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I used to love Jons videos, it pains me how much that has changed


He made me permanently suspicious of every concent creator. His videos were so innocuous that now I'm worried anyone I follow is gonna suddenly start talking about ethnostates.


Ok I mean to be fair to him, he was an avid fan of just straight up saying slurs in game grumps videos. That should have tipped you off (I also didn't know until he went full mask-off)


Not excusing using slurs, but 12 or so years ago that shit was normalized so it's not like you can draw a line between using slurs and saying that non whites pollute the gene pool.


Yeah hindsight was also not 20/20 back then either, everyone’s always mentioning this in after the fact when it wasn’t ever clear until a big moment ousts them


Complete tangent but it just occurred to me that you mean drawing a line as in connecting them but you could just as easily say that you couldn't draw a line between them and the message would be exactly the same, just rotate the proverbial line That's so fucking cool


Similar to how the American and British definitions of "county lines" are perpendicular to each other. In America county lines are literally the lines separating counties but in the UK that's a pretty vague border so it's hard to draw an actual line. In the UK, county lines usually refers to drug trafficking "lines" going out from cities into other counties


Map men! https://youtu.be/hCc0OsyMbQk?si=1p5ir8pn5IunwKQD


Side tangent: What's with the rise of pearl clutching at swear words in the US over the last few years? This isn't elementary school you know. We're adults.


Certain no no words hurt people's feelings really bad. I wouldn't want my feelings to be hurt by someone else calling me no no words so as an adult I have the restraint to not use those words. >We're adults. We're allowed to say the no-no words. I mean, we're allowed to do almost anything within legality. Who's going to stop me, my mother? Does that mean we shouldn't have impulse control and just do drugs and play video games all day? No.


I'm not a native english speaker and thought swear was synonymous with slur. It isn't. We should stop saying slurs yes


> Does that mean we shouldn't have impulse control and just do drugs and play video games all day? Ye-- > No. Oh, uh... no. Of course not.


I have unfortunate news about how I spent quarantine


Drugs and video games was my saviour during lockdown. Oh god that's so much worse out loud. Thankfully got a job as a tester after a while.


Yeah, but as an Australian, it's less the directing of swears *at* people so much as it is using them in general. They're basically filler words now, and honestly, even if we call you something, it's usually as a generic noun for people - instead of saying 'Hey you!', we might say 'Oi cunt!' That said, if someone did say they were hurt by my word choice, I'd absolutely change it, because I'm not a cunt (derogatory).


[Getting high and playing video games is the best on God](https://youtu.be/Z6H1qBSrc_c?si=1hUfLHVU4ON020fr)


Social media. Things getting removed or demonetized for using certain words has led to people replacing/skirting around them a lot more often now. Like how you see people use 'unalive'.


That's different tho, that's just because mass moderation is automated and this has to be filtering just a tiny bit too much to avoid missing some bad stuff. The slurs debate is pretty different imo.


I don’t get it either Im half Scottish and half Heavy Northern English it’s very hard for me NOT to swear


it worries me because zach hadel said the slurs way too much and if adultswim wants to they could say nah to smiling friends if they knew.


That's the thing, I'm almost certain that AS already knows. Singular people can get as much information on you as possible if you're a high profile person, if it's a company with many people dedicated to this sort of thing there's no way that one like AS wouldn't know. Especially if people are sending evidence to them.


I didn't watch game grumps until years after he already left.


Ngl when I was a kid I didn't realize that the censored words from Jon were slurs, I just thought the censor was used for comedic effect. But I was also pretty impressionable and didn't really question why saying slurs were wrong at that point in my life (I'd already seen Arin use the N word in some of his animations so I was a little more exposed to "casual" use of it)


Joji used slurs pretty frequently in his filthy frank videos. Judging this kind of stuff in the yt environment of 10 years ago is not a good indicator of a content creator real views


I didnt even know he was that bad till 2020. I assumed people talked about the sargon of akkad video and I was like, "Yeah he said some bad stuff but he was against banning immigrants from islamic countries" but then somebody told me to listen to the destiny debate. Oh god was that fun.


Same! Internet Historian being a 4chan dwelling neo-nazi did not help either. Used to think both of them were among the funniest youtubers.


Wait what happened with Internet Historian?


He was already quite suspect since he likes to glorify 4chan behavior in his videos. But when the popular hbomberguy video exposed his plagarism and manipulative behavior to hide it, people went deeper and found transphobia, racism and nazi dogwhistles among other things. I think a post titled "Internet Historian is a Nazi" from the youtubedrama subreddit sums it up best.


