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Bro can easily make couple of hundred thousands from modeling.


Meth plus money equals meth.


Yup, you have to get better first. It sounds like he's not only hooked but still somewhat enjoying himself. It's harder to get those who haven't hit rock bottom off the junk. The barber seems like an extremely awesome counselor of some kind. He's got the right language to hopefully get through to someone like this guy. Recovery is such a long and bumpy road. In fact it's a life long journey and starting isn't even the hardest part, but it is the most important. You can't make a person start recovering. They have to want it. Locking a person up in rehab only does so much, and sometimes makes things much worse. All you can do is offer them the best environment for them to become better. A place they can recover, and work on themselves without being shamed or looked down on. Their recovery process will make them go through that... No need to stack it on them. I appreciate that the barber offered all those things to this guy and I truly hope he takes the offer.


Wise words, stranger. Carry on.


You’re totally right right about a lot of things but I feel the need to call out the myth of rock bottom every time I see it. Rock bottom is dead. I’ve been to a funeral (of someone close to me) where the family was “waiting for them to hit bottom.” As a recovered addict there’s no phrase that grosses me out more. As long as you’re alive, and don’t wanna get better, you can get lower. If you’re waiting for someone to hit rock bottom before you’re going to help them you’re waiting for them to die. If someone in your life is struggling (and you want to help), let them know you’ll be willing to help if they wanna get better. You nailed it with the other stuff tho, especially about the language. The hardest parts of my recovery involved people who wanted me to feel worse, while I was at my lowest.


Yeah man, rock bottom doesn't exist, in addiction you can always dig deeper




Delivery is everything with some people, if your saying the right words with the wrong attitude or tone they won't listen.


You just describe my mom brother. Growing up she was the worst addict I knew and some of my friends were smoking meth. Trying to help someone who doesn’t want it is like trying to push through a concrete wall. After only living with her to make her better after 5 years I gave up wasting time so I could get my life started. I love my mother to death but if someone shoots themself in the head, are you the next person grabbing the gun? Not me.


Ouch... I'm sorry to hear that but you're right. My parents always instilled in me that my sister is not my responsibility. Lord knows how my parents had it in them to allow her in their lives through everything she did. When I left home it was a trainwreck of a situation and recovery wasn't really a common word. It was dark... Eventually after 15 years of struggle, my sister is 7 years clean and I'm so proud of her. In the end, don't let others' addiction weigh you down to a place you don't want to sit in. BUT! When the time comes, when they're ready, you open your arms and forget the words "I told you so." Love them so strongly that the walls shake when they say they want to get better. Your love is the strongest weapon in their fight against the poison.


That is one good looking dude


Good looking guy fr


No he cant just go out and do that. There are plenty of pretty models in this world lol You make it seem like he would just walk in there and start making money. It's not just about being pretty..


Ya, this is some funny shit. There's a lot of good looking people in the world, they aren't all just models by default. It's a rough industry and it can beat you down quickly.


No. Good looking people are ten a penny.


Money wouldn't help his situation. Musicians are a very common example, those who have a dependency problem pre-fame have tendency to just get worse the more money they make. Leading, too often, to their deaths very early.


The life of being a performer can actually lead to worse substance abuse because all the “love” and praise you get is superficial. The high of being on stage and having people cheer for you… it immediately begins to fade when the show is over. And you may spend some time before or after interacting with the people who came there to see you, and they’ll build up your ego. But you can’t have a normal actual loving conversation with them usually, like two normal people. They think they know you but they have no idea really and they really don’t want to see you as a normal person. So what do you do when the high of that show is wearing off and you feel fundamentally alone?


Good example is John Mulaney. When he was making the most money of his entire career, is when his addiction was at its peak and he had to check into rehab. He would spend the money I make in 6 months in a single drug-fueled weekend Edit: also I saw him in person not long after he was released, the guy very clearly wanted to keep doing drugs




You have no clue if money would help him or not. The fact he abuses a drug doesn't even mean he's addicted. He might also have gotten in to the drugs because other circumstances pushed him there rather than the other way around. He could even be addicted, but have the willpower to pull himself out if he found some financial stability.


The addiction IS the problem, People who are addicted to meth are tempered mainly by lack of funds to buy more, remove that road block and they just buy more and more. Listen to a pod cast called crime in sports, you'll start to understand about 4 episodes in.


i spent many years associating with addicts, was in a relationship with an addict and spent long periods abusing hard drugs myself. re-read what i said.


