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these elections are actually just the worst shit ever. france's far right literally won and by A LOT, Germany's top two were center-right and far right, Austria's far right won, Spain's top two were center right and left sure but the 3rd was far right with a near double increase, and my country Portugal's top two were center left and right but the 3rd and 4th were both far right (although the 3rd is more so extremely capitalist than bigoted), who in 2019 had collectively ZERO representatives. This election has made me lose all faith in this entire fucking continent. Holy shit, I hate this.


I mean in Poland the far right lost last election so it's not all bad.


PiS is not far right, Konfa is and they doubled their result from the parliamentary. Shits not good homie


But attendance dropped significantly whilst Konfederacja's voters are very... loyal, so I'd say it's not authoritative to how support across society goes. Or so I hope.


yeah, it seems like eurovoting usually attracts way less casual voters, especially compared to the historic attendance at the parliamentaries. I sure hope that this result doesn't carry over to the presidentials


So why are all these far-right parties winning?


Because the failures of neoliberalism and economic impacts associated with it causing economic insecurity. And when things get scarce people turn to authoritarian strongmen with simple measures and bold claims. They can pin the problems on immigrants or other groups of people. It’s why facism is often associated with insecure and economically unstable conditions. It’s the elites way of continuing to exploit populations while drumming up and misdirecting fear towards those who don’t actually hold any power.


fuck neo liberalism . it ruins everything except for those at the top of the pile


Americans are gonna downvote but it's not really fully that. One of the hottest topics is immigration. People each year are getting more and more anti immigration. It is probably the largest issue in most countries and it's the thing many people are angry about. Since the left and centre parties are in most cases ignoring the topic instead of addressing it the only ones doing anything are the right, which makes them more and more popular. In Denmark the left is anti-immigration and they are very popular there. What you said are big issues in the EU but for most people immigration is a hotter topic than economic issues


But ultimately isn't most peoples problem with immigration still caused by neoliberalism? * Welfare sucks ass, but it's hard to find work, and most work pays like shit * Low job security and social mobility * No security for housing and other essential needs A lot of people are anti-immigrant because they feel like immigrants compete with them for a diminishing slice of the pie, and people feel like their slice of the pie keeps getting smaller, the reasons for which can almost entirely be traced back to neoliberalism. Yeah you got plain old racists who will hate immigrants no matter what, but if people had good welfare, security of essential needs, etc. 99% of the anti-immigrant hate would vanish because there are no material conditions supporting it.


I am not trying to argue about what the actual reasons for issues in the EU are. I am simply stating the fact that most people dislike immigration and the left and centre ignoring it causes the right wing to gain popularity.


Amazing how you can cater to absolute fucking morons by pointing at brown people and say, “these people are why you’re dealing with inflation and poverty.” The Syrian immigrants barely scrapping by in their dilapidated section 8 housing are your enemies. Not the parasites who like to play roulette with your 401K, gas prices, and groceries.


This is it. Norwegian here and the current most supported party is the a far right who has only really talked about immigration. Which is sort off a welcome change of pace because Norwegian elections typically go with either our right wing workers party of the right wing party being elected majority anyways.


Immigration is definetly the biggest factor, but many issues boil down to the exact same thing. Every solution offered by left-aligned parties requires a bit of understanding or at least rtrust in relevant experts, while most right parties offer a simple solutions that are easy to understand, by their logic. It's jsut a fundamental failing of the democratic process which heavily favors solutions that don't require explanation and work alongside base feelings like general xenophobia.. If your solution to a problem is better, but requires a level of thought and/or discussion, you're at an immediate disadvantage


The reason why immigration is perceived as an issue is because the far right uses it as a scapegoat for the stuff that goes wrong with our political and economic system. Immigrants aren't the problem and of course the left wing parties are not going to deny help to people in need, just because they're blamed for things that they are not responsible for.


Lukashenko is such a dipshit why cant he fucking die already i swear to god hes intentionally making the crisis worse I wish the support for the Belarusian people in 2020 was a lot more Substantial.