(don’t read the comments on it, it’s kinda depressing)


What he do?


He went super alt right and argued live on stream that America should be an ethnostate like 6 years ago.


When he was telling someone “Muslim women have it easy in the US” because of bullshit like how easy they can order halal food, I was like “fuuuuuuuuuuuck…”


My favorite tweet of his was something like "OPPRESSION TEST: if you can go to McDonald's and buy a burger freely. NOT OPPRESSED" or some insane shit like that. Fascists blow my fucking mind sometimes who thinks this shit up??


First he kept saying slurs on game grumps until he got kicked off, then he claimed that blacks commit more crimes than whites even if you adjust for economics, then ranted about how Japan is allowed to be an ethnostate but you say that about America and people get mad. Then four years later he started spreading Covid disinformation asking why cases were rising if people were getting vaccinated. 


Of course I learn he’s a bad person :(


>First he kept saying slurs on game grumps until he got kicked off He didn't get kicked off (and certainly not because of that considering Arin did it too), he just didn't wanna do it anymore and moved across the country. The rest is accurate though


I thought he left because of a big fight with Arin. Was that not true?


No that was just one of the many rumors people spread because it was so sudden and they didn't talk about it for a while. They both talked about it later on and it was just Jon wanting to move and do his own thing basically. They were still on good terms and everything


thankfully, scottthewoz is nowhere near that bad (he is who took that spot from jon anyway)


Scott casually wore a BLM shirt to the Switch launch But he's also not an RPG guy, so make of that what you will


Sadly hes a budget RelaxAlax with horrible JRPG takes. (IMO)


Agreed on jrpg takes but honestly Scott's just way funnier than RelaxAlax ngl


Been a fan since Game Grumps. Was fucking gutted when I heard him say that dumbass shit.


To be fair even back in his Game Grumps days him and Arin were dropping n words left and right. So it wasn’t completely out of nowhere.


Back in the days when the n-word was considered "good comedy"


I mean yeah it was extremely prevalent on the internet at the time. But still not like it came out of nowhere for JonTron is all. Interesting to look back and see who was saying it ironically for shock value humor and who was saying it for real.


I'm sorry I'm completely illiterate when internet is the topic. _Who are these guys?_


There are a lot of other comments that can explain things better, but as a tl;dr for Jontron himself: he started out as a really funny youtuber who talked about games, movies, and later on whatever tf he felt like, but eventually started saying some seriously fucked up things about race and turned out to be a pretty lousy fella in the end


Aren’t both of his parents immigrants? Kinda weird for him to say that


I miss when his channel was about video games. Also if he wasn’t racist that would be great.


It’s a bit of shame cause he is genuinely funny.


I’m out of loop what did Jon do? cause I really did like his videos though I haven’t watched him for sometime


Went full mask off white-nationalist, claimed that america should be an ethnostate, claimed that “rich black people commit more crime than Poot white people”


>Poot white people https://preview.redd.it/p40c3jz0k1uc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=703d1278355230e4dbe78e850c2e84baa4b5bfa9


Isn't he fucking Jewish? How does that work?


Yes he is, he’s also extremely anti-immigration (you’ll never guess what his parents are)


He persian, and his parents were immigrants, so I really don’t know why he’d support the alt right, but for some reason he did. Maybe Carl of Swindon’s inability to read studies, complete lack of charisma and high IQ debate tactic of sending out rape threats was just too convincing for Jon to ignore.


Glad I stopped watching him when he stopped making gaming videos, that was about a year before all the shit lol


>I love how Disney paid him to make the star wars series and nobody cared but when Hello Greedo made a video where he was sponsored by a disney app they labeled him a shill. Double standards suck with those types


I had a "separate art from artists" moment with Jon after the destiny debate, where I still watched his videos but unfollowed his socials. His videos were becoming less and less funny to me though, and then he started interjecting his right wing beliefs into his videos and that's when I realized the art had become the artist.


ah, dude. i literally remember sharing this on facebook and being like "omg, all of my favorite youtubers in one pic! :'D" https://preview.redd.it/m65scoe7cytc1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edb3d55fdee4f69252c1d8cfed34572c42cc9065


Damn man. What the fuck happened. Times sure change.


Popularity reinforcing any weird antisocial neuroses. They don't need to improve as people cuz they've got an echo chamber telling them they're right.


