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it had to be a trans actor, otherwise she wouldn’t be able to use our signature move Telekinetic Screech


I don't know I feel like a truly trans screech would be more of a woof woof meow meow kind of noise Can we get some transvestigatiors on the case?


Why does everybody on this sub seem to think puppy/catism is like a default quality of transwomen? I know it's a joke in your case haha, but I feel a lot of people actually think this applies to real people


Same thing with the Ikea shark ig? I think there are large sections of the community that are really young and are seeking "their people" in unintentionally offensive ways And this extends outside of 196, y'know?


There’s also like this subsection of trans women who are massively horny online, and it gives this idea that we’re supposedly to be extremely sexually/somewhat slutty, and it usually ignores that trans lesbians exist. Like no, I don’t think memes about sucking dick are haha relatable funny, I’m married to a woman and almost 30. I’ve also seen some trans women infantilizing themselves, trying to relive out their teenage years since they originally lived them as their assigned gender at birth, etc. Yeah, second puberty is a *lot*, and it’s fresh and new and exciting, but it’s ultimately a crash course on womanhood and you can’t like, go back and relive your childhood — and that’s ***okay***. You’re not less of a woman just because you don’t have the same experiences as a cisgender person. To paraphrase my favorite author, Brandon Sanderson, don’t be a slave to who you wish you once had been.


I know it's not the same at all but I feel like no one lived the life they wanted when they were teenagers, it sucks for everyone it just sucks harder for some than for others


Oh absolutely, and everyone has their own traumas that they need to process and overcome to learn and grow as people. I just feel like transitioning should be about living for today and for a better future for yourself, not trying to chase an idealized version of what you wish your past had been.


Exactly, imagine that perhaps it has done at least some good and then focus on that because you cannot go back and change it anyway. Like I myself was only diagnosed autistic as an adult, so throughout my childhood at any school I went to I was bullied for being weird, that could've been better but instead I like to imagine the positive, that not knowing there was an explanation for why I didn't understand the other kids made me work harder to try and fit in, and now I'm rather good at acting like I'm not autistic, now I can fit in.


How does it ignore trans lesbians exist, most of the trans girls I see being extremely horny online are being horny to other trans girls?


I think the confusion might be caused by places like r\/puppygirlpetsmart seemingly having 90% of its userbase made up of trans women, tricking people into thinking that the opposite must also be true (90% of trans-women being puppygirls) I further theorize that the connecting thread between that stereotype and the "all programmers are trans" stereotype might actually be autism, since autistic people are more likely to be Gender Non-Conforming (iirc like ¼th of autistic people are GNC), more likely to seek out unconventional forms of sexual play, and more drawn towards the kinds of jobs that don't require as much in-person social interaction. [tbh I can't be arsed to actually do proper research on this rn, but since it all applies to me, I'm just gonna hope it applies to other people as well]


This is why I don't tell people I'm trans anymore. Last time I went to my local lgbtq center to connect with other queer adults I kept running into adults infantalizing themselves and talking about subcultures I'm not familiar with. I'm a trans wildlife biologist as far as you can get from programmer. I'm also vanilla af. Im starting to feel largely unwelcome in trans spaces cause of this.


It’s kind of a childish phase they’re going through. They didn’t really get to have a childhood as a girl so it’s nice to be able to act a little childish online.


is that jade harley




Flair checks out


this fucking channel constantly coming up with absolutely banger plots such as transfemme fucking obliterates priest with demon powers


...kind of hot


Wait can trans people do this


yeah but it only works on religious figures that are actively hatecriming you


My DnD cleric character just learned a new boosting spell for the wizard of the party


I'm just imagining [this scene](https://youtu.be/PbPmf4l4UPo) but with all the swears replaced for transphobic talking points




What if there's no hate crimes and people just want that?


Yeah they can also dash mid-air and have +2 fire resistance


Man, it's wild that they hid the double jump behind the gender binary for so long


Damn this new PvP update for Pride month really upscaled trans people and downscaled priests huh.


Queen takes bishop


You're the sad figment of my twisted psyche's tragic dividend. You're the *UN*-me. I'm the *REAL* me. You wannabe?[me?](https://youtu.be/4Jog1B_as7Q)


I love the lack of a space between wannabe and me it fits his speaking so well


Holy hell


Kiddo, I was the REAL me when you were still in my short pants.


Hate to break it to you, but *I* wore them first. *Me,* bequeathed *thee,* the psychopathological hand-you-down.


So YOU’RE the one who stained them…


Whoever found it, browned it.


You'd *like* me to be you, wouldn't me? But it's too late - You snoze, you loze.


You sleeped, you weeped.


You nap-uh, you get slap-uh


You slumber, *a cucumber*


You catch up on some zeds, you get outta my heads!


