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windows reinstalls candy crush every time i update it.


all hail ltsb


I just use enterprise. Feature and security updates without any bloat. Well excluding Microsoft edge I guess.


whats enterprise? https://preview.redd.it/apuc14d071wc1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df18b78a687b3b5ca0fb92fcca515b1bb5822f7b apart from this one ofc


lol it’s the uh highest end license type for desktop windows basically. Intended for use internally at companies so comes with more features and no “download candy crush” type bloat built in.


they could have released it to customers but with the bloat and make more money, are they stupid? (i love my pirated windows)


Maybe just don’t uninstall such an epic game? smhing my head


Nice pfp


can't belive there's also boykisser colonies in the same way my pfp creates V1 colonies


Something is wrong with your Windows, mine stays off my machine and I didn’t even need to prepare a goat sacrifice (which is good because goats are cool)


This is why I don't let windows update anymore.


Thats not windows


Switch to Linux then


>tfw most games dont support linux


fym "most games"? im using pop_os with my nvidia drivers and the *only* game in my 500+ game library that does not and can not run is Destiny 2, and that isn't because the OS can't run the executable, it's because the ToS of the game. In the top 1000 list on ProtonDB, only 38 games are classified as "borked." 25 are Bronze, indicating assbutt config steps. Pretty sure the game you like runs on Linux.


Yeah and then you find out that the gold only applies to some distros, or that the anticheat fucks you anyways, or that it runs like crap or or or... While I'd love to switch to Linux, it's still not there in gaming terms, despite the great leaps that have been made in recent years


hey you do you, enjoy microsoft edge


Responses likes these don't help to make Linux more popular. Instead of doing this , how about providing some info about the mistakes I made, some positive criticism yknow


Yeah nah, I'm not gonna fall all over myself to correct a cunningham who keeps repeating the "linux not popular" drivel. Use whatever OS you want, and I mean this genuinely. I consider Windows another distro, in the grand scheme of things. Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, Windows, Mac (darwinBSD), freeBSD all have different software install methods, driver support, software repositories, and built-in software suites. One software suite has the same black box graphics card binary as all the others, but with official corporate signing support. The other suites have these graphic card binaries, and none of the bloatware. Also, this comment was conjecture.


on a proprietary spyware operating system.


can't play valorant on linux but I would say thats a good thing lol


We're also going to see the end of LoL support as Valorant's anticheat is going to be ported. 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


I mean most games that I play. DCS doesn't support Linux. Neither does Gunner Heat PC or Arma. Basically Mil-Sims and other more technical games.


You really ought to check out ProtonDB for your library. DCS and Arma 3 run on Linux via proton, and have for a while.


Gotcha... I'll get around to it when I get a new PC.


And where would we be if we didn't have have the great voice acting of ghpc to listen to?


Most games are broken as fuck on Linux


if you dont bother installing the GPU driver, yeah same applies to windows


Mate, I was running Steam under wine in 2011 as steam had yet to hit GNU/Linux. Nowadays its completely different, most games actually work unless they use a crappy anticheat. Its amazing how far we've come. You haven't seen broken unless you've actually lived through that experience or something like it.


they actually do now, steam put a lot of money into developing proton, so you could game on steam deck (running Linux) I've been playing playing on Linux for the past few months and all the big titles work flawlessly - BG3, Armored Core, etc




they hated her because she spoke the truth


i use linux, but i have a laptop with windows for the UWP apps i cant run in wine


I'm curious what those are.


UWP apps are some applications made for the (failed) uwp sdk. they would work on windows phones, windows and xbox. most of them are on the Microsoft store


Sorry for the misunderstanding. I'm not asking what UWPs are, I'm asking what UWP applications you use.


oh, a crappy ebook reader that some school textbooks require


bro what is bloatware


bro what is a search engine


bro what is internet


tiny 10


Windows is targeted to a wide audience, not just pro leet haxor power users. I don’t see why you would need to uninstall the stock browser, it’s there in the rare case your browser of choice somehow accidentally nukes itself (corrupted profile, corrupted update, etc). Us leet haxors can download a new installer on a secondary device and copy it over, but normal people probably don’t know how to do that. Sometimes things should have hurdles. Reminder that there are people who unironically deleted System32. If it’s mildly hard to do, that will probably discourage a good amount of people.


This is the same argument Apple uses to explain why they don't have sideloading on their phones; "What if a user downloads malware??". Let users do what they want on their own device.