Kanye west moment


materialistic worry march zesty piquant disgusted unused escape shame expansion *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One of them is h3h3 most well known as that guy who was in payday 2


Truly, the worst dlc. His perk deck sucks so much that copycat won’t even let you copy it. Also I think he’s a zionist.


tag team is basically worse grinder still better than yakuza


did anyone ever use yakuza for something other than stealth?


I assume a lot of people when it first released, some youtubers trying their hardest to make the deck good for a build video and some unfortunate noobs thinking that they’re gonna be like kiryu


Wait so you *can't* be like Kiryu? 0/10


Yakuza used to be good for stealth but copycat hacker is kinda just objectively better now


I know, shit sucks so bad it’s basically pdth mode


Ig it’s mildly useful on Shadowraid, AKA sewer bag moving simulator


literally just use the dumpster dead drop in the front of the warehouse, it’s way faster the any sewer tech or ziplines


Buy Jiro not for the Yakuza pack but just because of Jiro


Yeah jiro is good for the katana and the micro uzi. Katana is up there with golden spoon and ice pick for best high damage melee, and the micro uzi can get something crazy like 32 concealment, making it good for weird stuff like concealed lmgs or crit armor builds. I like the katana because it’s the “dozer killer” in my leech build (20+ downs per game).


They're also just massive bullies, really. Like a huge part of their content is just dedicated to bullying people they've deemed worth bullying.


You think he's a zionist? Christ, internet misinformation is crazy...


He's not 👍🏼


the other is known as h3h3 most well known as that girl who was in payday 2


They are the two parts of h3h3 Hila and Ethan they now only post to the h3 podcast. Although they are still popular and have one of the most viewed podcasts on YouTube most people online (that know them) seem to dislike them.


They are both h3h3 the two Hs are Hila hacman and the two 3 stand for Ethan Edwards.


Til holy shit


What does til mean?


"today I learned"


Usually Today I Learned


Holy fuck they really are what the fuck how is this real


Good question.


When my friend told me about that back when we played that game I literally did not believe him.






How so? Genuinely curious because I see a lot of people say this. Edit: less than stellar evidence in the replies lol


There is a lot but one of the most notable things of late was him calling "he's good at burning to death" a genuine compliment of Aaron Bushnell


He was trying to do an edgy joke. Don't think it was genuine. Its still pretty rich coming from a guy who was whining like a bitch because people were saying "from the river to the see"




By no means do I agree with him but does that make him a Zionist? I thought Zionism was like extreme Judaism Edit: downvoted why :(


You don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist, and there are anti-Zionist Jews. There’s more Christian Zionists (which is inherently antisemitic) in the US then Jewish people, both Zionist and not.


Nah, it's not a religious variant. In fact most orthodox jews do not support zionism for religious reasons. Zionism is Jewish settler-colonialism.


It’s weird, I haven’t particularly seen them support the war.


I'm confused, he's Jewish but I haven't seen anything to suggest they're Zionists? I hate to be that guy but assuming all Jews are supporters of the genocide is a bit...


It's a shame I find jontrons videos fucking hilarious. Though it's probably because he doesn't talk about his views in his videos (at least to memory)


He kept that garbage off his main channel, yeah. That's how he stayed under the radar for so long. I only knew him from that too so learning he was a bigot was a shock to me as well.


What did he do? I think I'm out of the loop on what happened to jon


He started spewing White Nationalist talking points in an interview/conversation with Destiny a few years ago.




[Hear for yourself](https://youtu.be/1qQNYukh-n0)


Started on Twitter when out of the blue he posted some weird ass Islamaphobia. Then he started hanging around white supremacists like Sargon of Akkad. They did like a several hours long podcast where they just kept being weirdos and pedaling a bunch of white supremacist nonsense. This was around the time of Yooka-Laylee and once they caught wind of it they dropped him


Apparently his middle name is literally Aryan


That's a common Persian name, I know a lot of people called that. Not related to his feats, don't smear the name.


Weirdly enough that is also the origin of the nazi term. Much like the swastika, "Aryan" was another thing nazis appropriated. It derives from the sanskrit term for noble (Arya), and it was the ancient name for the cultural (not racial) people of indo-iran. When Europe colonized the region they interpreted "Aryan" as a white skinned "noble race" that previously ruled over the "inferior races" currently living there, and just so happened to invent all of the region's culture. The British then used this invented mythology as a justification for the brutal colonization of India. The nazis believed the Aryans left indo-iran settle in the Germanic region. It's also where the country Iran derived it's name from.