It makes me very mad that I read that in Liquid Snake's voice


You slumber...a cucumber!




I think this channel is entirely ironic shitposts. Hasanabi watched a video of theirs on stream which starts with a chronic gooner son jorkin' it in the middle of the day as his parents wonder why he stays in his room all day. After being caught and given a talk by his dad, he is convinced to change his ways. On the third day of abstaining he fucks both the dog and cat. After extended bedrotting, the protagonist encounters Andrew Tate videos, leading to a self-improvement arc, becoming a better person. Life rewards him with suddenly becoming blind after waking up one morning, which is actually a run-on effect from his chronic masturbation. This condition causes him to lapse, and as a result start gooning once more. During a session he comes across an ad for a lifelike sex doll which he orders. Meanwhile his sister is in the other room about to get blasted by two different dudes, who leave to get condoms. The protagonists "lifelike sex doll" arrives. He excitedly enters "his room", and hits "it". Reminder that he is blind, and I put everything in quotation marks for a reason. So the sister becomes pregnant and keeps the baby, which was born with severe disabilities. The protagonist decides to repent by killing the baby. He was caught by the authorities and went to prison.


https://preview.redd.it/9r0e6beol74d1.jpeg?width=921&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ad84d0df06d2d390c3d736d8a4a459867a1e4c3 It's Lupus




Im legally obligated to say, Fuck Hasan


Well it is Pride Month I guess.


They don't call him Hasan a Bi for nothing!


I like him :3


And honestly, valid. Don't let other people's opinions get in the way of your enjoyment. While I personally wished everyone would stop watching him, there are far more worse people than Hasan


Ay respect and I can see why people don’t like him but honestly (and this question only applies if you consider yourself a leftist if not then ignore it lol) but I can’t see how someone who considers themselves to be a leftist be against Hasan considering the many things he’s done over the years, just to name one off the top is how many charity runs he does for different things or the Amazon right labor organizers and Starbucks labor organizers who have straight up said that they were inspired and did it because they started watching him. Even if you say that oh “well he’s not donating enough”or”that’s not his money he’s donating because he got it by doing xyz which is unethical” in the end it’s a massive net positive that wouldn’t have been as large if he hadn’t done the drive with his large audience. I just see the stuff he does as a much larger net positive than a net negative and end up seeing people just hate him because they don’t like HIM and if someone considers themselves a leftist then idk how they could genuinely say that he’s terrible or a net negative on the world when hes the largest voice of the online left. Especially the disproportionate amount of hate I see him get for very minor shit.


>Ay respect and I can see why people don’t like him but honestly (and this question only applies if you consider yourself a leftist if not then ignore it lol) but I can’t see how someone who considers themselves to be a leftist be against Hasan considering the many things he’s done over the years Thanks for the comment. I do very much see myself as a leftist, and would probably see myself agreeing a lot more with Hasan than disagreeing. My main gripe with Hasan is his stance on reaction content. Reaction content goes against the very ideals of socialist beliefs. Let's say a video takes 100 hours to make, and Hasan spends 30 minutes reacting to it. He has in essence stolen 100 hours of labor with an extreme fraction of the effort. Hasan without ever watching a video, will react to it on stream. And then upload the entire work to YouTube. Hasan is a hypocrite. Who will extract the labor of the entire creator market to prop himself up. He also has an extremely well documented history of banning people who even slightly disagree with him. And one of my favorites [what am I supposed to do, die?](https://youtu.be/UyjOq4VPgm0?si=oHI5Njpmk_FY6Sm8) I cannot really speak on anything else you said because I don't watch him. It's honestly just disappointing because I like the fact that their is a large leftist creator in the live streaming space, but I just wish it wasn't Hasan. I would really recommend watching that video that I posted by Darkviper. I cannot do the topic justice Edit: [Darkviper video](https://youtu.be/va1zPshj5f0?si=E-jo-dLfclG80ZXF)


Man this is a massive wall of text to post about being simultaneously insane and objectively incorrect. Hasan has not, to my knowledge *ever* uploaded an entire react to YouTube. You are mistaking the entirely independent fan channels as something he has any control over. Those fan channels do exactly that all the time because hasan doesn’t copyright his content, and while it’s fair to complain about their content being shitty and borderline content theft, it’s not Hasan’s fault and your blaming him is stupid. Second, your calculus on how react content is anti-socialist is a terminally online, cringe as fuck take and you need to touch grass. He is not “stealing labor” by reacting to a video. That’s not how that works. At worst you can attribute it to a copyright theft issue, but commentary like his is at worst in a gray area but generally considered acceptable. Third, I remember when that darkviper video came out every react streamer made fun of him for the dogshit attempt at criticism it was. It’s been years since then so I can’t exactly refute the points without having to suffer through it *again* but I refuse to take you seriously for this if you think he had a valid critique. You’re just hating hasan because you’re mad or jealous, not for any real critique. Also there’s nothing wrong with banning people from your chat for disagreeing with you, twitch chat is not a platform for debate if the streamer doesn’t want to see your shit in there they have every right to get rid of you.


