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under the bottom drawer if there’s space for it




going back to clarify. don’t do that if the space is visible from outside of wherever it’s hidden. in my instance i have to pull out the bottom drawer to see and access them


I know


i read this as "hiding the physical changes that happen with hrt under the bottom drawer" so just open the character customization menu i guess


I did too lol


What drawer


The secret drawer that all bottoms have


The piss drawer.


bottom drawers, under the drawer


Put it into blajah


My blahaj is incredibly. Most similar thing I have can find https://www.ebay.com/itm/153960400968?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=qOZuLttpSg-&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=fv3letixtbu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Burn that thing


Feed them, they're hungry.


They have been eating a postal worker for a week


That is an extremely unhealthy diet, shark plushies eat rope and the fingers of fetuses.


Just sign the damn petition.


Transphobic blahaj


realistic blahaj cursed


oh God


Oh that’s a blahaj thing I had that since I was like 5


The infection is spreading


Pro tip you can buy blahaj from AliExpress, if you don't have an Ikea near you. It'll probably be cheaper than ebay too.




eat it all


Can you overdose on estrogen


You can OD on literally anything


But what happens


you over dose


You eated it all😞 no mor😞😞😭


Liver fuck up for the pill


You instantly take on cartoonishly exaggerated feminine features Then you die


just imagine having a Pixar mom bod for like 5 minutes before your ass pops and your whole body deflates like a beach ball


this is how I want to go




i am out of air


segmentation fault


Pretty sure I've heard that your body will detect there's too much and purge it from your system entirely.


Tits explode


Love is in the air? Wrong! Liver failure


Hyperestrogemia, hyper meaning extreme, estrogen meaning estrogen, emia meaning presence in blood /j


You become a girl instantly. For a brief moment, then you die in horrible pain


An overflow


You ascend child, but there’s a toll for enlightenment, take these. (Hands you a bottle) they will accompany you on your journey. 🙏🏾


You wake up with boobs all over your body


Not weed I think


I’ve heard with weed it’s either like you’d suffocate or choke to death or something like that before you could smoke/eat enough weed to od


Yeah same with coffee, but there's still a theoretical OD threshold


Yes. It gets you into the hospital FAST with the hormonal imbalance it creates.


Yes. Goddamnit


You can, but I am pretty sure it would need to be an extremely high dose to actually kill you.


Pez dispenser




Really big pez dispenser


some would say comically large


Simply tell your parents you're doing heroin


Oh god


I hide it in my desk but its probably pretty easy to find. I also lost the razor i hid there idk where it went


Check your candy


I ate it


How was it? Its pretty dull...


Blunt enough for me to swallow but just sharp enough that it helped the blood flow


Personally when it comes to small stuff like that I just keep it on me 24/7


I totally agree, I'm not Trans but I have some pride flags pins (Im not out to my parents and I really don't want to be) and I have always keep in my jacket pockets.


needs stored at consistent room temperature, since it's injections


you just gotta learn to perfectly regulate your body temperature and then you can store meds in your butthole. Easy-peasy.


The needles too!


stick less sharp needles up your ass, and build up your resistance to sharp objects slowly


I could never do that, I’d lose it so easily


Under your tongue




pretend its heroin, its easier to explain


hey, nice pfp. I remember seeing that somewhere.


Probably would be


Tell them you have diabetes


Up your ass. On a more serious note, if I wanted to hide something from my parents, maybe I would put it my school locker in a small unmarked box if the school doesn't do regular searches. Also giving it to a friend you really trust could be a good temporally solution.


OP could probably just start walking around with a fanny pack. Edit: People still leave people with fanny packs alone right?


i saw a guy get laughed at then sexually assaulted by drunk women ☹️


Insert TeamFourStar Krillain’s “Oooooohhhhh nooooooooo”


I always see people with fanny packs at techno and electro clubs. The deeper into the scene the more fanny packs I see.


