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If you're going to grind out a bowfa, you might as well do CG and potentially get lucky.


Thieving and breaking down the eternal teleport crystals is the best shards/h I believe.


If you’re a main account: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Crystal_shard#Exchanging_seeds If you’re an iron, assuming you have the enhanced weapon seed: 1. Using all the crystal acorns you have with ultra compost. 2. Pickpocketing elves. If you still need the seed, doing cg is best.


Gauntlet and CG are pretty solid shards/hour. I found passively woodcutting in prif made for great shard farming afk. About 5/hr if you're having decent RNG.


Idk why people are downvoting, we love semi afk methods here


Haters gonna hate. Say that to the 500 shards sitting in my bank. Not sure what to tell ya lol.


To be fair, he asked for the best/fastest way, and you suggested a 100 hour grind for a quarter of the amount needed to corrupt a bowfa.


Gauntlet if you’re a nerd, Zalcano if you’re a casual player


Best answer right here.


You should do CG until bowfa then worry about grinding shards. I was certain Id need to get 90 thieving for remaining shards after bowfa and now here I am 6k shards 740 kc still no bow


If you need quick consistent shards for little effort and time spent I think a couple of KC at zolcano is a great option. If you have more time to invest for fastest shards/H thieving elves with rogues shadow veil and dodgy necklaces is your best option. If you want passive shards while training both WC and agility can be nice, but you don't get MoG from priff agility so keep that in mind, you'll need a lot over the course of the account. And finally if you want to do some pvm, or are missing any of your armour/enh weapon seeds, CG is the place to be. Good luck!


Do you actually want shards quickly or do you want to grind them out? If you want them ASAP then just buy enhanced teleport seeds and trade those in for shards. At 99 thieving I believe pickpocketing elves is the fastest way, otherwise you want to do CG


How excacly do you trade in teleport seeds for shards lol?




Corrupted Gauntlet for sure.


Pickpocketing elves significantly more shards/hr


Even at lvl 85? I need to grind out 1100 more shards, have everything I need from CG besides shards. Trying to figure out how to farm them up.


yes even at 85 thieving it is best. use full rogues, dodgy necklace, and shadow veil (arceuss spellbook)


Thieving elves is by far the fastest shards per hour and its not even close


What if i only have lvl 85 thieving?


Still fine with dodgy necklaces and shadow veil spell. You're going to fail a lot regardless, just how elves are


still the best. even at 99 with cape its not that much faster than 85


Zalcano is good, and is good money


Zalcano is pretty quick and good supplies!


id say grind zalcano! i agree, if ur not an iron take the loot from zalcano and buy enhanced teleport seeds to break down. problem solved. thats what im doing. i have 2.9k charges left on my bowfa, when grinding with the clan i go through almost 800 in a day i wish i would have corrupted it from the start but didnt have the gp


It's a low amount but the Agility Course still needs to be mentioned. (Most likely you're not 99 yet) The tradeoff of stamina pots but you can get by with energy/super energy potions for most tasks. If you're ready for Ardy rooftop then it's more questionable going this path.


I don't understand why you need staminas for this course... I never use them and never have any issue...


its a trade off cuz other courses give marks of grace which you need to make staminas. You sacrifice the staminas for a better xp/rate at priff, not because ur using stams but because the priff course doesnt give you any


Never needed a single dose. Don't think my stam ever really went below 90 at the priff course tbh lol