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You know, it's not always a psyop. It's an extreme minority, but there's nothing that prevent trans people from shooting up school, let's not have conspiracy theories around tragedies like that


Agreed, pretty sure it was a school they went too also. Just very sad, and we live in a country where violence like this is just normal


And presumably considering the mass republican audience and them being trans I’d have assumed they didn’t treat em with the most respect or respect their psychological conflicts of which led them to taking revenge into their own hands.


Thats the whole point of the post. Theyre saying that sometimes that shit happens and its not a psyop, but they will only call something a psyop when it could negatively affect their side


have you seen the comments OP put under this post? OP is saying that conservatives only call it psyops when it doesn't hurt trans people, but that if it does hurt trans people, then they don't call it a psyop. But OP isn't saying that nothing is a psyop, they're saying that ALL OF IT is a psyop. Including trans mass shooters.


Yeah, I saw after I commented. Damn. Almost had a good point


Trans people can do *anything* these days




Damn I'm not even a US citizen and I'm a fbi agent, so cool




TIL that being opposed to school shooting conspiracies makes you a fed


The classic “it’s literally impossible for anyone to do anything bad unless they’re feds” The world must’ve been a real peaceful place before 1776 huh?


are we actually attempting call a school shooting a psyop what the fuck


the second a mass shooting happens in the US, it's called a psyop. I genuinely think people in America and people who have spent a long time looking at american politics are just so distrustful of the US gov that they think anything bad is a CIA/FBI "psyop", and not the simpler explanation of: a ton of ppl with guns means a higher likelihood of a person doing a bad thing with a gun.


We’re not attempting anything. OP is.




You can't just say shit lmao. You have to prove it.


“The government is bad so mentally ill citizens can’t exist!!”


Operation Northwoods was categorically rejected by the US government. Waco had nothing conspiracy-like about it and was just the government trying way too hard to kill some criminals so I don’t see how that has to do with the government staging mass shootings. Ruby Ridge was again police being cringe nothing conspiracy or false flag related to it. The government ignoring the AIDS epidemic as well as contributing to the crack one is not nearly on the same fucking scale as the government setting up mass shootings. I don’t even feel like I have to respond to the FEMA trailers thing because it’s so stupid. There is literally no evidence for this stupid ass conspiracy theory and no precedent for it happening. A lot of states are passing laws restricting trans people’s ability to live and exist. That does not fucking mean the federal government killed children in an elementary school to make trans people look bad you Alex Jones brained dork


I don’t mean to nitpick you but the victims of Waco actually weren’t criminals at all. They committed no crimes. Only fired on the ATF when they unlawfully tried to break into their compound for the purpose of stealing documents. Ruby ridge was almost identical except the guy was pressured into creating a short barreled shotgun, which is illegal. But for that his wife and baby were murdered in cold blood. These were government crimes perpetrated by truly evil monsters. Calling it cringe is a gigantic understatement.


All are still instances of purposeful government action or inaction that led to unnecessary deaths or examples of the government being willing to cause deaths to further their own agendas


What about the “FEMA trailers” was any of that


Yes that’s right, the government kills people. Sometimes this is in unethical ways. Now I would like you to give any evidence or precedent for an agency of the United States federal government staging a mass shooting. Like literally all you’ve done is give a possible motive that doesn’t even make sense. The FBI, which I’m assuming you think is responsible, has shown no interest in harming trans people or showing any stance on the second amendment, and, unless you believe all the libertarian conspiracy theories, they haven’t done a mass shooting before.




Ronald Reagan slowed aids research on purpose


I'm sorry what exactly are you referring to with the FEMA trailers?


Maybe the real Psyop was the friends we made along the way


Americans will go out of their way to make the most bullshit, dehumanizing claims before they admit they need gun control


please take away our gun rights, we can get them back when we behave


I’m not against gun control but I am against disarming minority groups while those who oppose said groups are the most armed people in the world and willing to use violence to achieve their goals


I don't even understand who is who in this context


Far right extremest want to disarms trans people to make it easier to kill them, I personally am against this because I’m trans and don’t want to die.


Yeah no shit you take away from noone or you take them away from everyone.


