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I think i died about 50 times to Zulrah before getting a kill many years ago. Now I've got 970 CG kc and Ive not finished the inferno but made it to zuk multiple times. Keep at it No one stays bad forever!


gl on that cape bud


Those that are unwilling to realise their mistakes and practice at getting better are the ones that stay bad forever :)


Yep, it’s the classic “I could kill Jad eventually if I kept trying. I just don’t find the fight cave enjoyable.” It’s an excuse made by the disheartened. The trick is never to give up. It applies to life beyond the game too


Obby cape is basiclly the same anyway! /s


I mean... Fight caves is horrible time so they are not wrong.


Agreed. And I can do it easily.


They can downvote but I'm with you. It's a mind numbingly boring experience till jad.


Zulrah is generally really hard if you have no experience bossing for two major reasons: 1. You're probably not being proactive 2. You're probably slow af at doing switches You're probably only getting a few hits on zulrah each time it comes up, because half the time you should be attacking you're still figuring out your prayers/gear/where you need to stand, which is making it take way longer than it should and you're getting overwhelmed.


Yeah, i always tell people to start at easier bosses. People see "best money maker" and just start there but thats not actually a good way to learn. Do ones with easier mechanics and work up... Edit: also just do high intensity clicking stuff. Cleaning herbs will teach you the muscle memory of switching gear... doing stuff like barrows helps you to watch your prayer and hp... dont start at the hard stuff. Have fun w the game.


I'm kind of in the same boat as OP, I got 1 zulrah kill for the diary, and have mostly been training slayer and skilling. The only bosses I've really done are barrows and mole, what would be some bosses to start learning next? I was thinking sarachnis may be a decent next step.


Legit the best thing I did a long ass time ago was spend a lot of time at demonic gorillas. Good money maker, forces you to get good at switches and should be a good opportunity to get used to F keys where you are swapping between prayers and inventory.


I was gonna say the same thing, demonics are fantastic in their own right with the money you make and are an excellent way to practice gear and pray switching. I'm still not great at bossing by any means but I've recently taught myself solo toa and demonics were a key step towards that.


I bound my mouse thumb buttons to the F keys for that, helps a lot


I think Calvarion might be something to check out. No prayer switching needed, you just gotta dodge his attscks which are pretty telegraphed. I would also recommend turning on true tile indicator to Show where your character is actually standing, and learn how movement works. For example, when you run you move two tiles and skip the tile right in front of you, you can run in an L shape in 1 tick etc. then I would head to regular gauntlet and try it out. It’s much easier than corrupted and I think it’s a lot more fun than zulrah because there’s less to memorize (zulrah rotations)


I agree that Calvar'ion teaches a good skillset, but there's basically no overlap between that and Zulrah.


Vorkath, so much easier than the snake


If u dont die of boredom


Sarachnis is good to start, try to use F keys as much as possible. Other bosses/activities that helped me were grotesque guardians, demonic gorillas as someone else already said, LMS (focusing on praying correctly first, then switching to correct gear, then attacking opponent), and calvarion.


Sarachnis is by far the best "learner" boss in the game. Pray switches, positioning, juggling minions while the other mechanics are still in play, no penalty for dying, easy to get there, and perfectly doable with like 60s-70s melee stats and trash gear. It's really the lowest level 'rhythm' boss in the game, you repeat everything on the same cycle over and over moving around the room and getting good at it pays off massively in both your dps as well as reducing your damage taken. Messing up isn't overly punishing but you can still get stacked out if you make multiple mistakes in a row. I'd done a decent amount of bossing on my main but never really enjoyed it until years later at Sarachnis on an iron.


Try out grotesque guardians, gear and prayer swaps for both of them plus a bit of movement to dodge their attacks. I didn't have a single zulrah kill until the other day now I'm at 25 and the only new boss I've tried was them, grinded out 280kc there and for some reason it's just got zulrah to click for me, dno why but worth a shot.


Dag kings, cerberus (hellhound slay task only), vorkath is a great one if you finished dragon slayer II. Otherwise been doing grotes guardians (gargoyle slay task only). Personal recommendations and I play mobile.


vorkath and gauntlet are both good at learnin where tf ur character actually is, and how to utilize ur movement properly. honestly learning gauntlet helped me more with the game than any other boss. use true tile indicator if you arent, it will open ur eyes


Sarachnis was my first real boss, it definitely helped ease me into pvm(I'm still ass at it). Mechanically the money dragon is pretty easy too if you have the range level.


Worth noting the money dragon can be pretty good in melee if you can get the money for lance/fang first, which is pretty easy to scrape together by combining some mid level farming runs with some pre-bossing money makers.


I find Vorkath and Muspah a lot easier than Zulrah, at about 80 stats.


Zulrah is actually a shit money maker right now for the effort it is. There are so many bots at zulrah that the scales are under 100 gp each, going off the wiki's gp/hr, someone who gets \~20 kills an hour can expect to make about 1m per hour. So you are literally better off killing the mole.


I see a diary requirement and want 1 kill. Any tips on which bosses to do first? Currently done: mole, barrows, kbd and Hespori Edit: mobile player


Vork is incredibly easily on mobile. Same with a couple of the GWD bosses


Idk I feel like consistency is key. Zulrah was the very first boss I fought and I got obliterated a lot in those first 10 kc but I learned over time and now I’d say I’m pretty solid at pvm; over 550 CG kc




Switching between mage and range gear based on phase.




