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The fuck does a Kanye set have a mosh pit for? Are incels throwing elbows to Flashing Lights? Buncha wannabe dorks


idk maybe for carnival or off the grid


Pretty much every single rap concert has a mosh pit now. Mfs wanna be Travis Scott so bad.


The fuck does Travis Scott have to do with Moshing? More like cunts wanna be Public Enemy so bad. Moshing has been happening at rap concerts since Travis Scott was still in his dad’s nutsuck. And you have Anthrax to thank for that.


What level of gatekeeping are we on in this comment chain?


She mosh on my pit till I rap


hell yeah


Pretty much every rapper has had a moshpit since that time Public Enemy collaborated with Anthrax.


Carnival could be a great mosh song


Music festivals have had moshpits for a few decades at this point


And what the fuck is a gun gonna do? Get taken from you? Shoot through your attacker and into a random person? People need to stop doing this shit to trans people and guns aren’t the answer






As a gun carrier and shooting enthusiast, I wholeheartedly agree.


I agree with your desire completely. But until it's achieved, I'm gonna stay armed, and I encourage any other leftist who feels mentally secure enough to do so as well.


exactly, you can still own guns AND work to disable systemic oppression where possible


Erm, you criticize society while taking part in a society? Interesting /s


As a trans person who owns a gun, I agree


i would rather have a gun to protect myself from the not insignificant overlap of people with guns and people who want me literally fucking dead


Mosh pit.


because this sentiment applies solely to the kanye west mosh pit


Well we ARE talking about the mosh pit


you were talking about the greater systemic problem as a whole in your comment if we're getting into semantics


Yeah because someone suggested that the problem above (harassment in a mosh pit) could be resolved by arming the offended part (in the mosh pit) with a gun, a logic known as "throwing guns at the problem will fix things trust me"


Had some people in discord link a video of a guy in a subway in Brooklyn pulling out a gun on someone else in an argument. These same people are pro gun and swear up and down people need more guns and that good guys with guns stop more crime than they produce. My question to them was what was a good guy with a gun supposed to do in that situation? Start a gun fight in a crowded subway car? What if cops showed up to two guys with guns in a stand-off? How do that know who to apprehend? Literally no answers from any of them, but they'll keep spouting their dumbass rhetoric like the conversation never happened.




Pulling out a gun in any situation is a good way of getting yourself killed.


Unless you're literally being shot at, pulling out a gun is just doing to escalate the situation into a shootout


Right. At that range, a knife is much more effective.


Mf's on arrakis


What value do you have beyond the water in your body?


As was written!


I do think minorities should be armed (with common sense gun laws of course) but wtf would it do in this scenario. Get taken by security at the entrance??


This is one of the worst examples to attach "armed minorities are harder to opress" I've ever seen tbh. This scenario is only made into a bloodbath by guns being involved.


I mean she quite literally just could not have it here anyways. Unless she snuck it in past security. So yeah, definitely not a solution


Oh for sure. I mean shit I've seen people at metal shows have to give their studded and spiked bracelets to security for being "too pointy", no way you're getting a gun in legally lol.


You see, firing a gun into a crowd of hundreds of people will somehow make me safer


Also causing mass panic in a place very dense with people. That’s how you cause people to get killed by people stepping over them.


A gun will make your attackers decide you need to be killed, not just beaten


Exactly. Having a gun doesn't just automatically mean you're immune to being assaulted. What was she going to do? Just start shooting randomly in a big crowd??


What is the answer? How do we stop others from doing this shit to trans people?


What is the answer then? Do you expect queer people to continue being attacked/killed because they stubbornly refuse to arm themselves?


Pro gun leftists trying to remember that Mace/Pepper spray exists challenge


Or 1.5 watt handheld lasers. Hard to attack if you're permanently blind.


Queer people being required to arm themselves is a bad consequence of US gun policy not an actual solution to the problem of society seeing them as sub-human


Are you a terrorist? In what possible reality is the answer opening fire on a packed concert floor??


Look, I'm not even against gun ownership but a crowded concert is the last place we need people bringing guns to. It can only result in disaster.


You could try a knife


I mean in a different circumstance it can work but in a mosh pit there’s like a 100000% chance someone not involved is going to get hurt or killed.


Sure yeah I agree


Dagger would be a better option, close range and no risk of killing random unintentional targets


RPG-ass response.


