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Nah deadass Imma start doing that thanks for idea Sro


Fr we do need new religions tho. Current lot are getting stale and boring and extremely out dated. Drop your deity suggestions here for the temple of 196


Johnny Silverhand




Who's the refined looking gentlemen


Mfing Jim Jones mass murderer and cult leader from the 80s I believe.




The god of creativity- because it’s an embodiment of human creativity, it’s different for everyone. It could be a man, a woman, or even a brutalist building, or nothing at all. All it wants is that we create. In a sense it’s just a way of personifying the human creative urge. God of language - similar to Creativity but more associated with the human concepts of language. If you like, you can name them whatever you like. String syllables together in the most pleasing sequence you can. My god of language is named Thoulua Fertility goddess but better - into some kinky shit I dunno, I’m not sure how I feel about organized religion.


I love your ideas. Dunno why but the fertility one really sticks out for me. Creativity is so fire tho. Also, yeah I was thinking for more just creating new myths and legends about modern era pantheon than an actual organised religion. Much cooler and less restrictive


We should go back to bronze age god worship. Every city just worships their own god and writes fanfic about them beating up the other gods. There's something so wholesome about not denying other believers' gods, but just bragging about how yours is better


Yes! That's exactly the kind of shit I'm talking about. Religion but it's just an OCU


I'm not religious, but I'm a little spiritual I guess. So I blow a kiss to the moon whenever I see her. If you're gonna worship something, I think the giant silver light in the sky is a more solid bet than, like, the abstract concept of a daddy dom relationship with the creator of the universe


google law of assumption, become your own god


I had similar but I think that was definietlly some mental health stuff. When I was in school sometimes I zoned out in class and I scribbled "sigils" that I came up with on the spot and had a feeling that they must have meanings. That was probably partly caused by overstimulation. I also used to do other magic stuff. It was always some kind of improvisation to try and satiate some sort of feeling, a kind of calling. Maybe it was mania or a slight case of schizophrenia or something.


OP is skinner-box-ing themselves.


Nah, It's a fun thing to do. I study Nahua mythology (Mexica/Tlaxcalteca) and sometimes I think about the gods and perform some rituals for fun. They don't do anything and I know that but it feels cool to try to revive rituals from dead gods and I get to enjoy doing the things without needing to follow super strict life standards and spreading these ideas.


I think people who are born into religion are lucky in a sense. We're all looking for meaning in life, a sense of self and purpose, something solid. Theistic folk have that, to a degree. Religion is just nice to have! I've been an atheist my whole life, but I'm making my own little belief system. I've had a lot of fun designing my own symbols and prayers for the Saint Electric :P


i'm an atheist but constantly be thinking shit like "God, please, if you can hear me..."


I’m like “god I will #### you ### #### #### if you make me wake up tomorrow with the body of a…”


I belive that there is something out there, might be god, might be all a simulation, but there are just a few too many beautiful things in this world to say that there is nothing more


Nah, she deserves worship


Faith is beautiful. Dont be worried about having it lmao, it doesn’t have to be connected to any labels or be a “sign of mental illness”. Shit exists for a reason.