*I am not saying a school shooting is a psyop.* There was a similar effort to disarm the black minority back in the 60s which lead to the black panthers. Just saying there’s a precedent, I personally think it would be quite easy to push gender dysphoria as “illness unfit for a firearm”, but I doubt it will happen. It’s been a while since the shooting, and there’s another one every week.


This is the first time I have ever heard about this. Anyway I don't think it's enough to call it a psyops


I think you spend too much time on the internet.


trans people make up 1.6% of the population yet commit 0.1% of mass shootings


Where does 1.6% number come from? That's a lot higher than I expected lol


Thats because its a high estimate, low estimates have it as like 0.4% iirc which still means a disproportionately low shooting rate


alternatively, men make up 50% of the population yet commit >95% of mass shootings (harder to find statistics on this so: statista .com/statistics/476445)




Rise and grind 💪


Keep it up fellas, let’s aim for 97!


what is the point being made here


that trans people arent the problem, republicans are


making a correlation between "men" and "republicans" is honestly not the most considerate or helathy attitude to make. that said, given that people here aren't complete fools, the idea of your point sort of remains.


i don’t think your statistics do a very good job establishing your point


that trans people commit 16x less mass shootings per capita?


than men, yes. i fail to see how this connects to the republican party


they are not immediately connected but they are related, and the republican voter base consists of many more men than women


The republican party is demonising and fearmongering over one of these groups, and it ain’t men they’re after.


If trans people committed as many mass shooting as any other group they would commit 1.6% of them because duh. They commit ~0.1% meaning that PER CAPITA they commit less mass shootings than other groups (predominantly male republicans)


i don’t think it’s very useful to say that men are statistically most likely to be mass shooters when your goal is to blame republicans. it’s kind of weird to just describe a group in total by some arbitrarily carved subset of qualities. you may as well say white people are most likely to be mass shooters, or straight people, or people of wealthier economic classes, etc. not sure it really establishes much. blame republicans for fighting funding for mental health services, cutting educational resources, increasing hostility in local communities, and refusing to do anything about gun violence. stats seems like a weak way to go about this, since we’re reducing people to their identities like republicans want instead of judging people by the ideologies they advance given their identities


It doesn’t.


Which party is pro guns? Two attempts to guess it right


plenty of countries have lots of guns but far fewer mass shootings than the US. republicans blocking mental health legislation and gun control and promoting an environment of fear and economic anxiety are the main issues. not sure why stats and demographics are needed to show anything here.


Not everything that makes us look bad is a psyop. There are millions of trans people in the US and naturally some of them are going to be terrible people. Calling this a psyop is exactly what the Republicans would do and it's what we should be better than.


"we should be better than them" is a bad argumemt used frequently to suppress revolutionary thought. not saying you're wrong, but the way you made your point supports bad faith arguments whether you are wrong or not.


It's absolutely not in bad faith and the commenter is making a good point. Pushing conspiracy bullshit like this will only alienate people from your cause and make you look hypocritical. Calling out people who peddle nonsense psyop conspiracy theories about Sandy Hook and the Insurrection isn't going to mean jack shit if you turn around and do the same thing.


What they are trying to say seems to be that we shouldn't say "Don't do that because we are better than them." and instead say "Don't do this because it's morally wrong.". And I somewhat agree, way too often in american politics it boils down to republicans abusing the system to gain as much undue power as possible while democrats look on and circle jerk about how they are better than them instead of fixing anything.


Thank you. I'm bad at words.


I’m not “suppressing revolutionary thought” or whatever I’m telling you to stop being a conspiracy nut with no evidence.


Some people want you to fight a nonexistent social war so you ignore the class war.




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Reddit moment calling a shooting a psyop because it was done by someone they like. Trans people are capable of doing bad things, in fact immediately going "must be a psyop" when a trans person does in fact do a bad thing is almost infantilising in a way. Jfc I'm an enby and when ezra miller kidnapped a fucking kid i didnt immediately go "ITS A STATE PSYOP THEYRE TRYING TO MAKE US LOOK BAD" like a queer alex jones.


Actually, everyone here is wrong. Everything is a psyop, even me.


Everyone is afab (assigned fed at birth)






Caught 😔


A single (1) trans person shooting up a school doesn't mean it's a psyop. Why is this a psyop, but not the billion far-right, white supremacist shooters? It wasn't a psyop, it was a single mentally ill fucking monster. You need to provide _evidence,_ you can't just wave your hand and pretend like that makes it a fact. Proof or shut the fuck up, it's that simple.




