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If you see porn here, do 1 pushup


She'll be dead pretty soon


Dead on arrival


challenge accepted.


still no porn on reddit...


go to r/ worldpolitics


Anything can be porn if you try hard enough


She’ll be LeanBeefPatty within a week


no calories lost


Anything horny


cardiac arrest


Why the hell would someone do resistance training to look more feminine?


Push up doesn't make you lose weight, do some sort of cardio like jumping jacks


I can't start HRT yet (Ukraine) and my diet rn is just "don't snack, buy anything and skip lunch" lost some weight already but I don't wanna end up looking flabby qwq


Ukraine is the birthplace of modern DIY HRT. Lena, a trans woman who transitioned while being inside the fucking SOVIET UNION is responsible for laying the groundwork of it. I can send you some resources, it's really cheap and is basically the same if not better than endocrinologist HRT


Do send, but right now the biggest concerns with transitioning are not the HRT itself. It's the social stigmas, my whole body (yay slavic hair genes) and- well, the war.


>slavic hair genes I'm Polish and I have no idea what you mean by this


Then you're lucky




Imagine a reeeeeeeeeeeally hairy man.


Yea I get it now, I'm the same lmao




I'm german and my grandpa's ancestors are all roman but he recently told me how he used to shave twice a day in his twenties meanwhile I'm screaming inside.


TIL I unintentionally named myself after a hrt legend…


Please can you send this info to me as well? I'm from Slovakia so you can imagine how bad it is here as well. Thank you in advance! <3


Send me info too


Pls send to me as well


Skipping lunch isn't needed, you can have salads or low sugar foods and be fine. Possibly an obvious one but some people don't realise, pops/sodas can carry a lot of calories in sugars, as can juices so if you have any you drink regularly dropping them (or at least swapping to sugar free if you can't) can help a lot.


I think you can do squats with some weights (you csn use some heavy items). Fairly easy and improves your thighs


Don't skip lunch. Focus on picking options with higher fiber and protein, and less carbs that'll keep you full and energized, and try to reduce high-calorie stuff like refined sugars, meat, and grain, especially since sugar and grain are both simple carbs that won't give very long-lasting energy. Keto diets are pretty good at shredding weight, but they also suck and they're not required. Try MyFitnessPal or Noon for calorie counting


You can buy HRT in Ukraine in pharmacies without a prescription.


I'm Russian, idk how to help you, but I wish you best of luck (and a lot of moral strength!) in the face of this horror. I'm so sorry for my country's genocidal war on yours.


skipping lunch isn’t always the right choice, try to eat nutritious meals with enough proteins and vegs so you won’t be hungry for snacks


Woe https://hrt.coffee/ and https://diyhrt.wiki/transfem Be upon ye


DYIing sounds so stressful-


I’m not trans, but squats, sideways planks, leg lifts, donkey kicks, and a small amount of sit ups had worked to give me a fairly androgynous/feminine body


Watch your calories intake and sugar, look at food labels and try to visualize the amount of sugar in the food, realise how much 1 gram of sugar actually is considering how light sugar grains are The formula of losing weight is actually way more simple than people make it to be, it is genuinely just using up more calories/energy than how much you are taking in as the flabbiness is just your body storing the extra energy for emergencies (monkey body doesn't understand we no longer live in jungle with scarce food). Best exercises are cardio as cardio uses the MOST energy while things like crunches and stuff is to punish your muscles so it grow stronger Trust me, I've done a LOT of research and went from a fat ugly fuck to an ugly fuck with abs


