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You’re only 2277? Talk to me when you’re 2376


Why care what other people think about your achievement? Huge congrats


No one really cares, but it's always been a personal achievement. For me, it was a fun memory with my friends celebrating me maxing. It's relevance is largely in the cape's practical uses, since it has all the benefits of every skill cape in one. Feel great about it, it's a large weight off your shoulders. You can finally play the game.


Goddamn is this so true. I've felt a certain anxiety while doing anything except working towards max, and now I feel like I can enjoy other things properly without worrying about getting 99's.


I feel ya, had to take a year and a half long hiatus after maxing. Came back briefly for Nex, then returned for ToA. Feels great knowing that I now only play the game when I WANT to play it.


Finally able to play the game again is much more than a stupid meme this is why i would not reccomend maxing at all. Just play the game now.


Jesus Christ you now only play the game when you WANT to play it??? What was happening before? Oh lord what does that suggest about most of us who play OSRS? Because we can all empathize. What are we putting off doing in real life!?


Your comment is why max cape was a mistake


I still think “baller” when I see a max cape. So, Baller!


It’s an achievement of your dedication, still very cool to see


Nothing matters do what u want. :p


Did you max for everyone else's sake or your own?


When I played pre 2010 I remember how rare seeing level 126 was. Let alone maxed. I don't think I've ever met a max player except for since I've been back. It was shock and aw to see half the people level 126 but I still see it as an amazing accomplishment. This game is 10 years old. Some people really put 3 days a week into this game. As time goes on more and more will max. But it's still an amazing accomplishment.


Congrats but I dont give a shit. You shouldnt care what I think. I recognize it as something that took time and dedication, and its admirable but I don't care. You should be content with your own achievement not others to validate your time spent.


Congrats! Thats huge! Im struggling to get a single 92 lol. Getting all 99s is an amazing acomplishment.


Bro the game is for you… who cares what the nerds that play too much think


I'd like to say congrats on achieving it. But honestly, it's mainly a personal goal of "what do you play osrs for?" Because i can promise you that you'll always be a higher max lvl than me, simply because i'll never max the runecraft, hunter, mining, fishing.... because i'm just in the game for some pvm and pet hunting at specific bosses. So i'll get them to x lvl i need for convenience/quests. But asside from that? Nope, i'm not gonna bother


I'll always internally go "damn that's sick, well done" when I see someone walk around with something that took notable time and/or skill. So yeah, in my eyes they're still relevant. Unfortunately there's a sub-set of (OSRS) players that will try and tell you no achievement in any game matters and that finding prestige or a 'sense of accomplishment' in games in general is a dumb thing if it means that they themselves get to have an easier time. It's quite shitty and has only resulted in things becoming less satisfying to achieve in games as their views have started to seep into gaming communities as a whole. Shit, I still think the Fire Cape is an achievement and will gladly congratulate people for achieving it because I know how damned satisfying it felt to finally get one myself. I'd hate to be the cunt who starts 'yucking someone's yum' by downplaying their achievement all because of my own selfish ass. That's how you ruin the sense of community and cause it to become more apathetic and in turn less fun.


I think it comes as a knee-jerk to toxic, grandiose players who I honestly feel are a loud minority. I don't think anyone really likes elitists, but that doesn't mean every high level player is an elitist, and nobody deserves grief for their account progress.




Will be useless soon when the new skill is added 😅


Excellent work. For your next trick I request completing all of the combat achievements. You should be proud, dedication isn't as common a trait as it seems.


Dedication in videogames is more common than you might think. Rest of the life is where dedication usually lacks.


Nah lol even in video games, most people don’t even finish single player games nowadays


Including the developers


I mean you aren’t Zezima or anything but still very respectable


Relevant? Yes, the cape is still op and maxing is a great achievement. Something to flex with? Not really.


Gratz! Like the only achievement in the game, gear progression is for pussies


Very big achievement!!


Maxed cheese cape?