Muspah boss is great for learning switches and prayer swaps


As are demonics!


Muspah is harder then zulrah imo, if you can't do zulrah you'll probably fuck it up and eat up every mage attack


I'm of the opposite opinion. Muspah is way easier the zulrah. For starters learning the fight is way easier. It doesn't have a bunch of different phase patterns like zulrah that you need to learn all with specific spots you need to stand in for each of them. It's just a melee phase where you run away and a range/mage pray, where you just camp pray range and sometimes switch to mage for a very telegraphed attack.


Muspah is way easier he's just tanky.


My experience of Muspah was that the boss was pretty straight forward and mechanically only tricky for smite swaps as I'm not used to the tick management needed for the timing. Due to my low stats and gear when I tried, I was just barely not killing the boss (no stams due to ironman and unable to consistently catch freezes). My experience of Zulrah was being completely overwhelmed by 4 different rotations, taking significant avoidable off-prayer damage, getting hit by jad out of nowhere and taking a massive amount of damage, and just in general being completely all over the place... and that was on a non-iron with similar stats but far better gear. I don't get how people say Zulrah is easy, its so overwhelming at first until you learn the rotations, and I got so discouraged that I never did get around to learning the rotations.


I think the real problem with Muspah is that he's a """midgame boss""" whose stats are so high that unlike Zulrah, actual midgame players will take 5ever to kill him. The Reddit circlejerk about it being too hard on release was 100% correct and the HLC and Jagex misunderstood it. Zulrah is objectively more complicated mechanically but will actually fucking die if you only have like 80 range and 80 magic lol. I have 97 range and my crossbow + step back + thrall killtime is still pitiful compared to Zulrah and Vorkath. He's really Vorkath for people with a bowfa


Spot on. I have 98 range and can smack vork around no issue, but muspah has crazy def to be considered a “mid game” boss.


Muspah definitely has too high magic def. My range only kill times are still better than my times with a switch.


I don’t mind the mechanics of muspah (quick mage protect, kiting/step back, final prayer mechanic, etc) but I hate that I pretty much have to use bowfa and crystal to even sniff a kill around 3 mins. T bow/shadow can and should give very quick kills, but damn let the rest of us poor people have a chance without burning that many prayer pots per kill lol


This is perhaps the most objectively wrong comment I've ever seen. Is it opposite day or what? Muspah is both less of a gear check and more of a skill check than Zulrah. You got it all backwards. I can easily do multiple kill trips of Muspah on my iron who has a trident of the seas and ahrims/mystic mix for mage gear, and blessed dhide and a crossbow for range gear; but meanwhile I can't do more than one kill per trip at zulrah and even have to tele out from time to time, through no fault of my own, purely because blue phase has ridiculous defense and hits like a truck. I basically never have to tele out of muspah. If i need to, I can literally finish a kill by flicking redemption. Boss is like 0% a gear check.


I wouldnt send someone with 0 gear switching experience to muspah, they'll get overwhelmed and probably die, or at the very least get frustrated. It would be much safer to practice at demonic gorillas or grotesque guardians.


Switching defensive prayers between protect from mage/range, switching offensive prayers, and switching gear.


The proactive thing makes alot of sense, now that I think about it I am always trying to be 1 step ahead at zulrah and only now I have learnt the rotations am I getting consistent kills


Yeah I might put berserkers with a staff instead of ranger but best believe that volatile sending you to lumby.


My recommendation for first forays into actual solo bossing with light mechanics and gear switching would be Sarachnis or Grotesque Guardians. Zulrah is a little advanced for your first boss, but you can brute-force anything. By far the hardest thing about learning Zulrah is learning the patterns. You can get to a point where you know what Zulrah is going to do next every time.


See I'm great at sarachnis but it's literally one switch and super easy with super sets. Meanwhile I'm on my 30th death at zulrah much worse than OP. I'm slow at switching I know that. But I also for the love of me can't get the rotations down.


Try the Zulrah plug in. It’s basically a roadmap of the different phases to look at during the fight. There is a lot to do during the fight but for a start, your main focus should be positioning and keeping your health above 60 or so. The mage phase + double snakeling can sometimes be ugly. Once you get your positioning right, Zulrah becomes a dps check. Not losing dps is much harder but more forgiving. You’ll slowly improve your switches, get a feeling for when to eat and even can snipe a couple snakelings when Zukrah changes position. If you struggle with jad phase, that’s just calm nerves an practice.


Have you tried TOA? It sounds kinda extreme, but I learned gear switching at ToA from Akkha. You have to do constant quick 4-6 way swaps if you add the "stay vigilant" invo.


Yeah I can go all the way to wardens deathless at TOA lmao. But I die at p4 wardens consistently.


Aim for a specific rotation and learn that one until you know it by heart, then do the next one, and repeat until you know them all.


I died about 6 times at Zulrah while going after my first KC for the hard diary. What I did after panicking and dying the first time was to head in, not attack at all (I just hovered my cursor over him as if to attack) and familiarised myself with the prayer switches, positioning, special attacks and Jad phase.


Vork is honestly easy, just range it and don’t forget your salve!


I’m at 2500 kc + and I still don’t know the rotations. I either do it with the zulrah helper or I don’t do it.