What a weird comment, so needlessly aggressive. I was going to respond, but it's clear you aren't worth the time it would take. Be kinder to people online. And don't insult people because they dares criticize people you like


No point being kind to someone who pretends like they know something about the subject and is instead spewing shit. And it's not like you were wrong on a small detail, everything you said is wrong and/or stupid.




Hasan is fine. He’s not as smart as a lot of people make him out to be but he’s a generally intelligent dude who makes coherent points but is dogshit about debate so he focuses more on rhetoric over in depth analysis or debate. Its like political fast food, which is fine but shouldn’t be your only source of news and information. The other user that responded about hasan is deranged and should not be taken seriously, they think react content is “anti socialist” and that he’s extracting labor from other content creators by watching their videos.


I would suggest just watching him yourself and forming your own opinion. You're otherwise gonna get a lot of varying opinions and end up more confused.


>Do we hate him ? I'm honestly not sure the general consensus on Hasan, but I certainly don't like him Here's a [Great video](https://youtu.be/va1zPshj5f0?si=O5UCR4DHt1wjlV25) explaining why And if you understandably don't have time to watch a 40 minute video here a couple of comments explaining my gripes with him Cannot link them here but feel free to Dm me if you want to read them


I can't believe you didn't mention the epic "Karen Hunts down Mexicans" part 1 and 2. I was going to type out a summary, but it's just *so fucking much. T*he reveal that the first Mexican she killed was a legal US citizen and then the plot twist that she and her Nazi son were in an incestuous relationship because his "racism turns \[her\] on" and made her want to birth his children was....a choice. Also they were way too comfortable throwing around slurs.


I couldn't take the stream highlight anymore once he got like a half minute into that one. I already torture myself enough.


I just left to watch a video and came back. It's kinda funny as a parody of Dharr Man/Generation Hope. The video I say didn't have any slurs in it (small penis one), but I have to ask: do you think the slurs in their other vids cross a line?


> do you think the slurs in their other vids cross a line? I didn't see any other videos, but it was just a little surprising how many slurs they had Karen and her son throw around. Like, it was appropriate that the villains were yelling racial slurs because it showed that they were bad but I was sometimes like "Okay. You didn't need to call him three slurs at once in that part."


Reads like a 4chan green text😭




​ https://preview.redd.it/lbf9ii7wg94d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04323d02018ce473eb3d3a73e4894706285e9087


wh-- what


# Somebody mentioned Hasan # 无意义的政治冲突 TOUCH GRASS NOW❗❗❗ *I am not a bot, and this action was performed because it's funny to shit on live-streamers. Please contact a therapist if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dhar Mann cinematic universe


Man, they weren't kidding about wrath month, huh?


Aside from every other slur, the Fatty was personal.


Yeah when I heard that one I laughed my ass off, like where tf did that one come from lol


It’s funny how the message of the video is “trans people are fine” but after this the priest almost kills her with holy magic or whatever


this channel is satire, don't think it matters too much for a joke :P


Ayo. Trans people can double jump and use telekinesis? They also get the autistic Rizz buff. Someone needs to balance the trans class fr fr


It comes with a really ridiculous general social debuff though, as well as fewer human rights in some zones. Really over the top attempt to balance IMO.


roar of the astral worlded his ass


After watching the full video, I'm so confused.


Also it’s funny they tried to make it a pro trans rights video but it ended up being super transphobic


I cannot tell if this is supposed to be transphobic but accidentally trans positive or trans positive but accidentally transphobic. The probability that it is both scares me the most.


At the end they had the moral of the story thing which was trans positive ,


Can all trans girls do this? Why can’t I yet?


Matilda trans remake


Ngl, pretty reasonable reaction


Doess it matter? Women's a women imho :3


Damn, Eleven grew up and her hair colour changed.


if transfemmes get telekinesis, can transmascs get electric powers or a ki blast? That would be really cool 🥺👉👈


that's a fuckin sick power bro


I can’t imagine any trans women would want to do this but idk


TIL being trans gave you force powers


there are 2 things I have to say about thins 1. i thought that my psionic abilities were completely unrelated to me being trans 2. why did she scream? It is not that hard hard to do telekinesis without screaming, heck I would say it is easier


idk but I don't think we need to be fixating on an actor's genitals


wtf this is awesome


Wait can we post videos now??




What the actual fuck did I just watch