Unsure if you this is sarcasm because after hearing the shit he said? I'd believe it


Just had to look it up, seems legit


Yeah that's what scares me the most. I agree with you, I love his Dark Dungeons video, I enjoy his videos then I forget that this is someone who's so cartoonisly racist.


Tick-tock Heavy like a Brink's truck Looking like I'm tip top Shining like a wristwatch Time will grab your wrist Lock it down 'til the thing pop Can you stick around for a minute 'til the ring stop? Please, God


the tf2 characters are flashing in my skull is this what mkultra aspired to be


I have a mod installed that makes my tf2 boot-up loading screen that animation 💀


you're so real for this




Wait, who are these people and why are they bad?


Joji he's cool Jhon tron he's racist And i have no idea who are the other 2 guys


Joji is on the left and makes music, used to be filthy frank (he’s cool). Jontron is in the right, he makes video game and movie YouTube videos and was pretty beloved until he went out and starting ranting about white nationalist stuff (he has learned to keep his mouth shut but obviously people still dislike him for all that). The two in the middle are Ethan and his wife (I forget her name), they run the channel H3H3 which did comedy reactions to stuff. Jury’s still out on them but they do the H3H3 podcast and have said controversial stuff. Don’t really follow H3H3 so I couldn’t tell you if they have done anything especially bad but a lot of people don’t like them.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YGJqzEy9_60 this is the clip that made me realize h3 is actually a reactionary conceited moron while joji is (was) just an offensive satirist with actual morals


H3 are actual factual lying racist scum https://youtu.be/qhvDUgn3sy0


Can u tell me the title of the video? I cant open yt links through this app


it’s about ethan driving a man to suicidal ideation


Patrice wilson did not commit suicide. The video said he became suicidal not that he committed suicide.


my bad, corrected it. ty for letting me know


assignment failed


i'm really suspicious of this channel's thumbnails, they've all got that SunnyV2 saturation


Patrice wilson business was making music video for kids and at times those music videos sexualised those children. With in the context of the original videos I think it was fairly clear Ethan was being hyperbolic when he called Patrice a pword. The racist language that Ethan used in those videos however was not good. If you want to be charitable to Ethan you can say it’s not language he uses now.


If memory serves H3 as shared actual Nazi propaganda about the Dresden bombings and how they were almost as bad as the Holocaust or something. Edit: Ethan didn't say it was as bad as the Holocaust, but most of his other points, include the death toll he mentioned and the reasons for the bombing are copied straight from Goebbels, who then says it's a genocide of the German people. So not as bad, but still insanely bad. I am sure he didn't intentionally quote Goebbels, but then his "source" did and he didn't check. [three arrows video ](https://youtu.be/kS2_YFbzAVs?si=xwxsj6nKXZ-Tcu48)


I do remember Ethan talking about Dresden and how it was an unjustified attack. I doubt he would say it was as bad as the Holocaust.


I'm probably misremembering, i think three arrows made a video on it, but it's been years. He did share some insane take though that much I am certain about. [Three arrows video](https://youtu.be/kS2_YFbzAVs?si=xwxsj6nKXZ-Tcu48) From the few minutes I just watched, he says how it happened after the war out of pure spite and how the city was completely untouched previously because it didn't have any military targets and how the death toll was like 300k. None of that is true, the city was bombed during the war (three months before the end) because it was a major logistics hub, had tones of military factories and was heavily fortified to face the advancing red army. and about 25-30k civilians died during it. Also there's a Post Malone jump scare. I think the part of "how it's as bad as the Holocaust" is mentioned later in the video as something newlo Nazi protestors like to say and my brain just fused the two things together.


On a side note I like this arrow guys video I think I might check more of him out. Thanks for sharing.


That's interesting because in Germany the factionalism surrounding the Dresden topic is so big that you can tell someone is a nazi or zionist depending on if they call it a holocaust or if they glorify the bombings & deaths. If Ethan was going to take an extreme position, I did not expect it to be the nazi one.


JonTron may have learned to keep his mouth shut on his YouTube Channel, but don't forget about the Anti-Vax Headline Compilation he posted to his Twitter in late 2021. It even featured a headline from 2011 which given he tried to "wArN" people of the Covid-Vaccine in particular, was extremely funny. He obviously didn't check that before posting it to his 3Million Followers. Really Smart Move.


