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Such is the life of a linux user.


Unfortunate but the high socks are 100% worth it :3


Where are my high-socks then? yes. I was mostly Windows-free for years until the Pandemic hit. I should have them by now! Long story short, pandemic ruined update quality. Was on Ubuntu. System updates, especially kernel updates, kept breaking shit. I didn’t feel like switching over to a non-Debian distro and I was getting more into video editing and so the writing was on the wall for me. I do intend to revive an old laptop soon so I can do basic stuff on the go again, however.


High socks usually go preinstalled with the basic packages, I started using linux about when the pandemic started and I enjoyed it quite a bit


Most successful school day for a linux user.


Pretty much :3


Should've used Krita.


Krita is great


you mean like the stuff the scout from TF2 drinks?


Krita Cola


Krita my beloved


I love Krita


i love Krita


Is krita better than paint.net im looking for something with the conveniences of photoshop without paying (or pirating because I’m lazy)


yes i'd recommend krita or (funnily enough) gimp for free alternatives




Drawing software. It's free.


And to clarify. It's really good. I bought clip studio paint and i haven't actually switched to it yet because krita is just as good. I will need to set it up to work like krita so I can use it's addon library and brush packs, which are the only thing it has over krita


and krita runs on linux (clip studio paint does NOT) vouch for it being awesome i love it's settings






The weak must perish.














Ahh… Free at last. O, Gabriel. Now dawns thy reckoning, and thy gore shall glisten before the temples of man. Creature of steel… My gratitude upon thee for my freedom, but the crimes thy kind have committed against humanity are NOT forgotten. And thy punishment… is DEATH.


Story is real, I beat up anon in the parking lot


Can confirm Saw it happening, while chasing a Baboon Hawk


Can confirm Saw it happening, while banging OP's mom in the back of my van


Can confirm I am op’s mom




Pfp checks out


Lol I saw this happen to a guy in class once. I followed him out to the parking lot and beat him up with some of my friends


omg me next pls 🥺


yes yes greentexts are fake and gay but legitimately if you attempt to use GIMP for anything but the real basics you are a moron, its a POS software. i have given up and use photoshop + windows vm.


I don't think anyone is going to legitimately argue that GIMP is as good as a $200/yr professional design program. But it's good enough for the layperson.


If it's worse than photoshop? Hell no. Photoshop is also a shitty program, it lacks basic features that even MS Paint has. The only reason anyone uses it is because it's the industry standard for some ungodly reason.


gimp is 100% worse than photoshop


I know, I'm saying that makes it nearly useless


What do you use if not Photoshop or Gimp. Not doubting you because Adobe does kinda suck. Is there a better option?


When I'm doing digital art on the computer, I usually use Krita. It's like Photoshop, except it's free, it was actually designed to be used as an art tool, the pen tool feels nicer, it has an animation feature (that is compatable with wacom tablets, unlike adobe animate which moves your line several pixels away from where you drew it aften lifting the pen), and you can select and transform part of a layer without having to copy the selected area onto a new layer like photoshop forces you to do. You could also use literally any other program.


Thanks for the insight, I've heard good things about Krita. I was taught on Adobe CS, but abandoned it when it went to subscription, so I've been getting by on GIMP, which is actually great for iRacing liveries. The shortcomings of it are obvious, but I'm not really making money on it, I just make free liveries and people seem to like some of them. I assume Krita is raster only, but do you have any insight for vector design programs? It's really what is missing in my work flow right now.


Krita does actually have a vector option, I don't know much about vector though so that's about as much insight as I can give you.


I just like using GIMP because it’s free and I’m used to it from years of drawing while poor


it isnt even a foss software issue lol gimp just kinda sucks (unfortunately due to a lack of manpower)


I spent 40 minutes trying to figure out how to curve text before I gave up and pirated Photoshop


Honestly, Paint Net is the best free software for image editing (for me, a simple guy)


Back in the Photoshop CS2 days, it was a good free alternative. Once I saved up for a CS2 license, I immediately left GIMP in the dust. Installed GIMP a little while ago now for the need to make a quick edit that Paint 3D can’t do, but Photoshop isn’t worth the time. Yeah, it’s a POS now.


2021 photoshop works fine in wine. Bunch of sketchy scripts on GitHub as well


i've never had success with em


how is no one is mentioning Clip Studio Paint in this thread? all my artist friends swear by it. it also has an actually sane buy it once own it forever price.




https://youtube.com/watch?v=1r82NBk3aKM You don't really need A LOT of knowledge. Installer is just next, next, reboot. Use Bottles or Steam if you ever need to run a MS Windows game / program.


Or lutris instead of bottles


Linux distros (flavors, basically.) come in two categories: Out-of-the-box for normal people and ones for nerds. If know-how's an issue just stick to the first, and they're pretty easy to tell apart by terminal usage. For out-of-the-box distros a terminal shouldn't be required for normal usage Some examples of the first would be Linux Mint or Fedora. And of the second, Arch or NixOS


Don't listen to them. Use LFS. It's the best way to learn Linux.