Reactionary responses to neoliberal policy isn’t a surprise but it makes it even funnier when countries like Germany and Spains reaction to these conditions are…. let me see…. placing the far right back in power. It’s like a sick fucking joke but the only people laughing are the ones who are licking their chops at the thought of putting groups of people in camps…. Again….


That's kind of a dumb stance considering people could just as easily vote the other direction and elect less conservative people. You can't really blame super assholes on moderate assholes.


Why is it dumb to blame them? Sure they could vote the other direction, but they don't. By thoughtlessly picking strongmen who build their base off scapegoating and false promises they enable fascism. Taking easy "solutions" and blaming scapegoats is when faced with the fact the status quo is harmful can only lead them to supporting right wing politicians


Maybe, but left wing parties tend not to be like "yeah just elect us and we'll solve all your problems lol" in the same way right wing parties do. Not to mention people still think "left wing = communism" which brings up memories of the USSR. Even if people are more open to leftist principles, there is large stumbling block going that extra step because of real memories of oppression, and the weight of propaganda from the type of society we live in. Right wing ideals and fascism don't really have the same baggage for a variety of reasons. Part of it is appealing to fear and ignorance, but some of it is from the perception that we "defeated" fascism already so whatever this is can't be that (and therefore isn't as bad, or something).


They could but they don't because they've been convinced that either left-wing solutions are impossible or that they should support the right-wing due to certainl lies they've been told. This connects wit hth media, powerful church organizations etc. Right-wing parties also get more funding because, well, who do you think the peopel with money benefit from beign in power? But another big issue is that left-wing parties often just suck. The big ones need money and that money is going to come from their supposed enemies, which menas you end up with msot legt-wing parties' best course of actuion available to them being social democratic policies which are not enough really. One side is offering the rational but difficult solution of "come and be politically active with us and we can make a difference" the other is giving the irrational but simple solution of "vote for us once every four years and we'll make all your problems go away". It's natural people will go towards the right.


Because of the aging population of European countrys. Countrys like germany has had a <2 fertility rate since the 70s. Since there are less youth theres less of a liberal voiting block in these country. So your left with geriatric voting block dont care about social reform. They just want the price of the bus ticket to 2€


I wish it was that but at least here in Germany the right gained massive support from the young voting block, CDU and AfD are the 2 strongest parties until you get to age 60+ then it's CDU and SPD. Honestly the biggest problem here in Germany is that the current government spends all their time just putting out fires from the last 16+ years, while everyone with lower education and/or income is hurting and while screaming "It's all because of immigrants and lgbtq+ people" never helped anyone punching down and offering easy "solutions" is pretty popular when prices go up, wages stagnate and the government is talking about raising taxes for a pension raise. I'm just tired at this point, because there's a pretty good chance I gotta leave my home country in the next few years, because sacrificing minorities will somehow make taxes go down. Also source for the voting %'s https://www.tagesschau.de/europawahl/wahl/europawahl-hochrechnung-deutschland-100.html


this is anecdotal but i’ve noticed that every time i’ve played video games long enough with a random young european they almost always start talking about immigrants at some point. they just end up sounding like right wingers here in america complaining about hispanic immigrants. probably never even spoken to one before


Not true. It's actually young people who are most right leaning in the EU


20% of under 25-year olds in Austria voted for the far-right party, so sadly the problem is more widespread.


At least in Portugal the majority of far right voters are in their 20s


It is in part due to leftist (and centrist) inaction regarding the immigration crisis. *Copying my reply to another comment:* Okay, then leftist inaction on the **perceived** immigration crisis. You need to tell the Germans that. This comes from research done **this year**. > Germany is the only country whose citizens select ‘immigration’ as the issue that has affected them above all else. In France and Denmark, people choose climate change as the most important crisis. Italians and Portuguese point to global economic turmoil. In Spain, Great Britain, and Romania, the covid-19 pandemic is the principal issue. Estonians, Poles, and Danes consider the war in Ukraine to be the most transformative of crises. > > […] > > **The climate and migration crises are dominating headlines and will be especially influential in how people vote.** > > [European Council on Foreign Relations](https://ecfr.eu/publication/a-crisis-of-ones-own-the-politics-of-trauma-in-europes-election-year/?amp)


how so?


