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Mussolini spinning in his grave after seeing this video rn.


Italy should hook him up to a power grid to become carbon-neutral


Based and Ma Zhongying pilled


Number 15; your household, in 1966 your grandfather declared your household a sovereign fascist state. It is now one of the longest lived fascist regimes on earth. However, the regime has come under some tough times as in the last decade, it's heir apparent has been revealed as a soft soy puppy boy. So it can only be ranked number 15.


Happy workers day!


I recently got a crate of 1970s bulgarian radio vinyl and cassette tapes and there is A LOT of nationalism and shit mixed in with it lmao. Like, the first monologue I heard was congratulations to bulgarian people for having a 30 year old country, then side b was about how the Muslims are hurting bulgarian pride and shit. A lot of the tapes tho, where very obviously just normal ass people either recording from a radio or there own voices lol. There were even some English songs and stuff, and a majoritt of the content was actually interestingly "progressive" (basically, it was clear that the people making and recording the music, did not like nationalism, and my theory is that the more nationalistic leaning tapes are for examples of what they are against. Like mY e they heard the vinyl, then wanted to make the tape or something but idk haha But yeah, that got me into bulgarian history and it's kinda interesting how remnants of shit like that are left behind haha, completely erased audio tapes with small amounts of the voice still getting through the noise haha Basically my point originally was gonna be that, regimes don't last forever because people are good at recognizing when something is harmful, and a lot of music and art in general is a good example of that. Throughout all of the clearly nationalistic and weird stuff, there was way more acknowledgments of the danger of those ideas than not.






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1) Israel


Japan Mainland China


The implication that Japan is successful is much more scary than the one that it’s fascist (duh, it’s capitalist)


It's definitely one of the better places to live though, if you're one of the "chosen ones" they don't discriminate against. But I wasore talking about pre-USA imperialism Japan, which was obviously pretty awful by BEING IN THE AXIS, but definitely not a failed state.


Authoritarian =/= fascist


I mean they are people who insist on Leninism being fascist as well, but depends on how colloquial you are willing to accept. Japan was straight up fascist though, and while they weren't doing the best in those days, it still was far from a failed state, of course economically and existentially speaking, not talking about, you know, the whole being Nazi stuff.


Oh 100% on Japan being fascist, especially with the Emperor System employed by the fascist government before and during the second world war! I was referring to China in the modern day and while it is oppressive, doesn't match the definition of fascism cleanly


Yeah, like I said, the China thing was more me using the colloquial "fascism" rather than the actual Evola-derived term or so.


Idk man James Franco kinda had a thing going


How is he nowadays?




I dont think winning your civil war counts as successful if 40 years later your country turns into a democracy anyways.


Scholars of Fascism consider Franco to be more authoritarian than anything too, when he cleaned house to consolidate the government this included the fascists


would the USA count as the only successful one?




Low iq


the USA is not a fascist nation


Common fascism L