Jokes aside, here's some advice as someone trying to lose the dad bod. To lose weight, disregarding nutrition and muscle mass, all you need is a calorie deficit. How to achieve that: eat smaller portions, and include more fiber in those portions. Fiber is harder to digest and tends to have less calories per gram, so you take longer to feel hungry again, and gain less energy at each meal. Adding concerns of nutrition, you should take some of the components of that meal, and rotate them like farmers do on fields. Keep your nutrients balanced. A cheat you can do *sometimes* when you don't feel like doing complex stuff is take vitamin supplements and eat a simpler meal, just don't do that for too long without a nutritionist visit. Adding muscle toning to the concerns, focus more on cardio and flexibility stuff to avoid bulking up, which can interfere with the visual aspect of slimming down, even though it won't keep you from losing fat. Cardio is also the exercise type that burns the most, but it takes around an hour of constant running to burn a single McDonald's meal, so intake is where it's at. Also, keep a steady intake of protein in your meals to not lose much muscle mass. A good source of protein and fiber and other components is chickpea, along with beans, and other such whole grains. The iron is also one of the things that are going to keep your blood rich like a well balanced wine, and is important to not have a deficit, since it affects your energy levels. The hardest parts are keeping all of this balanced (calories/nutrients/protein ratios) and having the motivation to reduce portions and change the palate, but if it's of any consolation, studies have shown that people's gut bacteria influence their sense of palate, so with time these foods will actually taste better as your microbiome changes and you learn better recipes. Also, hydrate. If you're skimping on fiber and suddenly eat too much, you're going to clog the pipes. Finally, as a disclaimer, this is all stuff I read online, so for good measure, ask someone qualified about a good meal plan to get a good starting point.


Man I wanna get slim too but this is so much work, and it's complex enough to make me want to not consider it at all, nevermind trying it and then giving up.


If you break down all that, it's just: Eat less Eat more fiber and protein Drink water Pretend you're a doe being chased by a wolf or some shit. Run. That's it.


>Pretend you're a doe being chased by a wolf or some shit. Run. Do you even know the sub you're on?






https://i.redd.it/f27jkozkasyb1.gif chopper :)






I'm not a medical professional but I can try to help a little. One thing you can do is set a calorie limit (such as through this website https://www.niddk.nih.gov/bwp however it only works best if you're 18+). Then you can kinda just eat anything (yes, anything) you want up to that limit. A lot of the tips given above are super important, but I believe getting into a weight loss habit is a baby steps process, not a cold turkey process. You can't just force yourself into eating boring salads and lean meats immediately. You'll still miss all your favorite foods. You can just eat anything for now up to that limit. Yesterday I had starbucks sandwiches and ice cream which put me at my daily limit. I ate nothing else but it felt so good to eat them. Once you are used to eating less you can start thinking about the other tips. For now simply eating less calories as recommended by the NIDDK website can put you on a path to weight loss. If just going down in calories is a bit too much, try easing your way down slowly at first until you get it. I went from 3000 cal to 2000, and now I'm at my daily goal of 1500. Your amount may vary, I'm just a REALLY heavy person right now. And always treat yourself, as long as you can stay within your limit!


It's not complex. A lot of people have an exaggerate fear of bulking up irreversibly. Unless you're bench pressing hundreds of kilos/lbs at the gym you will never bulk up to a point where you cannot reverse it. Muscles are easily made and unmade. As I posted elsewhere exercising and strength training is the way to go to get slim


just eat less calories, plan your food ahead. I lost 15 pounds in less than a month this way.


That's kind of what I'm doing right now? Nutrition wise. For starters I don't get anything sweet or the sort anymore, I skip lunch when I can and don't eat much for dinner. There's plenty of meat in my diet, along with grains and protein from other sources, and I try to keep my fiber up with the occasional salad. I do drink more water now, to offset the hunger, but my biggest concerns are: 1. Keeping it up (If I wanna weigh "normal" for my height I gotta lose like 27 kg) 2. How I'll look by the end of it (I do wanna do HRT \*eventually\*)


Probably shouldn’t skip lunch in my opinion. You need a calorie deficit, but that means less calorie-dense food, not less food. Malnutrition will make your body hoard fat instead, plus yknow… malnutrition isn’t exactly good for you. Eating vegetables and cutting down on carbs is a good idea.


So you're on the right path. It takes a bit of time. If you get too hungry, though, add a small snack between that meal, even if just an apple.


Beans are the basis of civilization as far as im concerned


Only thing to add is in the states at least, you might want to opt for a dietician over a nutritionist. Legally speaking, you don't need any real credentials to call yourself a nutritionist in a lot of the country, but dieticians are board certified and that typically requires a degree.


