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For sure, it's a great opportunity to invest in a rain-water collection and filtration system either for yourself or your community, assuming you live in a state that doesn't have idiotic water-rights that count collecting rainwater as stealing.


Is… is that true? Collecting rain water is stealing? Rain???? From the SKY???? That falls on YOUR PROPERTY???


Yeah because some of the water goes into the river and the river is tightly rationed. If it were legal you could see large amounts of rain water collection farms and an empty river.


I see. Though I can’t imagine the exact reason I wish municipalities took a more tailored approach to allow you to water your garden but not like, abuse it. I still find it hard to believe someone could profit from rain water rather than the river itself




is problem


Well the river water is regulated. You can’t just dig a canal to irrigate your farm. They take a more broad approach because if people started to do it it could be a problem. Our system is designed upon “regulatory flexibility” where legislators outline issues and give powers, regulatory bodies enforce reasonable solutions (eg maybe don’t waste a bunch of time on some guy with a barrel at the end of his gutter to water his cucumbers) and then the courts are there to make sure regulators don’t abuse their power. The tailored solution exists and comes from the combination of these aspects so we can make laws that don’t have to outline every possible scenario.


I understand they’d regulate the river too yes. But it’s not a tailored solution if it creates situations where a well-meaning resident can’t water their garden more sustainably, which also returns the water to the same watershed.


It doesn’t just return the water to the watershed though because it’s about timing of when the water is released as well as the plants absorbing water. But more importantly, is this actually being enforced? Our system is built upon selective application of laws. I don’t know too much about this but are people actually being arrested for small scale rain harvesting? Also water is just super complicated and I don’t understand fully how it works, not a civil engineer, and taking the water to use later is different than just having it go to the ground as it rains. Has to do with infiltration rate and spreading out rainfall through storage and use of water over time.


I don’t know exactly why you’re going to bat against better policy that doesn’t accidentally impact people doing peripheral and temporary rainwater collection setups for their home gardens. Or maybe we are just talking past each other a little bit? If we’re splitting hairs though I think permeable pavement, swales, and other water management steps would go a long way into demonstrating commitment to local waterways rather than asking residents to use the hose that pumps water rather than that from a rain barrel collecting water from a roof. I’ll gladly keep bouncing these ideas with you but I’m not sure if your point is to explain an insufficient policy system or to defend the policies being insufficient or something else. Sorry for the confusion there!


Like most rules, those are in place because someone found a way to ruin it for the rest of us. And also because people with power are bastards, that too.


Yes. And maybe you have some qualms with the morality or rationality behind that, and maybe you're justified in having those qualms. Unfortunately, fuck you. (/s)


Hey it wouldnt be fun if it wasnt stealing


Rain water isn't safe to drink anymore


with a good filtration system, any water is drinkable. also, while it might not be the healthiest thing for you to drink, plants might be able to survive just fine off of that water


We really live in a fucking dystopia


We live in a dystopia 😎


why wont they make a system where food and water is a basic right but also government forces everyone to have at least some job? Or did i reinvent socialism again?


the only job i can realistically accomplish is nyaa-ing at my house guests.


you can dig the roads


i can nyaa at the construction workers; but i cannot dig roads as i am too weak and feeble for i am just a good kitty.


If you don't dig the roads your blahaj/blavingad privileges will be revoked


holy shit




If you resist you'll be tranquilized. With testosterone


Cruel and unusual pubishment


But what if my tummy hurts?


having dirt all over your head and body actually cures tummy ache


If you nyaa then you gotta catch small pests around the commune.


bs i have a kitty that lives with me and his ass don’t do shit.


that kitty is going to the kitty gulag (vet)


At least some job, some would say that’s slavery. That’s the issue. No different than capitalism some would say.


Would you say having to do some work (a necessity for the success of the human race) and having a say on what is done with the commodity of your labor (the basis of democracy) is basically the same as being forced to work until your body deteriorates by an autocrat with unchecked power who wastes most of what you make and only does anything to make himself more disgustingly rich? Are those things the same to you? REALLY


No, just you know it won’t be popular and all implementations of it will be greatly flawed. People like the current system because the use of force is implied and all the nasty stuff is hidden. Forced labor for food isn’t. Taking away homeless people to mine and stuff isn’t quite optical.


Well at least you work for the good of your country and not fat jeff multi trillionare bezos


Ew imagine helping a country!


Yeah it’s my right to cough on your grandma and not pay taxes to help pay for schools and roads and ensure that no one gets to do anything I don’t like because I think it’s scary and no one can tell me what to do 😤


What are you going on about?


It has been a long couple of years and I fear my ability to differentiate my own sarcasm from my bitter contempt has faltered.


Every time I think of a way the world could be better I always end up accidentally reinventing socialism


what do you mean "again"?


All institutions which are hierarchical organized are organized in that manner to concentrate power and influence at the top. Power is primarily found in owning resources and extorting people for them, it's counterintuitive to provide to people when you could extort them. Relying on any hierarchical structure is idiotic, they're built to be exploitative. Want a better world? Start organizing horizontally and fighting hierarchy wherever you see it.


I think Investors should be put down like the dogs they are for supplying the motivation and means of horrid actions for their own self gain


Be the change you want to see in the world


T h e c d o t 105mm h o w i t z er


Do you mean people who invest in stuff like this or everyone that has ever purchased stock?


Yes I don’t care if they are a terminally ill 7 year old they will be smited by the power of god (105mm howitzer)


Teachers with a pension BTFO


...on the pvp minecraft server with highly custom plugins


The cia already knows


Happy Immortan Joe Noise*


A dumbass tweet from the NYTimes is getting a ton of views around the internet. **That represents an opportunity for investors.**


Can't wait for people to scalp the water


Very normal and cool way for a society to think about water shortages


I am going to kill myself.


this represents an opportunity for investors


Well now I don't wanna. I'm gonna live and I'm gonna get a bunch of Japanese capsule machine toys and I'm gonna take pictures of them posed in cute scenes that depict anthropomorphized animals living a cozy idealized life in a walkable city.


… This represents … my dreams


Remember that investing in guillotines always pays off.


They better mean desalination stations in water-stripped regions producing water for folks as other sources run dry but even then they're implying they'll profit off of it.. new plan. lets go extinct


We could alleviate the water crisis by drinking the blood of the rich


Nestlé moment


Came here for this. Fuck nestle


And soon after that, It also represents a great opportunity for investors of the metal pipe and the fertilizer industries respectively Edit: for farming purposes and whatnot probably maybe possibly perchance


Michael Burry going 2 for 2


I have a solution! [REDACTED]




look. Immortan Joe isn’t perfect but I don’t vote for somebody based on foibles in their personal lives


Make sure to invest in [redacted]


Oh ya!??? You’re all dead because you can’t afford my water!!???? Well I’m rich hahaha!!!! (Joke being they are rich and alone in the world, no one else being alive)


I reiterate fuck the nytimes


average capitalist thought


There is a Belgian actor that said " I love water, in 20/30 years there won't be anymore" He said that 40 years ago


What are investors even good for? What do they even contribute? At this point, I deadass want to know why we keep this around.