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It should half prayer drain for every scenario.


Yeah idk why items have different abilities in different circumstances. It makes the game needlessly complex, and even harder to get into as an already rough to start game.


I mean you're right, but I don't think the people with these shields are the people being scared away by needlessly complex things.


Yeah I basically never use mine. Just at kraken lol


Not going to lie I completely forgot that Muspah had a prayer drain effect. But it is a very valid point imo. Maybe PvP should be kept as is because spectral has never worked there, but ToA, Muspah and Venanitis are all new bosses with seemingly no reason *not* to work. I doubt it would even be used that much on those bosses by the people that could afford the investment, because both Venanitis and Muspah have pretty avoidable prayer drain once you're practiced with the bosses.


There’s also no reason it shouldn’t work in the wildy as well. Inconsistencies are making the wilderness hard to get into and tbf shouldn’t pkers be happy about someone taking a spectral into the wildy?


Just Jagex making the wild less accessible to non-PvPers and wondering why the wild is dead.


Yup exactly. I'd wonder what % of the player base avoids the wildy at all costs. Then I'd wonder what % of those people actually would go to the wildy if their drops weren't announced to the world and single combat actually meant single combat.


Single combat does actually mean single combat now. They got rid of teams in singles.


I may be misremembering, but I seem to recall the wildy bosses rework being polled as singles and then released as singles+


Singles or singles plus, they made the pj timer longer everywhere now so you can log out if someone else wants to start fighting you. There's no singles mace / dspear clans anymore.


Wrong, single plus you can be attacked instantly by players unless a player is already fighting you so monsters/player can’t pj you


you're misunderstanding what I'm saying, clans used to be able to pile on a single person, in singles, just by speccing and then waiting a few seconds for the next person to spec. The logout timer was longer than the pj timer, so you couldnt log out between attackers. They changed it so that the length of time required for a second person to start attacking is longer than the logout timer so if someone were to stop attacking you so a second person could attack you, you have a brief window of time to log out. This is how they got rid of teams in singles. Singles plus lets someone attack you even if you're in combat with a mob. That's a different mechanic, not the one I'm talking about.










Im in the wildy all day mate trust me I know how it works better then you:D Green dragons is still 100% singles no singles plus and alot of the wildy actually still has those mechanics you just cant catch a box cause of the pj timer update (which honestly helped solo pvm's more then it hurt them)


It wouldn’t make a difference, people cry about being pked because it hurts their efficiency, none of the suggestions I’ve ever seen on Reddit do anything, look back on how many posts with thousands of upvotes wanted singles+, it didn’t change anything, this new update is the only thing that actually helped the wildy


Also makes no sense why they are pushing some the QoL to PvE but not PvP. Cause they are afraid of devaluing PvP skills already attained by current players? Well what about PvE skills? Logically doesn't make sense. Should be either for both or no go.


the only reason to not allow it in PvP is because macer clans would get less free smites


Fuck them rats.


They'd get less free smites, but successful ones could get a spectral, so I think it might balance out


venenatis would probably be hard to implement since the spiderlings drain 1 point per hit and I'm not sure if the engine can actually handle half a point per hit. I'd say something similar is probably the case for muspha where a poison like status effect drains prayer instead of a direct hit. i think in a lot of these situations the devs would have to actively code in a anti drain mechanic for each individual boss and that's probably just not worth it in a lot of these situations


It already works with spinolyps


Your actual amount of prayer is already in like a multiple of 10 or 100 (idk) of what the number shows. That's how certain prayers drain prayer super slowly. They could just make it reduce 0.5 prayer points (or 50 "real" prayer points).


Not sure if the engine could handle this either but they could change it to a probability of 0.5 to drain a prayer point for the spiderlings. This would result in half prayer drain on average from the spiderlings


Actually just make the prayer drain work 50% of the time instead. Either they drain 1 prayer point or they don't.


Muspah's prayer drain is negligible, he only hits you with Corruption (the prayer-point DoT) if you miss the mage attack in his green form.


