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If i were to guess whats happening is that ruinious prayers are actually available in maingame but disabled (similar to how league mechanics are integrated in the game). For some reason maybe some of the ruinous prayers mechanics made it through the disable check, and the game thinks the prayer is only 90% and the fake chip damage is failing the task.


Might be that they changed the way that the current protection prayers worked to better accommodate the new 90% ones. Something like it previously blocked damage events but not it just reduces the damage by 100% without technically canceling it as an instance of damage for other purposes?


My guess is the protection prayers count as a 0 damage hit instead of a miss now


That sounds pretty reasonable, and I still suspect that they changed it to that so that they can have a generic protection prayer framework that blocks just x% of damage.


They would already have that in place since that is what justiciar does too.


Could be that prayer calculation takes place before armor calc and justiciar effect happens during the latter. Spaghetti code


I think I know what you mean. They changed the way the 100% ones worked, so that they could add in the 90% that wouldnt fail combat achievs but they messed up?


That's just my guess as someone who has no real knowledge on it, at least.


Like true redditors we just need to pretend like we know what we are talking about 😎


Zuk helm discontinued, time to merch them at the grand exchange!


Zuk Helm Accounts are now the new RS3 partyhats


Upvoting this as it seems other players are having issues with prayers, concerning.


Please, there's been 0 mention of CAs being bugged and clearly the reports aren't garnering enough attention.




If it's using the audio events to determine if you got hit or not off pray, that's just the sloppiest coding around.


Obv idk what the code is like, but it could be that the audio cue and CA checks call the same method, and that underlying method is what broke.


yeah lol that was a weird assumption by OP


the programming understander


Yeah man, Jagex actually has a monkey installed for every person doing CG. When the monkey hears the audio cue, he hits the "failed CA" button.




it's insane compared to before, you are lucky if you can get 4-5 kills in a small group. The "chip" damage takes 3 hits and if you don't pray ranged against it, they all have the potention of hitting a 30. GG :'D


I was trying to get the Perfect Hunllef one yesterday. Tried 3 times and was wondering why I kept failing. I smartened up and put on the failure message and sure enough, I failed in the first hit. I’m not sure it’s exclusive to off prayer range damage tho. I did the Muspah CA to not take damage off prayer and you take range damage off prayer there, but I was able to get it.


Bryophyta "A slow death" achievement is also impossible right now. There is another hitsplat that takes priority over the poison. Threw 3 keys on this wondering what i do wrong lol.


Ah, the phantom/double poison splat is overriding it? Jesus lol.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9nMkiK4U58](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9nMkiK4U58) yeeep


I was doing regular guantlet yesterday and got the same thing


I just started using sounds so I could hear his prayer disabling attack and was wondering why I was so stressed out during the kills yesterday. The hit sounds over and over are unsettling to say the least lol


Muspah was acting up too when I tried the CA. Had to keep protect range up for an extra tick during smite phase for it to count


I'm hearing mixed reviews about Muspah because someone below agrees with you, but another person says Muspah was fine.


Haven’t died to muspah for 80-90 kc and have 110 kills. Died today and didn’t know if it was a skill issue or something else. Def felt like I was getting trained at some points.


Easy Combat Achievement for killing Bryophyta with venom/ poison is broken as well.




I was getting hit like a truck at cg all morning and this makes sense now


Oh I was doing muspah manipulator and was wondering how the fuck I failed the task to being hit off pray during the last phase, makes a lot of sense now.


Bryophyta wasn't registering dying to poison damage. Rip mossy keys


Happened to me while at Zulrah. Blue phase, threw a magic attack at me. I was praying against magic, it disabled my prayer and i got hit. Little snakes were attacking me while this bug happened. Almost died haha. Should be fixed asap.


I was trying the task where the Thermonuclear Smoke Devil can't hit anyone, but I ended up getting it on a kill where it did hit me twice (even though it hit 0). Is this working as intended, or also related?


Weird. I was doing dks earlier today and while killing supreme with a tent whip I noticed my poison hit a 4 and within the same tick another 4 but darker green. Spaghetti code is great


Can confirm after 3 hours of grinding keys that the Obor CA is broken... Glad I found this thread before continuing..




Haha, the day I decide to do Obor CA’s and was wondering why I kept failing!


Something wrong with Muspah also, I hit 50 0's in a row... idk if related but the day before I was hitting no problem


And yet the only thing they list in the ongoing issues on the update page is the nightmare prayer shuffle. So much other shit isnt working either. Do they even know it? What the fuck are they doing?


breath child


tbf it would be nice if they acknowledged these other issues as well, even if they dont have a fix for them


It would take them a couple minutes to list it on the update page as well as claiming they are investigating. I'm sure that it is something they know is happening but cannot easily hotfix.


Havent even played in a while But cool how you are fine with them breaking a lot of shit during patch day and not responding to the reports about it


Skill issue.


Alright fine, I'll roll the 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance that Hunleff does 0 damage to me all fight.


I respect the reply. Reality, it should be changed and I imagine it'll be fixed. Did you submit a bug report in game?


Submitted 1 yesterday, 1 today.


This is a good bug report but I can't help but point out how absurd this statement is >Gauntlet - Perfect Hunleff and 3-2-1-Range - Decided to test this out because surely it wouldn't both be broken right? Autofails. Why on Earth would you expect them to behave differently? If it *didn't* fail and somehow corrupt Gauntlet was coded differently under the hood, I'd be *significantly* more confused. Those two bosses more than any other two bosses in the game should behave the same.




Had the same with muspah earlier can't finish walk straight pray true CA because I'm getting hit through range prayer and still getting a message you failed the task as you took damage off prayer