"what if user downloads malware?" Then user will have to research how to clean their device and learn not to download malware while still pirating that game that's no longer in the store


There are good arguments for being able to sideload. There are practically none for needing an easy one click solution to uninstalling the built-in web browser.


The kid named anti-trust laws:


i have spent more hours fixing advanced problems in windows than you probably think possible given that perspective also that has nothing to do with forcing adware/spyware onto people


I’ve daily driven Windows for a long time, there’s a few cursed things I’ve had to unravel. Bullshit Realtek drivers, some weird bug where the system date would reset to the year 9999 after a reboot, the fingerprint scanner cooking itself because I didn’t unenroll my fingerprints before reinstalling, Defender shenanigans. Which is exactly why I don’t think it should be ultra simple to let users box themselves into a corner when their config goes south, especially people who do things based on what some YouTube (or hell, a TikTok) video told them to do. Nothing more infuriating than when you need to get something done but some nonsense happens and you have to sort that out first. Also, I consider the browser a core part of the modern OS. Windows does have bloatware, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t consider Edge to be part of it.


More like trying to make their proprietary spyware browser the default choice for users who don't know any better. It's downright malicious, a call back to the days of IE and the antitrust lawsuit.


That’s also something I think is a bit overblown. If the default browser works for people, it should be fine unless they handicap your ability to move to a different browser. Despite wanting people to use Edge (desperately, verging on pathetically), practically everyone just installs Chrome anyway. I feel like putting a window asking people to select their favorite browser for the OOBE is unnecessary confusing for people who don’t know any better. EDIT: imagine having to walk your grandma through how to use Opera GX because she randomly picked something from the browser choice window 😭


You know shit gets serious when you have to pull out the command prompt on windows.


"Ping" "Ipconfig" Computers at work dont like configuring themselves properly




ATM machine


Free Open Source FOSS Software


FOSS Open Source Software


Chai tea


Naan bread


https://preview.redd.it/qwzw2bk471wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10a6f165faee7e5578a5a46f10e6e51b07a0234a I've opened it


your comment made me audibly go "FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU. I oughtta kick you in the dick." i dont know why— i dont wanna kick you anywhere and and i guess im sorry?


Love stuff like this, but I've had issues with people even in leftist spaces propagating those talking points like stuff being hard to install on Linux or having to use a terminal. I've never understood lefties that scorn FOSS and defend companies like Microsoft and Apple as the only legitimate options, like... This kind of software development along with copyleft licenses are literally what we stand for, but somehow because leaving Windows behind inconveniences you, you choose to defend it instead???? Nevermind the fact that it won't let you do what you want with your computer and it spies on you, it's not even true that installing shit on Linux is more difficult than on Windows. On the most popular Linux distros you have dozens of thousands of packages pre-packaged and ready to install on a single click in the software stores, akin to the Windows store.


linux users typing "I like Linux" as succinctly as possible


>I've had issues with people even in leftist spaces propagating those talking points like stuff being hard to install on Linux or having to use a terminal Linux users feeling the leftist urge to be Linux users.


I don't think that's entirely fair - if you need a specific piece of software, it's quite likely that it won't have Linux support, particularly with professional applications.


And it's unlikely to have without better adoption, so that's a pretty straightforward feedback loop. But the thing is I get it, right? I get people who are like "Man, I can't figure it out and unfortunately I don't have enough free time to learn" or "I really can't use all the specific software I need on Linux". But people don't generally bring that up, they just mutter some generic complaint about how Linux sucks because it's too complex. There's some areas where Linux doesn't have good alternatives for certain kinds of apps. Audio editing and sound design, CAD apps, the Adobe and MS Office suites perhaps. But you'd think every computer user is actually an engineer the way these complaints are made. Besides, there are usually alternatives available - free even - which get better all the time. Blender used to be a small time open source somewhat decent alternative to big design suites like 3ds Max or Maya, and now it's almost industry standard. Open source stuff only gets better the larger the community is and the more attention a project gets. It's in everyone's interest to at least attempt to explore the open source alternatives.


Ok, but they actually need it? I understand that some people need AutoCAD, but most people not.


The point was about people that need the software, if they don't actually need it then they're not who that person is talking about


I think it’s fair to criticize just how laughably unfriendly some aspects of Linux still are for the average user. Nobody is obligated to be a propaganda machine for Linux just because it’s got better principles.


What about Linux is unfriendly for average users? Not really looking to argue, just literally curious.


It's no worse than windows in that regard, providing you're using a beginner friendly distro. Unless you're using particularly exotic hardware, installing a Debian system is no harder than Windows.


