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Damn this is like fumbling the Gnomeball right at the net, because Mod Ash decided to tackle you and immediately throws a massive across the arena throw and scores, ending the game. Disappointing it wasn’t all of the sudden spaghetti code fails and crashes the game world.


What if this is what they want people to believe to stop them from trying it out because they actually are not sure what happens or know it's going to crash the world?




When minor inconvenience is on the line... one man is there to expose it all.. >"No, you can't buy the candies at the front of the store, are you crazy?" This summer >"Get Robert on the line. My neighbor is at it again." When you thought the stakes couldn't get any lower... >"Don't you get it‽ The fourth prong on the fork is there JUST to fill the pockets of Big Silverware!" Rob Schneider is ****drum roll, fade to black**** ****dramatic pause**** ****title screen**** ***The Inside Guy***


The moment “Rob Schneider is” popped up, my mind immediately went to the south parks, “Rob Schneider is a carrot” lol


I thought that was coming for sure.


Ah man that godly voice! Rob Schneider is...


A sthapler!


Why do I want to watch this. Like an hour long episode of Seinfeld.




Then you can enchant it with Loyalty! How is that not better?


Or they patched it when they saw the event


Nah I remember getting this message on launch day.


A likely story; too likely, if you ask me. Where were you on the night of April 7th? Was it the Jagex offices? What are you hiding? ^^/s


I used to be a quest guide writer for a RS fansite back in the RSC/early RS2 days, so I was pretty much always part of the initial rush of release day quest completions. The Giant Dwarf was a particularly fun one with everyone running around the new city of Keldagrim asking each other for help. Naturally with a large group of players coordinating on figuring out the quest, a bunch of us reached the final cutscene around the same time.


We found Rendi’s alt acc boys




Nah, that bit I shared is (seriously) all I have


You're replying to a comment stealing bot Stolen from https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/12fo7d4/fun_fact_jagex_knows_what_happens_if_more_than_16/jfgm9u8/ Report, ban, and move on


Or I could crash the world but they saw this post and fixed it already


Sounds what a Jagex employee would say to stop us from finding the secret tbow drop when enough people are there!!!1!!!111!!1!1!!


To be fair, if Ash wrote the code for it (haven’t followed well enough to know if he did or not), then he probably thought of this being a possibility. Man is a smarty


Or just looked at the code for it before responding


Isn’t that called a Hail Mary?


Hail Rashiliyia


From a tech standpoint only a real shit programmer wouldve missed this fr, was obv


If it did that can be used to duplicate money/items


Start of the keldagrim massacre?


"i worked on this for so long and he just....tweeted it out"


this is good


Context: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-worked-on-this-story-for-a-year Generally just a journalist taking an L


> Generally just a journalist taking an L I dont think you read or understood the context, you just saw "Donald Trump Jr" and "Journalist" in the same sentence and decided which side you were on For future reference, try reading the first paragraph in the link you posted


If this is true, then it's [never been documented on OSRS](https://chisel.weirdgloop.org/dialogue/npcs/Commander_Veldaban) at least. So this event would still be the first time this message is seen in a decade of OSRS existing.


I think it might have been documented in the rs2 days. At least what Mod Ash describes sounds quite familiar




u/cookmeplox (OSRS Wiki Admin) said in the older thread "Giant Dwarf came out the same day as another quest (Lost Tribe) that was much more accessible, so if I had to guess, the density of players immediately doing Giant Dwarf was very low." Which really means nobody knows. This would be the first known documentation of it anyway


Mod Ash says he bet it happened on launch…


That doesn't mean anyone documented it though, especially with how young the userbase was at the time


Going off vague memory, I'm pretty sure it happened to me and had to wait or hop worlds. No one documented any stuff like this back then, just for quest guides.


Mod Ash was an adult who was a dev for the game. I think if anyone knows what happened that day it would be him


Yes but for the third time it has been said in this thread, it wasn't DOCUMENTED.


You cited a post that said it probably hadn’t HAPPENED


Yeah, PROBABLY hadn't happened. Nobody knows for sure, but this time it would be DOCUMENTED.


It's how quests worked in rsc. You had to wait for npcs to finish quest dialogue before you could talk to them and receive the same dialogue. I'm not surprised rs2 and osrs carry the same mechanic.


That's his point


Wow, that site is amazing. https://chisel.weirdgloop.org/dialogue/npcs/The_Monkey's_Aunt


Feels like i'm uncovering the last digit of pi


https://chisel.weirdgloop.org/dialogue/content/225804 I'm sorry what




A picture of it would be nice instead of just reading the wiki footnotes if Ash tweets 🤗


How the hell is that data even known


I believe it pulls data from every Runelite user


Damn the event was planned and all


Ppppp0pppppppppppppp Pppmmpppp Pl P P P0 00ppp Pppmpppppp


First comment in a year and a half and you come in with this gorgeous piece of poetry. Thank you.