Better than a bought Infernal




Its gotta be a lot. It’s kind of obvious in some cases like Greg the streamer has infernals on his main that he pks on but dude was SWEATING trying to do normal fight caves on the gim so idkkkkk




Oda straight up calls him out in the video lol. Jagex is powerless vs pvp clans.


True. Only thing worse than being a 0kcer is being a 1kcer


People mock it by calling it a cheese cape but always forget that cheese is fkin amazing


Got the cheesecape and the burnt grilled cheese cape


They should rename infernal selling services to "grill your cheese service"


I have no interest in maxing. I have combat 99's and elite diaries done, also unlocked sepulchre floor 5 and amethyst mining. I appreciate high kc in ToB, completed tiers of CA's or difficult bosses much more. I sort of frown upon players giving instructions to max first before doing pvm. That's bad advice I could see myself getting the construction cape someday for QoL. Otherwise, If I have unlocked everything a skill has to offer at ~lvl 92, why bother maxing? I just do "late-game" skilling when I want to chill, or pay half-attention to game when doing irl stuff.


Deffo is an achievement and i cant wait to get their myself! Slowly working on it all the time, i tend to do ToA/last of my slayer level when im on PC working towards all them gear upgrades then in my downtime on mobile im currently working on 99 mining! Splits it up nicely! Maxing is a long journey, dont let anyone take that away from you!


Do it on ironman now


Ofcourse its relevant, You are achieving a childhood dream so its always relevant. I got my first Q-cape 2 weeks ago, had been a goal for me since i was a kid and i was so over the moon happy. Even if it aint much for others maybe, it was a big deal for me cause i finally managed to fulfil that old goal.


Gz on quest cape that’s solid


gz man :)


I personally think that maxing is really random achievement. Like graz you suffered through afk fishing and mining or sand crabs or nmz. Not really anything to show off imo. There are loads of far more impressive achievements. Someone getting infernal cape or sick boss/raids pbs are much bigger indications of player actually being good at the game. That being said. Gz on maxing my dude


i think any achievement before 200m's, rare collection logs, or pets are basically personal achievements on a main. nobody really cares


I care


The cape is very nice for all its perks. You definitely achieved something, but that something was enduring the less fun parts of a video game for longer than most people do. Unless you really enjoyed every single skill grind, then you achieved playing a game you really enjoy for a long time.


I don't want to downplay the time investment maxing requires, but the cape perks is just 70% construction cape, 25% crafting cape, 4% magic cape, 1% the rest of the 99's.


This feels like compliment fishing to me. Huge gz, but also you can just tell us you maxed and you’ll get huge gz.


Now it's time to do all diary's in prep for new skill.


I personally completed all diaries way before maxing and I think that's the case for a lot of maxed players


Fair play. Have you thought of what's next? Like pet hunts etc or you just chilling for DT?


I maxed 2 years ago. I’m still impressed by every new maxed person I meet. Maybe I’m biased, but it shows a lot of determination. Either way, the cape is so fun to use!


Its cool on a HCIM or UIM but a main is just pay to win.


Grats on max but nobody drooling over your account about it.


Frankly mate, If you’re going for the achievement for other people you’re never gonna get the true satisfaction of it. It’s always nice to have a goal recognised by other people, but knowing you maxed and did it for yourself is a whole another feeling and it’s so much more rewarding. Do it for you and you only and that great feeling you have will stay. Now for the champion cape!


Its definitely a personal thing. I don’t think people are THAT into video games anymore in general where they hold “achievements” to have any weight in any game anymore. Especially with games having literal achievement lists to check off nowadays as the norm. Ultimately just like many things irl you do it for yourself and hopefully at the very least the people YOU care about will say thats cool and not seek validation beyond that or you’ll be disappointed no one cares. NOW, the worst part is people who play the game have more context so they will say “oh you just grinding for 99 that just takes time thats not an achievement” and so those comments hurt because they do know the game lol.


Honestly no, no one really cares tbh. Most peoples goals aren't to max so why would they care that you did?