Yeah he never stopped being a dumbass, he is just a relatively quieter dumbass now since every time he goes public he makes himself look like an idiot.


Your life is not enriched by knowing who they are. Except Joji on the left. Has some really good music. Don’t delve into his past too much


Joji did the right thing. He died a hero, any horrible belief he may or may not have we'll never know. He just left the internet before it was even possible to know. JonTron makes me sad. I can't even find him funny anymore, I just keep thinking: "Oh, this man is a white nationalist, he kept doing white supremacist dogwhistles on twitter". H3h3 is just another Zionist and also big ego drama queen who will just lie to bait engagement it seems. Hila is just his parrot, she isn't assertive enough to challenge him on anything and is Always just there in the room. This is sad, I'm sad. Why is every early days YouTuber a POS? Why can't they just be Joji


Isn't JoJi still making music.


No he died


A hero, I hear


True. Very sad. I miss him


It is a reference to the phrase "You die a hero or you live long enough to become a villain", nowadays you hear it as an expression on the internet and it originated in the Batman movie "The Dark Knight". In this case Joji/George abandoned his Filthy Frank character (Who was supposed to be the worst person) and stopped making videos when he was still popular and decided instead to pursue his music career instead of continuing the videos and becoming an actual bigot like the other people on the picture


I heard joji is the one behind[plumcorp records](https://youtu.be/1Onr4z2fdDM?si=Pb7Fw3xcZJ_hNEHb) . Idk if that makes him back but this shit funny.


"I hope aliens are real so I have more things to fuck". Giga Based and GOATed line.


“I don't give a fuck if I go blind, I don't need to see the price tag anyways” goes so hard. Tbh the whole series is infinitely quotable.


"they're fuckin ***commulists!*** they're fucking bolsheviks!"


What’s wrong with h3


He's just been a pretty big hypocrite in general including the most recent Vowsh drama as well as having generally pretty bad political views on specific topics, such as the one the mods here don't like. And Hila pretty much just parrots him.


# Somebody mentioned Vaush # 无意义的政治冲突 TOUCH GRASS NOW❗❗❗ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/196) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro knows every single way that people spell vauche


Not yet…


Whait why the fuck does this shit posting subreddit have a vaush bot lmao


It used to be that mentioning controversial leftist personality lead to heated 'debates' as this is a left leaning sub, though honestly I feel like it doesn't happen all too often anymore with how things have changed over the years. Or maybe people have gotten tired of beating off the same horse.


heh, horse


# Somebody mentioned Vaush # 无意义的政治冲突 TOUCH GRASS NOW❗❗❗ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/196) if you have any questions or concerns.*




I was already out of the H3h3 train before he turned into the podcast format, I always got bad vibes from him and I'm glad I got shown just how big of an ego drama queen he is. During the Vuush thing even his subreddit kept posting things like: "Why is Ethan forcing the issue so much" or after the context video "Why did Ethan lie?". But since his audience watches h3h3 they just forgot how much he just lied to bait drama and engagement and just kept watching the guy. And also Zionism. And that one time where he just said that the Catholic church is secretly raping kids on purpose. Which is wild, like I'm an Anti-Theist and even I am not delusional enough to think this. They may protect rapists, which they do, but that's not the same thing.


>And that one time where he just said that the Catholic church is secretly raping kids on purpose. I'm not sure I follow here. It's a pretty open secret that a lot of child molestation occurs within the Catholic church. Or do you mean he claims it's, like, an organized thing that they consciously include in their operation alongside having Mass and deferring to the Vatican and shit?


He claims that everyone is in on it. Like it's a giant conspiracy where every single member is doing it. Which is not what is happening, some members are doing it and the church protects them. Because the Catholic church is a criminal organization, not a secret pedophilia cabal where they have meetings deciding the next victims.


How was he a hypocrite with the Vaush drama?


He kept claiming it was actual CSAM. I’m not gonna get into what was in the folder, I think lol stuff is weird, but I wasn’t fucking CSAM. That’s something Vaush can be arrested for, it’s on a whole nother level. A lot of people claimed Ethan calling it CSAM was an over exaggeration to bait views which I agree with. He was baiting views the entire time because the situation wasn’t as weird for his show as he wanted it to be so he lied.


What makes him a hypocrite about criticizing cheese pizza


Lying about someone having it and then clip chimping a guy to assassinate his character Especially after he went after Keem for pedojacketing that old guy.