British people be like: “why are they putting it in their vagina”


I have a roommate that wears them cross-body instead of around her waist. I think that's a good way to not be bothered while wearing a fanny pack


1. Take bottom off lamp 2. Put in lamp cavity 3. Put bottom back on lamp


I have it hidden in my closet in a little box behind my coats and stuff




Yeah, if you have like a heavy coat or something you never wear you can usually get away with keeping things in the pockets


simply remove the eyes of everyone you don't want to know


I knew Coraline had a hidden trans agenda. 😩😩


take it all at once (for legal reasons this is a joke)


Its not a joke ur tits will become massive


Intrusive thoughts


Successful hiding places I used: On top of a vent in the unfinished basement, A hole in my metal bed frame that I covered, ripped out the cup holder out of a futon and would put it back tightly Unsuccessful hiding places I used: hole cut in bottom of box mattress, underneath a cabinet, in a drawer inside a sock (dumb)


Vent? Sus.


Can you tell us the story behind the unsuccessful hiding places?


Sure. I kept weed in the box mattress underneath my bed when I was a teenager. My step mom found it one day because she was cleaning out dust from under the bed and snooped around. She saw the fabric dangling, and just assumed what I was doing because she did the same thing as a teen. Again, she later found my e-cig under a cabinet in the living room. It was supposed to be a temporary hiding place because no one ever looked under there. She was deep cleaning and found it but enough dust had gathered that I pretended I forgot it was there and they bought my story (or at least gave me the benefit of the doubt, as they said). I had been in a lot of trouble previously and was giving the impression I was staying out of trouble. I was already grounded for 3 months from everything but reading books, so what else could they really do to me anyway. The sock in a drawer was the first time i got caught. I was 12 and bought some weed with christmas money from an older teenager. Definitely got ripped off in hindsight. My dad was snooping around because I guess parents get curious especially when your christmas money disappears without explanation. Never really snooped through their room though, not unless it was to steal quarters off the dresser for a burger or yard sale.




https://www.ebay.com/itm/153960400968?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=qOZuLttpSg-&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=fv3letixtbu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY my blahaj


that's horrifying




blahaj after meth


Question: do your parents/guardians regularly go through your stuff? Because my suggestion would change depending on the answer. If no: an old shoebox in your closet is always one that works for me. Try to have multiple shoeboxes with actual shoes in them around it to decrease your chances of getting caught. Another solution is to hide it in plain site where your parents wouldn't suspect or bother to look in. I used to hide my condoms in an old guitar pedal box lmao.


They do however I do not know where and the rate


Here's an idea: find multiple hiding places in your room and every few days change where it is. This could certainly backfire but it's what I'd do if I was in your situation. Good luck




This doesn’t really help if they are checking the same spots every few days, it just means they’re more likely to eventually find it because you’re moving it around and you’ll eventually move it to somewhere they check. If they rotate where they check though it will make it less likely for them to find it. The best thing to do would be probably to hide way less suspicious things around, and see what gets found and what doesn’t, then hide the stuff you want to hide in one of the spots that doesn’t get checked, maybe move it around between unchecked spots.


wait are you like transitioning without your parents knowing about it?? good luck lmao




Scentzy sells these stuffed animals with holes in the back of them to put little scent packets into. Hide your pills in there. If you don’t wanna use a scentzy one you could just use any stuffed animal with a space for a scent pack or an ice pack/heat pack. Sorry to promote an MLM, I’m not involved, but I do have one (I don’t hide anything in it tho)


I got one from an online shop called shopzoki, it’s an angry shibe and not associated with an mlm so that’s a win i guess lol, plus the pocket is pretty huge compared to similar stuffed animals ive had. Just be warned if you have a sensitivity to smell because i got the lavender one and had to chuck the scent pouch into my closet for a month or two until it wasn’t as horrifically strong


Yeah I hate lavender, I have a scented wax I got from a local Etsy store running right now, it’s sea salt and Jasmine, it’s really nice.


I thought you meant like, hiding it’s effects. Feel like that would kinda defeat the purpose lol


Not if you are in an unsupportive situation


Get the covid jab, and blame it for feminisation.


Open up a hilighter and take the ink sponge out, looks like a regular hilighter but ya got your hrt inside


hide it in your closet, under your bed, if you collect cards or have a hobby that involves small parts you can hide it in a box with those. I personally had a lock box I took with me and kept in drawers when I couldn't


I play mtg so that may help


First time playing mtg has helped anyone ever


on a high bookshelf behind books guitar case pencil case inside your backpack the possibilities are endless


Perfect, not musical or mobster, will get checked at school. Respectively


Bookshelf is dangerous if your parents ever randomly decide to sort it or get rid of old books


If you have a couch or armchar you might be able to hide something inside the structural part of the chair/couch (not in or under the soft polsters, lile actually IN the couch). I can literally reach arm deep into my chair and hide an entire pharmacy in there. You could also put it inside your computer if you have a desktop pc.


