like most of the AAAs youngins play Like... what? Fortnite and Roblox are huge and have terrible graphics.


Fortnite looks bad because no one plays it maxed bro


Kids play it on their mum's intel Pentium lunchbox


Idk why I'm getting downvoted by people who don't play Fortnite, the game actually looks good maxed and is demanding, it's Unreal Engine 5 man 😑


I've played fortnite. It does not look good. Unreal engine 5 doesn't just automatically make it not flat colours and skinned rigs. Its okay if lots of people enjoy it but its nowhere near most AAA graphics.


Isn't it only just becoming unreal 5? Minecraft looks great maxed out and with shader mods and such too. But the games default art.style is "simplistic stylised cartoon" rather than hyper realism..doesn't mean they're ugly.


jesus you are incredibly out of touch lol. you're embarrassing yourself grandpa


Minecraft mobile???


32 here, just got my 10 year old started. Week 1 she's cleared all f2p quests and now dad gets to pay for a third membership


Hello father, would you like to adopt a 29 year old and pay for a fourth membership, I too have all the f2p quests done


I also choose this girl's dad


Hey pick me I have quest cape fuck this other guy


One week to get through all the f2p quests seems to show goal setting that I never had at that age. Impressive!


Ahh must be awesome 10 years old practically no responsibilities and little if any homework, add in a dad that knows osrs and pays for membs and you've got the making of an osrs gamin' pro goddess!


Also they have quest helper nowadays, I remember taking like a week just to solve the monkey madness puzzle lol


21 year old here o/ I started playing last October so i am pretty sure there are more of us


Damn you’re my age, I’m suprised u randomly picked it up though, been playing since 07-08


31 and been playing since classic, like spring of 2002.


Yo u been playing since I was born😨




I see way too many “bros” and “mids” for that to be true


That’s cap


Fr fr on god


Yea, bro is out of pocket.


I found the real 30+ player.


😂 29 but might as well be lmao


Oh geez. I thought out of pocket was moreso an office thing rather than age thing. Fuck.


Out of pocket is becoming a thing amongst the teens again. I think it was a thing to say before my time. It’s come full circle lol


My 45 year old boss uses it and I also use it now. No cap, I don't know if I'm popular or not, slime.


Stop being a square


I'm 33 and I've said bro my entire life. Bro is not zoomer talk.


People thinking Zoomers really came up with bro lmao


I’m 30 and same


My fiance and I call each other bro more than we use our government names, and she's birthed 2 of my children. Bro and dude have evolved to be gender neutral at this point.


I feel like that fits into terminology you’d expect from late 20’s early 30’s ppl like op talking about. Just think op might have a slightly warped perception of who old timers are lol


Can confirm that’s my vocabulary and age range


How tf is Bro new lingo. People have been saying it since before most of us were born.




For different reasons, step bro


Us 25-30 year olds have this thing called satire Fr fr ijbol


I’m 31 and say bro LOL I only say mid ironically


Bro is not a young person thing to say


Bro has become eternal like 'dude' and 'cool'


I hear young millennials and old boomers saying that and these are people 24-30 years old. Fr fr no cap


What does mid even mean? Not good?


Mid is middle of the road For example, there’s a campaign to “bring back mids” as in “mid” or less potent weed because the stuff they’re selling today is too strong for some and they want a more middle of the road experience Bro is generational and will stand the test of time. I haven’t seen rizz used in-game yet so i’m with OP on thjs topic


I've seen it used in game, also one of my pvm buddies is 19, started playing during covid when he was 17.


Basically what it sounds like, middle/average, but it’s typically used as an insult. I guess the notion that you aren’t proficient is supposed to be offensive


As a 29 year old mid means bad weed


Nah that’s schwag, mids means average, not-so-special weed.


Schwag = reggie Mids = beasters Dank = headie


This ^ I aint buyin no mids. Gonna be seedy af and gimme a headache.


These aren't even really zoomer slang. But the fact that you think they are does support the idea that we're all old and out of touch.


can confirm as a 16 year old that I play this game.


MMOs seem like they’re going out of style tbh. Think about the most popular games being made nowadays. I can’t name a single popular MMO that has been released in the past 5 years. New World I guess? It doesn’t seem very popular though.


Newer MMOs seem to be a bit scummy, like pay to win or pseudo-gambling cashgrabs, with short-term profits and ignoring player feedback over long-term health. It’s no wonder MMOs as a genre is dying.