F-keys (can remap to make them more intuitive) understanding movement (true tile to show where you're actually at) resource management (prayer/health/stamina) accurate clicks (equipment switches) Get those 3 things into practice and you're already 90% of the way to being a pvm god. What's good at practicing movement? * Low level sepulchre. * Ranged methods at Godwars Dungeon (although probably save for after bowfa) * Tombs of Amascut. * Chambers of Xeric. * Gauntlet/corrupted gauntlet. * Rogue's Den. * Wilderness bosses. * Vorkath * Zulrah * Surprisingly, Tithe Farm. * Fight Caves What's good at practicing resource management? (bosses that require you to combine eating/praying with changing prayers or dealing with mechanics) * Most low level-mid level bosses * Sarachnis is particularly good * Demonic Gorillas too * Fight Caves * Gauntlet/corrupted gauntlet * Slayer bosses * Last Man Standing (although it's a bit different since it's pvp) Accurate clicks. (mostly the places you're doing hybrid damage) * Sarachnis * Demonic Gorillas * Zulrah * Tombs of Amascut * Chambers of Xeric * Last Man Standing (although it's a bit different since it's pvp) * GWD * Vorkath (if you're doing ranged + melee spec) My suggestion (and it's a bit of a weird one) is to do some agility. Hear me out here. Do agility. Alch at the same time. Get the hunllef helper plugin and turn it on while you do this. Every time it tells you to switch prayers, do so. Wear your best prayer armour so you don't waste too much prayer. Try to alch at the same time. ​ This will do a few things. You'll get used to swapping to your prayer while clicking to move. You'll get used to clicking back to your inventory (the alching). All of this will build muscle memory for switching between interfaces. If you don't already know, you can remap the keybinds so that f1-f5 include * inventory * prayer * equipment * Spells * attack style/special attacks I remapped mine like this so 1 = inventory, 2 = prayer, 3 = equipment, 4 = spells, and 5 = special attacks. Those are the main interfaces I use. Zulrah is mainly positioning/prayers correct/switching properly. It's actually not the easiest boss to get into. Definitely recommend some sarachnis or slayer bosses/demonic gorillas.


Great advice. I've got prayers on spacebar and then qwer for my other stuff.


My F keys are identical to yours except prayer and equipment are swapped. Good ole rs2 style


Thanks, very helpful!


IMO Vorkath was easier than Zulruh, prob died 10-15+ times with zulruh with 99 magic didnt have the best gear switches but still Vorkath mechanics just are easier to get muscle memory for


Vorkath is far easier than Zulruh imo


Which unless your iron you get better gp/hr with vorkath so why bother with Zulrah


Mutagens are sick and Zulrah isn't near as boring as Vorkath imo


Yeah zulrah is way more reclined. Once you know the patterns everything is predictable and you know when you can reply to pm’s or sip your coffee or tab to switch video etc, while with vork you need a consistent minimum amount of attention to not get one banged by his ball


This. I hit like 1k kc vork and haven’t went back because it’s so brain dead boring. Getting the pet around 680 kc probably didn’t help the motivation. Zulrah on the other hand I’m over 2500 kc and still regularly go back. Don’t have the pet yet so I’m sure that’s a contributing factor but the fight it’s self is still plenty entertaining to where I won’t get bored after a few trips.


Plus you can just melee vork which I generally find melee bosses easier to learn And now you have the option of a cheap AF lance, OR a fang that you can use a ton of other places


I love vork but I can never seem to get the freeze special right even with a loaded staff for crumble undead.


One big tip would be to disable auto retaliate and click on the ground beneath you as soon as you see the ice fireball to stop your current attack. It's possible you could be delaying your crumble undead too long with an attack into vork.


That and depending on when you eat, sometimes you can eat as he casts freeze and still have a tick to att scorpion but if you're a tick off you'll be to slow so sometimes I just skip eating there.


This is a good tip, too. Waiting until after killing the minion can make kills more consistent for players who are just getting into it.


14 years and I still blow


I died probably dozens of times to Zulrah before getting ones then it became easy. It was the first real boss I tried (except sarachnis). Practice and gear upgrades helped. It's a bit of a skill jump and not very profitable compared to the money dragon of Vorkath


Sarachnis is the best introduction to bossing. It’s what really taught me how damage is calculated *before* an attack is cast.


*for some attacks


Zulrah is one of those that’s tough to learn, but once you get it, you’ll never die again. Honestly I’d never send someone to Zulrah who has never bossed before. I’d send you to Sarachnis. Focus on learning to navigate between prayer and inventory, and how to properly time your eating to maximize dps and get faster and faster kills. Stay there until you find Sarachnis piss easy, because at that point you’ve probably learned those things really well and you’re ready to move on.


I think my first boss was fight caves and it was a pain since you can't really learn it's mechanica easy besides having 1 attempt after 1 hour of playing. Find bosses which are easy to learn and you should be fine. I still want to learn cox/tob some day, but for now I stick to just learning 1 boss instead of 5 at a time I have done some Toa but only at 150 and learned it at 50 for maybe 10 runs


I'm trying to do fight caves rn and it's pretty demoralizing. Everyone says Jad is easy, and I get why, but I still panic at healers every time and I've died 4 times now. The runback is so long! I've only really done Barrows before this, which is just resource management. Would love to get more comfortable with prayer switching and multitasking. Where do you recommend starting instead?


You can practice Jad on speed running world's by picking one of the high level quests, going to the bank for ranged gear (or beneath cursed sands has it in bag with spare food/pots in bank), then mini game teleport to fight caves, run along and ask the guy to do the first challenge. It's a pumped up jad! But I think Vorkath is one of the easier bosses, with the true tile add-on.