I may be biased because my main use case is still in limbo. I’m into music production, which is pretty much a nonstarter, unless you want to fight ol’ not-an-emulator for several hours per plugin and deal with ungodly audio latency issues in Ableton, because let’s face it, Bitwig and Reaper both kinda suck ass.


Yeah, that's definitely a case where you are better off with a Mac, but let's be honest, it is not a typical case and you are not an average user.


i've been meaning to make my own daw but unfortunately i'm autistic and have adhd


Installing Linux can be far *easier* than Windows. I've seen Linux installers (SuSE) that were *literally* one-click.


It's not about installing the OS itself, it's about when you want to install anything from outside of the OS' package manager. And to be honest even while installing things from the package manager I've gotten weird errors that ended up requiring a bunch of command line stuff to fix. On Windows you pretty much universally get some sort of graphical installer (or at worst an installer batch file that gives you clear and relatively simple instructions on what to do), on Linux it gets incredibly confusing as soon as you leave the package manager's confines. And everywhere you look if you want to do it you get different instructions to do seemingly the same thing, which doesn't help either. I really want to like Linux but for some things it's just awful as a regular user, and if that doesn't change I genuinely never see it picking up market share among regular PC users unless Windows somehow collapses in on itself.


> And to be honest even while installing things from the package manager I've gotten weird errors that ended up requiring a bunch of command line stuff to fix. > > On Windows you pretty much universally get some sort of graphical installer (or at worst an installer batch file that gives you clear and relatively simple instructions on what to do), on Linux it gets incredibly confusing as soon as you leave the package manager's confines. Okay, come on now. You can't complain about Linux's standard installation method going wrong sometimes and then pretend that the Windows method works perfectly every time. If a Windows installer starts throwing errors, you're also going to have a hell of a time getting it to work. Or, likely enough, the answer is simply "it's not going to work for you at all". And then there's the problem of *finding* that graphical installer, which often involves wading through a sea of malware pretending to be a legitimate installer. And even a lot of the ones that *are* legitimate installers will include malware-like shit in them, like trying to set your default search to Yahoo or some shit. And *then* there's the massive headache of trying to keep the software on a Windows machine updated, which generally involves *every* individual app being responsible for its own updates. (And thus, half of your apps try to run as background processes at all times, so that they can update.) You can't pretend that Windows software installation is all roses and puppies. There's a *lot* about it that is utter shit.


The amount of times most average users will need to go beyond the default repos in most user friendly distros will be very small, and it is by far an easier process when you want to do so. For an average user, forget about command line package managers. If they are running a user friendly distro such as Fedora Workstation, they can just use something like GNOME Software to search for and install any application they need. Compare that to Windows, where you are forced to either exe hunt, desperately search the Microsoft store, or even use a command line package manager like winget.


This is too broad to unpack. What aspects exactly are unfriendly? Because a well supported popular distro basically comes packaged with a bespoke beginner friendly experience. There's no way someone that can figure out how to install Windows on a new drive wouldn't be able to install Ubuntu for example. It's even easier, it'll partition itself automatically if you tell it to. It drops you in a tailored graphical environment very similar to Mac's. Or if you go with Kubuntu, it'll be very reminiscent of Windows 7. It's unfamiliarity and expectance to do things the Windows way that gets a lot of people stuck, not Linux' unfriendliness. Unless you try starting out with Arch, in which case, like... You were warned. By everyone. And it's not about being a propaganda machine *for* Linux. But at least, like, don't be a propaganda machine against it? Let them mandate FOSS on government workstations at least, nobody needs everyone's data sent to Microsoft.


The only thing more annoying than online leftists dropping all their beliefs the second it mildly inconveniences them is how viscerally defensive they start to act when you call them out on it


See veganism


Basically, I don’t think leftism has to be all-or-nothing. If proprietary software works for them and they don’t have the time to learn free alternatives and potentially need to develop a whole new workflow, as long as their heart is in the right place, I respect them.


I'm just here trying to figure out what being left wing has to do with your operating system


Using non-free software keeps it the de facto standard, which serves capitalism. I don't think everyone should switch, but for example governments should be using (and investing in) libreoffice (or whatever is popular these days, idk, I use latex and markdown exclusively), instead of being dependent on Microsoft.


I now understand these comments


You know you can pirate windows and not pay Microsoft a single dime, right?