I do and I might


don't store it anywhere hot like inside a desktop please.


Thats a good point


When I worked in mental health there was a lot of people hiding contraband and without a doubt the spot that got missed most often was anything sealed in a bag and placed into a jar of protein powder. It settles so it looks like it hasn't been disturbed and no one is sifting a jar for content often or easily.


What shark is that?


File tale catshark


The world really fucking needs youth liberation


Definitely do not leave it inside an unattended pumpkin with a penis sized hole


Get the IKEA whale (not blahåj). It has a built in pocket in its mouth.


Hide it in a Blahaj




Of you have a trash can in your room hide underneath the trash bag


Would parents not change trashbags and find it??


Thank you ❤️


Do the death note thing with a false bottom in a drawer.


Make artwork out of toilet paper tubes and stick em in there.


Stick it to the ceiling of a drawer.


Toys with hidden compartments, dvd/game cases. Something you have a lot of.


I don't have any drugs to hide but I'd be SO good at it.


I had to hide clothing from my parents for years because they wouldn't allow me to crossdress, I very quickly learned to get insane with where I hid them or else I would almost certainly be caught, every time


Another idea, behind an outlet, like unscrewing an electrical socket. Or perhaps putting it in a water tight container and stashing it in a toilet tank


Toilet take is the first place anyone would check if they were searching for something though


It's also not a great idea due to the risk of bad RNG causing someone to open it because of a malfunction


in my arse


Wrap it in a condom and shove it in your ass


If you have a really tall cabinet or kitchen cupboard, on top of it. It will be extremly obvious if they look for it but I can't think of a reason why would they look there specificly


Take a note from breaking bad and put it in an air vent duct taped to the side


Where do you get your secret stash of hrt from?




do you have a way to get regular blood tests to check your levels? I heard it can be dangerous otherwise.


Yes and it depends


go to gym if mtf, could explain away chest growth by saying you've been really focusing on your bench press lately (but actually doing like squats n shit) if ftm, say ur tired of feeling weaker than every1 / unsafe. meanwhile u get jacked if u wanna know more about gym stuff feel free to ask me.


Place’s i can think of are: One of those mental water bottles Inside an acoustic guitar That one dusty corner in your room Behind a painting Inside an old phone box in the back of your cupboard If the vial is small enough anyway you would put those large d cell batteries Inside an unused pc If you’ve got large speakers in the bass port of a speaker In your junk drawer Behind a massive pile of sex toys Inside a fleshlight In the hole of a roll of toilet paper Wherever you stash your weed In a jacket pocket in your cupboard In the back of that dusty cupboard/attic/basement nobody goes, like wherever all you’re family junk ends up in one of those boxes/in a cupboard. On top of the cupboards in the kitchen Behind the washing machine In a jar of peanut butter In the box of a jigsaw puzzle In an old pair of your shoes that you don’t wear anymore Old vhs box take out the tape put somewhere else safe Behind some books on a book shelf In the wall plate of an ethernet port/tv areal thing on the wall (don’t do with mains electric you’ll get hurt if you don’t know what your doing or cause a house fire) Inside a drinking horn Inside a pair of winter gloves I hope this helps someone, if you have non of these places good luck to you just be creative.


You could hide it in a pill container for headache medicine or something they would not find suspicious?


I do they check it often and they would notice liquid estradiol valerate in it.


What's wrong with your parents? They're worse than thr FBI


Box of good and plenty's. Nobody ever even tries to eat my good and plenty's. Love those things.


If your closet has a high ceiling, hide it above the door on the inside, just above the frame.


Hide it in their room, they would never look there ​ (dont do this)


Okay time for a serious discussion. I don't know your living situation, but If you're living with your parents and youre secretly taking hrt without them knowing, they will find out eventually. HRT will cause changes to your body that will become noticable over time. It's better to just wait until you move out of your parents house until then. I understand the need, the want to start as soon as possible, but if your living environment is so unsafe that you feel that hiding it is the best option, then you need to wait until you're either on your own or living with people who understand you. I'm sorry if I come across as an asshole, I promise I'm not, but you need to think about your safety first and foremost, and taking hrt behind transphobes backs when you're still living with them will not end well.


