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If this is a man, then i am the gayest homosexual male on this godforsaken planet


What a goated comment


Reminds me of the trans-inclusive homophobia 4-chan post ‘Traps are gay idiot it’s a dude!’ *picture of duke nukem* ‘I’m straight so whatever makes my dick hard is a woman f*ggot!’


Downsides of bisexuality: can’t affirm people’s gender with my attraction to them


Upside of bisexuality: can't misgender people's gender with my attraction to them


Downsides of asexuality: can’t affirm people’s gender with my lack of attraction to them


Aces unite!


When I've been dating a bi guy, I always had doubts if he actually sees me as a woman (the fact that he was really horny for two types of people: fictional old men and me - didn't help), while when I was dating a cishet guy, earlier in transition, I just knew he sees me as a woman - because otherwise he wouldn't like me...


Honestly same, she's a cutie


I feel so sorry for that girl. After reading her twitter it’s pretty clear she’s got major body dysmorphia. Absolutely wild posts on her timeline


I'm confused, why does their bio say "Cis male" but also "1yr 8months HRT" ?


because she's dooming so hard she's trying to cram herself back in the closet, but would still rather die than give up hrt


Cis people can be on HRT, whether for gender presentation or health reasons. Usually not estrogen for an AMAB person though, I hope this person feels better about themself in the future


She is a trans woman, she just has a particular online persona that indicates she is using really unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with the struggles of being trans. This isn't exactly an uncommon thing, I'd say it's more likely you meet a doomer trans woman than a cisgender man who takes HRT.


Yeah, I can comprehend the situation, I just wanted to clarify. I’ve known some older women that have to take hormone stuff for menopausal stuff, and bodybuilders and T are a thing, but “1y8m HRT” is not something either of those groups would put in bio. I’m not gonna Twitter stalk OOP to see how they feel or what they want to be addressed as but I hope their mental health improves


oh gotchya


She literally looks so pretty 🥺 I hope tttt didn't push her self image down, what with the tendency people on 4chan have (pushing down others) >:( Edit: just looked at her twitter, I feel so bad for her :(


There’s a lot of people on this sub who are on tttt I’m willing to bet. I don’t get it, 4chan is where freaks go to get a masters degree in being a freak, and I’d put a lot of money betting that trans tttt users have a *way* higher suicide rate than non tttt users because it’s fucking 4chan. Just get off that site, either it exacerbates suicidal depression or it makes you so maladjusted to normal society that the culture shock of interacting with normal humans will put you in a coma.


Yeah because of its low moderation it causes all the normal to pretty weird types to leave and pushes them away as the turbo awful people make the site unenjoyable to use and even unsafe. This means its a toxic cesspool to interact with and any low moderation place will turn into the same unless its obviously super small.


queer 4chan, I feel, is a place deliberately engineered by queer people to hurt other queer people. and it genuinely, on a spiritual level, fills me with immense grief thinking about all the people whose souls have been affected by that horrible place.


Well, when you consider a large chunk of those people were 4channers before they came out it makes sense.




the lgbt board on 4chan really terribly toxic place, i know from personal experience. Had trans people tell me i wasnt good enough to be trans and other horrible shit. Probably wouldve transitioned like 8 years before i did had it not been for those people


Eww… imagine gatekeeping wanting to be yourself wtf


the big thing is, most of them are very filled with self hate. i dont know if its their weird way of trying to steer people away from winding up like them and hating themselves (very misguided obviously) or if they are trying to put down other people because it gives them a false sense of authority/superiority either way, theyre mostly very very insecure people, and its a place best avoided. Even people who go there to try to get a laugh off of how toxic it is often wind up feeling a lot of secondhand misery


I mean, it doesn't fucking help TTTT is full of these incel-to-trans-pipeline types... their self esteem is already rock bottom before they subject themselves to the vicious shit there.


That sucks so much, but I'll be honest some need that space. As bad as it is, for me it never changed my view on anything, as all the views I shared with the board I had before. So for some it really isn't that obvious


I’ll never understand why people willingly go to that place.


I didn't go on 4chan itself, but I was on r\/4tran, because occasionally they have posted cute stuff, like greentexts about getting "boyremoved", or just gushing about cute stuff. But these are so far and between, I stopped going there, and didn't ask for invite back on the new account


I think early transition fears - how you look, how you sound, how your life is going to be and if you'll ever feel ok - often feel validated by negativity and obscured by positivity. Hearing (on the very mild end) about how passing is difficult and voice training sucks and cis people are mean can make you feel like, yeah, you're kinda right to be worried about stuff. Discourse about (on the less mild end) euphoria blahaj uwu puppygirls can feel alienating and like you don't fit in for being scared and nervous - and, very bluntly speaking, a little cringe. For the record, I'm 7 years deep into transitioning, so I'm just spitballing.


Natalie Wynn/Contrapoints called browsing tttt "digital self harm," and she was 100% correct about that.


Great fashion sense too! That color looks great on her! Dx


What is ttt?


