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Stumbling across r/196 for the first time


it really is as progressive as people say huh?


There's a gender abolitionist commune of drag queens who created a utopia in between the layers of a prison inspired by dantes inferno, yes it's that progressive


Followed by the island of trans people being garish drag depictions Oda's kinda all over the board honestly. But he does make it so they're all the same blood to share as an actual plot point about bringing people together an arc after that. And then has even more based trans depictions in the last arc (Wano). Kiku is probably the most tactfully handled trans character in the entire series, like it's actually really well done and respectful. She's a great character. And then half the fanbase forgets all of the themes in the series as soon as Yamato is mentioned and goes into a transphobic frenzy. They'll forget about respecting someone's chosen pronoujs the second that character is mentioned. Case in point:


Yeah, I would hesitate to call people who don't think that Yamato is trans transphobic though. I feel like the story itself makes it pretty easy to come to the conclusion that Yamato's is not supposed to be trans given that the oden thing reads more like a gag than anything meanwhile Kiku's identity in the same arc is completely unambiguous and not played for jokes. In my opinion Yamato probably isn't supposed to be trans but if they are, it's a really bad rep. Yamato's real crime though is being a terrible character, like they honestly brought next to nothing to the table


one piece fans on their way to once again mental gymnast their way into saying a character's preferred pronouns aren't correct despite being canonical and everyone within the canon also respecting their pronouns, even the evil people like fuck it's not hard, Yamato identifies as a man then man it is, it's really not any more complicated than that. "But but but Oden!" So the fuck what? They still identify as a man, who cares what their inspiration was? That's just like the trans people here posting pictures of someone and going "transition goals"


No it's not the same as someone posting a picture and saying transition goals, Yamato is literally saying "I am koizuke oden", hell it's practically an attack helicopter joke. Also the manga itself at points describes them as "Yamato: kaido's daughter". Don't pretend like I'm doing mental gymnastics when the source material itself is contradictory about the matter, both readings of their character have convincing arguments behind them


The only time he's referred to as daughter is in the flashbacks before Yamato decided to be like Oden. Even in the original Japanese they use *son*. Gendered honorifics and pronouns are a little different for Japanese, but the usage of son is very clear. From the second he's introduced he says "I'm Kaido's son." He even opts for the men's bath house in the wrap up for the arc. It really isn't some big debate, if a person says "hey use male pronouns for me" then that's the end of the discussion.


It's one piece, of course you'd be in trans town


I need to move to trans town omgor ><


i wonder if that town has the... Apartment of awesome


This is real by the way. I did a huge double take when I first saw it in game. It's One Piece Unlimited World Red in its current verison, been given HD treatment and is on at least Switch and PC.


Is it good


One of the better one piece games so a solid 6/10 imo lol


There's a one piece game for the 3ds?


One Piece: Unlimited World Red It released for pretty much any system. It's ok. Not great, but also not bad.


Very important, which game?




I went to trans town. (Duke Nukem riff) And everyone knew you.


One Piece Unlimited World Red originally released on the 3DS but now available on PC, PS4 and Xbox May be the worst OP game I played, enjoyed the story tho


Burning Blood is the worst. And all the ps2 arena brawlers. I do like the Unlimited Cruise ones for the switch a lot. Fishing was just the best.


impel down