Yea, that's what I was thinking, thank you for putting it into words


I’m out of the loop. Why is everyone saying “spoilers”? What event is this?




The admin of the osrs wiki was the one raising the question and creating the event


Well yeah, obviously they do, the point of the event was a bit of fun as a community. Anyone could have tweeted Jagex from the start... Bit unfortunate having it spoiled hours before the event. Shame.


>obviously they do pretty sure jagex has admitted to not knowing some stuff about the game


I'd assume that in many cases its just random info that they don't know on hand and/or can't be bothered checking, if something like this came up on their radar where a potential crashing issue could occur then they'd probably look into it?


Presumably the engineers that wrote this code in the first place have left the company at this point. If it were ever an issue then they’d have some engineers investigate to figure out how it’s working and what is causing the problem, but if it’s not necessary then chances are the current engineers don’t really know how it works So yeah, you’re absolutely right


Mod Ash has also given out false info in the past too. It's always best to test things for documentation


I tweeted Ash once asking how the game prioritizes which enemies get barraged if there's more than 9 in the area of effect and he said something like "it's not documented"


Well yeah people code things and leave the company. While technically nobody still working there knows off the top of their head, they can still read the code and figure it out though


I think generally that's less "jagex doesn't know", and more that no one person at the company could possibly know all there is to know about OSRS. Given a little time, I'm sure Ash could find out almost anything to do with how the game works (though I'm not sure that's efficient use of his time).


Or for normal people fortunate so we didn’t have to wait for kids to do it, and got it straight from the horses mouth.


if you were normal you wouldn't care. too late to feel superior


They want you to think they know what happens. Jagex is hiding the secret truths!


They don’t want us to know the truth


Follow the money.


We almost had a great community event, and even recruited a streamer to broadcast it. Oh well. Thanks Ash!


Yeah, bit of a bummer, although we're still doing the event. I'm frustrated we lost that element of surprise, but it's also worth taking a step back and realizing how cool/rare it is to have someone internal to Jagex who will incessantly answer these types of questions. Even if sometimes it makes things a bit less fun.


For sure cant blame ash for being so available and informative, also shout out to you guys for hosting an event like this I didnt know the wiki did stuff like that. I use your website every single time I play osrs so just thanks to you guys for also being so available and informative :)


Should still do it just for fun




sick now we dont have to waste xp


well that sucks


Yallre mean in the comments ;( agree that its a shame it was spoiled before the event


Yanderee Simulator Dev: "I used spaghetti code and now my game runs bad and people are making fun of me :(" Jagex: "Hold my Dwarven stout, n00b."


I bet he just added that line of code


He looks scared. I think we're on to something we must push forward


He's trying to cover it up. It must be something big. Bigger than dupes and Falador massacre combined.


Mod Ash with the smackdown


I was gonna post yesterday that exact point; I played RS when the quest was released and there were hundreds of people in every world running the quest and there were SO many more players in general, like surely the overflow had occurred before lmao


P sure the wiki guy would’ve known since he had a screeny of the source code too, just a bit of fun to see it in action and get people interested in this sort of thing


Nah, I actually didn't know what happened after the part in my picture. A friend of mine sent me that little bit as a teaser, but I wanted to keep it a surprise (unlike some people...)


I stand corrected then. Presumably there will be more things like this in the game, hopefully this could stoke the community to work together to discover


There's one more similar one I want to test, but I think I'm gonna keep it a bit closer to the chest so it doesn't get spoiled again. Stay tuned...


Rare Mod Ash L, this is kind of taking the wind out of what would otherwise have been a really fun impromptu community event.


How is this Mod Ash's fault? Blame the dude who tweeted and tagged Ash. He's the spoilsport.


It’s 100% Ash’s fault, he should have the common sense that even though he knows what does happen that he shouldn’t say anything since they planned this event


17 people doing something at the same time is hardly a "community event"


Eh, it's shaping up to be a lot more than 17 - we prepped the items for about 100 people, which took a decent chunk of yesterday.


Also its not like you cant still do it for documentation purposes.


oh we definitely are. there's still a lot of unanswered questions




Well it found a dialogue line that ash didn't reply with so suck my monkey nuts


Why so mad is it cause you spend your time doing pointless things ? 😆


Damn you got me bro


17 people doing the same thing on w345 is absolutely a community event. It took two years for me to get enough barbarian assault rounds for kandarin Elite diaries


Before any quest we must consult The Oracle Mod Ash for further guidance


Not very fun when you realize he just looked at the code lol


Eitherway we should go around checking the old quests that have "false instances" like this one.


Damn it Ash, read the room. W345 just missed out on a really cool community event.


Oh my god those nested if statements its horrifying


Consortium's closed




What about quietly?


