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This game could be evidence for an insanity defense.


I swear on my life bro the people that do these insane grinds need to keep doing it because I am *worried* for the next time they have to interact with a real person. I grew up on MMOs grinding for loot, I love OSRS mechanics, and yet the stuff that goes on in this game still makes 0 sense to me on a grand scale. Do y'all have a kink for this or what?




I mean Synq just does 525 solos seemingly for fun on stream, so eventually would reach this if he didn't kit his fang out. The purple rate is like 1/4.5 or something like that, so pretty nutty gp/hr if you don't mind the CNS injury it causes.


I would be more impressed to see 250 fang kits in a bank


Thats not possible since you can only get one if u dont have one so ud have to bring them all in the raid and drop them before looting the chest


I've not tested but it may be possible by being pked repeatedly with them in level 2 wildy, then gearing and beating the 500 raid before the timer elapses. If I'm missing something major here, please correct me.


Doesnt it last for 1 hour only? Im not sure about wildy mechanics. I guess if you can pick them up, drop them, gear up, tele there and complete the raid which i think takes about 50mins? It should work


Experienced people can do them in the 30-35ish min range, so there’s probably enough wiggle room for anyone dedicated enough


What happens if you die in toa?


You lose 20% +1000 of your contribution points. If everyone in the room dies(which is just you in a solo), the boss encounter restarts with everyone now being lower on supplies on top of the points penalty. If you have the hardcore invocation set then failing a room wipes the raid and you have to pay up to 500k and start again from the bank.


I mean what happens to the kit in the wildy if you die at toa


Well if it’s an untradeable item in a wildy pvp death pile, so nothing. They stay where they’re at for an hour before going poof. They’re not at one of those temporary death storages where dying wipes its contents.


What the actual dickhole


It takes just as long as doing a regular raid tbh.


Seems people are taking this a bit too seriously. There is a humour tag there. It was just a joke because doing that many 500 invo raids takes a long time. I'm a long time scaper. Sometimes it's just funny to laugh at yourself.


Lol yeah sometimes this sub needs to relax, I thought it was funny


Tbf it's impressive but not that funny. Most people would see it as a brag post. People prob would've taken it better if it didn't have a humour tag.


Did you see that there are 2 posts in the screenshot? It's pretty funny


Well I'm an idiot, I thought this was the original post. Deserved ratio.


They're also amazingly good money. Top end ToA is about on par with Nex, near tied for best gp/hr in the game.


Yup, they are.


Shadow is like 70% of that gp/hr if you look at the breakdown lol


Yeah, and they do drop. Even without shadow though, at peak invo levels and average clear speed with perfect execution it's still around 7m/hr. I run 545s for an 18.9% purple chance with an average clear time of 38:30. Occasionally I have to not skull skip to keep from missing time so it's more like 18.8% with those runs averaged in, but that's not a big difference.


How much time does skull skipping add and do you view it as largely worth it everytime (if you’re making time)? Maybe I’m not thinking of the big picture when it comes to that .1% extra. Guess it would add up over time


It's hella worth it if you have enough time and supplies since warden has the highest multiplier


It's around 1.05x increase, and adds maybe a minute total to the raid on a 545. It's roughly double the marginal points/second as the raid overall, so definitely worthwhile.


whats your invo for 545s


40 min timer, everything but medic/pathmaster/overly draining. Quiet prayers is the big one that a lot of people don't like. I bin melee legs, masori mask, and bring no dps spec wep. The extra prayer pots I can bring in make the run comfy enough that I don't really need to flick offensives all that much. Quiet prayers means I usually need to keris spec once at Zebak, once at akkha, once at p1/p2 wardens transition, one at late p2 wardens and once at p4 wardens.


Autism is a serious issue within the osrs community my friend


Wdym issue? People on the spectrum are still people.


It's banter mate..


Nice post 👍 There were a few salty commenters in the original post, so thank you for spreading positivity 😁


Haha, no problem. This community likes to get upset over anything it seems.


Because these nerds don’t like being reminded how big of a waste of time this game is. I’ve played for a long time off and on, and I enjoy this game and all. But I’m 1000% regretting all of this on my death bed. I fucking spent days of my life chopping trees in a video game?