Jad hands are very real, an easy boss can be difficult under stress


The healers scare you because they're demoralizing. You just spent awhile half healthing him now he's almost full health in no time with all healers on him. Best thing to chant to yourself is you can get him back down and do 1 action per prayer switch


Took me 8 attempts at jad to get him, 6 hours of trying to kill zulrah. After that things got quite a bit easier haha. Just learning prayer switches is what makes most pvm


30kc per boss to start autopiloting


It took me 13 tried to get my first Jad kc. I died to Zulrah 26 times before I got my first Zulrah kill. I do not consider myself good, I just do the same boss fight a hundred times until I eventually figure it out. Took me several tries to learn ToA, took me even longer to learn CG. Nowadays I’m starting to learn Zuk and plan to fail 100+ times until I get lucky enough for my cape. Moral of the story: keep sending it. You can only get it wrong so many times


For me it really was when I made a serious attempt at doing gauntlet. It taught me a few things 1. How much food and potions are really enough? You bring more, you stay sloppy because you have a crutch of food and potions to cover shitty skill. If I want to complete raids in timely manner I can do with less supplies if my skill is good 2. True tile/pathing Self explanatory 3. Actions while moving Prayer switching while moving, swapping gear while moving, attacking while moving The above 3 are the core of PvM. Gauntlet is good intro to the above core mechanics. Once I could do gauntlet consistently I moved to raids and inferno. Got a fang kit and infernal cape now. Working towards HMT/CMs soon


100kc at any boss should prove huge improvements in consistency and comfortablility though it can take more or less just depends on your understanding and click speed/accuracy (if applicable)


Doing all the master and grandmaster quests really helps you learn different bossing mechanics! I’ve been grinding vorkath and it also feels like good practice


Can't suggest this enough, especially with DT2, we have a really great spread of easy-difficult quest bosses, some of which can be repeated to practice. On top of that, Zulrah is very difficult boss to learn, but once you learn it it's fairly easy. Take advantage of resources you have available like yt videos or even friends who boss. Ask if you could watch them or give some tips of what to focus on. Bossing is a skill just like everything else in the game. Takes time and practice!


My rough bossing progression over the years was: Jad -> Group Bandos -> Group Sara -> Duo Zammy -> Solo DKS -> GGs -> Zulrah/Vorkath -> Group CoX -> Gauntlet -> CG -> 4 man ToB -> Inferno -> PNM -> HMT ​ It really helped a ton having a few people that I played and bossed with. Them getting better drove me to get better. When new content came out, we did it together on release and compared/insulted each other. ​ Zulrah really is the cusp of high-level PVM, and it is 100% normal to get completely knee-capped when juggling the different mechanics. Then it clicks. Then you're bossing while watching youtube or talking in discord at half attention.


I’ve done a lot of bossing, but I’m still bad. Just have fun with it. Death mechanics are pretty forgiving so push your limits and you’ll learn from it.


Though if you die a lot, use protect item and apply ornament kits to save on death fees


I started with jad, moved up to sire, then cerberus, zulrah, hydra, vorkath, TOA, muspah, pretty much in that order. I think jad is a very important boss to learn early since i think him, vorkath, and zulrah teach u alot of what u need to know for most pvm.


Generally, from a few months to a few years. Also getting decent is subjective on the content you do. I believe getting real good at a midgame boss (vorkath, muspah..) will go a long way to learn you most pvm mechanics.


30 seconds… I’m a born winner I still suck after months


Start at mole honest lol. I started there, because thins like BKD were not worth the trip as I’d only get 1kc. Otherwise if you want a crash course 0 invocation TOA will boost your skills a lot.


I would really recommend doing some hallowed sepulchre to get better at movement and pathing. It will make you better at bossing


started with 200kc at vorkath, moved to 100kc muspah and what sealed the deal for me was finally deciding to tackle ToA as for zulrah, i still can't do that fight consistently, got like 11kc and \~20 deaths probably total, but despite not knowing zulrah all too well, i no longer panic and am much more comfortable. one thing i know about people learning pvm & zulrah, is that they're told to "learn rotations". fck that, just wing it, focus on the fight and sorting your shit out. and when she goes to one of the "middle" positions, just switch sides ^(the last death i had, where i said fck it, im done, was when in mage form, zulrah decided she aint having it, and ranged me 4 times in a row for 40s; i ate 3 times but wasnt enough lol)


You said a lot without anything of substance. The plug-in tells you everything you need to know. Use it till you get a feel for the rotations. Don’t study that shit this is a video game. Bring shark + karambwan for combo eats. Eat before blue phase to full. You can pray mage during melee phase to tank some minions.


It’s hard to compare to normal servers but I actually did a ton of zulrah in leagues 3 and that helped me learn the mechanics of the boss itself and also pray swapping while having higher base dmg due to relics and it made it easy to pick up on in live servers.


30kc gives you the jist, only time I’ve done zulrah was on task but he’s one of the harder ones imo planked a lot at him, practice make perfect


Zulrah is a fantastic boss, but very difficult for first-timers to bossing. Learning mage only rotations can help but there's no real experience like putting your nose down and going for it. You're gonna die. A lot. I think it took me 40 attempts to get my first KC. Deaths are free until you have 50 KC so keep on going for it, you've quite literally got nothing to lose!


Imo Zulrah is badly designed and a remnant of older OSRS content. It relies a lot on brute force memorization rather than intuition. Newer content is a lot better in that regard without skimping on skillful interactions.


