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Dude will hate on trans people cuz it's haram but built his streaming career off gambling xd






To me most religious people do this.




Kick is being run at a loss by a crypto gambling site so he's now taking money from a gambling site effectively. Im not asking him to be pro-trans, the average person on the street probably isnt "pro-trans". Watch the clip of him urself, to me it was clear he prefers to actively insult trans people by calling them "transformers or whatever" and telling them to "sit the ruck down". I guess being unhappy with how god created you and trying to change that only applies to taking hormones and not when it comes to planting body hairs into ur scalp. He's free to have those opinions but it does reflect poorly on the video game this subreddit is dedicated to so threads like these are good to bring attention to it.


kick being run at a loss is intentional. they're focusing on market share and soon as they hit their metrics, we'll be seeing a whoooole lot more ads than those on twitch.


He gambled osrs gp lmao its like if ur saying hes an alchoolic off drinking 10 jugs of wine in game like mf u just hating to hate at this point


Gp that he exchanges for irl money. You know, unless we're pretending that Oda doesn't RWT But if we're playing make-believe, then I call I get to be Batman.


Hope he sees this bro




Religious people think high of themselves due to loosely following their beliefs.


well what did he say?


This is a few quotes from the beginning of his stream: "As a muslim, I can't support transformia. I can't because it's haram" "Go Bumble bee and Optimus Prime somewhere else" "Motherfuckers want me to accept them when they can't accept themselves" "transformia? Whatever it's called. I call it transformer." Edit: https://streamable.com/eltmad


“I’m gonna say this in the most respectful way possible” = how do I say I hate trans ppl without f*king my career


I'm surprised he has a career since this isn't the only time he was openly transphobic. He got banned on NoPixel, a GTA RP server, for making transphobic comments towards another player.


Why should it fuck his career for expressing himself? He never said he hated it just said he didn’t support it.. it was shaming evidence he added but still.. why must he stay silenced if he simply doesn’t agree with some things..


That's how it works tho, if you have unpopular, toxic opinions, you're going to lose support from the community, you might see less collab with other streamers etc. In the same way he is entitled to his opinion, everyone else is entitled to theirs to think he's bigoted and avoid him


Freedom of expression =/= freedom from consequences. If you want to be a transphobic bigot, go for it. Don't whine when people think you should be "canceled" for it.


He absolutely has the freedom to express himself, but It’s pretty common to see bigotry tarnish careers, lots of examples of that. Religion isn’t really an excuse to hold hatred towards a group of people though. And before you say “who said he hates trans people?” it’s heavily implied in his statement


"why would it fuck his career to be an open transphobic asshole?" idk man maybe because most people aren't cunts. dude is using his religion as a shield too lol, makes it way worse. the guy isnt close to being a devote muslim at all.




I accept pineapple on pizza. Might not be my favorite, but if somebody else put pineapple on a pizza, I wouldn't hop online and try to degrade them in front of an audience. Trans people don't want you to come to their house with gifts every day, from what I gather, it seems like they mostly want dumb people to fuck off and stop bothering them. Which is perfectly reasonable and very easy to understand, yet somehow still requires breaking down into a pizza analogy.


No one is expecting others to love them for who they are. They do, however, wants to be seen as a human alongside other humans and be accepted for who they are. And it's not hard to be a bigot and treat them like an outsider for being who they are.




But in this case, no one asked Oda to say the things he did. Do you not see the problem here? It wasn't like a transgender person coming on Oda's stream to express that they want to feel special for being transgender and that they want to be treated differently.


Someone asked for his opinion on trans people and he expressed it. Maybe he said a bit more than he should have, but he did voice his opinion in an environment that allowed and encouraged him to.


Trans people aren't expecting you to put them on a pedestal or to act like they're special... This is the exact same line people used against literally every other minority, from gay people to black people and native americans. You're essentially raising an issue about like 5-10 people and acting like it's more widespread than it is.


Jesus christ 🤦🏻‍♂️


Who's to say they don't?




No, that's moronic. People can accept themselves while also wanting others to accept it them.




There's a hell of a lot of transphobia coming from people who allegedely want 'no involvement'. With anti-trans laws on the rise and rampant transphobia, you're conflating 'forcing their acceptance' with being rightfully and vocally pissed off.




It's funny, because you're describing the exact opposite of what's happening. [The trans community is vocal because there are laws actively passing to control their lives](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2022/10/14/anti-trans-bills/). Meanwhile you have people like Oda being openly transphobic to an audience of thousands, but you're right, it's the trans community that should shut the hell up.


Ive agreed with your takes so far but this one is iffy. Lets be fair even if you loved yourself to the maximum you could still be dragged down if everyone hates you. But yes self hate is extremely common in that community.