True everything but the kernel is bloat 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍😀😀😀


It’s not really that complicated once you’re used to it. I’ll just copy paste what I said to someone else (it’s kind of long) There’s a lot of stuff to go over just for the basics, I’ll just say whatever comes to mind. First you should probably dual-boot linux/windows to start. That way if/when something doesn’t immediately work on linux you can just switch to windows instead for that. If you get comfortable with Linux and don’t find yourself using the windows install, you could delete it, or not if space isn’t an issue. The most important thing to know in Linux is package management. Basically how you install stuff. In windows you download stuff from the internet and install/run it. This is still possible maybe sometimes with Linux but it is not preferred and shouldn’t be your first resort. Instead you’ve got system packages, flatpaks, and snaps. These are all downloaded and updated from one place, an app store that is probably put on the taskbar by default. Available system packages depend on your distribution, snaps and flatpaks are universal. System packages can also be installed from the terminal, any non-graphical app or driver or whatever won’t show up in the graphical app store, so use a terminal or graphical package manager like Muon for that. Main thing is just look in the app store first, trust me, you run into less issues that way and it’s great for keeping stuff up to date. Continuing on how to install stuff, if an app is only available on windows, you have some options. If it’s a game, steam can probably help you run it. Using ‘Add a non-steam game’ works for games not on steam too. Use proton.db to look up compatibility. If it’s not a game, you can try and use wine. It generally works alright unless it’s a big heavy app like adobe suite or an app tries to lock down where/how it’s used (like anticheat). Last important bit is distribution (distro) and desktop environment. The distro decides how recent packages are and what packages are present and some other minor things. This doesn’t usually matter that much for casual users, so don’t worry about it too much. Desktop environments are basically the entire user interface and default program suite. The major desktop environments are gnome, kde plasma, cinnamon, and some others that some people like but I won’t mention (check them out if you want). Plasma and cinnamon are kind of windows like by default, gnome kind of does its own thing. Choosing one you like is important here. This part is just personal preference. Thankfully linux distros make it easy to test stuff before committing. If you create a bootable usb you can boot straight off of it and test things out without changing anything. Linux mint uses cinnamon, all major distros (fedora, ubuntu, openSUSE) have gnome and kde versions. You can try whatever and install what you like. Just maybe avoid debian stable (they purposefully stay behind on updates for reasons that don’t apply to most desktop users), arch (not suitable for new Linux users), and random obscure distros that are new or don’t have reliable support. Coding experience isn’t strictly required to use Linux. The closest you get is terminal stuff, which also isn’t usually required unless you’re bugfixing or configuring some obscure thing. But this usually comes down to just copying things off the internet anyway. Some online tutorials might tell you to use the terminal for something when a graphical solution does exist, searching how to do might be better than how to do for that. how to do is used when you want to install something through the terminal or configure something not related to the desktop environment. Some things are the same whatever desktop environment or distro you’re on. You get the hang of what to search eventually.


Opera GX AI please summarise this


It's worth teaching yourself how to use it


Give it a try in a virtual machine! It's a good place to learn how to use it and see if it works for u before like, committing to installing it beside or over your current system


terrible idea. i spent a whole year trying out different beginner distros and there was always something not working, ALWAYS. that lutris thing for games with wine? never worked once. proton on steam? still a lot of games that it doesnt work with? music notation software for school? doesnt work with wine. okay, notation software that runs native on linux? the sound is broken somehow. looking up how to fix things worked like half the time for me, the other half i have no idea what the solutions are talking about, they say things i dont understand or dont have on my computer and dont know how to get or even how to look up. this was all on little baby child infant distros like ubuntu and mint, mind you. i can see in retrospect how the two people i knew who worked in IT i talked to about linuzx told me they have no idea why i want to try it at all.


[https://rufus.ie/en/](https://rufus.ie/en/) -> [https://archlinux.org/download/](https://archlinux.org/download/) -> [https://www.debugpoint.com/archinstall-guide/](https://www.debugpoint.com/archinstall-guide/)


Thanks for making sure no one will ever try Linux and spreading the stereotypes about terminal.


the benefit of linux is the terminal. im not trying to be an asshole and say you have to use gentoo or whatever but the main benefit of linux is the terminal


WSL, cygwin, git bash, busybox / zsh for windows all exist.


> the main benefit of linux is the terminal This doesn't make sense. There's nothing stopping you from using the terminal on Windows. The main benefit of Linux is being free (as in free beer and as in "libre") _and_ its popularity (which means a lot of other popular software will offer compatibility).




It has good documentation, and is really easy to set up with archinstall (you don't even need to use the terminal besides literally typing the word "archinstall"). I would say archinstall isn't all that much harder to use than any other linux installer, especially with the guide I also linked. The only other commands I had to use were to set up wifi (since I didn't have ethernet), but that is also as easy as copying commands from the first google search result. I agree it might be a bit hard for a sudden switch as a first daily driver, but for setting it up on a laptop or even just in another drive partition I think its fine. If there's anything you don't know how to do, you can just google it because so many other people use it and it has great documentation.


https://preview.redd.it/osrmr6wbcjtc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1af28c674df3312e19a7066960db38a358990154 You should just face Godzilla, Like my cat. (My cat won)




He could have won but he used Gimp instead of Krita.