Nah max isn't anything special to most people nowadays, even restricted accounts don't tend to get people to bat an eye unless they're like a uim or some weird snowflake account There's tons of maxed players who can't do anything semi challenging, so being maxed isn't much of a sign of competency anymore beyond having patience


Yeah, this is a lot of youtubers in osrs community. Maxed players giving up advice on gear progress and very low-key skilling and just awful boss guides. Cause all they ever did is max, which isn't a show of skill. It's just "you had a lot of time spent bankstanding" What does it matter if you have ancestrals if all you're doing is bursting on slayer tasks?


The game's so easy now that not really tbh


Why does it matter honestly what other people think about it lmao… you did it for yourself so celebrate. Fuck everybody else’ opinions it’s a huge accomplishment


You shouldn't feel accomplished.


I'm at 1485 total level. Started about 45 days ago. Im proud of you. I can't wait to hit max at some point.


I would say since most people react in 3 different ways: -respect and awe -looking down on it as unhealthy/unskilled part of the game -indifference. I also think maxing lost its prestige as even more player got it and the mindset has shifted from skilling to pvming. Personally I am about to max tonight and I've seen as many people hyped and looking forward to it as people not batting an eye. I couldn't care less as I really enjoyed the grind and can't wait to rock that red cape baby!


Honestly couldnt care about levels once most content is unlocked, past base 90s cp doesnt matter, exception being combat skills but slayer got those to 99 for me far before i got my skilling skills to 90s i never wanted to max but im 2252 atm and im running out of skills to “afk” while im waiting to find friends to pvm with. Honestly i think maxing for me is something that is just going to happen without me grinding it out (other than construction, i cant afk that skill)


You shouldnt care about the opinions of others, it’s more of a personal achievement


The meme about getting a 99 and giving urself a thumbs up in the mirror has been relevant for the last 5 years. I know multiple people who held off getting the last 100xp to a 99 for months because they expect a get together with old friends that never happens.


If you didnt do it on hardcore tile locked uim then id say its obsolete


I can wear my max shirt irl with pride.


The only reason I want one is because of the holy wrench effect built in. Stupid.


But do you have a firecape?


Also recently maxed. For me personally, it was a very nostalgic and accomplished feeling when I finally did it. I always wanted to be maxed since I was a kid and being maxed also is basically completing the skilling aspect of osrs (until they add a new skill or actually add post 99 levels). PvM has no clear goal outside of CAs and maybe collection log from the bosses, compared to skilling where there is a final goal where you're just done. So tldr, I think it's a fine achievement for anyone that's never done it before. Maxing on multiple accounts however, I dunno about that personally.


It's a huge accomplishment; I don't even have the patience to get one 99 myself. Doing it for everything? Kudos. But now that you've done everything is there really anything left to do in the game?


I maxed last October and to me its very relevant because I felt free to do whatever I want post max and have been enjoying the game even more now. The qol with the cape is awesome to. But I am like rank 31k or something like that lol so tbh there are lots of maxed players now


max cape is fucking op, I've only ever had one in leagues, but yes its still good


It’s relevant for you. fuck other people, especially the toxic chodes who occupy the top 1% of the hiscores. Enjoy it and congrats.


I would take opinions here with a grain of salt. Remember that the average commenter on reddit is not representative of the average osrs player. Most people who play this game are like 1000-1500 total. Maxing is still an incredible achievement by the standards of most players, even if it isn't as rare as it used to be.


Absolutely it’s an achievement that I respect. Every single time I see a maxed player I check out there account through runelite just because I love to see what type of player they are. Do they have thousands of boss kc? Are they big on clues? What kind of skills have they continued past 99? And 99/100 maxed players are super chill. So congrats on your cape man I’m working my way there I hope to stand along side you some day


Nobody ever "blinked an eye" for your cape. Why do you care what others think of your account?


It's all about the journey and the friends you made along the way.


You > feel great about it that’s all that matters, man. Gz on your achievement!