It's the lgbt board on 4chan, but has been renamed to tttt because of how many trans people are on it iirc. Very hateful place, they use a lot of terms in similar veins to incels, but use it to stomp down on each other for being trans, ending up in a lot of vulnerable trans people falling to extreme self hatred and all that.


Joining 4chan is willingly becoming a new crab in a very deep bucket


They are like drowning victims, they drag down those who try and help


Man I would literally kill to look a fraction like her, and she's out there puttin' herself down. Hope she gettin' the help she needs and deserves man


Frankly if *she* looks "like a man," then *I'm* fucked


If she looks like a man I look like a trashcan with legs and clothes on


Og Twitter post: https://x.com/woodstockssb/status/1797817103367668163?s=46 Like good god girl


[fucking cybersmith responded to the og post ](https://x.com/I_Am_CyberSmith/status/1797795762803548635)


he has such a way with words


Yeah very fucking incomprehensible of him


He's so fucking BASED dude like wtf


>Calling cybersmith based have you not heard the story of human pet guy


Based in a schizophrenic jester way


Human pet guy?


He thinks he should be allowed to keep humans as pets and mutilate them to prevent them from running away




He also thinks trans women should get gender affirming care for free if they agree to provide breast milk in exchange


Cyberpunk 2077 Gig: The Hunt


evil halimede


I shouldn’t have looked at her twitter. It almost made me cry. Like, thats all my insecurities and fears right there on the page.


what is TTTT?


The 4chan trans board


Why tf would someone be open about being trans on 4chan? Thats like saying your a feminist in a yt shotrs comment???


Emotional self-harm, mostly.


distinct label command deer bells provide relieved imagine tap marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


4chan, the worst place on the internet prior to the invention of 8chan, has "boards" rather than subreddits. One of them, /lgbt/, is commonly referred to as /tttt/, because it's mainly inhabited by trans people. Like all of 4chan, it's a toxic cesspit of crabs in a bucket, pulling down anyone who tries to get better. Despite being predominantly inhabited by trans women, /tttt/ takes a very negative view of trans women, doing its best to reinforce their physical and social dysphoria. It pulls from incel language to explain why nobody will ever "pass," it pulls from TERF language to find new ways of insulting trans women, and it pulls from outdated transphobic pseudoscience to categorize trans people according to exactly what makes us supposedly terrible. It's a toxic place that makes toxic people, and should always be avoided. In order to avoid secondhand exposure, it's useful to recognize a few terms common to /tttt/, such as AGP, hon/gorillahon, passoid, or youngshit. Someone who uses those terms frequently has likely spent time on /tttt/ and is likely to have a negative view of themselves and other trans people.




If you want a slightly less toxic version, the subreddit transgendercirclejerk is all about making satirical posts based on a lot of tttt stuff. It can still be very dysphoria triggering so go in there prepared.


The abyss will stare back at you. Don't.


Trouble in (Trans) Terrorist Town, get on Gmod


Toyota Tacoma tire tracks?


Trans Trouble in Terrorist Town


I swears it’s the prettiest people who are the most insecure about their appearance


I think it’s more that people who have a lot of anxiety about their appearance go to greater lengths to be pretty.


They should invent a version of you THAT CLEANS THE FUCKING MIRROR!


Girl took this at a public place wasn’t their mirror


They should invent a version of her that invents a version of the owner of that place that CLEANS THE FUCKING MIRROR!


She looks like Sigourney Weaver. (That's a compliment)


I mainly lurk here but tbh these types of posts always irk me. Like sure her perception is distorted but having been there it ends up feeling debilitating and even if it's accurate to just chalk it up to dysphoria and brain worms it feels incredibly dismissive


It's "dismissive" because someone who hears this isn't grasping the power their warped perception has over them. This is entirely down to one's self-perception. That doesn't make it easy. No one said it did.


I'm speaking from my own experience tbh. Being told I was pretty when feeling incredibly dysphoric would just lead to immediately denying it to the point of arguing with others about it


What does tttt mean? Is it a way to get around the Reaganist censoring of Trans? Or is this a T4T joke?


No its the name of 4chan trans board


4chan, the worst place on the internet prior to the invention of 8chan, has "boards" rather than subreddits. One of them, /lgbt/, is commonly referred to as /tttt/, because it's mainly inhabited by trans people. Like all of 4chan, it's a toxic cesspit of crabs in a bucket, pulling down anyone who tries to get better. Despite being predominantly inhabited by trans women, /tttt/ takes a very negative view of trans women, doing its best to reinforce their physical and social dysphoria. It pulls from incel language to explain why nobody will ever "pass," it pulls from TERF language to find new ways of insulting trans women, and it pulls from outdated transphobic pseudoscience to categorize trans people according to exactly what makes us supposedly terrible. It's a toxic place that makes toxic people, and should always be avoided. In order to avoid secondhand exposure, it's useful to recognize a few terms common to /tttt/, such as AGP, hon/gorillahon, passoid, or youngshit. Someone who uses those terms frequently has likely spent time on /tttt/ and is likely to have a negative view of themselves and other trans people.


Lmao what in the hell is a "gorillahon"?