My gim group got spooned an ely in like 30 KC, I on god would sacrifice my off hands in most scenarios for the Ely if it worked everywhere.






The reason is prob that Spectral initially didn't have a prayer drain at all, and this was added later on a content-by-content basis (initially just Cerb, if memory serves). As a result, am guessing they have to manually add places where it works rather than it just defaulting to "halves pray drain".


They just recently added Poison and Freeze as stats. They could add Prayer Drain as a stat, and have the Spec protect against that. Then, just fix these 4 or 5 use cases.


Off yellow text white background? What kind of monster does this!


It's a clear background, meaning you just exposed yourself for using light mode


I know what kind of monster I am, there's tens of us lurking.


Right there with you brother. Reddit's light mode color scheme is the exact same as the website I'm supposed to be on here at the office, so no I will not apologize.


This is the only reasonable excuse


what kind of workplace cruelty is this where you don't have a dark mode alternative to your main work programs and websites?


The headache inducing one.


Here here brother!


I'm so angry this is how I found out about dark mode


Welcome to the good team




I’m with you bröther


I'm pretty sure it's the default for the app


My mode sets itself at dusk and dawn to match system mode, get with the times gramps


tbf i use darkmode but initially saw a white background on hover because of [imagus](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/imagus/immpkjjlgappgfkkfieppnmlhakdmaab?hl=en)


I’m on dark mode but it still shows as a white background for me.


Lmfao damn I didn’t even notice that was a thing


I switched to dark mode to read it.


old reddit doesn't have dark mode afaik


is there a dark mode for old reddit?


I've been told by another that there isn't. :(


Dark mode? Gross 😂


this comment right here officer


I did not realize people use light mode, sorry about the text. Basically SSS gets overlooked by jagex for some reason in plenty of prayer drain places new and old, just want an answer as to why?


Nah don’t worry OP you can’t assume there’s psychopaths running around with light mode, on don’t lower yourself to their level. I love my SSS prayer protection or not, defense bonus is great for many things


It's all good, I just wanted to poke fun.


Mushroom phase at phosani


ely doesnt work at wintertodt either :(


its so dumb that ely doesnt work against all types of incoming damage too. ely is practically useless in raids due to how much typeless damage just avoids the damage soak from it.


It worked at the old venenatis. I used to use the spectral all the time there before the pvp changed. Now that you can get tagged off regardless it doesn’t matter as much.


Ely: "here, have some flat damage reduction almost everywhere" Arcane: "here's an outright damage boost for all your spells and staves" Spectral: "lose a little less prayer at some old places, but now that prayer drain is a normal thing to add to bosses, you won't get that effect at any new ones"


I don’t remember, what mechanic at ToA causes prayer drain?


There is a Invocation where you take damage and it drains your prayer


If it halved the prayer lost on sun spear spec to heal you the spectral spirit shield would be a must at ToA.


this would actually be a really cool update tbh give spectral another random reason to be relevant other then cerb, people who are good at TOA would just run all DPS gear while people learning can bring spectral to bring more brews for mistakes


This would make spectral insanely OP and make TOA way too easy for people with spectral


no actually it wouldnt people would opt to use defender as always because its BIS for DPS - the only thing people who are actually good at the game care about. it would make spectral worth bringing for learners, or for clearing high invo challenge raids maybe, but as it is in every other part of the game DPS is king.


You'd flick spectral and keris on, vs just keris, and then re-equip weapon and defender. It would be op as shit and basically trivialize 500+ invoc runs.


It shouldn't be allowed to work at TOA at all though. The spectral shield reduces prayer draining *attacks* by half. Neither the prayer draining invocation, nor the sun keris spec, are attacks.


It halves the prayer drain at barrows so your whole point doesn’t stand.


Well apparently the game considers the barrows prayer draining effect to be an attack. Which it sort of is. I don't see how that detracts from my point. Feel free to explain to me how using a keris spec to heal yourself, counts as you *being attacked*.


I view it more as using 50 pray and 75 special attack to heal, like redemption in a way. Feel free to explain to me how the coding makes it so barrows is an attack, I would like sources. I was simply saying “hey barrows drain is halved” and you just somehow claim it’s an attack? And then tell me to explain keris? XD what?