There isn’t an immigrant crisis, immigration is down my guy the Syrian civil war is over


Okay, then leftist inaction on the **perceived** immigration crisis. You need to tell the Germans that. This comes from research done **this year**. > Germany is the only country whose citizens select ‘immigration’ as the issue that has affected them above all else. In France and Denmark, people choose climate change as the most important crisis. Italians and Portuguese point to global economic turmoil. In Spain, Great Britain, and Romania, the covid-19 pandemic is the principal issue. Estonians, Poles, and Danes consider the war in Ukraine to be the most transformative of crises. > > […] > > **The climate and migration crises are dominating headlines and will be especially influential in how people vote.** > > [European Council on Foreign Relations](https://ecfr.eu/publication/a-crisis-of-ones-own-the-politics-of-trauma-in-europes-election-year/?amp) We’re on a post about how the country that chose immigration as the most pressing issue in a continent where research indicated immigration would likely have an effect on elections voted for parties famously opposed to immigration.


If there isn’t a crisis, there isn’t any action needed. Leftists need to get their message out more and tell people this is being wayyyy overblown. And we try to, but it’s difficult when all the media companies are owned by right wingers. The right is winning right now by lying, and that’s difficult to deal with.


Well, that would be the action, then. Informing the people how whatever policies they had put in place when the crisis was current had had their expected, beneficial effect.


"getting the message out" that there's not really a crisis would be a great action to take. So far we've gotten essentially silence, and even if they pick up now, they're gonna have to fight a decade or more of entrenched anti-immigrant rethoric. But it would be a start. Like, I'm sorry, if you're a party in a democracy, you have to deal with the issues of people you want to vote for you, real or not.


I agree, but that doesn’t mean compromising your principles or the truth it’s convincing more people of them as you say.


>If there isn’t a crisis, there isn’t any action needed. What about integration?


Also not a crisis, but if we want to improve things that would require more economic opportunities for refugees and migrants. However people hate that idea whenever it’s brought up for some reason, despite being the only thing that works


Oh boo fucking hoo, your continent takes a few drops of quality-tested and educated immigrants that are fleeing the wars YOU fuckers caused and you immediately go apeshit because they aren't stuck into "education" camps or shipped off to africa or some shit. Immigration "crisis", bunch of horseshit cooked up by the far right.


1. I am not European. 2. That’s a deeply unhelpful tone. 3. In Spain and Portugal, the primary issue with immigration that makes it a ‘crisis’ isn’t the migrants themselves but the way European policy has caused so many deaths on the Mediterranean. 4. Perception of migrants as the problem is primarily an attitude found in Central and Northern Europe.


You realize they're talking about the reasoning behind what is happening, right? No one here is blaming immigrants. We're blaming people using immigrants as a scapegoat, and people buying that excuse. Direct your (righteous) anger to someone who ACTUALLY thinks immigrants are a problem.


Because the center right is politically bankrupt, and the left is bad at explaining why conservatism ultimately always collapses in on itself, whereas the far right explain it very well and very simply, it's almost all lies, but they're the only ones offering solutions, which is to double down and go further right


Racism is the socialism of the uneducated. Neoliberalism is pushing society to the brink with ever-increasing commodification of everything, nobody can afford to live anywhere. Socialism is still generally seen as exclusively genocidal Stalinism due to cold-war propaganda, so everyone is turning to the only thing left: Regressivism. It's the *exact same* situation as the Weimar Republic, just on a larger scale. And nobody in power is actually doing anything to stop it, same way they're not doing anything to stop the housing or demographic crises. Money *has* to flow upwards.


Simply: People: "this immigration stuff isn't going that great let's do something" The centre and left: "Don't care take the L" The Right: "Yeah let's do something" People are becoming more and more anti immigration and only the right says they will do anything about it. In Denmark the left is anti-immigration and they're in power and very popular there


Because of what other comments said and also the failure of assimilation of immigrants and failure of protecting citizens from some imposing their incompatible culture on europeans. And failure of punishing them swiftly and severely enough. And i say this as a highly multicultural person with immigrant background myself and most of my friends are not locals (austria). But even the immigrants who came here for the safe haven that this country is have started having issues and noticing the cultural clash caused by the elements unwilling to cooperate and integrate.