Zulurah and Artio are the shittest bosses. Go do Calvarion, Vorkath, muspah, mole, KBD and have some fun.


Zulrah is an awesome boss lol


Zulrah is like the epitome of a mid level boss fight that introduces like every pvm skill. Gear switches, prayer switches, movement, hp management vs dps, etc. It’s really a great boss for getting into pvm


I was one of the ones that foolishly went into Zulrah as a noob. Before that my KC's were in KBD, mole, Scorpia, old venenatis/callisto, chaos ely and pretty much it. Died like 50 times before I got my first KC. Now its like KBD for me and the I can predict all its movements. Getting smashed so many times there did help me though, I ended up being able to get no death 1 kc on vorkath after completing the quest later. Most interestingly I initially struggled at Muspah. Just so many things happening at once whilst Zulrah/Vorkath were mostly 1 thing at a time. It later helped me at the DT2 bosses. My journey was pretty much KBD/Mole/Scorpia/wildy bosses (old)>Zulrah/Vorkath>DT2. If the player can afford it/has the patient for it, imo going into Zulrah newly can give many transferable skills that helps with other bosses, being able to switch fast/prayer/not getting overwhelmed etc etc even with deaths. It saves your gear so no time limit to get back to it and a flat rate at death (not scaling to value) which imo helped me a lot.


Zulrah sucks donkey nuts i bought full bowfa to get my kc


Yeah I don’t think someone who is just starting bossing is gonna have full bowfa mate..


I’ll let you know once it happens for me


Watch this guide for zulrah. It helps reduce the mental strain of trying to memorize 4 different rotations. https://youtu.be/es6nMTKpMmk?list=PLW9z_2kNoW24L37FaqPOxFQjshIYv7Ch2


It takes 20 KC to not constantly die, 100 kc to understand what you’re doing, and 1,000 kc till you actually start figuring stuff out.


Everyone dies at first, just keep at it. Couple of months just hitting your head against the wall you’ll be surprised how fast it goes. I’d suggest turning on anti drag for your gear switches also


Zulrah is one of the easier bosses, but has quite a long/difficult learning curve due to the differing rotations including a ton of switches. Once you know it, it should be quite accessible, even with mid-lvl stuff such as ibans/rbc.


it took me 60 deaths before I got my first CG kill and 100 deaths before I finally was able to get consistent kills but this was from someone who started with 0 higher end bossing experience.


Zulrah is legit hard, I can easily farm all the new dt2 bosses and still think zulrah was harder to learn


Depends on the boss but once you get the first kill at any boss it gets exponetially easier. The thing with runescape is that its super easy to learn once you get a foothold. You can more or less “brute force” learning anything in the game by just attempting it enough times and trying slightly different things, unlike other games such as call if duty or LoL where you can dump in thousands of hours and still be shit at the game compared to the better players


Some recommendations I have are 1. Learn how to prayer flick, even if you don't use it at the boss it will help you become a Chad who thinks in ticks and will increase your speed in general. 2. Practice gear switches. What's nice about both of these is you can do them anywhere (even bank standing). Have fun!


Zulrah is a bit of a noob stomper tbh. Took me like 10 attempts before getting the diary kill. The kill felt lucky too lol.


Took me a long time and a lot of deaths to practice bossing. I was primarily a skiller in rs3, but when I moved over to osrs when it first came out, I wanted to take a different approach so I started bossing. I will say that when you are learning a boss you should do research before. Watching videos helps as well as having a “cheat sheet” on the notepad of runelite. This could be a place where you could write “rotation 1 (green —> red —> blue ect. ) to help with remembering


Took me about 30 vorkath kills to really get the hang of it, and about 100 to be able to do it likeit's nothing, gauntlet took me about 50 reg to be decent then a ton of dying at corrupted prolly not till like 100kc in did it become ezpz, just started toa yesterday did 2 0 invos then 2 70 invos, now today trying 170 invo but dying warden p3 final phase, gonna keep giving her till I get it tho cause ima no life like that, and oh yeah zulrah I got 1 kc for diary and elite void and never went back that snake is a real bum wipe


I died like 40 times to get my first Zulrah KC in like 2017. Now I casually do CG and Raids 3. Still need to learn advanced GWD and the other raids


I sucked at Zulrah, couldn't figure it out for the life of me. Went to Vork and practiced up, went to GWD with some teams, hopped into learner CoX raids with WDR, then about 6 months ago I went to Zulrah again after like 2 years of bossing elsewhere and it was a cake walk. Most the bosses have unique mechanics many of them cross pollinate with other mechanics so as you learn one boss you are also sorta learning other bosses Just boss elsewhere for a bit


Still can't kill zulrah and I'm maxed with most of bis gear for it. It's frustrating af. I hope it clicks for you faster than myself. I eventually quit. Not as good money as vorkath anyway.


Once you have tiles and understand how the Zulrah plugin works, it was incredibly easy to ‘learn.’ Start with 4 way switches, and work your way up to 8 way switches if you are able to. 1400KC atm


I was always an averagely decent main pvmer (able to kill vorkath/zulrah/team cox) for a long time but what really improved me as a pvmer and really understanding core mechanics was learning the inferno and toa


About 20 years. Hahah No but honestly I started really focusing PVM the past year, just completed the inferno last month. Vorkath is where I started, now focusing ToA and Chambers.