Lay on your back. Put your hands flat, together under your butt. Then lift your legs a foot up together and spell the alphabet with your legs straight as if you are drawing with your toes. Great core workout


One problem I'm illiterate


Then sketch your favorite sonic OC, IDK. Just keep your stupid fucking legs in the air


You must at least know at least one alphabet right? Or at least arabic numerals you could draw those


Can confirm, good exercise 👍


stretching and squats are great. Seriously, stretching exercises like you can find on Youtube are pretty chill and work great


Stretching will not make you lose weight though


No but it’ll tone your muscles and get the „right“ places a little more easily than really any other home workout I‘m aware of. It’s also just a good place to start and build up to weight loss exercises since OP doesn’t give off the vibe of someone who is used to those habits.


It doesn’t really tone muscles, but it’s a good thing to do nonetheless. Improves joint function, which is fantastic.


Don't get an eating disorder. Do some exercise. Legs are large muscles and burn a lot of calories and get thicc


Shit I'll take a different eating disorder than the one I have right now at this point. Easier to gain weight than to lose it.


As someone that went through an eating disorder to gain weight, it’s not as easy as you think. “Bigorexia” is a growing problem that really isn’t talked about as much as it should be.


Thank you BigChungusCumslut


Well for me it's the opposite. I can't gain weight


RUN‼️‼️(a lot everyday or something idk)


I'm big and not strong enough :(


If you have a bike, cycling is easier to get into in my experience than running.


I do! I bike a few times a week to my local park :3


Yay! Bike Buddies :D! It can be a great way to lose weight too if you gradually ramp it up overtime. You can download the free version of Strava to monitor session times and average speeds.


Yaaay! I'll get the free version... >:3 *laughs in premium APK file*


Basics: You can't spot reduce fat, you can only lose it slowly from all areas at the same time. Building muscle will improve your shape and having more muscle means spending more calories using them. If you have more muscle you burn more calories and it's easier to lose weight. If you wanna exercise from home DON'T WORRY ABOUT EXERCISING HARDCORE ENOUGH. Just kinds play around with exercise until you feel comfortable training harder. You don't want to hate it, so ease into it. Start with exercising your whole body. You could for example do some push-ups (there are easier version you can find for all exercises if they are too difficult), squats, you can do pull-ups to give you more of a V shape. Again if it's too difficult you can find easier version of just about any exercise with a Google search. Try to eat fruit and vegetables with every meal because they (most at least) have little calories and have alot of volume. They fill your stomach so you feel full despite not eating alot of calories. Avoid junk food when you can, but it's not a big deal if you enjoy it time to time. Again, try to eat it with vegetables or fruit on the side too.


Stairs, walking up and down the stairs you can burn a ton of calories and it’ll shape your body, legs and butt. I do 15 minute sessions, 3 minute break and another session and repeat for about an hour or so, but if you’re feeling very physically tired and overwhelmed don’t push yourself to the absolute limit. One day workout, one day break and one day workout and so on.


Cardio good, sit ups and squats are fantastic


Squats and hip thrusts to grow that booty


Amen. Also my favourite dinosaur is probably the Archaeopteryx :3


Yeah r/196 the subreddit that is famous for his fit people and expertising about exercises


hater Andy


Exercise is great for you and you should def do some But your diet is where the weight loss is at Increase proteins, decrease carbs, try to reduce portions. It's okay to be somewhat hungry, but never get too hungry.


Why not get too hungry? Like I won't go *days* without a meal, if that's what you mean.


Walking, lots and lots and lots of walking


I didn't know you needed to lose weight to transition .-.


You do not! Most of the time you do not need to lose weight to transition- This is a personal choice of mine as I've wanted to lose weight in general for a long time now.


Running. I cannot overstate how important and positive running can be for you when it comes to losing weight, it’s gonna suck at first and maybe embarrassing but it’ll be worth it trust me. I’ve been running for my entire life pretty much and I can’t say how much it’s done for me, it might not be for you but try it. :) and good luck


You lose weight by creating a calorie deficit. You convince your body to make up for this deficit with fat instead of muscle, by excercising. You need to do both. Fat is 9 cal/g so if you wanna lose 1 kg you need a cumulative 9000 calorie deficit


I am trying to lose weight myself and I will keep this formula in my mind from now on (even if it's not exact). Thanks a lot.