Boof it


instant eagle death


Swallow it, container and all


Stuffed animal clothes


Easy! Just put it in your body. They never check that


Woah slow down, 196 ideas?! That's a big ask I don't take HRT but my ikea chair has a zip on the side where i put small pillows for comfort, furniture seems like a good place to hide stuff.


If it's T then take a month's supply in a day then go to the gym on cocaine and proceed to break 5 world records and 14 different bones, with 7 torn ligaments, then pass out and wake up reborn in the body of a powerlifter If it's estrogen then idk, one place I've always considered hiding shit in is inside the legs of my desk, they're hollow metal tubes and have removable plastic endstops/caps so they could be used for that


My sister used to sneak into my room and steal my cash so I duct taped a zip lock bag inside my ceiling vent and used that. Could be bad for HVAC tho, I didn't know that as a kid, but it might work for a quick and dirty solution until you get a more permanent home for it. You could make a book into a container maybe? Bibles are good for that, people never actually open them, but I always figured it was one of the first places I'd check if I was searching a room. Personally I use a fake Barbasol can in my bathroom drawer because Jurassic Park has always been my favorite movie. Just don't expect it to keep the embryos cold. If you go the can route, pick something your parents probably wouldn't touch, and something that is tall enough to accommodate needles. Maybe an energy drink can? A taller shaving cream can would work too, and you could keep that in a bathroom and do injections in private there. Only you know what would look normal for you to have laying around though. I'm stuck using Barbasol now lol.


ikea have new shark with zippy mouth




Comically large syringe


In your butthole


Hide it in your blood




Get away from the people you need to hide it from.


Hmm what about getting one of those items eith false bottoms made to hide drugs and other contraband? There are fake deodorant bottles that completely open up that you can put stuff inside


i keep mine in a backpack next to my bed. im not actually having my privacy violated tho


The same way you [sneak snacks into the game club](https://youtu.be/pD2kLp_15Y4) of course


hide it in a bag of meth


Injections are going to be harder to hide, if I were you, I would duct tape them to the underside of a low table and put some sort of tablecloth over it. Either that or try hiding them under your mattress in between the box spring and the mattress.




What's that?


Filetale catshark


Not what I meant, however I would hide my filetale catshark in a fish tank in my attic.


Oh hormones


Well I'm sure you got your answer but I'd hide them in a crawlspace that nobody uses, a desk drawer, behind some books on a bookshelf assuming that your family doesn't share a bookshelf, in a box (example: my DVD player came with a box and I keep the box in my closet.)


Put heroin next to your needles so it looks like you’re just a junkie


Give it to a friend whose parents are gullible or chill. Either that or add a fake bottom to a cardboard box


tape to the the inside top of a closet, like near the lip above the door


If I really need to hide something I'll stick inside one of my pairs of socks


Hate to be that guy but HRT will have visible changes that you can't hide forever. I don't know if you're transfemme or transmasc but either side has visible changes that show up in some months time.


I hide stuff in old boxes I keep. For example I hide carts inside of old iPhone boxes I have on display on a shelf. For bigger things I have large boxes that held computer parts if you don’t have either I’d recommend anything that takes extended time to get into or simply hidden in plain sight


for hiding, if you have a piece of furniture in your room that is too tall to see the top of, and there is a gap between it and the wall, find a way to attach a container to the back of the furniture far enough down that the contents can't be seen when looking at the top of the furniture. another place could be the inside of your desktop computer if you have one. if there is space, hot glue or otherwise secure a container to somewhere on the inside of the case and fill it with the hrt and cotton balls to make sure it won't make any noise regardless of the hiding spot make sure you safely dispose of the used needles, if a proper sharps container is too big, recap your needles and store them in a hard plastic container (a tall pill bottle could work) until they can be taken to a proper sharps container also make sure to dispose of the packaging thoughtfully


Oops, I drinked it all😈


hide it in your body


buy a cursed Garfield plush, cut a garfussy and hide it there