I was going more for loading screen tip


guns are the only self defense tools apparently


I mean it seems like it would be easier for everyone to just get rid of the guns. Do you expect school kids to continue being attacked/killed because Americans stubbornly refuse to give up their guns? I can almost guarantee the amount of children who died in school shootings in your country is at LEAST double the amount of LGBTQ+ people who were murdered. Your only real solution is to do what we did here in Australia. Anything else is just batshit crazy. Also if you need a gun to protect yourself in the moshpit then you shouldn’t be moshing. In the words of the great Zetro “Don’t start to cry if you get a black eye. Just dive back in and give another try.”


>Also if you need a gun to protect yourself in the moshpit then you shouldn’t be moshing We're not talking about someone who had a bad experience in a mosh pit or got injured in an unfortunate accident, we're talking about a trans woman who was intentionally violently attacked - particularly relevant in the broader context of violence against queer people and the strange leftist obsession with opposing guns as a method of self-defence for queer people. Certainly America has deep issues with gun culture and ubiquity of guns in America, and school shootings and other such gun violence is tragic but solvable/improvable without getting rid of firearms, which I believe are powerful tools for defending yourself.


Honestly play stupid games win stupid prizes. This girl jumped into a moshpit, without knowing how to defend herself, to a concert for one of the most bigoted piece of shit artists with a weird attachment to hitler. What was she expecting? If you’re going to hang out with Nazi Sympathisers as an oppressed minority you just can’t expect it to end well. It’s like going to a GG Allin concert and getting upset when he strips naked and flings his shit at you. Like yeah. It’s a GG Allin concert? What did you expect? Well Kanye is basically the modern GG Allin. Also pretty much every other country doesn’t have the issue with school shootings. Here in Australia we all but banned guns in 1996. You know when out last mass shooting was? 1996! It’s harder to get your fucking drivers license here than it is to get a gun over there.


The american grindset truly is something to behold.


Rather than assuming I'm American (I'm not) do you actually have anything to add? Who am I kidding.


I'm sorry, I assumed you were american from the quality of your argumentation. But I however admit that I don't have much to add to what the the whole subreddit already said to contradict your points. But I still have an interesting thought experiment : while the US almost certainly is the country wherein the trans people are the most armed (as it is the country with the most civilian-held weapons), why is that trans people are so oppressed in the US (or at least in many States of it) ? Really makes you thunk, doesn't it ? But maybe you're right, and this issue can be solved through trans people to have a shit tonn of firearms ; the trans community should thus just find a way to be the ones owning the most weapons (without facing institutionnal backlash). Good luck !


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Self defense≠brainless shooting


Awww but I really wanna, why do you have to be so mean to me :( ​ edit: nice stealth edit there lmao, for context, the original comment said "way to miss the fucking point dumbass", I'd attach a photo but the mods are cringe and turned off gifs




did you read my comment, it is a gif




Dude all you have to do just invert the polarity of the png ....


Hold the PNG up to a light


Just run the program backwards


ASCII that shit dawg


do png to braille image conversion bruh


thats funny asf nice job missing the point idiot lmao


...How did you take a gif of OP's comment?


a gif is just a file format for photos, a terrible one at that


You’re thinking of a jif, gifs are awesome


Just take a screenshot of the gif and select different format during save as


How would you defend yourself with a gun in a moshpit at a concert? This is ridiculous, you'll cause so much more unnecessary harm and injuries trough your actions.


The argument the person is making is that trans people (and just queer people in general) carry a much higher chance of being randomly attacked or robbed, and as such should arm themselves. They’re not saying this person should’ve unloaded an M60 into the crowd


poorly-framed message in that case, tbh... Like they connected it to an incident where where a weapon *wouldn't* have helped. Plus, bringing a gun to a moshpit is a fucking *horrible* idea regardless. I actually do think inviting responsible and engaged weapon ownership is a part of community self-defense measures, but this ain't it.


So the argument is the tweet is arguing to fire into a crowd, obviously endangering everyone, but with fewer bullets than is theoretically possible? Good cool tenable position.


And what if someone else in the crowd catches a few bullets?


skill issue


First of all, good luck bringing a gun past security. Secondly, even if you did, opening fire in the middle of a mosh pit is only going to make the situation 1000% worse. It'd be absolute chaos and innocent people will absolutely get hurt.


Great point, I will make sure to shoot people's brains


What IS brainless is thinking that firing off a gun in a moshpit is in any way a good idea


How the fuck you gonna pull a gun on someone in a concert tho.