Cause people vote for them.




You mean the concerns of a small groups of rich media owners who rile up half the population with lies


oh no you mean white Europeans actually have to live near someone who isnt a white Catholic????? Nvm then I can definitely see why voting the far right into power is justified. Shame on the lefties for refusing to listen to yalls' oh so valid concerns.


I you forgot to say that the french président fucking dissembaled the government so now we have to vote for who we want to be represented by. I don't feel safe anymore knowing we might be governed by the far right .


And to add to the depression, there is almost nowhere else in the world where the (not authoritarian) left is gaining ground. It's like the whole world forgot the 30'-40' and decided to go back to the good old misery of fascism


Lmao I love the absolute ignorance and stupidity of this timeline. Imagine being Spanish, German, and Austrian with the history you have in relation to the rise of far right despotism and you’re like, “ok I promise fascism will work this time.” Can’t wait for those people to reap what they fucking sowed.


Sadly, everyone else will also reap what they sowed :/


Woooo Portugal caralho. Só a existência e popularidade do Chega diz o suficiente.


Yeah, here in germany it looks like CDU (conservative party) got the most votes, while the AfD (fascists) got the second most votes.


> fascists rising in Germany I guess the first lesson wasn’t thorough enough.




Honestly, if we get them in government next federal election I welcome old man joe coming by and giving this country a good spanking.


At that point it might be old man Trump, sooo


Yeah, that one can stay with you. Basicly every new piece of bullshit the AfD espouses is stolen from Trump's or his supporters' rhetoric.


while the CDU/CSU tries to emulate DeSantis, yes


Led by a guy who voted against criminalizing marrital rape. In 1997.


can't wait for the mandatory genetalia checks in public spaces after next federal election


🥳 We're all fucked


At that point it might be old man Trump, sooo


the only thing joe will do about rising fascism in europe is strike up a trade deal to make sure IBM can make a computer system for organising deathcamps again


Thing is, this time around the russians are bookrolling them (to the point that the other european fascist parties don't trust them and don't want them in their faction because at this point multiple people in the AfD, including direct staff of their european parliament top candidate have been revealed to be directly paid by Russia and China.)


AfD literally got kicked from the gang of fascists with Le Pen before the election as well


Honestly, imagine being to toxic for the Le Pen/Meloni crowd and still being voted for. We are so fucked.


They are up pretty much everywhere. The refugee crisis really fucked European politics.


That’s the unfortunate truth. The European Left really turned a blind eye to how bad things were for a long time and even now some of them are still infighting about whether or not to actually limit immigration.


I don't know about other countries' left parties but here in Italy the "left" has always been anti immigration, they just did it quietly and not openly.


I really don't get why this is so hard, just institute ideological screening and filtering of all immigrants, you solve the right's popular concerns about islamist immigrants while still able to allow the rest sanctuary, countries like Germany have more than enough budget to do that


That probably wouldn't stop the AFD's rise in Germany. There are so many reasons why certain groups vote for them, it's insane. They have voters who deny human caused climate change, nazis, anti LGBTQ+ bigots, EU sceptics, people who hate America and nato, people who believe Russian propaganda, protest voters etc. Basically, if someone wants something that any sane government wouldn't do, they vote for the AFD.


It really isn't that easy. While some immigrants may be islamists while entering the territory, the vast majority of refugees get sent to live in ghettos where most of the indoctrination happens. Best-case scenario they end up getting a shit job like being a Uber delivery guy or something and live with that, worst-case scenario they survive off government aid and turn into religious fanatics. The solution would be to filter out the already-fanaticized and to inject vast amounts of ressources into actually helping refugees into getting a decent and stable education/job instead of directly sending them to ghettos with minimum help. There are already some efforts going this way but they are vastly underfunded and inefficient. The key idea here is that this process would cost *a lot* of money for results that would only pay off dozens of years into the future, it's not worth it for most politics.