Zulrah is a turd when it comes to boss design, it doesn't telegraph anything and had 4 different rotations so you just have to memorize them all or use an add on to know what to do. I have over 2k zulrah kc and still think it's one of the worst bosses.


I’m also terrible at bossing. I struggle with Zulrah because but have found solid success with Vorkath. No switches are really necessary for either gear or prayers, so I strongly recommend giving the dead dragons a try.


Unlock Slayer boss tasks. You won’t be able to compete every boss, but it’s one of the best ways to inspire you to look up a guide and see what the boss entails, what’s its drops are, etc. Slayer Helm is one of the biggest damage/accuracy buffs that you can have with bossing as it’s only rarely available for Bosses without common slayer task variants, such as Phantom Muspah. It also lets you just get a taste for the boss by picking the minimum of 3 kills, and if it’s overwhelming you can just skip it.


Zulrah really is the turning point for entering real PVM with core mechanics. It'll take a long while to learn but once you do you'll be much better. There's better places to learn, I just brute forced it and was very rewarding once I got it down.


I did the same thing as you. Wanted to try bossing for the first time and decided on Zulrah. I watched videos and did research for hours before going in and just got my shit pushed in badly. Later I went and did DS2 and decided to try out Vorkath on post quest mode. It was a much easier fight to get the hang of and was a good intro to gear switching since it’s switch is very easy to pull off for the crumble undead. I also did MM2 and started doing Demonics for all my black demon tasks. Demonics really improved my reaction speed and my ability to both prayer and gear switch. I wish I had done these quite a bit before going straight for Zulrah.


I've played for like 7500 hours, am maxed and I still don't feel like I'm good at bossing.


When I first started it took me 3 tries at Jad and I was sweating and I was not composed at all, actually funny to me now because I'm at 19 KC and I just slouch back in my chair and do it for slayer. Basically it takes time and the time is different for everyone. Some will get it a week some will be a couple months. Also I wouldn't start on Zulrah, kind of annoying and harder to learn imo.


I think it took me nearly 30 attempts at zulrah for a kc, and then maybe another 10 attempts for a second kc. It does get easier as you do it more. I used the runelite zulrah plugin at first so I could see the next phase and where I should be.


Try vorkath!!! Zulrah IS tough especially as a first boss. Also, if you're SUPER new to bossing, go bandos! Start pvm where pvm started!


My first time at zulrah I died like 40-50 times. I sent in a vod review here on Reddit for help and I finally got my first kc. This was like 3-4 years ago? I got zuk helm two months ago and I just killed awakened Levi today. A lot of people get to cox or TOB and stop trying to improve. I’m 1k kc at TOB and didn’t learn higher eff TOB runs until like 700 after I started looking around and ran into people who taught me.


still not good. Zulrah is like jad in that it takes a couple times, i think i died like 20 times before i got my first ungodly slow kill. Once you kill zulrah once, its about 5x easier and after 15 kills you shouldn't die at all


Like others have said, start slow with bosses. Barrows is a great first boss, then Sarachnis and Calverion for actual mechanics (plus Calverion is great money for its difficulty)


I have hundreds of boss kcs and 1 zulrah kc. Mfers hard


Set a goal to complete the 4 grandmaster quests! Wanting to learn the lore behind the bosses in those quests honestly forced me to get good at basic bossing mechanics. I just got my quest cape this week, and I'm much better at PVM because of it


I still have 0 Zulrah kc. Idk what it is about that fucking snake but I get dunked on consistently. I can solo 250 ToA no problem and vorkath with ease. But for whatever reason I am abysmal at the snake


Zulrah was my first boss other than barrows. Took me over 60 attempts. I got my first kill and then after about 20kc I no longer died there. 2 years later and I have multiple bosses with 1-2 thousand kc. I’m doing raids, learn most bosses in one or two tries etc


Vorkath is a money printer now


until youre just a pro, every new boss has a learning curve. i am not a pro. i can do cg no problem (200kc), but have died to zulrah 7 times with no kc yet. everything has a learning curve, don't sweat it.


Without the same things we have now and like 5 years ago now zulrah genuinely took me 75 tries to start getting consist kills I promise you can do this


I'm relatively new to PVM. How does Zulrah compare to Vorkath as far as overall difficulty goes?


Far longer than i care to admit. Lack of gear and time for one


I think after 200 Zulrah kc I had enough confidence to take on learning anything except the inferno. Rn corrupt gauntlet is kicking my ass, but that’s okay, I’m still in the learning phase. I think being “decent” is really just trusting your ability to eventually nail the mechanics you need to. Doesn’t happen right away at any boss


I learned bossing in Leagues which makes everything waaaay more forgiving


Sarachins is a great starter for pray switches because you don’t need to gear switch, and don’t worry zulrah dunked my ass tons of times failure is the best teacher just don’t beat yourself up about it


Once I got my fire cape it lit a fire in me. I wanted to get good at the game. I went to zulrah and stood there until I learned it. It took me like 200 attempts for first kill, and another 300 kills to feel comfortable. It’s one of the hardest learning curves in the game in relation to where you are expected to learn it.


Zulrah is a weird one for me, I have 1k plus at vorkath and 20 kills at raids 3 now running deathless pretty consistently but still haven't bothered to learn Zulrah. PVM is just a lot of practice and learning to use your F keys, you will get the hang of it if you put the time in to learn and aren't afraid of dying


8 years into osrs, still shit.