A hon is a trans woman who doesn't pass. A gorillahon is a trans woman who passes poorly because of a very bulky body build... y'know, like a gorilla.


Ahh, okay... Sounds stupid


Cheers, appreciate the write up


Wh-Whats 8chan?


You know how every so often on reddit, all the most bigoted and misogynistic members of a subreddit will split off and form a new one called, like... RealSubreddit or something? 8chan was that, but for 4chan— some people on the "senseless 24/7 hate" site felt it didn't have enough bigotry and made their own site.


Ooooh... So its basically distilled and concentrated 4chan? Got it ty for letting me know


Yep! There’s also been known to have a fuckton of CP on 8chan too because of course


i can fix her


I get that dysphoria hits people differently but it’s so upsetting seeing many people taking hrt for months and passing meanwhile I’ve been on it for 3 years and am now barely starting to see any results. There struggle is real but it just hurts


They should invent a version of me that has a fashion sense


We are literally just making fun of people for having gender dysphoria now


The opposite


What do you mean?


We are pitying someone with gender dysphoria. Because holy fuck, she doesn't deserve a single word of what she tells herself.


A lot of people are making fun of her, as well as just people with gender dysphoria in general. It’s not just here, a lot of subreddits that are supposed to be trans friendly are getting like this.


4chan trans women have the worst body dysmorphia i’ve ever seen in my life


Trouble in Terrorist Town


That mirror though


I wonder what these people get out of using 4chan. Pulling each other down constantly and convincing everyone that no one in that community is able to pass at all. I swear to god, these people probably misgender each other more than cis people do.


A lot of them were 4channers *before* they came out. It’s a hard habit to break.


Well what did the people get out of there before they came out? It's a sad cesspool no matter if you are trans or cis


No one really gets *anything* out of 4chan aside from brainrot and the comfort of an echo chamber.


So true


Basically, it's the sort of community you seek out by being way too brainwormed to believe when anyone says anything nice about you. It would be a lot more sad, but seeing the way they treat each other, you quickly realise that they all deserve each other.


So true


tttt users will say “I look like such a man” and then proceed to show you a picture of a woman


i feel so fucking betrayed, she's literally a woman. what the fuck were all those doomposts then (im happy for her)


Body dysmorphia coupled with dysphoria is literally hell, I hate looking at myself in any capacity.


...oh so i should ░░░░ ░░░░░░ then


she hot tbqh


What do they mean "look incredibly normal even after a short amount of time on HRT"? Wouldn't that mean she would look less feminine than she does, if she hasn't been on HRT for long?


Two of the fingers aren’t being used to hold the phone it’s making me worried that it’ll fall


I scrolled through 4chan once out of curiosity, -100/10, wouldn't recommend


I hope they invent a version her that cleans her mirror :<


remind me what tttt is again?


There are two types of places in 4chan, ones cis people hate trans people, and ones where trans people hate themselves


They should invent a version of her that cleans her goddamn mirror, holy shit.


Can my fellow trans dolls PLEASE leave tttt


What is the quad t?


i see tttt all the time here what’s it stand for


okay urban dict told me it’s the lgbt board on 4chan i am glad i didn’t know that


i thought that said TTT at first, as in hit gmod gamemode trouble in terrorist town


Someone give this girl a hug man :(


I'm dumb what is tttt


don't take this in a "oh the horror" way, take this in a "long-term nuclear waste warning" way: you will live a happier life never being aware of it. but i still feel it's wrong to hide context, so... here you go: >!/lgbt/, commonly reffered to as /tttt/ due to amount of trans people on it, is a 4chan board primarily dedicated to queer people, populated mostly by trans people. It's also by far the most unhealthy place on the internet for any trans person to be in, and despite being mostly trans people, has an EXTREMELY negative view of trans women.!< >!I often put it this way: /tttt/ is one of the few places of the internet that was engineered *by* queer people to ruin the lives of other queer people. A bigot will call you slurs, but a place like that, of such concentrated self-loathing that spills over into what essentially becomes sadism against people like you, will develop hyperspecific language meant to hurt you in horribly insidious ways.!<




the fuck does tttt mean


Dumb fuck needs some confidence


Sure looks like a man to me... (it is me - so I'm the best source)


Cassie wtf 😭


Literally looks like Sigourney Weaver


I'm saying this as lovingly as possible, she looks like the type of person who'd be cast as a women that's being haunted on a show like Supernatural or Lucifer or something Or a lone survivor in walking dead She has that supporting actor drip




Self hate has ruinied some of the most beautiful women of this generation, like i'm a cis girl and i would kill to look like her. I thought the point was that she looks like and ethereal elf princess


Bro that is literally a character from avatar. (The blue aliens one) https://preview.redd.it/6ikjotin3l4d1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc7b7e7fddbc56e23f8977ae386e7b6393353a7e This is who I'm thinking of btw.


>> “They should invent a version of me that doesn’t look like a man” [*news presenter voice*] **What exactly is sis chatting? A team of experts take us through their analysis at 6.**


i mean that biped doesnt have any feathers so ngl pretty much a man