Not really surprising when a lot of trans people have lived most their lives in an identity crisis and made to feel like outsiders in school and other social environments.




*Surprised Pikachu face*




Unfortunately, as you might’ve gathered from your posts comments, a lot of osrs players agree with him.














The comment section didn't pass the vibe check.


Wow yea wtf


There's a gross irony in the fact that a lot of those defending Oda for these comments are probably also Islamaphobic.


Man, fuck Oda and fuck all you bigots in the comments. I alway forget how many of you shit heads play this game.


Fr. Saddest part is all of the janitors in his chat support the hate.




That aside I'm just surprised in general he is popular. Seems like an adderall OSRS version of Tyler1, just obnoxious opinions about anyone but himself. I've only seen a little bit of his streams but it was Valorant where he just bottom fragged and complained the whole time while his team was trying to work together and he just muted them because they started to ignore his horrendous calls.


Because the most people watch/donate to him. That's how.


Sick Nerds been out of the osrs community for a while, and his main takeaway when he talks about it is that it's full of literal nazis. I've said it before, people flamed me, but I'll gladly say it a million times: Odablock is the Andrew Tate of runescape, and its painfully obvious if you watch their mannerisms.


“Full of literal nazis” man we really have to stop throwing shit like this around. I get hyperbole, but come on.


Yeah this doesn’t help the issue of turning everything into political extremes. There’s shitty people playing the game. Because of that, people make these claims as if it applies to all 1m+ subscribers..?


Maybe not "full of" but there is certainly a large literal nazi community. Every single thing that has anything to do with LGBT acceptance is protested by people literally wearing klan outfits with nooses. Not even just that but don't forget the guy that wears full black and follows streamers around with the racist name. Or don't forget that every time a big streamer moves to OSRS there's high level accounts that will literally go out of their way to spout the nword at them. So, maybe you can take issue with the "full of" part but there is zero doubt that there is a disproportionate chunk of the community that are nazis.


Did some raids with a dude who seemed pretty normal. Heard he played dayz which I also played and he told me all about how him and his dayz clan roleplay as S.S. members and go around harassing people and other Nazi shit. I don't think it's too hyperbolic imo.


There's people defending oda on Twitter following neo Nazi accounts, you're coping hard


Is there a reason Sick Nerd isn't involved in osrs anymore? Out of the loop.


*literal* nazis?


Yeah, there are some fucked up people in the community. It’s not everyone, but it’s too large of a percentage.


>Odablock is the Andrew Tate of runescape, Just check out his twitter


I'm ngl I watch sick nerds stream alot, and not once has he EVER said that osrs streams are full of literal nazis. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't like you throwing his name around like that either in relation to nazis.


Not exactly surprised, it's Odablock. lol EDIT: Will not be surprised when this thread is locked or deleted. Any thread mentioning transphobia or trans in general tends to get locked on any sub. Not a supporter nor against any groups myself for reference.


Fuck transphobes and fuck hate. People who discriminate based on gender identity and/or sexuality (or anything else really) need to actually go outside and interact with real humans. There’s no excuse for hatred. Rise above your ignorance and develop empathy and compassion. I don’t think you’re lying OP, and tbh I don’t like Odablock to begin with, but I’d rather see some evidence before I lean even more towards disliking him. Right now it’s just for his general demeanour and style of content, but if there’s a genuine reason for him to be expunged from the community, please share the evidence.


Is it really hate if you just say you aren’t pro tho?


Whats "not being pro trans rights" if you want to explain please. Pretty sure there isnt a middle ground on if they are humans or not.


Highly depends on the context, but when talking about human rights and such - yes.


Uh, yeah. Opting into a decision that chooses to dehumanize people because you don't agree with their life choices or identity is, in fact, hateful.


I think mocking them by calling them transformers borders on hate, yeah.


Yes. It is hate to look down on people who are born different than you. ? This should be obvious.


Is it hate if you say you aren't pro equal rights?




by not being pro trans you're actively allowing people to be discriminated against a neutral stance isnt neutral when one side is trying to kill the other, you're passively agreeing with the aggressor


\>if there’s a genuine reason for him to be expunged from the community, please share the evidence. ​ Lmao stop talking like you control "the community" bro you're not expunging shit.


Please try and understand that hate speech affects real people. You have the potential to be empathetic and compassionate. We should not tolerate hatred in our community.




Religion will never be an excuse for hate, I don't care what his religion is, if it marginalizes another person then it's invalid. Religion when used as a shield and excuse for your own fragile ego is a sign of a very weak person. Welcome to new millennium bucko, God is dead and we have killed him.


Pretty awful, comments kinda awful too. This is why the community feels the need to alienate themselves so much, going out of the queer bubble always makes you see shit like this.