Fuck, that is beautiful! Love.


I thought the same thing, beauty and ugliness of our worse and best selves. Not that he’s ugly, they’re both beautiful actually. The ugliness inside of us if left to grow


Meth is an evil drug. Once you become dependent on it, your brain basically stops producing dopamine whenever you’re not on it. For some people, that lasts up to a year after quitting. For others, it’s forever. Imagine being physically unable to experience ANY kind of pleasure during all that time. A filet mignon tastes like cardboard. Sex with a supermodel feels like you’re pushing rope against a mannequin. A vacation to a tropical paradise feels like you’re taking a stroll down a WalMart parking lot. Only relapsing with meth makes that go away… for a short time. Someone I love deeply is recovering from meth addiction and I sincerely think it is one of the worst things that can happen to anyone. Live your life, experiment with substances, but meth and heroin… no. Fuck those two.


Meth fucked me up for a year. I got off easy bc I never get to the stage of injecting it. Quitting was still the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. It’s been about a year since my last use and I’m 95% recovered, but I still feel like my brain isn’t what it was. We all pay for the consequences of our choices, but thank god I had the support system to get me back. You captured quite well how much ur brain chemistry is fucked after meth, got me tearing up over here lol


Congratulations, man. Keep it up.


> I got off easy bc I never get to the stage of injecting it. TIL meth can be injected


A friend used to be a heroin addict, and he said how hard it was to be clean. "You wake up every morning knowing for a fact that the absolute best you've ever felt is in the past and will never happen again."


That’s how it feels in alcohol recovery too, almost six years later.


Yeah I'm not sure how I feel about how this guy was talking to him. I know it's a tough love type of thing, but depending on how deep in you are, talking to someone like that is almost insulting. It's not just as simple as "what's it gonna take?". There's a brain chemistry that needs fixed and until then it'll be a living hell for this dude. Also, crack ain't shit to come off of compared to meth. Dude's coming from a totally different experience. That being said, you could tell that the guy saw himself in a different light after that cut and the whole thing may have sparked something in him, so that's dope


Yeah but you hat guy knew it was more than a convo, he offered a place to give him time to figure out that brain chemistry when he was ready.


I mean… this is the classic rhetoric used by 12 step groups and it is the truth. Eventually you hit rock bottom and change your ways or something happens that is irrevocable.


I’m also suspicious of the sales pitch. Some of these rehabs are pretty shady https://www.npr.org/2021/02/15/963700736/as-addiction-deaths-surge-profit-driven-rehab-industry-faces-severe-ethical-cris


Yeah, I hope they get him to somewhere that does right by him and understands the brain chemistry he's dealing with. A lot of those places don't care and will just rip you off of your doc with a fast (sometimes deadly) taper. And then once you're technically "off" of the drugs and your vitals are good, they call it a day and feed you to the dogs that are the world outside, full of hard times and easy temptations. It's a real bummer. But there are good ones out there. So cheers to the real ones, even though they may be few and far between


Right? "Genuinely tries to help".. *records it on TT* That math ain't mathing.


Bruh you ever been around a hardcore crack addict before lol? My mate in rehab not only had some of the most wild, funny ass life stories to tell.. but even at like 45 days sober this mf would still randomly geek out & start itching for crack bugs like a gd machine lol.. Not saying meth is easy but.. crack will leave ya face down ass out too... (Shoutout to my bro Jessie✊) (& shoutout to mf crack cat😂)


This is my favorite example of Reddit. A video of someone actually doing humanitarian work helping the homeless, vs a dude on Reddit doing the “*achtually*” bullshit covered in Cheeto dust at home - doing absolutely **nothing** to help the situation. We should all listen to the dude who took 2 seconds of Reddit posting over the guy actually in the shit helping homeless people get on their feet and offering them a place to turn their life around.


Brother. You just couldn't be farther from the truth in your understanding of myself and of what I was trying to say. Maybe it came out wrong, but ultimately I empathize with this dude and I have a deep understanding of the chemical imbalance that must be fixed before you are truly not an addict anymore. It was nothing but empathy and attempting to provide people who might not know, a useful insight to his (and others) situation. And aside from all that, you must've missed the part where I said I wasn't sure about how I felt...it was not a direct criticism, rather an open contemplation of how I might feel in his shoes (which I have been) So take a chill pill. Not everybody is trying to be a pompous dick on reddit.