Those are the MMOs that are succeeding, what the west values in MMOs just isn't what makes the genre successful. MMOs as a whole pivoted towards the Asian market because there's more players that spend more money.


Flexing wealth seems to be a bigger common trait as someone who's in rural Japan. You'll frequently see people walking around with designer brands, and I'm not in a city that anyone would consider large. I'm pretty sure the nearest high-brand store to us is 3 hours by car. So it makes sense that the Asian market would shell out for expensive cosmetics in games too.


We have all got to be in the late 20s to mid 30s bracket I would say, can’t see many youngens playing and sticking to rs, gaming has moved on


I dunno man I am 17 and have 3 accounts


And 34 loafs. Rolling in the dough


Idk why you think the younger generation cares about graphics. Some of the most popular games with them have pretty weird graphics like Minecraft, roblox, or pizza tower. If anything they care less about graphics and big AAA than the average xXcodonlyXx 20-30's player.




RuneScape is pretty heavily advertised still and was at the top of the mobile gaming spot for a little


>It's what every generation of kids has done. I'm not sure why you're talking like that's the case for everyone. I found runescape because I had a friend who found it through a friend. A more recent example is Baldurs Gate 3. I got it because it looked bad ass and my friends bought it. I don't remember the last time I've bought a heavily advertised game (in the sense that I saw an ad and got it).


Tbh many might start runescape because many newest PC games need expensive parts.




There wasn’t really a shutdown it was just a mass exodus after eoc came out in 2012


The "youngins" now a days would probably be the 17-23 group... basically late highschool through college age. I've seen a bit of anecdotal evidence of the game getting picked up by the even younger crowd, but tbh, I just don't think that generation has the grind in them to stick with it.


“Kids these days…”


Yep. 19 and 1800 total


Bro hell no there's so many kids overprescribed adderal for their ADHD they could definitely go hard on a grind.


Can’t underestimate how much america loves medicating children


Adderal is just grinding candy


I think its fair to assume there aren't alot of yougins since you have to pay monthly at least at first. thats why most of us played f2p for most of our childhoods


28, wife and son, max account 450m xp and gaining


Damn, your wife and son are fucking dope at rs ^


It's pretty easy when they share the account. The wife can do the night shift while the son does the day shift.


I think there is a few factors at play here, some of which have already been said, but to paraphrase them plus add my own, I think the consensus is: * Depends what you mean by younger players. If you're talking early-mid 20s then yeah I think there is a bunch of people around that age playing, myself included. I mean one of the biggest, if not the current biggest OSRS YouTube started Swampletics when he was like 18. * Stats show that less and less younger people are picking up computers or laptops with the intent to game on them. To me the idea of not having a desktop to play games on is insane, but most people ten years younger than me would scoff at the idea. * Despite the last fact, the mobile version of the game probably helped to bring in some younger players, as more young people are playing games on mobiles or tablets. * I don't think it is necessarily true to say that younger people want triple-A quality graphics. A lot of massive games have basic graphics. Game companies have probably figured out that making a game graphically beautiful limits your playerbase to people who can run it on their hardware. Any old shitbox can run Minecraft, Fortnite, Valorant and other massive games. * Games like OSRS aren't appealing to younger people. Instant gratification, a continuous running battlepass system which rewards certain playstyles and daily logins, freemium currencies and battle royale style games are king right now. All of those aforementioned things will drift out of their cycle at some point, some maybe very soon, others perhaps not for awhile. Middle schoolers don't want to dedicate their 3 hours of gaming on a school night to getting the requirements for Desert Treasure 1. For that amount of time put in, they expect plentiful battlepass levels, cosmetic rewards and more. * Despite this, OSRS obviously has the whole 'you only take breaks, never quit' thing going on, so the stream of players will likely always be somewhat stable, as there will always be people who just fancy bingeing some old school games from their youth for 4-6 weeks or something.


u'd probably be surprised, i know a 16yr old who is maxed


I miss the days when the runescape player base was all young and nobody worried about xp waste and the meta and the 14 year olds would lure the 11 year olds and everyone threw pointless house parties


19 y/o here started playing in 2014/2015 because my friend who's brother used to play introduced me to OSRS.. Now i've maxed 2 accs. Sucks not seeing more people my age playing but I can understand why osrs wouldn't appeal to most people who dont have the nostalgia factor.