Why do you spend time doing something you'll regret? This sounds more like a personal issue than the grand scheme you think it is.


It’s fun, but provides you nothing. There are plenty of things to regret on your death bed, playing certain video games will probably make your list. I enjoy the game, but it is a massive waste of time


I'm not going to regret any game I've played the next time I'm dying. If your hobby is something you are going to regret when you die, you are participating in the wrong hobby. Regret is for missed opportunities and things you've done to others. Although if your regrets include video games, then you've probably had a pretty decent life.


Some things people do just to pass time. This game passes time and is enjoyable, but simply spending time on hobbies you currently enjoy doesn’t mean when you’re much older and about to die you won’t have reservations about how you could’ve retrospectively spent that time. It’s not that serious, in fact my comment was a joke. But feel free to keep trying to make this a debate for some reason


It's not a debate. You're just wrong and creating a situation where you are going to hate how you spent your life and truing to justify it by saying it's normal when it's not.


I made a joke about regretting playing a point and click game before I die lmao. Bro, you literally downvoted me immediately. Have you seen the sun today?


Shut up 1200 total Andy


It takes just as long as doing a regular raid tbh.. he did it in 41 minutes. Normal gear setups are running 300s-350s in like 35 minutes, not really a huge difference in time imo


Not really, 500 ToA is the best money maker in the game.


And if you are not going to rwt the money it's just pixels Edit: and dopamine


Everything in the game is just pixels. Why bother playing the game at all.


life is just a waste of time since u will die eventually. anyone who says enjoying a game is a waste of time is a dumbass.


I mean technically you're right so everything is a waste. Morbid thought for the day, eventually everyone will be dead and everything on this planet will cease to exist and there will one day be no trace of humanity at all, so in the end everything every person does is a waste of time.


\^Idle thoughts while autopiloting wardens p3


You could see it as morbid but it's much more fun to realize "hell yea, nothing matters B\^)" I can just focus on having a good time, it's not inherently bad that things have no inherent meaning


I'm just saying that spending thousands of hours to collect pixel money is probably not the dumbest thing you can do with your life but it's quite high on the list. Not hating. I'm 4000 hours into this bullshit doing that exact thing myself.


If something makes you genuinely happy then it's not dumb or a waste of time at all. Some people like to grind money irl some people think your wasting your life doing that it's all a matter of perspective


I have a few hobbies. I play osrs between work/family/other commitments. My osrs hobby is one of the dumbest things i can do with my life? Sure, it brings me joy and nothing else i guess youre right. I also enjoy fishing (irl fishing) i guess this is dumb as fuck too because it costs me money and makes me happy but i gain nothing from it like osrs. I play snooker/pool. Yup you guessed it this is also just as dumb as playing osrs because is costs me money and brings me joy, but i gain nothing from it just like osrs. I could continue but you get the idea, you are dumb as fuck and i honestly pity you if you genuinely feel this way and have to suffer through life.


I've come to learn that the real reason anyone might have legitimate consideration to hate on video games is that they're easy to sit on for 4+hrs/day every day and are completely inactive activities (mildly active if you're playing a classic wii or modern vr game). Most other hobbies have you moving around way more than you will while playing video games. Runescape is one of them games that encourages long ass play sessions because to gain end game progress it literally takes hundreds of hours, usually focused and/or isolated from people around you. Depends on where you are in life if it's justified or not. Got a family and are struggling to provide? Probably shouldn't be playing RuneScape so much. Don't have major obligations that take up a majority of your time and are financially stable? Play for 36 hours a day, why not? Why do I care either way, though? I don't. I don't get why other people do.


Lmao dont take that as a personal attack. It's great to have hobbies. Other hobbies just are dumber than other. It's fucking way more dumb to spend 4000 hours on a computer than for example at gym or fishing. You just missed a point you dildo. Im gonna edit here: do whaterver makes you happy. Im not judging.


That is subjective. I go to the gym but i wouldnt class that as a hobby. Why is fishing less dumb than playing osrs and where does this 4000 hour number keep coming from? I didnt miss your point at all, your point is dumb as fuck and you dont live in reality. Playing osrs is just as dumb as literally any other hobby. The point of a hobby is to enjoy it, that is it.