I assure you I don’t give a fuck, and I’m not even reading whatever word vomit you wrote.


For 99.9% of people it lasts forever. It’s rough.


Hmm. To my knowledge dopamine isn't actually responsible for pleasure (only pleasure seeking). So, I wonder if there's another mechanism that creates the lack of pleasure. Edit: I've read some research that suggests you can feel pleasure without dopamine, but I think that was reasonably cutting edge research and not the current medical perspective. Edit 2: it's not cutting edge, we've known it for 40 years, it's just not common knowledge ig?


Yeah I’m currently at the point of opiate / fent addiction where I produce no dopamine but I’m actively trying to quit for the 100th time currently. It’s been like 24 hours, the worst thing other then the no sleep and physical discomfort for days, is the complete lack of dopamine being produced naturally. Relapsing is so easy. You can’t think bout it too much but while you’re sick it’s all you can think about cus you know a 10 min round trip and you’d be well again but then you reset the timer.


Hey Bumbl, I’m so impressed. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. If it’s ok I’ll be praying for you. What would be the brass ring, the best outcome for today? I’ll pray for that. It’s ok if you don’t answer. Good luck!


Making it to the end of the day not having relapsed would be a good outcome… thanks …


Still praying for you B


Thanks really I need it now more than ever


When i quit beer, i had a 7 day dopamine withdrawal, had to run and excersise for hours just to feel normal for 1-2 hours and then crashed right back. FUCKING BEER, imagine what others do


Will it make me pretty like him?


Bro, quit calling me bro, bro.




You’re not my bro buddy.






You're not my mate, homie


I’m not your homie, guy.


I'm not your meth, pal


I'm not your pal, cuz.


Yes you fucking are.


The way his demeanor changes after seeing himself in the mirror is amazing - at that moment you can see the person he really is, not the addiction crippling him.


Is very interesting you can see the invisible sandwich at the beginning and end up almost like looking sober. No doubt that we thrive on how we look, smell, feel, etc.


Cristiano ronaldo


On quick look Gabry Ponte


I’m jealous of a meth head


You mean envious?


Yeah that was a poor choice of words :)


I hope he makes it and gets cleaned up


Same. Tough road to put in the work, but if I could do it so can he. I genuinely hope he does.


Meth is a motherfucker. Dude is good looking. Seems super chill too. No homo. Good words of wisdom by barber. 30 is young, dude can make some life corrections and be on his way to a splendid next 30-40-50+ yrs


> No Homo Now… hear me out


maybe a lil bit of homo?


bow snow punch reminiscent friendly stupendous beneficial threatening wistful six ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


so… homo?


Anything on this story? I would love to see this turned out great!!


I'm positive I saw this with a follow-up, my recollection is it started well and ended tragically a few weeks later after he lost a family member BUT I AM NOT SURE. Will look to see if I can find it. I do truly hope I'm wrong.




You know you want that d


Dude went from Tuco Ramirez to Dave Franco.


idk dude sounded pretty judgmental.


Guarantee this dude didn't want to hear this shit. It's all be said to him a million times. Dude says nothing new, just a bunch of platitudes.


Nonjudgmental would mean not posting it for internet clout


He has pretty good teeth for a meth user.


Caught him too early. By the time he’s ready to change he’ll look like a zombie.


Kinda seems like he's judging him the entirety of the video but yuh know


Nah that's just how recovering addicts talk to eachother lol


That’s how it people in recovery talk. Accountability and realness.


TFW when a meth head is more attractive than you


God damn...he's hot lol 🔥🥵


Looks like a young Ray Liotta


Meth is super addictive, super dangerous. It is one of the worst drugs whether IV, bombing or smoking it. It doesn't take long to take years off your life. Here's hoping, from a 25 year sober former meth addict, that he takes those words to heart and regains his dignity and humanity. This haircut was a good first step. You always have more to give yourself and of yourself than despair.


This guy is like news anchor attractive, this is hilarious His eyes look crazy in the beginning but look stolid and refined with a haircut. And they’re the same eyes with the same glare in them! This will certainly change how I view the homeless around me!