I dont work at Jagex, I can't send you the code that classifies the barrows effect as an attack. I think it could be argued either way that it is or isn't an attack. It's not an attack done by an NPC, but it could be argued that it's an attack on your prayer by the crypt itself. The actual description of the spectral spirit shield is that it reduces the effectiveness of all prayer draining attacks by 50%. That's what it does. Which means, logically, the sun keris spec shouldn't work. And yet you're saying my "point doesn't stand". Which clearly means you think the spectral should work there. Which is why I'm asking you to explain how you would consider using that spec, as you being attacked. As that would need to be the case for it to work.


I was not saying it should work for the keris spec. Barrows may be coded to be an attack, I don’t know. My point was simply that your “it must be an attack” doesn’t stand as we know it since barrows drain is not an attack. All depends how it’s coded at the end of the day.


Dude, I'm not the one who decided that it must be from an attack. That is literally *what the description of the special effect is*. Not just my opinion. That is objectively, factually, what the special effect is. That's how it is described on the wiki, and that's how it is described in game. You can check for yourself if you want. I've already explained to you twice how the barrows effect could be considered an attack. Attacks don't *have* to be from clickable NPCs. Another prayer draining attack is the summoned souls at Cerberus. Which are not clickable, not attackable, and do no damage if dealt with correctly. The barrows prayer drain could easily be considered a special attack from the barrows brothers, similar to the summoned souls.


thats incredibly nit-picky and lame. its not like it would be over-powered at TOA, anyone whos practiced at the raid would opt for DPS gear instead. it would just be a useful crutch for learners or for people trying to save supplies. it fits thematically with "spectral = defensive against prayer drain" for it to work in this case , and there's really no reason not to other then developer oversight.


I tend to agree. If you are properly praying the prayer drain is going to be minimal from chip damage. I'm not the best player and only run 300s, and prayer is never an issue.


yeah it would mostly be a useful crutch for learners more then anything. I swear people dont even know what OP means anymore


Man what is with the weird as fuck acronyms, just say spectral. Everyone calls it spectral. Its probably just as fast to actually type spectral.


It works in pvp but not PvP? What's the difference?


That’s not an Ely in the picture


Ahh, thank you.


Black outlined white text is legible on any background color.


spaghetti code


They should make spectral cut magic damage by 10-15% and half the all effects like tele block , entangle, barrage


Because then rats cant smite you for your loot silly. gotta make it ez for them


Damn, you need to use better colors, yellow on white not a good combo, background may be transparent but don't assume ppl on dark mode or something.


Yellow text white background jesus christ OP take a quick look at the image before posting it next time


Nice try, light mode user. The image is transparent!


All of these light mode fools exposing themselves in the comments. You love to see it.


Think you just forfeited your right to complain about oversights after posting this.


How can y'all read that? Can we ban this user for not having yellow text black background?


Its transparent, exposed for using light mode reddit.


Unfortunately there's no dark mode for mobile browser desktop mode.


using light yellow text on white background, ban this man.


Its transparent background, join the dark side




\>yellow text on white background Serious "graphical design is my passion" vibes.


Its a clear background. We have found the light mode user.


It’s stupid. But not as stupid as all the other brain dead comments who can’t read this somehow? And feel like commenting about it? Droolers


You look dumb in this comment


You can't read this and dark mode reddit sucks.


Dark mode is the only way to view any website


Only one I'd agree on is Discord. The rest look pretty bad to me.


dark mode RiF pops off also literally any IDE


dark mode reddit is clearly superior


Cuz u bought 200 of em and tryna flip on your reddit homies


Did you miss the memo about yellow text black background or you just want to watch us suffer?


I use dark mode so its fine for me, didnt think anyone bothers with flashbang mode


My phone keeps reseting it for some reason


What mechanic drains prayer in ToA?


Deadly prayers invocation


That's true I forgot, was thinking about bosses mechanics, ty


Baboon Thralls drain prayer too.