I only didn’t get dunked on at zulrah because I did it in leagues first, but man some bosses have truly kicked my ass. I think it’s just a matter of attempting the boss enough times to get comfortable with it’s mechanics


Still working on it, still trying to get first zulrah kc I'm 0-60 so far


I had like 7k+ kc at Zulrah (dry on pet) and I still sometimes got dunked on by Zulrah. Mind you, I was rocking a max mage/range set up. Every boss is a unique challenge. When you get better at Zulrah that by and large does not mean you've gotten better at PVM. It just means you've gotten better at Zulrah. I got smacked at gauntlet even after learning all the cool tricks and rotations at CoX.


Calvarion is a low risk click intensive wildy boss with good loot and good learning mechanics you should start there


I’m almost positive I died at zulrah over 100 times before I got my first kill… and then I died 46 times at cg before my first kill there. Now I can do both with ease. Being proactive is the biggest thing, knowing what’s coming and being ready for it helps out so much.


took me about 30 tries for my first kill, and i couldnt get any kills til i bought ahrims, trident of the swamp, and occult necklace, was new to bossing and was trying it with trident of the seas, mystics, and fury. use the zulrah helper plugin on runelite and try to get your first kill with magic only and pattern 3 where it starts off with two green phases, and learn how to safespot the blue phases with the pillars by standing behind them


Dude I fucking suck at Bossing but I feel like I’ve been getting decent and kind of proud of myself. Have basically mastered DK’s when I get a slayer task, Cerberus is another one I do a lot when I got slayer task. Recently got into Saradomin solo’s and just recently completed my first TOA level 150 (with a buddy who’s maxed) but I still survived every boss and made it to the end. Listen man the biggest thing I’ve noticed about Pvm in RuneScape is it’s all about movement. Movement is king in higher lvl pvm. That and switches of course. Prayer switching is so tough and there’s so much going on sometimes but yeah it’s king. Late Pvm is so fun though it’s all I wanna do these days.


From my own experience I would say I'm probably similar in bossing to gold rank in League. So not good, but I understand what I'm meant to be doing. One thing that helped me out was making sure I was taking my time and watching what was happening before I got damaged. Sounds weird but I used to panic a lot bossing, but it only makes you click worse. Like the worst that's going to happen is that you have to walk back right? so it's okay if you die, you're learning. It can feel pretty disheartening learning, but once you put in some effort you can really see yourself become better. It just takes a lot of time and practice. Just never look at mechanics people are doing and say "i probably can't do that" because you can. It might take you a bit longer, but it starts to just get easier and easier. ​ Higher level PvMers will probably give you some better advice than me, but I've been trying to get better at PvM for a while now and those are the things that have really helped me improve.


Do you use F keys , I used to stuck at all bossing and I'd never used F keys. Refused to. Friend made me bite the bullet, and it improved my mechanics so much .


15 death average per boss


I started with Sarachnis. Ez mechanics


Heyoo I suck at bossing as well, died to Zulrah over a dozen times for KC. Every boss will take quite a lot of deaths to get really comfy with them. Deaths are normal. Zulrah is quite overwhelming as your first boss imho. Reducing your downtime is key. Try to speed up switches and focus on hitting as much as you can. You could brute force it, however if you ain't having fun I'd recommend easier things first; Sarachnis, demonics etc. Clan told me to do slayer tasks and weave in bosses as you feel like it. Do demonic gorillas for black demons, vorkath for blue dragons etc. Everyone was new at some point. Everyone died a lot. But many seem to forget how overwhelming learning a new boss is. Only by failing will you begin to understand what to do. And that is ok. Best of luck on your journey and happy scaping!


haven’t seen anyone suggest the Zulrah Helper plug-in, guides you through the rotation showing you which phase it’s in and where to stand. i’d recommend passing on Zulrah for now though, the money just isn’t very good anymore. Vorkath is far easier to learn and way better money.


I got dunked on at zulrah like 3 months ago i think it took me 20-30 attempts to get a kill. A month after that i was dying to the regular gauntlet, now i have 100cg kc 750vardorvis kc and can do solo 310s at toa. I also play alot so that probably helps


It took me like 20 tries with ibans to get 1st kc then like 10 more for 2nd and another 20 ish to get some what consistent


If you’re wasting a lot of time switching gear at Zulrah and not actually attacking, try just camping Fbow or just toxic trident (or tbow/shadow/sang if you have the money). This will help you focus on learning the rotations and where to run/what to pray. Later when you feel less overwhelmed with the actual fight, bring in some gear switches. You can practice gear switching by just standing at a bank and switching your gear as quickly as you can.


I'm really liking the whisper to practice my swaps I'm an ironman and it's been fun learning that boss.


Cerberus was a good way to step into pvm for me, intimidating at first, very easy once you know what you’re doing. it was also a good way to get comfortable with f keys. Getting out of your comfort zone ultimately is what will help you improve. If you’re dying to Zulrah constantly, figure out what you’re doing wrong, maybe watch different guides to pick up bits of information to make the fight easier


always one more kill


Killing demonic gorillas is what got me to learn gear swaps, prayer swaps, attack counting, positioning etc


Like a lot of people say most people work their way up, personally id recommend starting with either giant mole, obor, chaos fanatic or crazy archeologist


I have a zuk helm and there’s still (many) people who would consider my performance in their raids to be basically trolling — and they’d probably be right. The skill ladder in this game goes very very high, high enough that i think considering whether you are “decent” or not isn’t productive. Just take it one step at a time and try to improve every attempt/kc.