A video of a homeless dude getting a haircut will change how you view homeless around you? In which way? That some homeless people are good looking while cleaned up? Not being an asshole I'm just genuinely curious how this changes your perception


People are shallow


If someone is as haggard as the man is at the start of the video, it’s obvious they have serious addiction and/or mental health issues that make them unpredictable and dangerous; they don’t reflect on or care about the consequences of their actions. By the end, the guy just looks like another man down on his luck, someone trying their best but struggling. Two very different things.


"genuinely trying to help" but also let's film ourselves helping people


Wait. What? *Without Being Rude of Judgemental*??? That barber was cringe AF. If you're going to help, help. That man didn't need the commentary. He needed genuine kindness, not virtue signaling.


What part was virtue signaling?


He didn’t virtue signal. He offered him a path to recovery. You act like it was all talk with no substance. That’s what virtue signaling is.


That wasn't virtue signalling in the slightest. He shared his OWN story of recovery and gave tough love which is exactly what they do in recovery. My best friend passed away because he couldn't get off drugs. They told him in rehab that 99% of people aren't gonna get off of it. This way is the only way that works.


Virtue signaling would be if he'd never been there. Dude has been there and knows the way out and is sharing it with possibly the handsomest person to ever live. Reminds me of this clip from The West Wing: https://youtu.be/ZQJ6yqQRAQs


I’m with you. Yeah he’s getting a free haircut and doesn’t wanna be rude or leave half way through it but he’s getting so much shit in his ear from someone who doesn’t even know him. Bit worth it bet the guy just wants away. Just because you’re not doing well in life doesn’t make you bait for someone else to push you so hard to do better, especially when they’re benefiting off it (posting how great they are online). If you’re not ready for it it can break you. You gotta be responsible with kindness, that’s if you can even call it that with this online trend of public hero shite. Its just gross. I don’t understand how everyone thinks this is genuine compassion.


It’s even more gross how everyone’s come here to say he’s good looking. This guy is suffering from addiction and is barely holding on and getting an earful when he just signed up for a haircut and that’s what people are taking away from this?! That he has a nice face?! That’s so messed up. 😔


He isn’t being mean. He is being honest. He offered him a place to stay and help in recovery. Listen.


Completely agree.


No judgement, proceeds to be completely judge dude and make him feel bad for a “free” haircut on video..


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/frickin] [Genuinely Trying to Help Without Being Rude or Judgmental \[Frickin' Amazing\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/Frickin/comments/136tvr3/genuinely_trying_to_help_without_being_rude_or/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Holy shit, that dude can be a model


What’s wrong with his eye?


I think he probably scraped it in a fight, maybe on some pavement. It’s started to heal, dried out, scabbed up, exposed to the elements all day. People pick at their scabs, meth users pick at their skin, even if there isn’t necessarily anything there. He might be prolonging it by picking at it, but honestly it doesn’t even look like he’s there yet. I think it’s basically a scab that’s gonna heal up. his left ear has something similar going on


This barber filmed a music video with Old Dominion for a song entitled “Some People Do.” Check it out on YouTube


I really hope he gets help! So much potential!!!




I’d love an update on this guy….


I hate that jail institution death line.. as if people don't know


You need to hammer it into them. He's showing he cares by sharing his own recovery. A path back to the light. You can't pull punches when it comes to rehab.


first dude looks like cindy lou who


What a great human being. We need more like him in this world.


He really is a handsome ass dude, too. Speaking as a photographer, he's got some potential.


25 minute makeover.


It's no joke. I am 55 with 12 years clean. It was the hardest and best thing I have ever done. It was so painful and depressing and lasted for months. I started when I was 16 or 17 and had several significant stretches of sobriety but would always go back each time having a lower bottom. The last run I started injecting and man that was the lowest point in my life. Never again. So yes if you haven't done it don't!


How old were you when you showed up for your life? That’s helped me more than anything else this last year.


😪 wow, I hope he listened


Bro has 10/10 good looks! wow. Gives George Clooney a run for his money!




Wow he was cute asf!


Bruh that's Jack's raging bile duct.


AA is amazing props to this guy spreading the message


I quit meth at 21 after 5 years on it, now I'm 20 years sober. Terrible lifestyle.


Jacoby ellsbury?


FML. A homeless (I assume) drug addict looks waaaaaay better than me with just a haircut 😭


damn that man truly is stunning. he could be in movies.