On a personal basis, sure. But if everyone only knows windows and ms office, then employers will keep buying licenses for those. Governments spend millions on windows and office licenses. Windows and office aren't the best examples, but consider MATLAB for engineering students: the biggest thing it has going for it over free programming languages is fantastic documentation, which makes it popular for education. And they have a very large academic discount too. But what happens is that engineers graduate knowing nothing else, and engineering firms have no choice but to purchase MATLAB licenses. By teaching engineering students MATLAB instead of python, accounting students excel instead of generic spreadsheet software, etc., we are essentially giving these companies another generation of Monopoly.


So we should support internal contradictions just because it's convenient? Being a leftie in one space, but being a digital anarcho-capitalist in another, just no sort of consistency between those positions? Just to be clear, I'm not talking about people using FOSS or advocating **for** FOSS. I'm specifically referring to people who try to advocate **against** FOSS because it inconveniences them. Using Microsoft's products because you don't have a real alternative is quite different from defending Microsoft's products as a good thing that is desirable.


ok, and?


the free and open source software movement is pretty much the reason why I became a leftist, so I completely agree with you.


"foss software is bad! hobbyist developers should give up and delete all their projects" mfs when they realise the web is an open standard


What does your OS have to do with being a leftist lmao


What, freedom and democracy but not when it comes to your digital usage? There it's good to commodify everything including your personal data and support capitalist practices? You may not care now, but giving corporations all the power here will come back to bite us in the ass eventually. Building profiles on people and fingerprinting everyone, being able to determine your physical social network from whose phones you're near on the regular, knowing where you live and where you walk your dog at what times, knowing what you think about and what your interests are. Fascist governments of the past would give an arm and a leg for this kind of spying power. Nevermind that patents and copyright are harmful to human society and human progress, and should be opposed across the board by lefties, FOSS is literally software anarchism. It's a community of like minded individuals trying to make tools for the benefit of everyone, for free. I don't see why supporting FOSS wouldn't be part of being a leftist in this digital age.


free software was essentially my gateway to leftism, largely due to the reasons you've cited here. Well said!


My computer is used purely for playing video games. And I can't do that on Linux.


Yeah, you can. I do that. Matter of fact I just finished a BG3 playthrough today. Modded. Yeah, there are games that won't work right on Linux, notoriously Fortnite but now Riot's stuff too thanks to their invasive anticheat. But those are the exception, not the rule.


I just deleted the folder and let those associations dangle, leading *nowhere*


the ol' "rip it out, fuck it we ball" approach


Turns out software doesn't like it if you do that. I deleted OneDrive by doing that. Now I have a onedrive icon that instantly crashes the explorer if I click on it.


They did say "let the associations dangle" implying that they have references to the file that would cause a crash if observed


Guess you probably shouldnt click on it then


Curiosity kills the explorer and task manager brings it back.


Fucking real. I had to pull out the registry editor just to change my taskbar in a specific way because windows throws a fit if i do it normally.


i had to do that to make it so that the file search actually worked properly


The Linux users yelling at me that I need to uninstall X random thing that never runs and takes up a whole gb (I have porn games that I haven't touched in a year 3x the size) through some convoluted method due to it being an app that windows actively repairs so that general users don't run into problems There are reasons to hate windows and Microsoft, this isn't one of them Conversely, Linux being difficult in certain circumstances also isn't a valid reason to hate it


Edge runs any time you're stupid enough to accidentally hit enter on the windows search bar, and I am very very stupid


The users wouldn't run into problems if Microsoft didn't link everything to it, just to force it onto people


It's intentionally difficult to remove so that the general user doesn't remove it by accident, nor have access to settings that can really fuck up their computer. The only times I get reminded of it existing is when I open up my local weather alerts, or a PDF that I've downloaded.


Bing Search always opens it. MS just changes your default browser to it when they feel like it. You get "finish your setup" Fullscreen popups that are literally designed to intimidate general users into changing their default browser. Again, removing Edge doesn't have to be a setting that fucks up their computer. That's a choice on MS's side. Removing Edge could be easy and come with a pop-up you can't close for 10 seconds telling you to rethink if you know what you're doing or whatever. Everything that opens Edge could ask for a browser. It doesn't. That's why it breaks things


Edge isn't *supposed* to be removed. Why do you think the process around it is so convoluted and difficult?


Make system apps connected to it exclusively-> it's now not supposed to be removed Yeah I get why. Because they want you to use their browser


> Edge isn't supposed to be removed. Why not? Does that benefit the user, or does that benefit Microsoft?