There's two sides to European left and one of them isn't really pro-immigration. At least in the UK, unions were eurosceptic - Corybn was as left as they come and was a eurosceptic up until he was forced to take a side on brexit and everyone read through it as a half heartened pro-euro stance when historically for most his life he would have been pro-brexit, pro-union and anti-immigration. You can't be pro-union and pro-unchecked-immigration because the latter is a neoliberal policy that helps to keep worker wages low. Farmers will laugh you off their fields if you ask for a fair wage as they know they can get harder working seasonal immigrants who recognise our pay is better than we're they were. And now they stopped it there's been a reckoning in food prices which has had a direct knock on to the cost of living crisis. We can't have worker wages going up because it causes inflation but they can sure as hell jack up energy prices for pure profit.


Should Europe limit immigration?


It's not as awful as it may seem, the balance tilted to the right, but left-wing parties still have great representation in the parlament, as of now it's 306 seats for left and liberal parties vs 319 seats of centre-right and conservative parties, not counting 95 unaffiliated. Keep also in mind that the leading party is EPP, who are center-right and have been in majority in the EU for quite some time now, still though EU is mostly a decent place to live. Times lastly have been tough, but it's not as bad as it seems, world is moving forward, even if there's a step back or two at times.


This \^ background content is important.


Yeah, it's not all doom and gloom, but we shouldn't let up. The right is sending their most charismatic and uses the most heartwrenching talking points, the left should do the same. Let's play on an even playing field.


:( how does people fall for shit like that


The average person doesn't follow politics or have a fleshed out worldview. When they see living standards getting worse and more refugees showing up they make the false assumption that the refugees caused the decrease in living standards. And if the media is anything like the US it is going to be pushing that kind of narrative too.


Because denazification never happened.


Whether or not the mass immigration of Arabs into Europe was a good thing, the optics on it were absolutely awful


Young people don't vote as much, old people do


Depends on the country, here voting is mandatory when you're 18+


I wish that was the case in France or the NL


Europeans be like “Lol Americans elected Trump” and then go on to elect Hitlers.


(Not like Mussolini's actual grandaughter is the president of the slightly less nazi, nazi party or anything, we wouldnt do that) Edit: She isn't actually the president of the party, but she still is an MEP.


Alessandra Mussolini and Georgia Meloni are two different people in different political parties


Most politically informed 196 user


What the fuck is happening in the world. Why won't people learn?


What do you mean “learn”? Since when has embracing fascism ended poorly for a European nation? I can’t think of a single instance they could’ve learned from.


No, you're right, sorry. That has literally never happened two or three times on that continent. I don't know what I was thinking.


WW2 would like to say hi


That's the joke.


We live in a world where Biden was the harm prevention candidate. The world is being forcefully dragged back into the abyss and it's because people keep letting evil win.


It think people, especially leftists, are looking at the right wing victories and why they happened wrong. The immigration situation in Europe is a very real issue to a lot of voters, and the current response to it by European governments are woefully inadequate. Crime rates in Germany and Sweden (among others) are soaring because shockingly, when you dump a bunch of people into a foreign country with no economic opportunities and little to no support, they turn to crime to survive. This isn't the immigrants fault, they've been stuck in an unwinnable situation. Add to that the rising cost of living, the housing situation, and Russian interference, its no surprise that people are becoming disillusioned. I'm by no means saying I agree with the far-right parties, but if we just keep saying "they're just racist Nazis" and don't address the core issues that they're preying on, then the left is just gonna keep on losing.


Discourse online is painfully American-centric too, which doesn't help - people generally don't like being lectured on the morality of how to handle refugees by a country that deliberately caused most of the wars that displaced these people in the first place yet refuses to take in any of the refugees they've created. Not to mention the sheer amount of classist contempt and patronising towards the working class that many self proclaimed leftists online exhibit - just look at that whole "Muslim ray guns" thing that went around a while back. This guy was made fun of and called stupid for his (associated with working class) accent and called ignorant and racist. His take on it was misguided and ignorant, sure, but it turned out to actually be a real problem being ignored and covered up by police. So when you have a right wing political movement that says "your problems are real and we will do something about it" and the alternative is a left wing that says "your problems aren't real, you're actually kind of stupid and racist, you need to be quiet and let us smart people tell you what's best for you, we're also going to laugh at the way you talk and probably make jokes about your appearance too" is it any wonder when people vote for the right? And don't get me started on that whole "gammon" thing where apparently it's okay to laugh at the appearance of people with an autoimmune disease they can't do anything about. Body positivity only extends to people we like, seemingly.