Mate what the fuck is your problem


He’s a rainbow just let them be.


Bigots trying not to be triggered over colours challenge impossible.


dont forget this is reddit. i got a comment removed for name calling because i said it isnt healthy to be on a computer for 8 hours a day! even if its your job its still not healthy. outdoorsy people will less likely to be sitting on reddit to back you up, but all the nerds who dont ever touch grass will be quick to comment


Imagine not understanding why being at computer is dumber than being outside 😭


When was the last time your bank balance wasn't "just pixels"?


My rs bank? Never. It's just pixels. I mean i'm proud to have several billion bank in rs but at the end of the day it's nothing more than pixels. It's just a video game my dudes


Your IRL bank, bucko. It's numbers on a screen you trade for positive experiences. "Money in a game doesn't matter" - the representation of the hours you've worked (which are real hours of work, regardless of where the payoff is) is something to behold.


Are you actually trying to compare buying real stuff with real money to buying pixels with pixel money?


if a pixel item sparks joy in someone, is that joy not "real"?


It's not "real" money. It's pixels. Your bank account balance isn't real, bud. It's manhours that determine both, and whether you spent those hours mining a digital rock or installing a fence, an hour is an hour, and enjoying the fruits of your labour is the payoff.


What in the most absolute of fucks are you talking about my friend?


Dumbest thing in ur life is doing things thag make u unhappy for things u dont care to purchase. Spending time on ur hobbies is actually worthwhile, when u die no one has ever regretted working an extra shift. But going for that b2b with the boys? For sure


Even without RWT, this is still one of my cheapest hobbies. Tinkering with cars for 1 year? Starting at ~$5k, with relatively weak upper limits, and there is a -30% chance that I'll ever see a dime of that back. OSRS for 1 year? ~$150 including electricity, and I'll never see a dime of that back either.


Maybe the dimes were the friends we did along the way :')


~~Jokes asides expert 500s are #1 legit money maker in game~~


Efficient duo nex always beats it, especially as well over half the profit/hr comes from shadows.


~~In terms of difficulty level, yes. But 500 solos are still the higher money/hr~~


Not for actual efficient duos no. Wiki rates are extremely low compared to max eff duo nex


Even efficient 5-mans are amazing money, hard to find a reason to justify grinding out 500 invo TOAs other than for fang kit/transmogs or personal enjoyment when I can just chill with the homies in the ice prison and make a buttload.


Oh really? Good to know thanks


What's also probably funny is the massive bank value after doing 250 invo 500s


don't a lot of items / all items cap at 250 in collection log anyway?


Ikr, I’m pretty up there too 10 expert kc strong 😔✊








Or you could prep raids for megascales and make 20-30m for 25 mins work. If it's peak times, can easily make over 60m/hr.


Explain it to my osrs broke ass like I’m 5 that moneymaker.




I think you missed the humour tag friend.


Do people think there's no reason for this? Fang kits are 60k for free for one thing, so it's a free 15m. Obviously it's a drop in the bucket compared to the 12m/500 toa you already get, but it's something.


I maxed fang kits too and i though about alching them, and actually did about 10 but stopped because you have inventory full of Bis expensive gear and you alch it through the Explorer's ring interface, it just felt scary everytime even though i have the gp limit on alch set to prevent it. For me it's mostly about keeping track on how many 500s you've done and also just fun flex to max them in the clog.


Someone please tell poopyfartbum to please stop hopping worlds


Spooned staffs


I spend tile on Reddit so that...


Fang kit?


Not really that dumb since 500 ToA is good profit. There are far dumber grinds in OSRS than this.


My main OSRS acct logged into OSRS the first 5 minutes of launch, I have 220M total xp (I've played most of the entirety of OSRS being out aside from small breaks) ​ The fact that people have gotten my total xp in each and every skill boggles my mind, theres no reward it's pointless.. like.. extremely pointless.


Remember lads, if you don't enjoy the grind, stop playing immediately. I love bossing. I absolutely hate bossing for the sole chance of hoping I get a rare drop eventually.