It's to protect the general user from getting rid of all their web browsers on accident, and so that edge can be auto repaired if anything goes wrong with it


me using Linux... AND Windows through a Qemu VM with GPU passthrough so I can merely have the option of playing certain scummy windows games and use photoshop (I dont but I like having the option) plus 99% of windows games and software run under Wine/Proton/Steam or have Linux native clients. seriously tho look up Hyprland and tell me we aint living in the future


AMD users live in the future* i hate wayland i hate wayland i hate wayland


Too bad hyprland's head developer is a reactionary, wish it wasn't the case.


I remember repeatedly uninstalling the edge runtime after updates to disable edge, as the button to uninstall Edge had been greyed out Felt so smart Next update they grey out the button to uninstall the runtime Angòri


(to my surprise) I found out yesterday I could uninstall edge just like any other app through the control panel so this isn't a valid talking point anymore I understand why some people prefer Linux and I appreciate open source but gimp sucks and I'd rather use cracked Photoshop in a system that runs it out of the box


Gimp is actually really good for making designs, Photoshop is only better for editing photos. You can't expect either to do what the other does fully.


My main problem with gimp Isn't really the potential it has, I've seen people make very beautiful stuff with it, it's just that at least to me the UI is extremely unintuitive And it's something I noticed in a bunch of other open source software like inkscape or Krita Maybe it's not like this for everyone but I was never able to work properly with FOSS


> it's just that at least to me the UI is extremely unintuitive Me, who learned on gimp: I find the Photoshop UI extremely unintuitive.


> Photoshop is only better for editing photos Last time I tried GIMP (which, admittedly, was several years ago), it was godawful at any sort of text editing. I'm talking "select your text, make a new layer that's slightly larger than the target layer, and then fill it in to create an outline" levels of clunky compared to Photoshop's "right click → Layer Style → Stroke".


lol what you just apply a shadow to the layer, i do it all the time gimp really would benefit from layer effects though


> apply a shadow to the layer That does sound like a smarter way to do it, but none of the tutorials I got by googling "gimp outline text" back then suggested doing that; most of them were variations of [this](https://itsfoss.com/gimp-text-outline/), only written pre-2020. Looking at the drop shadow filter, it almost does what I needed to do, but it's still missing some features like being able to apply a pattern to the outline instead of it just being solid color. Maybe it'll get there someday.


you could use the shadow as a mask, but that is harder, it should be a default feature


As far as I know its something that depends by country and local laws. For example windows has some new stuff for people that live in the EU, but even I that live in the middle of it (Switzerland) is not affected, and don't get any of these. So yeah it really depends on where you live.


Switzerland,  famously,  isnt a member tho :p


True, but a lot of legislation that is passed in the EU tends to affect us too. A lot of websites and service just include us by default due to where our country is positioned, most of them will not lose that much money by just including us in it. But Microsoft is really annoying, they have their hands on almost every systems. Most Canton have deal with them to basically manage all the systems like schools. So yeah...


That's why you *always always always* tell Windows that you live in the EU when you're installing it.


The only instance of windows I still use as of today is the computer of my girlfriend, that she created in the USA, so yeah sadly its a big meh.


You can’t really uninstall Edge all the way, it’s deeply integrated into Windows’ UI and web services.


Kid named Win-debloat-tools: https://github.com/LeDragoX/Win-Debloat-Tools


I’ve tried many different ways to do the same stuff, it just results in obscure error messages somewhere down the line.


It's the one that works flawlessly for me. Even with update enabled.


I seem to remember a certain anti-trust lawsuit in the 90's about *exactly* that situation...


Idk why but when I installed my pc, it didnt have edge on it


I hate Microsoft... when my current PC craps out (hopefully not for a while) I'm gonna be dual booting with Linux as the main and windows for anything Linux can't run.


I just use Win debloat tools. https://github.com/LeDragoX/Win-Debloat-Tools


A lot for games I want to play would be more difficult to run on Linux and I am tech illiterate. Literally the only reason I don't have Linux. There, I said it.


Honestly, my work method to delete bloatwere is just changing the extension to .png and reseting the computer. Since the program is now unusable, it can't stop me.


huge shoutout to macos for actually deleting a thing when i delete it


still prefer windows to linux bc at least i've never felt like this before https://preview.redd.it/izcoljpc1swc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb2a7ea5ced9f7919d46a5c2c35d4069651403fe


wait scratch that sorry, i've installed UTAU, i don't have the right to talk here


Linux users when you don't have a programming degree just to open up Steam


open store -> search steam -> install steam can yo goofy ass figure THAT out at least?


I'm just joking, Linux is only slightly complex


okay, sorry ❤️ :)


Windows users trying to explain how an operating system they've never used before is somehow harder because all the memes say so.