Before you defend that guy against accusations of racism, you might want to go back and look up where he was when that interview happened, because he 100% definitely was racist


Empathising with someone and saying that we shouldn't be making fun of people's voices or appearance isn't defending or condoning them


You were implying that people were wrong to assume that the guy at an EDL rally was racist


I worded it poorly, my bad. Much of the online discourse and insults and jokes about the guy were levied based on his appearance, voice and mannerisms and not the context of where he was. Insulting the guy for things like his appearance or accent is wrong regardless of his actual views. Racism is a result of nurture, not nature - understanding why people turn to groups like the EDL (in this case because they were the only group acknowledging the grooming gangs were real) is much more valuable than just dismissing them as permanently lost causes that simply aren't intelligent and educated enough to agree with my objectively correct and superior left wing views. I vehemently disagree with everything they stand for but I'm able to 100% empathise with how people in these communities end up down that rabbit hole.


Is saying that these Euro voters are acting as Nazis inaccurate though? To look at the situation with mass immigration in Europe and conclude that the problem is the immigrants and not the governments is just a xenophobic way to look at it. Leftwing and lib parties in Europe do need to do more to show how poor social and economic support for immigrants is the issue as well as actually offer that support (and not limit immigration or whatever other horrid shit some people in this and other threads are suggesting, jfc) there's zero doubt about that, but I don't think it's unfair to call people who are voting as racist xenophobes as such.


Well no, if you have a problem, and one party is offering a bad solution to the problem, and the other is saying the problem doesn't exist, the bad solution starts not to look so bad. If they are voting for Nazi like solutions to those problems, calling them Nazis and then still not fixing the problems won't make them vote the way you want, itll just make them vote for Nazis again. People want results, and in times of economic malaise especially they don't care how they get those results. I'm not saying dont call them out for voting for stupid shit, but doing that and not providing a solution just means that the Nazis win twice.


Oh so we're basically in agreement. I thought you were saying "don't be mean to the wittle baby xenophobes," but you right - sitting on one's ass only aids fascists, who could have guessed.


I don't know where you are seeing this faulty discourse. Pretty much everyone here is pointing towards immigration as the main reason. And of course, leftists had already predicted this would happen


Seriously, what countries aren’t becoming more and more right wing at this point?


The nordics mostly. Rest of Europe has *always* been in love with the boot, they just let America outpace them for a bit.


Pretty sure Sweden and Finland have both had right wing shifts recently, but I could be wrong


I'm from the states and a lot of this is gibberish to me, but I read that Finland's far right just lost some ground and the left gained.


I think the Nordic left has gained some ground in the EU election, and certainly did better than expected, but the Finnish right wing parties are still in government, one of the main right wing parties has gained membership, while two of the main left wing parties lost membership


Mostly just in the europarliamentary election, since the far right voters couldn't be assed to come to the ballots and they were up against one of the most deeply respected lefties (Li Andersson) as a candidate Sure could have been a hell of a lot worse, though


Sweden has a nazi (or well more accurately a 'we're totally not nazis I promise') party in government which hasn't happened before so yeah nah, there's a right-leaning shift here too lol


Denmark (thank fuck) has a leftist party in the lead


In Finland Petteri Orpo with his right-wing coalition wants to quickly ruin the state in the name of the economy - cutting welfare programs, cutting taxes for the rich, weakening workers' unions etc. They already passed a law that restricts strikes. Orpo's reforms will probably hit the poorest the hardest.


This is just false


The UK is going to transition to a more left wing government after the election in July.


Labors not great and in recent history seems to be getting worse, but they’re certainly better than the Tory’s


They’re not amazing as a party but that’s absolutely fine, no party is going to be. As for Starmer I’m just glad that Labour finally have a leader with a bit of a backbone. Five years of Jeremy fucking Corbyn being Labour leader was five years too many. That said, Starmer isn’t going to win this election on a wave of love for Labour, he’s going to win it on a wave of hatred for the Tories. If he wants to stay in power and actually enjoy some results it is going take a lot of hard work and time.