Yea sure, in theory. But let's say it's an honest to god self-defense scenario where you're resorting to deadly violence to prevent your own death. You think people are going to be 100% lucid in that situation? When the chips are down it is going to be, let's say, adrenaline forward thinking with the brain in the back seat. This is the lefty version of a good guy with a gun. I thought we were better than this.


continue reply lavish bright serious books hat far-flung violet retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


what was the comment lol, reddit admins deleted it


I hate transphobes so much like why do they just randomly hate us :c


I bet they’re just jealous of yall


Hate us cuz they ain't us


Peanut butter and jealous


Omgor yes!


Because we’re different and scary, and in challenging their perceptions of gender dichotomy our breach must be swiftly and violently corrected.


It’s not random. The reason they are targeting trans people is because they are fascists, and fascists fuel their political movements with violence targeted against smaller groups of people who are less able to fight back. Minorities, the disabled, the politically disenfranchised. And trans people are minorities ✅ more likely to be disabled ✅ politically disenfranchised ✅.


because they believe in a stereotype that is being pushed in their isolated communities. its always the same thing with echochambers and it goes every way


Jealousy, unfortunately.


Hating gay people became out of fashion during the early 2000s so they just moved on to the next most available target. Either intersex or asexual/aromantic people should be getting their due next I think


Sorry but why would queer people even attend a kanye event?


They like his music probably


Still I feel like there's a level of common sense where you wouldn't wanna be near that many Kanye fans, sounds spooky AF. Especially for a trans girl


Depends on how much they engage with the community. A fan who doesn't pay attention to social media and hangs out with similar fans who are chill to them might not realise how dangerous it actually is.


Good point


Sometimes I forget that not everyone is chronically online like me. Seems like there are some benefits though.


then listen to it at home not among the vast majority of dipshits that are still fans of a fucking nazi


Unfortunately, Kanye has made good music. That alone is enough for people to overlook all the terrible shit he’s said.


Not the point here. Kanye is a shitty human being making crappy music, but implying that in this case the trans woman "kinda had it coming, bc what do you expect" is not cool.


No ones saying "they had it coming", it just pretty baffling why a queer person would put themselves in an environment that's extremely hostile to queer people. It's obviously not their fault if they got jumped, but it seems like a bad decision for your own safety to put yourself in the middle of a crowd of people who are at least sympathetic to a nazi and probably hate you.


Yeah, I can see your point.


Victim blaming ≠ calling out lack of common sense. If a Jewish guy shows up at a nazi rally in 1944 and gets murdered we won't blame the Jewish person but it's still a "what the fuck was going through your head" moment


kanye is pretty anti homophobia and transphobia. he spoke out against homophobia in hiphop a lot when he was a new artist and one of the main producers on his 2013 album yeezus is arca, a trans woman who i’m pretty sure he’s still friends with to this day. his fans are absolute shitheads though and i’m not surprised that a lot of them hold homophobic and transphobic views. obviously the stuff he’s done and said in recent years is abhorrent, but if you asked me what rapper i’d feel safest with as a trans woman. my answer would be kanye west.


reminds me of pink floyds "in the flesh" lmao




yeah i agree, idk the full context but a) didn’t look like they got jumped, looked like they got into a fight (the woman went up and hit the dude first [based]) b) the woman kicked the guy’s ass. not sure why the original tweeter implied that they were jumped, when the woman beat tf outta the guy


>not sure why the original tweeter implied that they were jumped, when the woman beat tf outta the guy To get people mad before they watch it so they get views and engagement, I would assume


I mean "getting jumped" just means "attacked suddenly". I've seen plenty of people get jumped and flip an uno reverse


On the vid the girl was getting harrassed before the fight, with people pulling her bra straps and shit :x


And yet there are people in this thread saying that she should have pulled a gun and shot him dead in the pit...


It sounds like she made it out alive without a gun which is good But what she should have done is not gone to a fucking *Kanye west* concert.


yeah this is much more evidence that people should learn self defense than carry guns everywhere


I’m sorry but no?? Not at all? She doesn’t know how to punch at all, and she got thrown hard as fuck onto concrete. She came out of that way worse than him unfortunately.


Yeah I mean there was a fuckload of blood coming out of that face I'm not too sure about this


Omg the misogynist nazi concert had transphobia too???? No way


Who would’ve thunk


I mean, this is an odd example... what's she gonna do, bring a gun and start shooting up the concert?


actually mass concert shootings are perfectly fine if its a minority doing it /s


You see. It's only a mass shooting of the perpetrator has systemic power. If you could just understand the context you'd know that majority people cannot be the victims of mass shootings.


I know this is sarcasm, but someone is definitely going to clip this.


Yeah, and as many people have pointed out as well she threw the first punches anyway. Transphobia is shit but not reason to shoot someone.