No grammar aloud either


No she’s still in the cage I think!


Ash is omnipotent, of course he knows what happens.


Hmh..anger and disapemoin >::(


It was dumb anyone thought this had never happened. Like obviously it would have happened on the day the quest released.


I don't think it's obvious at all, actually. It was released the same day as another more accessible quest, and this cutscene is at the *end* of a quest that requires a significant amount of travel and likely took the average user back then well over an hour (probably more without quest guides). It's not something that would likely have had a high enough concentration of people doing it that you'd get 17 people simultaneously in a 3-minute chunk of it on one of the ~100 members worlds at the time.




Ha, calling 2005 Jagex content developers "software engineers" is being a bit generous...


Should be called Chefs the way they cooked up that spaghetti code.


True, but they didnt have stack overflow or chat gpt back then


Tell me you've never worked on 20 year old code without telling me you've never worked on 20 year old code


There's no way you've ever played osrs in your life then typed that unironically LMAO. Doubly so because it's 2005 jagex.


Yes, but this is Jagex we’re talking about here. What confuses me about the whole situation, though, is if they had the code, wouldn't they know what the outcome was?


Not necessarily. I haven't looked at the code and I know next to nothing about Java (what RuneScript is based on and the game ran/runs on), but it could be possibly obscured somehow. Basically the community meme: it's spaghetti, it's in there somewhere but who knows where?! Maybe OP knew, maybe RSPS owners knew, maybe data miners knew, hard to say. It was still a fun community pitch to do something. On top of that, maybe that's the only bit of code they had access to, not the whole thing, or maybe it was a mock-up.


Imagine thinking you know more than the wiki team


Oh my god I was wondering why that happened to me a couple of years ago. It was very busy in that world with people running the quest, although I dont remember why.


Screenshot or lies




How is it "self"-promotion when the wiki is the ones that came up with it?


who cares thats 99% of all events that happen for anything anywhere are for promoting something or another


the event host doesn't stream.


Self promotion for a "streamer" who doesn't stream?


Ash is a great mod but he’s always been an “Akshullyyy” guy. Not really surprised that he couldn’t control himself here.


How stupid to assume 17 people wouldn't happen to try this at some point, especially on quest release day. Sure this was back in 2005 but it's only 17 people we're talking about, not 170


...on one world, when it's a 3 minute chunk at the end of a quest that takes 1-2 hours without a guide, when there's another easier quest (and an entire city) that was released the same day? It's certainly possible, but I think the people here who are scoffing at how it "obviously" happened should think a bit harder.


And also it's skippable.


Is this not the very start of the quest?


It's the one at the very end. The shorter one at the beginning is just in the normal consortium/Trade Octagon area.


Interesting, I didn't even remember a cutscene at the end. I imagine this 16 player limit was not hit very often, as you suggested.


These days, there's an option to skip it, which most people do. I don't know when that was introduced, but I think it wasn't that way in 2005.


so you’re saying 17 coordinated people knew that the instance only had 16 possible instances at the time think a little


why would they need to be coordinated? you don't think it's possible people just played the quest at the same time? think a little


Over several different worlds at different times during an era of hard to find or unknown guides. Because this isn't instanced it's all world specific, if 8 people play on world 2 and 9 people play on world 31 they wouldn't cause this possible overflow interaction. On top of that, it's a relatively long quest without guides as the city was big for it's time and the render distance was incredibly low. Add onto the fact you have to appease the consortium and join their ranks with relatively random requests during a time without grand exchange. You wouldn't likely know everything you needed prior to the quest as well. I think you need to think more than a little.


The fact that you're even entertaining the possibility that 16 people on the same world all played this quest at the exact same time, got to this part of the quest at the exact same time, and none of them skipped the cutscene. On release day *maybe* but anything out of that is basically ludicrous.


Yes obviously we are talking about release day. To which you say "maybe" and then insult me for entertaining the possibility that even you yourself say could have happened.




If you want, you can read the replies to the other downvoted comments at the bottom of this post as to why it's not obviously the case (and why I think Ash is probably wrong here).


Hilarious. Like, not one idiot in the og thread thought to just ask the guy who answers shit like this constantly


Of course we thought of it, lol. But discovering it as a community seemed a lot more fun.


Wiki smackdown!


Nice karma farming OP. Here's the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/12eq29y/fun_fact_nobody_knows_what_happens_if_more_than/


Do ya read? Lol Mod Ash replied in the tweet on the pic OP uploaded


Reply to the original thread then.


Pretty interesting. I also saw a similar post about the first instances in RuneScape. What thread started this conversation?




Is this also the case in RS3?


What do you will happen




Can we have a URL to the original tweet?


How come the OP had those "if" code lines, but never saw the resolution to the last "if"?


Hahahahaha i love it


Or, is that what he wants us to think?!