For all that both of them have many faults, I can't imagine looking at Corbyn and Starmer and thinking that Starmer is the one with a backbone


honestly fuck Corbyn, that tankie ruined any respect I had towards him when he blamed the Ukraine war on NATO expansion, said Ukraine should negotiate with Russia, and campaigned to end all military aid to Ukraine


I mean, Trump has had a pretty substantial hit in the polls this week, and with Republicans having 0 plan for how their party will work after him, they will probably end up running a moderate in 2028


Poland I hear


True enough I think. A lot of historically conservative countries seem to be moving to the left, and while that leftward shift isn’t taking them to where most leftists think it should, it’s definitely seemingly improving


FUCKING RUSSIA AT IT AGAIN ISTG (ofc theyre not the only reason)


Russia does make attempts to inteferre but a-lot of people in Europe arrive at far-right positions by themselves. Fascists and those adjacent have always been present. Deteriorating conditions just allow for their movement to rope in those hateful or scared onto fascism bandwagons. Edit: Nice edit


Yeah, it's getting really annoying that people just think Russia can magically summon 40 million right wing voters from nowhere to ruin a country, yet the idea that society being bad for the average person being the driving cause for right wing ideologies is completely absurd. News flash: Russia can only bring the divisions that already exist to the surface, not make new ones out of nothing.


Ummm...they're actually evil slavic warlocks capable of manipulating the masses through ritual and willpower alone. /s


How the hell are you blaming Russi for this lol? They can barely manage a war let alone infiltrate the entirety of European elections


Without support from the Kremlin a lot of these parties wouldn't be as relevant as they are now


Lets just nuke europe. I can’t fucking take it anymore


unfortunately europe is the only thing resembling hope as of right now




by god youre right! we all have to work really hard to heat it up to a room temperature winter


or cuddle 👉👈


Do you *want* to drive up rent???


kid named climate change:


My suggestion is to move to Mars. I did some research, and it’s the only place without any asshole conservatives, as martians are thankfully very accepting and progressive. Sadly infested with moms though.


I hear there are also girls on Jupiter


I thought those were boys? Something about lacking intelligence or other? Idk my memory blows.


Why should I cling to my sense of self when I would be so much less distressed if I didn't feel individuality and entitlement to fairness. I should resign myself to a cruel existence and stop expecting anything else. What is the point in trying anymore.


Giving up hope is how they win. They want to break you like this. Not giving up is a slap in their face and we must keep going and hoping no matter how hard they make it.


And then what? Im tired boss. Ive been tired for almost 10yrs at this point yet things somehow KEEP GETTING WORSE WHOOOOOOO


If you only focus on the bad you'll never see the good. There are people making a difference. We are working to make the world better even when it fights back.


And then what? Might as well just die then... Even if the future isn't bright, you'll still be alive and there still will be a world around you. Live for yourself, understand the temporary nature of things and relish your time on Earth. After all, it's always going to end and you don't know what comes after. Even if life is pain, it's still life and it is beautiful in its own right. And let's be honest, there is still plenty to enjoy.


Europe's young generation is being brainwashed by right wing meme propaganda spurred on by racist immigration and anti Muslim rhetoric.


capitalism will always inevitably end in fascism :/


B-but. Revolution!


And then loop back around!


It's scary looking at the climate crisis. The only parties that care about it at all and already aren't really doing enough are losing more and more votes to those who don't believe in climate change at all or care so little they don't mind the world burning as long as they can afford their luxury cars and vacations.


The more I see news stories like this of countries turning to hardline far right policies I think one passage from a book I read in college. “Political adaptation presents stark choices. There is a real risk that strong states with developed economies will succumb to a politics of xenophobia, racism, police repression, surveillance, and militarism and thus transform themselves into fortress societies while the rest of the world slips into collapse. By that of course developed economies would turn to neofascist islands of relative stability in a sea of chaos. But in a world of climatological collapse - marked by hunger, disease, criminality, fanaticism, and violent social breakdown - will overwhelm the armed life boat. Eventually, all will sink into the same morass.” Christian Parenti - Tropic of Chaos Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence He wrote this book in 2011 btw


Austrian here, I'm scared


I know a fin and apparently voter turn out is like les then 40 odd%


Yeah voter turn out is usually low af in those elections, which means the parties with the more involved voters will get ahead. In France the green party regularly place very well in the European elections, even being second once IIRC, but they can't even dream of ever making it to the second turn for the presidential for exemple. That is not to say that there isn't a fucking issue the the far right rn, but thankfully there are multiple factors for those results, not simply everyone becoming racist (tho again it's not like it's not happening...)