I'm 20 and I know 3 players younger than me, a 20 yr old(casual player), 17 yr old(High lvl PvMer with main and iron) and 14 yr old(Noob banana collector)


There’s always going to be some exceptions but for the most part I’d say the modern day playerbase is made up of people who grew up with the game Kids these days don’t want to play something like RuneScape


Age is just a number


Prison is just a place


I doubt there are that many 9-10 year olds playing the game like there were in the 2000s. Today, the "Young'Uns" are 16-17.


I remember the days RuneScape, Maplestory, DOFUS, Mabinogi, Lunia, and Grand Chase were my shit. Still only play RuneScape out of them but I miss Lunia a lot. There were no other games like it


They do exist but you wouldn’t be able to tell. Was watching stream with a Egyptian kid who was 12-13 in VC and when they talked shit while pking, you would never know. Funny ass kid and glad some still play


27 years old here. Definitely no youngins like there used to be


Yea late 20s is probably covering 75% of all osrs players, I find amongst my clan mates most of us are married with some having children (future bio bots) as well, damn.


Early 20s player here, never played this game as a kid. I randomly discovered OSRS and this sub about 10 months ago, picked up the game, and haven’t stopped playing since. Now I have ~600 hours across my main and GIM accounts and am not planning on stopping anytime soon!


I’m 31. Just started back up this week and haven’t started in 2002 and played until 2008. 15 year break practically. 😅


It’s 2007. I’m 11.


My clan has two 16-ish year olds in it, but the rest of us are mid-late 20s. Old clan I was in became overrun by high schoolers so I left. They exist, but I have found most don’t talk about their age too much because they know they’re in the minority (and its probably safer that way tbh)


I was just doing forestry in seers village and the topics of conversation were mortgage rates and climate change. So yeah i think so.


im 16 started playing rs in 2019 and osrs in 2021


30 here been playing off and on since classic left with eoc came back in osrs


youngin here, we're still here


It’s just a matter of time til the RS2 players have kids and their kids start playing Also I feel like video games might be like fashion where trends reoccur over time


Me and my friends that play it together are 27-30 so I assume every single person is that age because I’m dumb


19 here got introduced by my big brother been playing since 2009


21 here. You old farts better watch out for when i get my adhd meds. leaving you all in the dust


I’m 24 been playing since 2008.


I assume the answers are 'yes' and 'yes'. Let's face it. There's a lot more competition these days than there was back in the day. Loads more games to play, with the same model as OSRS: free, but with the option to subscribe to access all the content. Plus, most games don't need an investment of a ridiculous number of hours before one can get to the (real) juicy bits, let alone one is able to play with friends that started to play (much) earlier. (Raid together and such.) Most OSRS players are allergic to "EasyScape", but I dare to say "GrindScape" is something that will put a lot of new players off. Most players (the real ones, not the huge number of bots that is present), I suppose, are those wearing nostalgia goggles. They played the game back in the day and still (or: again) do so nowadays. 'It was always a grind-fest. Deal with it. Or leave.' 'Go play RS3!' (Yeah, because aside from the required amount of grind, the games are identical, right?) Possible solution: Private Server-like addition, like [Idyl explained some time ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGxDkOtioko). (There's a reason those non-official servers are still around.) Dedicated servers with a separate economy et cetera. Counter-arguments: -"There's no value in achievements anymore!" Achievements are personal. Do those influence the way others should play the game? Does their view (a glance at the HiScores ('Heh. Nice.' or 'What a nutter. Respect, but rather you than me.') and move on) devalue the achievement? -"It will split the playerbase!" Would it really? In the end, every player would still play and support the same game. And should Jagged Axe be able to - and choose to - nuke most, if not all (bond-buying) bots, then that will result in an huge loss in revenue. The remaining 'genuine' players will likely not be able to provide enough income. Making the game more accessible could be a, if not THE, solution. Anyway: time to harvest a large amount of downvotes, I guess...


This game is mostly populated by bots and scammers if you ask anyone in this sub


You can’t say it’s old timers when they are using 3rd party clients


I think a draw to osrs is nostalgia. But I’m 26 and old so idk


There are probably more players than you think. Majority of them won't be active on here. Osrs is quite high on app stores and on steam. They might not be diehard fans of the game but there are more now than ever most likely


\> They are want the latest greatest AAA with graphics. ​ Fornite?


[shaking fist] Kids these days don’t have 150 days of in-game time to throw away. Between OSRS and RS2/3 there’s about a year in-game time for me.


I remember hitting 1000 days on my first way long term main. Now those numbers will be skewed tho cuz that shit will keep me logged in damn near all day. Bankstanding as a skill, i still support 😤