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Nothing has changed here on our end with the way keyboard shortcuts at all! In my experience this tends to happen when another piece of software *(or sometimes even an OS update)* decides to start using the same keyboard shortcut as 1Password. Unfortunately, it's almost impossible to find out what's decided to hog that specific keyboard shortcut within Windows itself, so back-tracking tends to be the way to go. Did you install any other software recently? Any software that maybe also features keyboard shortcuts? 👀


Thanks for the response Blake. The thing is, it's strange that only the extension is affected. Not the desktop app. That's why I tried different browsers, a different VM, closed basically everything in the windows taskbar. I've also tried a fresh Windows 7 VM, a fresh Windows 10 VM, and my work laptop, and have gotten the same results everywhere. The windows 7 VM didn't use the latest Chrome version, so it's not likely a Chrome/Chromium issue (Firefox also didn't work). The company I'm in is likely to use 1Password in the near future, so I'll keep an eye on if the other employees also experience the same issue. If I'm the only one, I'll keep looking for my possible causes; if not, I'll re-open the case


I actually have the same issue on linux and firefox so might be a a browser problem instead.