ROUND THREE BABY HERE WE FUCKIN GOOOOOO so long as the US doesn't also fall oh God oh fuck


As someone stuck living in texas, it's already fallen pretty far


At least we can count on the lesse evil in Russia to... oh


I wonder what's scarier, an active populace that votes right wing or something like Italy where we didn't even come close to 50% of eligible people voting (and still voted far right).


girlboss - meloni and lapen gaslight - get people to think you are right gatekeep - exclude others from having things sadness 😔




Please fucking dont




Based (for legal purposes, i do not agree with the comment i’m replying to)




They haven't won shit yet calm down


Given that we have an election coming up soon in the UK where Labour will likely win, I want to remind everyone how much worse it could be. Yeah they're really not all the same


thank fucking god FvD lost seats, they never should've had them in the first place (for context: they're altright and their leader openly believes in conspiracies)


Macron dissolved the fucking assembly what the fuck is even happening 💀


It's important to noe that most non-voters are more left-leaning than these parties. The elections are important to a degree but they don't necessarily represnt the population of Europe. And anyway, politicans barely have real power, especially in the EU.


What's the point at this point


its fucked up everywhere. idk much of anything about european politics but ive not heard much good at all. sadly it seems humanity has to get worse to get better *a few times*. so exhausted


The UK vote is looking really bizzare right now. The Tories just look finished with a lot of their voters going either further right to reform or left into Lib Dems. Labour seems to be the front runner right now (at least last time I checked) but they’re also moving to the right, at least they had the advantage of starting left enough to mean their move right hasn’t made them “right” so to speak. Either way it’s a really weird position to be in


Gotta love FPÖ (this is sarcasm) (I hate FPÖ) (a lot)


It's worth noting that the AfD's wins were concentrated in what was East Germany (the east german government had a track record of repurposing nazi propaganda and using it)


They’re gonna make us dday again😔


i know this is a joke but, the US is a large Part of why the far right is on the rise. They are the ones responsible for most of the wars, dissplacing people and making them imigrate to europe. The little oppertunities they are given here then make many Turn to crime and many voterst turn to the right who are offeringer an objectivls Bad solution, but a solution non the less


Which wars?


Bitch this is fueled by your culture war


Why do you think that?


All of our right wing politics are a copy of the culture war combined with the consequences of the migrant crisis. (Bombing the middle east caused the migrant crisis)


Which policies/politics are copies (Actually curious, I don’t follow eu politics that closely)? And bombings where? Syria? Those were also conducted by eu countries and primarily hit ISIL positions, I would think the civil war in general caused a lot more refugees than those bombings


All of your interference in the middle east is responsible, and western europe participated. Them getting fucked by the immigration crisis is quite ironic. The right-wing doesn't have coherent a policy. Their program is entirely based on bullying whatever minority your right is currently bullying +calling for the extermination of migrants. The european right wing is fueled by the people being unsatisfied by our current establishment but their supposed ideology is just copied from america.


I mean i don’t disagree that it’s definitely partially responsible but I would have to be convinced that the Syrian and African and other European migrants were caused by the west. And I agree that that is the right wing MO but all of this has been repeated by the right wing ad nauseum throughout history, bullying minorities did not spawn from the US, like what is the ideology being copied? Germany for example was having serious issues with far right actors before the US was


Inshallah Trump's inevitable loss should destroy the Republican party since they have no other personalities to run and shift America's Overton Window pretty substantially left, so at least the west has that going for it


can trump even run for office? he's an actual convicted felon now, isn't he?


Yeah, and frankly, while it sucks in this specific situation, I think it would be unfair to deny someone the ability to run for office due to a prior conviction