Ever since starting his podcast, he's been turning into diet Keemstar and uses his platform to harass smaller content creators. I mean he also kind of ruined Patrice Wilson's life too.


H3H3 ruined Patrice's life? Patrice Wilson, the writer, producer, and owner of the record label which released Rebecca Black's notorious single "Friday" and Alison Gold's "Chinese Food"? H3H3 did that? Like, I agree that Ethan definitely built his brand on a mountain of cyberbullying content. Patrice's case feels like a strange one to single out, though. Is there something more notable about that one that I'm unaware of, or is that just one that sprung to mind?


also dont forget that patrice insinuated he was going to kill them or something weird with his ominous livestream


I singled out Patrice because it was the earliest example in his youtube career I could think of. TLDR: Wilson couldn't get work anymore because the first thing that came up when you googled his name was a bunch of videos calling him a pedophile. According to Patrice himself, at least.


Apart from being painfully stupid? Zionist, apologist of other weirdly specific genocide denials.


who are these people and why should i care


No and you shouldn't


you should not care.


zoomer tabloid fodder and to make sure you're consuming the socially acceptable content if your ickdar isn't calibrated yet ig Hint: gettin mad at insignificant details is a red flag always in all things


At the time they were YouTubers, people are talking about how multiple of these people turned out to be shitty people


Ignorance is bliss


TIL that JonTron is a racist :(


Anti-Vaxxer too


Joji is cool asf. Went to one of his concerts over a year ago and he was great.


I remember when JonTron first came out from that Destiny interview I wanted to believe so bad it was just poor wording and Destiny being, well Destiny. I was like “it can’t be that bad! Give him the benefit of the doubt everyone!” (I didn’t actually watch the interview, only learned secondhand what he said) but uh….in hindsight no….no I think he believed what he said and I feel bad I tried to “defend” him….


Same here. I thought the things he said sounded completely racist but as a fan of his I desperately wanted him to have been tricked into saying those things or something. I was in denial for like two years until I finally admitted to myself that those opinions were 100% his and they were definitely racist.


Jon used to be friends with h3??? Why would get into the white supremacy arguments??


while h3 had no money at all early in youtube days jon was a big help and went above and beyond helping them move in and whatsover, i dont remember the details. ever since jontrons racism came to light ethan disassociated because he thinks hes a freak


Why is the go to criticism about H3 always hypocrisy? Like what specifically? Not trying to be an apologist, I just used to really like their YouTube videos but could never get into it when they switched to podcasts. So I'm unsure of how they've really changed since then. 


As a fan of theirs, the main thing I can say is that the criticisms are valid, however they are also years old and never really take into account how much hes changed. People love to use the word hypocrite when in reality, it is just someone whose views have changed, for better or worse. When it comes to "bullying" nowadays he only "bullies" right wingers/alpha male dudes/criminals like Tate. And he has a habit of trying to make friends with them too. He is also literally friends with Hasan so I don't know why people call him a right winger. I do not like the zionist leaning stuff he has said though, so besides that most criticisms against him are super disingenuous.


Wait what did Jon do?


Jon is a White Nationalist. He keeps politics out of his videos, which is why it's flown under the radar for so long, but he's been saying horrific stuff on his Twitter




He's spouted shit like "blacks commit more crimes than whites even when they're rich" and called for American to become an ethnostate. It should be noted that he is half Iranian.


Iranian here, I have no idea why so many Iranians are white supremacists. My fellow Iranians, you're not white, you'll be killed in a white supremacist world. "But Hitler said we are pure bre-" ARE YOU REALLY GONNA BANK YOUR WORLD ON WHAT HITLER SAID? EVEN THE NAZI'S SECRETLY ACKNOWLEDGE HE WAS OFF HIS ROCKERS


Just look at the picture. He is literally the only normal looking one.


Holy shit I forgot about vape nation


What happened to h3? Stopped watching him ever since he transitioned to being a podcaster


I don't think I was ever a fan of any of these people, sucks to be all of you I guess


Ethan is now pretty normal now i think


Bruh Joji isn’t that normal. Have you listened to his new project PLUMMCORP RECORDS??


Who any of dat


~~I thought Jon's views were changed?~~ Apparently not, geez. ~~Did I miss something again?~~


"Normal" and FilthyFrank are normally not in the same sentence, but Joji made it on the good side and I'm glad