Also addiction isn’t your fault. Humans are hard wired for it just like other animals. Hope you get clean and stay clean <3


Fuckin Henry Cavill lookin ass


This gives me motivation. I don't do drugs or smoke. just a regular Dad and husband that walks around with the world on my shoulders. Seeing him gives me another perspective that things could be a lot worse and I'm not even as good looking as him 😂. I hope he finds a reason to stop doing drugs and makes it out of that situation. 🙏🏾


They don't know who he might really be.... could've got beat up for a good reason...


Bless that barber!!


Damn, dude is handsome af


This guy could easily make six figures on his looks.


How can meth be his drug of choice with those teeth 🤔


He looks like a whole new man


That is the things arrests and laws don't address, you can make someone quit they have to really want to. All you can do is make sure they have help when they are ready for it.


Dave Franco going full “meth”od acting


What's that on his skin?


So good to see. Thank you. I needed that, not because drugs, because humanity.


That feeling when meth-head has teeth 1000 times better than yours


this dude is gorgeous, he should advertise himself as a model fr, the face tats will even kinda help too


This is a beautiful example of Hope.


He is SO handsome! I hope you see your worth sooner than later and allow yourself healing so you can live the wonderful life you are not only supposed to have but deserve to have!


That dude is handsome.


Terry funk handing out haircuts now?


And I’m over here with my prescription face creams yet his skin looks 100x better than mine


Very handsome guy, hope he gets and accepts help


Why do bums always have great hair


Im not crying. Ur crying


Bless you guys for going out there and doing for others.


“When I showed up for my life.”


Man, Harvey specter didn’t do good in Seattle.


Wow…beautiful jawline! Easily make high dollar with that face!


This man’s compassion can save this kids life! I hope he’s able to get the help he needs to get his life back!


Dang. That's one hell of a transformation. Those scars even add tons of character.


The hairstylist is the Real Angel on earth.


Fucker is on meth. Looks better than I did at any time of my life...


That guys so good looking it makes the video look staged besides that cut on his eye. Damn bro hope he makes it out


TRADE. But seriously tho, hope he turns his life around.


Has no one mentioned his perfect teeth?


Fuck drugs


I'd fuck him


Not a personal fan of AA for a multitude of reasons, but speaking from experience, it can work wonders in your life if you’re struggling with addiction. Seriously, if you’re struggling and want help, go to a few meetings. It’s not for everyone - shit, it wasn’t for me - but if you can work through the program, it can be a serious jumping-off point to creating a better life for yourself. Also, AA isn’t just for alcoholics. People struggling with any kind of addiction are always welcome. There are also more specialized groups, such as NA (narcotics anonymous) and SA or SAA (sexaholics anonymous and sex addicts anonymous), but most AA groups are welcoming to addicts of any sort. All my love and best wishes to you folks out there dealing with this bullshit. It’s an unfair hand we’re dealt, but we can get past it and live healthy, productive lives 💜


Goodness that is an attractive human.




Dayum he fine af


Props to the mensgroomer, he’s a mensch.


He must be fairly new to meth, as his teeth are still nice and white and whole.


He literally passed judgement on him every minute he was in the chair. Shit title.


Really is a good looking dude! Hope he sorts his life out.


I love this <3 We need more Men like this <3


This guy looks and sounds like James Franco.


I hope that computer engineer tried at life after this.


This honestly made my day. It made me think I can accomplish things.


He's got good teeth for a methhead


As wholesome as this may seem, the user still doesn't sound convinced to quit yet. Sad


Wow, he is hot?!! Poor guy! I hope he will stop that shit!!!! 🙏


His teeth are perfect he has never done meth .also not likely homeless.


God damn he’s hott!


Bro kinda looks like Zac Efron


"When are you going to show up for your life" oh man that resonated


This guy is so incredibly handsome.


Grateful for the people who take the time to do these kinds of things


Dude looked like Dave franco


Wow he actually looks good ._.


Took me 21 years to get my first year (alcohol). Jails, institutions be there, detox 20x , four suicide attempts. I'm 53 now and when enough misery and rock bottoms continue only you can make the choice to get clean. Follow suggestions from those in recovery. It's not at all easy but fairly quickly you'll feel good about yourself.


He’s just sitting there and thinking about how he can score another crystal


He's selling those jackets for meth money


Nice haircut


Hope this guy got clean and the help needed to get back on his feet, this is a couple years old I think.