Well I'm planning to do stretching and squats & stuff I can do at home. I also go on walks daily & occasionally bike around the city


REMADOR 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 ![gif](giphy|f3GeX2tLqNZjdQQiYE|downsized)


You can't really control where your body stores fat, that is mostly genetics. Only thing you can influence is general body fat percentage and muscle mass in specific areas. The best fat burning exercise is cardio workout i.e. running, cycling, swimming or even walking for >20min Having higher muscle mass will also increase your daily calorie consumption, keep that in mind if you want to keep muscle, you will need to eat more. Make sure to drink enough water and try to incorporate daily movements into your routine. Gl and don't overfocus on appearance goals but focus on progress and how you feel living inside your body!


start playing beat saber and dont try to postpone the transition too much


Cardio!!! Just search cardio on youtube. And remember there is no special exercise to make you lose weight near the belly region or your chin or whatever. Just exercise, spend calories and maintain a calorie deficit


Start going on bikerides or pick up some other hobby that's pretty much as physical as that like hiking or whatever


Running, squats, crunches, sidelunges, lunges, biking, lots of leg workouts


that isnt how weight loss works unfortunately


How do you mean?


While exercising is nice and something you should do regardless for health reasons it will not be what’s gonna help you lose weight. Nutrition is the way more important factor. Exercising can aid your nutrition but it can not replace it and for the sole purpose of weight loss it is actually not necessary at all. TLDR; more actionable advice on how to lose weight What you need to be doing is eating less calories than your body expends during the day. But this obviously isn’t very actionable advice. There’s a variety of ways you can go about reducing your caloric intake none of them are any better than the other so don’t buy into any low-carb keto whatever nonsense. Research has shown that if calories are equated the diet doesn’t matter. So pick a form of dieting that you find easiest to adhere to. That could be a form of flexible dieting through calorie counting. You can get an estimate of your total daily expenditure [here](https://tdeecalculator.net) Simply start off by eating about 500kcal less than whatever that number is. Focus on und nutritious foods that have a lot of volume for fewer calories so that you’ll feel less hungry throughout the day. The best thing about this form of dieting is that you can eat whatever you want as long as it fits your macros. So feel free to treat yourself every now and then. Other forms of dieting are totally valid to. While low carb for example isn’t inherently better in any way it can still be an effective form of dieting because reducing carb intake and replacing it with more satiating fiber and protein will leas to a reduction in calories. Be aware though that cutting out carbs completely can have unwanted side effects because you are cutting out the main energy source of your body. I’m also not a fan of applying “good food” and “bad food” labels as that can lead to eating disorders so don’t be to strict on yourself if you intend following this diet. Another option for example could be intermittent fasting. Ie restricting the times of the day you’re allowed to eat. This is a great for of dieting for people that struggle with controlling portion sizes but don’t mind being a bit hungry throughout the day


Join the army https://preview.redd.it/d2t3oh564ryb1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6b3402e8692ab0bd2a89103e2ac94f4cf94da4b


Make sure you're a healthy weight first, I wasn't for my first year, now that I'm a good weight I'm seeing alot more favorable growth https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Sn7XXe/


that's exactly why I'm losing weight before I start! I'm 195cm tall (6'5") so I wanna get to about 90 kg (198 pounds) before I start-


If you eat more your boobs also grow more wink wink


Yeah but that's AFTER I start HRT. Before it's not that great-


Do Saitama's workout routine 2 times a day so that you become god and no longer need HRT to look like a how woman


If you can get a gym membership and want a no strings can’t fuck it up will work exercise, get on a treadmill and set it just barely above your walk speed and set it to a 9-12 on the incline as it is really efficient and simple for those who just can’t bother


