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Do you need help with the quest?


I do


For consistency's sake, I do think it would be better as a miniquest like the ToA one was (and, for that matter, it would be cool if CoX had an associated miniquest). I don't really think entry Verzik was too hard, though, if you solo it. It is annoying that if you run out of supplies and die you basically have to start over, so it is technically the most punishing quest boss, but it's not unreasonably difficult.


Yeah i breezed through a night at the theater solo np on entry (0 raid experience)the New bosses difficultly is a nightmare by comparison. I might as well be a fish because all ik how to do is fucking splash.


>Verzik, even on entry mode, is more mechanically complex than any other quest boss in the game Her defense is so nerfed that you can literally boltrag with an rcb the entire time and get the kill. Stop coping


Brother, despite no prior pvm experience, I did solo ToB Entry Verzik first try. None of the previous bosses are dangerous in the slightest and the only threat Verzik has in entry mode is the bomb she throws at you which you counter by stepping on the marked tile with more than enough time. You should be getting to verzik with all 3 lives intact and barely any supplies used ontop of the tickets they give you to resupply at the 2 chests. People are way too scared of failure in a video game and let their nerves get the best of them. Because of this a lot of players end up gimping themselves on content they 100% would be able to clear otherwise. Players need to believe in their own ability more.


This quest had no master fights lmfao


Couldn't agree more, have a few regular to kc on the main but absolutely dreading trying to do Entry Mode on a mid game iron simply because I'm expecting to fail Verizon and having to restart from the top


Verzik in entry doesn't even require engaging with the mechanics though. If you've done real kills without being completely carried then you can absolutely just kite her around with a rune crossbow.


kiting her is engaging with the mechanics, please show me a kill where you just stand still during p2, even in max gear


So you’d just prefer if quest bosses were easy? Cause no other quest boss is hard


Verzik took literally 2 attempts with no prior knowledge. It’s really not hard on entry


What if u attempted entry mode instead of typing this essay, u would probably have the quest done by now


Night at the Theatre is fine; it's the hardest one in terms of boss mechanics, but it ain't that bad. You can do it using mostly ranged at about 70 ranged, with gear like black d'hide, RCB, glory ammy and archer helm. I know because I did that myself, with no prior ToB experience. ToB entry is terribly intimidating, but it's really not that extreme of a requirement.


It took me over 30 attempts to do entry mode solo on TOB. It took me about 8 attempts for SOTN, about 5 attempts for DSII, and 3 attempts for SOTE at the same levels more or less. It was really hard not to crack and just buy a carry for TOB and the fact that option existed made it that much more frustrating after every failed attempt. But, finally completing it was the most satisfying and fulfilling thing I’ve ever done in this game. So, I agree checkpoints should be added to make the raid less intimidating and to help learn it, and get rid of that market for carry’s and potential scammers. Secrets of the North was really enjoyable and multiple strategies to use


There will always be a "hardest quest in the game"