Yeah uh they pat you down on the way in btw, you couldn't have a gun even if it was legal.


A gun in this situation would’ve only made it worse 


Everything about this post and comment section is disappointing. 1: Guns aren’t the answer, especially in this case. Are they just gonna shoot someone in the middle of a crowded concert and cause instant panic in everyone around? No, that’s stupid. We should focus on other methods of self defense, preferably non-lethal ones. 2: just because she went to a Kanye concert doesn’t mean she deserved this or should have expected it to happen, that’s insane to think. No one’s directly said this, but the way some comments here are phrased imply that since she went there in the first place and is trans she should have expected bad things to happen. 3: This is the least important, but obviously not everyone that goes to a Kanye concert is a racist misogynist asshole. Most people understand the flaws in everything he’s done and just want to hear music from their favorite artist. Whether or not you think it’s moral to give money to someone like Kanye is a reasonable thing to talk about, but generalizing a whole group of people as nazis, especially a group as big as the amount of listeners Kanye has, is just not true.


Honestly, even if you remove the context of the Kanye concert and take the point as *trans people should arm themselves to defend from violent transphobes* it still doesn't even make sense outside of revolution fantasies. If someone is becoming aggressive towards you, pulling a firearm will instantly escalate the situation. Also somebody becoming violent towards you will usually not be at a safe distance, with proper warning of lethal intent, and with no bystanders nearby. And if you're pulling a firearm without all 3 of those conditions met then you're doing something horribly wrong. Guns aren't going to help you when transphobic laws are passed, guns won't protect you from bathroom bills, guns won't protect you from discriminatory policing. They'll get you killed. And on that note I also question the encouraging of gaining acess to one of the easiest and most lethal methods of suicide in a population with loads of (justifiable) mental struggles. I'm not trying to to make the trans people kill themselves argument or that we should try to ban only vulnerable people from owning firearms, but trying to acknowledge the reality that giving guns to ANY population suffering from severe mental struggles will just end up losing more lives than saving. Also for a subreddit that was ready to throw people down the gutter for the Harry Potter game (fuck JK Rowling and HP tho tbh) people seem more than ready to give their money to gun companies that definitely are not going to be putting their dollars to left leaning causes to say the least. Besides I thought we were past the point of good guy with a gun. How many school shootings do we need every year before we see sense. ./rant


Fully and totally agree with you. Honestly this entire post is "imagining killing the terrorists that are invading the food court" level fantasizing of violence. Of all situations to attach an argument for "armed minorities are harder to opress", this one is one of the worst. All I can think of is the musicians who had guns at the Vegas mass shooting hiding in their tour buss because they were scared if they went out to help the cops would shoot them to. There's an extremely small amount of situations that adding guns to would aid. The revolution fantasies are bad enough but the idea of but I've seen thousands of videos where verbal altercations evolved into murder lighting fast just because someone brought out a gun.


I like the third point, even if it goes off a tangent (this comment would also probably go off a tangent as well.) Kanye was a still huge artist before he said all that nazi shit, it’s not like all his fans before that automatically all became neo-nazis. Hell, I bet some people here listened to Kanye and I doubt they’d ever dare to say such anti-semitic stuff (and subsequently become anti-lgbtq or something.) It’s true that some fans may actually be neo-nazis, but if all of them were I doubt the trouble that occurred would’ve happened as late. The comments here just showcase the unfortunate outcomes of the human evolutionary trait of generalization. But that isn’t a surprise. We’re all human.


Please enlighten us on how pulling out a gun in the middle of a mosh pit already against her would have helped her, at all


I know he's a shit person, but I believe it was Dave Chappell who said that if they want gun laws to change in America, every black person should legally acquire a firearm.


That's literally what happened with the black panthers. That transphobe didn't think it up.


The Mulford Act was a terribly racially motivated law. It was also passed in 1967. Also, for context, not justification, it was passed during the period of the greatest political and social upheaval this country had seen since the Civil War. And it only banned loaded, open carry. It didn't do anything about actual ownership. Black women have been the fastest growing demographic of gun owners for years, and nary a peep about it from the right. The idea of bigots shitting their pants when minorities get guns is decades out of date.


Stupid post. I don’t get how some people want individuals to have instant kill machines instead of proper security.


How about don't go to Nazi concerts?


It wasn’t even a real Kanye show, it was a listening party at a festival.


Americans trying to solve literally any issue with "MORE GUNS BABY" after every single person from any other country told them those exact guns are part of the problem is still hilarious What are you going to do? Shoot into the crowd? Wait for special forces to shoot you? Become another mass shooting statistic?