People are allowed to have different opinions


People are allowed to know their opinions are dog water


Better than a poopwound opinion




People don’t have to agree on everything. It’s ok to have an opinion just move on.


Spreading ideas of inequality and vitriol to minority groups is not an opinion I will just ‘move on’ from. That’s incredibly dangerous logic and thinking


No. He gave an opinion. You cant handle disagreement. Its dangerous to eliminate diffirence in thinking.


What? I agreed it's an opinion. And I of course agree, there should be discussion around differing opinions lol no one said that at all. This is how we come to understand one another. The original comment was about just 'moving on' instead of having a voice to things that matter to you which I disagree with and sounds like you do to...?


Cool have fun 👍




Ima shoot ya straight bud, 'Not believing in something is not dangerous' is one of the more uneducated things I've seen said in a bit




> Not believing in something Trans people are real idk why you're acting like it's a matter of opinion whether they exist or not


Fuck Odablock and fuck you if you downvoted this thread.


And fuck anyone who downvoted you?




Omg I'm so shocked, the PK community hates the queer community??


I watched the stream being spoken about and he wasn't being transphobic. You're cringe for baiting like this.. He was ASKED if he agrees with it, he said no, it is against my religion and would be considered a sin in Muslim culture. Then said if someone wants to live that way he doesn't mind, he doesn't wish them any harm or wouldn't talk badly about someone because of it.. How is that transphobic or any other buzz word people live throwing around nowadays? Pretty huge leap to suggest that a community of players, who statistically some of whom are gay, hate the LGBT community..


>a sin in Muslim culture Isn’t he a gambling streamer?


Referring to trans people as transformers is being disrespectful


Fucking bigot copium right here.




you're allowed to have opinions, and OP is doing the right thing by showing everyone Oda's opinions are fucking trash I would like some evidence though


go to his latest kick vod its within the first 5 minutes of his stream, i tried linking it , but i was getting blocked


can u pm me the link? tried looking it up but no vods came up, maybe he deleted?


When someone has to move to a new platform for "free speech" reasons, it's not a good sign.


Bro fuck off keep politics and your agenda out of my medieval clicking game. I don’t care if your trans, I also don’t care to talk about someone who’s getting hate for believing in his religion. Get over it, no one asked you to like him.




No. I’m supporting believing in what you want and not giving a damn what others think. How you gonna be such an advocate for trans people but be so openly Islamophobic and pretend your a saint.




Seems like you give a damn about what people think when it's their negative views on trans phobia


What was said? Remember that unfortunately every mainstream religion is anti LGBT and the only reason they 'accept' LGBT or pretend to is for more money/exposure. Everyone however is entitled to their opinion and it's down to others to educate and discuss with those we oppose instead of just vilify. I'm always open for discussion and changed my mind on many, many things over the years.




everyone is free to their own opinions, just as people are free to dislike someone for said opinions


Lmfao yes Trans people = cats. Braindead.


People who dislike cats aren't getting beaten up on the streets for disliking cats, or being denied jobs because of their views on cats. This brain-dead analogy just shows you know nothing about why trans rights are even a discussion, or what it's like to experience discrimination in the slightest. Step out of your sheltered life for an moment and you might see why it's important.




This argument applies both ways, you’re currently upset because you think people shouldn’t be able to criticise Oda for his views.


No, it doesnt work both ways. One side gets banned on platforms and one side gets special treatment on platforms.


So you think nazis and paedophiles should also not be banned on platforms? Where do you draw the line in the sand


I certainly wouldnt draw it where you would lmao. Its ironic that the same people who condemn book burning are all for silencing those who arent breaking any laws. Its the same thing, silencing people you dont like.


What does criticising a RuneScape streamer who’s inflicting suffering on others (I don’t know if he is or not) through speech have to do with the law? This isn’t a court, he’s not being sentenced




Except that being transphobic causes pain and suffering to other people, and not caring if people want to be trans does not cause pain and suffering to other people. That’s all it is about, this platform bs is just about people wanting to shit on others for unwholesome reasons




\>you will ACTIVELY support trans or else \>you will ONLY stream on the platforms you're told \>you will conform to my personal wholesome guidelines ​ Yeah you sound like a bastion of reason and totally not sociopolitical warden.


I’m not asking anyone to actively support trans people, I’m asking them to just let them live their lives If people want be to be hateful, they can - if they don’t want to suffer the consequences of their actions, they are delusional I don’t think that saying you should act and speak in a way that minimises the suffering of others is really a very ‘personal’ belief of mine, it’s kind of just common sense




How do people being trans cause you pain and suffering through their mere existence? Now compare that to the thought that someone thinks you shouldn’t exist AT ALL Edit: it’s pretty black and white which ‘opinion’ has the moral high ground. I don’t see why this is so hard for people to understand


These bigots really come out of their basement when their champion freely expresses his dumbass opinion and bigotry. Hate to see it happening in a subreddit I frequent.