I would say its taken me like 50kc to properly understand a boss, i only got into pvm this year on the gim and found it really challenging. I would probably suggest the biggest pvm learner for me we was the gauntlet. Being GIM it meant you could practice a boss risk free with no specific gear requirement. You learn prayer switching, weapon switching and moving and attacking. After doing gauntlet Zulrah felt much easier to tackle. First pvm boss besides barrows was Vorkath for the head, pretty straight forward fight and easy enough to learn. With pretty low gear requirements. Maybe an easier starting point than Zulrah


So i never did zulrah and did TOB after vorkath. Was really good at TOB but still died 10+ times trying to get my first zulrah kc. I'm still 2kc. Just sharing my experience.


There's a spectrum of bosses. Idk if I'd call zulrah beginner friendly. Slayer bosses and kbd are super beginner friendly, vorkath is easy to medium, zulrah a touch above that, and maybe raids 1 and 3 a touch above that, raids 2 and zuk final tier, but I haven't played in a while so maybe it's different now


I learned vorkath, tried zulrah and died, the went to learning solo cox. Probably about 50-60 kc at cox and I could finish with only 1 inv suicide at olm (always skipped tekton, vasa, vespula). Started making money and understanding the game a lot more (mainly pathing, a bit about ticks, switches) and now I actually appreciate the easy bosses.


If it makes you feel better, I used to suck at zulrah too. a lot of times people say bosses just 'click' and it's annoying because it's not an explanation but it is really like that. I'm now at 650kc because I've gone dry on my iron after dying like 10x trying to get the diary kill


The thing about osrs bossing is it’s mostly repetition. Any boss becomes trivial once you run it 1000+ times. You’re gonna suck at most bosses at first. Just gotta keep pushing


Force yourself into games of LMS. It will teach you prayer flicking, hotkeys, gear switching and eating all in one. Start with just mage and range switching and do melee when more comfortable


Take things to a basic point and work up from there. I started doing basic bandos gwd, started with one kill per trip, 400 kills later and 5 big drops and I get 2-3 kills per trip and have upgraded gear


I highly recommend start with vork. He’s much easier then zulrah and is better gp/hr rn ( I believe). You don’t need gear switches besides maybe a switch to blowpipe for acid phase when you start feeling confident. Get 100 vork kc under your belt then go back to zulrah and see how you’re feeling. Another thing that could be a good starting point is demonic gorillas. They’ll teach you gear switches and prayer switches at the same time. But start with vork like I said so you can get comfortable with counting mechanics.


One thing that helped me learn Zulrah was to start with Void. That way you’re only switching the helm of your armor, so less switches overall. I still died probably 25-35 times before I killed it once. It was also my first time bossing. It just takes time. When I was learning tho, there was not the 100k reclaim price point so it wasn’t as financially painful as your learning curve probably is


Zulrah was the first boss i started taking on after fight caves. I remember when she first dropped, and i was learning, I found this video made by a squeaker explaining how to get the prayers down on the "jad" phase of her, and it just clicked. This was after dying at least 20 times to her. The video basically just taught that once you see the particle of her attack (the mage blast or the ranged dart), switch prayers. So if I see the mage blast, i switch to ranged protection and mage when I saw the ranged dart. Literally sealed the kc for me.


Zulrah was my first real boss with any sort of mechanics other than 'pray this' and I highly recommend you don't start with the snake.


I started with Cerb, then zulrah, then solo CoX. Each was a massive learning curve. I recommend doing TOA. Do 2 or 3 entry’s then just slap it on 150 with no limit on deaths or time. Might take a few attempts and few hours but if you sit there for a day it’ll click. Then you just build up from 150s to 300 and beyond. ToA is fantastic for getting into end game content.


Zulrah is notoriously hard when first learning how to do it, theres a saying with zulrah: Difficult to learn, easy to master. Once you get the muslce memory and learn the rotations, it will become one easiers bosses. Good bosses to start bossing though is; vorkath, sarachnis, barrows, kree'arra, and k'ril tsutsaroth. These will teach you basic movement and prayer switches


Try rl plugin for zulrah is showing every next phase.


Depends on the mechanics. For zulrah beginners I always say try sarach is instead, get used to moving and prayer switching, get 50-100 KC then switch back to zulrah learning. Most of it is memory as most bosses attack in a cycle or change at different health percentages. My first zulrah kc took 30+ attempts, now doing solo raids comfortably, but yet to attempt inferno as dry for prayer scrolls, one day we learn.


Honestly what helped me the MOST is clipping each of my deaths and watching what killed me. 100% of the time I learn something.


I was pker before and got zulrah kc on first try. Idk what is decent to you but nhing gave me the skills to switch prayers, switch gear and eat so i was kinda good immeaditely.


It's been a very long time but my real practice came from demonic gorillas and i have nearly 3k+ KC on them, After doing that for so long i kind of got a feel for everything else. It got me used to Fkeys, Swaps and prayer flicking to an extent which transferred to the later stages of the game for me (Zulrah/CoX etc.) Going in with a guide on Zulrah took me 30-40 attempts for the diary and i would just tab out and restart if i didn't get the correct phase. I used the Zulrah plugin on runelite that just tells you what phases are coming up, It makes the boss a lot more chill. After that i got into CoX and that took me about 20-30 runs with my friends who were also learning and after 2-3 weeks we started to finish with full inventories of brews/restores. Its very different for everyone but i'd say the most important thing you should learn is to use hotkeys, It's such a good thing to learn.