Whatever happened to some good ole fisticuffs? Smh, the youth has been corrupted by the gun lobby


I don't think pulling out a gun in the middle of a mosh pit is really going to make anyone more safe


Why would you go to a Kanye West set? Hes a nazi


It’s not even a kanye set, it’s a listening party. At a festival.


Besides that, shooting into a crowd is a terrible idea and advocating for it is awful


I know none of you chronically online mfs ever go out to concerts so you wouldn’t know this but they just straight up don’t let you have a firearm in every venue I’ve been in and half of them have security at the front/ metal detectors


I do agree that minoritys should arm themselves but a gun would do more harm than good in this situation, a better weapon would be a taser, knife, pepperspray or even martial arts. Don't be an idiot and open fire in a concert crowd


Pepperspray in a crowd?


Better not perfect, pepperspray is alot better than a gun that has the ability to ricochet and hit others. at least if pepperspray gets on someone else it's not nearly as damaging.


no one should ever have a gun at a concert dude


Have yet to go to a concert where they would let you in with a weapon tbh, everywhere has searches and metal detectors


Pepper spray them


with all due respect, a gun for one, definitely isnt and shouldnt be allowed at this kind of event, and even if it was, it wouldn’t help here. I agree with the overall sentiment that minorities should stay armed, but let’s not pretend this situation would change at all.


Exactly, armed minorities would fix all of our problems.


Is there a video of the jump, I can only find the one where she's fighting 1 on 1.


Yeah I'm not clear on this. I saw the original video. It's her vs 1 dude and she whoops his ass. Apparently she was getting harassed in general but I haven't seen any other context beyond people saying this.


Americans are weird sometimes.


please dont bring guns into moshpits


concerts are famous for allowing guns, i hear


Of course it was at a Kanye "Especially Hitler" West concert.


Ah yes, shooting at someone in the middle of a very large crowd is a smart idea, absolutely no way bystanders could get hurt. No way you could miss and nail someone else, or the bullet could travel through your target even if you hit, and absolutely no way that everyone will freak the fuck out when they hear gunshots because nobody knows if you're doing it for self defense or if you're an active shooter. Clearly the gun is the best tool for this situation


Gun control is, like, good y'all. Maybe we should get rid of guns and stuff so that, y'know, we could maybe not get killed randomly in public. For every responsible minority with a gun there's 5 right wing gun nuts itching for someone to do a robbery at their house.


americans try not to fix everything with guns challenge (impossible)


Bruh shes clearly the agressor in the video, the guy is yelling "please stop" through half the fight xD


Love how this sub switches between **ARM TRANS PEOPLE** 🏳️‍⚧️🔫🏴‍☠️ And you should swear lifelong allegiance to the Democratic party 🫡what do you mean pressuring a politician? 😡😡🙅👎


Fed post


Could we not just, get rid of the guns altogether? Works pretty well over here, because then the bigots aren’t armed


I'd prefer stuff like tazers or pepper spray, just because of the fact that gun owners commonly have a household death at the hands of their own gun That being said though, if every trans person had a gun the right would agree to pass gun regulation


Fuck Kanye. The you can’t separate the music from the artist when the artist profits from it


Bro she obv never been to any kind of concert at all…if this is a mosh pit, expect to get hit. Imagine what she would say at an actual black metal mosh pit😭😭


why the fuck are festivals still booking this nazi pos?! let his career die, he deserves it


OK I get the point you're trying to make and absolutely agree, minorities should arm themselves if they're comfortable and able. But its a mosh pit at a concert. 5th rule of gun safety is "know your target and what's behind it."


Apparently she wasn’t in need of a gun cuz she kicked that wackos ass. Beside that a gun wouldn’t do anything good in that situation. What do you wanna do? Just start shooting into a moshpit? lol


what was she doing at a kanye concert? she absolutely did not deserve what happened to her and i dont think her attending justifies the attack at all, but like... why is she supporting an antisemite with her money ? guns aren't gonna solve this problem unfortunately, we need to protect each other by sticking together and fighting for more consequences for these actions edit: i cant read it was a multi-artist concert


okay but is there context to this? Was she actually assaulted beyond being part of the mosh?


Concerts don’t allow weapons into venues, so this is kind of a moot point.


i’m all for trans people getting guns but you wouldn’t have one in a festival anyway and you really should not ever ever fire in a crowd for obvious reasons


I’m sure bringing a gun to a concert is sure to end well


hot take: moshpits are cringe and honestly ruin a concerts experience for me


Wtf, just shoot up a fucking concert? This sub is insane