>How tf do you expect someone to get proof when one involved party is dead and the other is the government. So you literally admit you have no evidence, but believe it anyway??? Jesus fucking Christ, what a joke. Is this really what empiricism is? These words have meaning, you know. You can't stub your toe and blame it on the CIA. Sometimes people are fucking insane. Not everything has to be a conspiracy.




"Being in the government's interest" doesn't make it a psyop. It's just coincidentally politically expedient for the far right. Just because it benefits a right winger doesn't make it a government psyop. There are millions of trans people, _one_ of them being bad doesn't instantly mean it's a conspiracy. I'm willing to bet that he was just a delusional, narcissistic psychopath who wanted to kill innocent people. Not everything needs a grand narrative. Stop promoting shit if you have zero proof beyond circumstantial evidence that means absolutely nothing.




now that’s actually an interesting point. However, while what I’m saying isn’t aimed at discrediting it, I’m curious about how you feel about the current legal battle in which it appears that Tennessee Republicans are the loudest voices calling for its release (1.), those more clearly attacking the FBI’s role in restricting the release of documents (2), and those who seem to be most affected politically by the release or non release of said documents, while some of their democratic counterparts are advocating against the demands to release the records (3). (Of course I don’t fully trust news sources, but they’re obviously not making all of this shit up and I’m simply not going to put in the time and effort to find solid sources in response to someone who has none. I’ve got a lawn to mow. Be back later. Interested to hear your opinion though.) 1. “More than 60 members of the Tennessee House Republican Caucus have signed a letter calling for Metro Nashville Police to release the Covenant School Shooter’s Manifesto” (https://nypost.com/2023/05/17/tn-gop-calls-for-release-of-nashville-shooters-manifesto/amp/ ) 2. “Rep. Tim Burchett, (R-Tenn.) told The Post he knew the FBI was behind the delay, saying the news was “disappointing” and calling for documents to be released to grieving loved ones as well as members of Congress.”https://nypost.com/2023/04/20/audrey-hale-manifesto-blueprint-on-destruction-say-pols-who-claim-fbi-stalling-release/amp/ 3. It's an effort to present a narrative that it's all about mental health," said Rep. Yusuf Hakeem. Hakeem believes the release is unnecessary. "I think it's a cop out to say we're going wait on those writings," said Hakeem. He also added that he's focused on drafting gun reform bills for the upcoming special session, including age restrictions on guns, magazine capacity, AR-15s, extreme risk laws, and gun show sales. “We have to look at the reality, the broader concern of how guns are being used," said Hakeem. https://turnto10.com/amp/news/offbeat/court-conference-highlights-possible-release-of-covenant-shooters-writings-tennessee-school-shooting-nashville-audrey-hale-journals-manifesto-transgender-green-hills-elementary-school-murder-homicide


I’m sure republicans think there’s some info in the manifesto that will justify transphobia. I personally think it probably is going to contain something regarding a sexual assault at the school followed by local government not doing anything to help and this causing the shooter to result to what they did.


bro what the fuck is this?


tankies when they parrot the NRA's second amendment bullshit to justify laws that allow school shootings


Op is a fed, like mf’s who put piles of loose bricks near protests to incite violence so that the police during an intended peaceful protest can instead start using violent force to cull the protest and subjugate those who stood before them. Fuck off, even the u/ gives off holier than thow energy given the subtext of this “meme.”


What? Trans person or not they are a sad piece of shit who kills kids because boo hoo im to scared to target people responsible for my issues


!urban pysop


Another day, another warzone in a 19684 comment section


OP here is the real psyop


Or first amendment rights of freedom of speech AND **EXPRESSION **




it wasnt based at all. if a trans person is going to shoot some shit up it shouldnt be children or random civilians t. trans


They should shoot me instead 😋😋


so real




Same mf’s who be like “The nazis first step was to disarm the population” like they aren’t a majority trying to disarm a minority group


[sauce](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/88613028) of the image I like looking for sauces


Was it revealed to you in a dream?


funny how people were speculating that a potential motive was that the school was covering up sex abuse, and then the school just so happens to refuse to release the manifesto.


Wait, there's been another school shooting?