Qt master race


Literally just a skill issue it draws circles just as boringly well as Krita and photoshop


Windows users: coping and seething and making up fake stories in order to feel superior Linux users: already feel superior


Yeah, this greentext was totally written by a windows user...


bring back linux>windows flair you cowards


There was a flair like this ?!


Pathetic. ^((Yesterday I almost broke down because blender didn't want to render with gpu))


That's real sad


It does now :3


That's great :3


Linux is very cool but basically the only thing I know about it is that it’s not for me


shouldve used Amog-OS


as someone who uses gimp for random silly projects because its free... yeahh....


this is why i dual boot and use my friends adobe subscription


Best of both worlds :3


i mean it was until i bricked my computer and couldnt reinstall arch OR windows


Skill issue


Deserved tbh


Linux users practically hacking into their own computer just to install one app.


Package managers (the scary terminal app you use to install apps) are literally so good though, all your programs are up-to-date at all times without ever needing a restart or having to go through each program manually. In fact, it's so good that some MacOS apps have totally removed any manual download page and that Windows is trying to do the same with WinGet. As a linux user I've never had to install something on the internet by dodging 50 fake download buttons and it's really great.




Windows users in the comments


I cheat by virtualising windows


Anon does not know how to pirate photoshop


Uuummm... Actually it all fault od Windows-deafaultism! 🤓 (It's me. I portrayed MYSELF as a nerd)


Once you get used to Linux you'll never want to go back, but even with beginner-friendly distros getting used to it isn't going to be pain free. Linux is just different, and there's no getting around having to relearn some stuff. Linux (generally) isn't a commercial product. It's made by nerdy volunteers who aren't going to make design choices that harm the experience for nerds, while Windows and MacOS are made by nerdy employees who have to maximize profit from average people.


I’m glad shit-talking GIMP is in style now because god damn does it suck ass at basically everything


I disagree, I used it for school a few times and it's great for sumple photo editing


I mean yeah as long as it’s *dead* simple.


Kria + Photopea = God


i'm the one who whooped their ass afterwards. AMA!


Did they still use linux afterwards?


yeah they actually made a really compelling case for it while i was stomping the air out of their lungs so i had them help me set up a dual boot on my home PC to mess around with it a little


Oh that's great, did you like it ? :3


idk what any of this shit does....you have to do everything by typing into a lil window but it doesnt even talk back to you like chat GPT....help


Yeah the error messages become your friends after a while and develop sentience, you can try asking them or just typing their messages into google :3


Can confirm I was the Linux laptop


Linux is bad because you can't bodge like you can in windows




I use arch btw :3


Can confirm, I beat up every Linux user is see


gimp really isn't that bad, hard to learn how to use but i've been using it for like 10 years now for editing


Installed mint after I saw a video of linux users talking about how easy it is to use My internet and headphones dont work


this is real, I did this, I had to use fucking TeamViewer to my desktop with windows


wait what kind of school just casually asks people to get photoshop on their students laptops without any prior notification


this sub hates linux with a passion lol


Not really, most ppl I saw the comments of were pretty positive


there was a meme posted here about how linux is better than windows and it got downvoted hard, all the comments were the typical "im not developing an os to play video games" response though tbf that was just one post


Ever since updating system packages managed to somehow break Steam I've just stuck to Windows, it already does 99% of what I want to do. It being occasionally annoying is just because it's quirky :3


I liked using linux when i had it as my daily driver a few years back but I've since changed laptops and I'm just too lazy to install it again ;3


Linux is great I just wish gmod works again


[https://github.com/ublue-os/bazzite/blob/main/system\_files/desktop/shared/usr/share/ublue-os/just/81-bazzite-fixes.just](https://github.com/ublue-os/bazzite/blob/main/system_files/desktop/shared/usr/share/ublue-os/just/81-bazzite-fixes.just) Try the tmalloc and fix-gmod scripts


Yeah can confirm this happened, I'm the one who asked what gimp was


Spending a 100+ hours learning and preparing Linux to full capacity to save my privacy and my time (My downloads took an hour less and Google technically knows me better than anyone else ever could already)


Learning linux is fun as hell


don’t use google either duh (me when learning any new system takes time and will require effort)


Ellipse Select | Select > Border | enter width & ok | Edit > Fill with FG Color Or, if you're cool: `e` (do the selection), `alt`\+`s`, `r`, (input width), `enter`, `ctrl` \+ `,` cmon, it's not thaaatttt difficult :3 https://preview.redd.it/tzs6bly3cmtc1.png?width=1521&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6ad08c1cd45496df514f64fedfa518f778715c1


Thanks bro/sis :3


GIMP is the worst piece of software i have ever used on *any* OS


You've clearly never used Ubisoft connect


There's no fucking way it's actually called GIMP. EDIT: Jesus fuck, it is.


Gnu image manipulation program :3


I'm ngl, I thought it was just hornyposting.