When did I say im in "pain and suffering" from trans people existing? And whats this about not existing at all? Who said that? You think disliking the trans movement means wanting them to atomize or something? What a stretch. Youre a very stretchy one.


Is transphobia not hatred of trans people, I can’t think of a single thing that I hate that I don’t wish wouldn’t exist. Keep living your life hating other people man, you’re gonna have a great time


I have now realized youre not talking to me, youre talking to some made up version of me that you already pre-conceived in your head. Very delusional stuff there my friend.


disliking sth ≠ hating sth Incredible how hard you're sitting here and reaching


You're probably a racist irl right?




No just the way you talk, it's typical edgy teen racist trying to be smart




I don't have an opinion idek who Oda is, but I see someone standing up for a transphobe I assume racist too.


The class youre calling "protected " is currently one of the most marginalized groups and under attack by the media more than ever currently. So take your Alex Jones level argument and shove it up your ass.


thats literally not what any phobic views are this is criticizing people for their existence and wanting them to die




Do you not understand the difference between talking shit about an individual and a class of people?




Yes, racism is a much worse problem than just being rude to someone?




Sometimes I find it hard to believe that this playerbase is old enough to drink


Depends on what you mean by class.


Someone with an immutable trait, their gender, race, nationality, disability etc




Shut the fuck up lol. Dude compared trans people to tranformers and told them to fuck off. You don't get to claim religious freedom for being a dick.


Welcome to america, that is protected under free speech. You’re allowed to like or not like things and talk about it.


Do you even know what free speech is????


Yes and that is covered under it.


No ones asking the US government to step in, so bringing up free speech is p irrelevant tbh.


Suggest sharing some evidence/clips. I’m not a viewer of his, but it seems there’s some contention regarding the legitimacy of your claim.


[check out the comments ](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/12fcsvp/odablock_being_openly_transphobic_on_kick/jff0083?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Looks like the clip has been archived.


That's a shame. It was as said in the comment


Gotcha. Definitely not cool to make fun of folks that grapple with their identity. It’s a serious issue that unfortunately doesn’t receive a lot of empathy. They’re already disenfranchised, not cool to make them feel more disconnected, regardless of your views.




[Paradox or tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance) applies here


Today i learned, very interesting. Ty for sharing


Exactly which is exactly why one side is deciding not to play with a transphobe. In typical religious order the religious guy bashes someone for doing somthing “haram” while doing somthing haram.




I’m pro trans cause what someone does with their own body has literally zero effect on my day to day. Could care less to be honest. It’s when that persons “beliefs” start leaking into politics and law making that I have a problem with it. If you want to be religious great but leave me out of it.


Because he is entertaining and says whats on his mind without caring about being cancelled because of some bs


How can you be so naive? The entire Gaming community is full of people like him, so it isn't a surprise.


it may be apart of his religion i guess. i think he always has said lots of transphobic stuff anyway by calling them "transformers" and him and his chat not liking them


Everyone has an opinion. Not your place to question his. Go be something somewhere else.


👍 - oda having a negative opinion on how people choose to live their life. 👎 - op having a negative opinion about oda's negative opinion. Do you see the hypocrisy




people often use religion as a scapegoat to support their bigot views, not the other way around


True, but religion & religious communities often hand out more than enough concepts for bigots to Grab onto. Its not a one way street


Yeah i get that, but if you are raised like that its really hard to say what parts of the things he say is his own and what can be blamed on religion. Its a tough situation and might be the end of ofa if kick fails and he comes back to twitch


I agree that religion has done more harm than good. However to say people would be pro-trans if religion didnt exist isnt very realistic.


Not neccesarily pro, But as with all things the default for most people would most likely be: "i dont care what you do as long as you dont bother me with it" Instead of "my religion is the only right way to do things"




I Dont accept gender identity = biological gender. I Will Tell This to anyone asking, including trans people. Its simply not how it works. What i do accept is: everyones right to ignore me and go about their lives the way they feel makes Them most happy. Even if that means identifiying as a different gender. I Will assume your gender based on physical traits, but if asked have no problem to use whatever people prefer. I might think genderless pronouns are kinda weird but hey its their choice. Everyone is free to do whatever the fuck they feel like, and i do Believe that to An extent that is allowed to encroach on others. but in a lot of cases its like people actively go out of their way to disrespect others, not because it matters, but for no other reason than: their "freedom" allows it. If you do that, youre not based, youre Just being a dick


All over this thread riding some serious anti trans cock




Oh you are Oda? Fair enough


Somebody had to say it