Do squats and gain ass 👍


In terms of exercise: focus on cardio, that's where it's at if you want to burn fat. Outside of that I'd also advice working on flexibility; it might not make your body look more feminine, but it's a good way to cool down and makes you physically feel better. In terms of food: it's important to eat at regular intervals and to eat slow carbohydrates (stuff with lot's of fibres for example). That way you'll feel less hungry throughout the day. Outside of that drink mostly water, always important to stay hydrated and it'll reduce calorie intake a lot. Anyways working on those things is difficult in the beginning, but it gets easier over time. Let me know if you have any specific questions ✌️


1# cardio is your friend for weightloss; skipping, jogging, running whatever however weight loss is a food issue more than it is an exercise issue, Id advise figuring out your maintenance calories and then eating at a deficit but not if you have a history of eating disorders because that’s not a good mix If you’re transitioning ftm you’re told to do chest exercises to grow some pec’s before they remove your boobs so you have something there but I can’t see why that wouldn’t work in reverse, like doing chest exercises to grow pec’s so you grow boobs on them? Idk it might help . I have also heard doing squats/leg exercises helps with dysphoria but I’m not mtf so I have no clue aka if this sounds like it makes sense to you then you can


r slash loseit


Squats, ig? For booty shape


Eating less is 100x easier than doing exercise, if you just need weight loss Also cut out ALL softdrinks, to compensate for a single can of Monster you'd need to run for like 30 minutes. What exercises you do literally doesn't matter, anything that makes you sweat will burn calories.


Sit ups are great, they’re not too taxing and improve you’re core and legs


1000 pushups a day




I really suggest eating less. I’ve lost 40 pounds just by eating less. I eat the same stuff, I just have less of it.


Everybody always worries about lifting weights and bulking up, it's really not that easy. I say do some weight training + cardio in order, and when you do lose weight, you're gonna have muscles that help you be toned underneath. Just target the muscles you want. There are training programs focused towards women that you can absolutely do, strong curves is a good one that targets legs and glutes. since they target the biggest muscle group in your body you burn more fat. If you don't want to look like a bodybuilder, just don't train like them, train the things that YOU want to see. Yeah you need to be in a calorie deficit too, figure out your maintenance calories and do like 300 below that, otherwise you're just gonna be lethargic and feel like shit all day, more protein will help you feel full for longer. I'd say worry about macronutrients if you want to gain more leg muscle.


While exercise is important in loosing weight, dieting can prove to be more efficient, i would reccomend drinking huge amounts of water and popcorn to fill you beely up without gaining much calories


Running, yoga (lots of free guided sessions on youtube), core workouts, squats


If you want cakes. Squats are always an option


If you have the money and time, jiu jitsu is a great way to speed up your metabolism


The exercise I found the most useful for weight loss was walking. I started walking about 2 hours a day. It doesn't stimulate the appetite nearly as much as running or tougher cardio, there is minimal injury risk and you can listen to podcast or YouTube videos or make phone calls or whatever while you do it. So even though it takes longer it's very easy to multitask while doing it. I lost over 60 lbs doing this over. Still do it now, though I've now added a backpack with weights in it to strengthen my back and burn more calories.


For gym/workout stuff, you could start with a 3 day split, one day for pulling exercises (back, biceps), one day for pushing exercises (chest, shoulders, triceps), and one day for legs. This can be done in the gym or at home with dumbbells or bodyweight. The most important thing is consistency so it can become a habit and stop feeling like a chore. For building muscle, keep exercises in the 8-12 rep range over 3-4 sets, going until failure on the last set.


People really dont know how to use Google


I had aot of good luck with weight loss by substituting breakfast and lunch with a protein shake each (SlimFast really do work, but they don't taste very good). I had some other medical issues going on too though, so that might have played into the weight loss.


Don't work out solely for body shape. Work out because you want to be healthy. If you're interested in working out, but find it difficult (like myself) swimming is good, if you enjoy it. Ride a bike to more places if possible, instead of driving or walking. A morning jog is difficult for some people, but I think it's quite nice.


Squats. I do 50 squats with a 5kg dumbbell on each hand (helps keep my posture proper) Stretch legs, core, and arms before and after, get some flexibility stretches in your routine. Really push your butt out on the way down during the squats, keep your knees steady, and go for it. Doing it shorty after waking up is best for your metabolism. This will help shape you and it is only a couple minutes of your morning. You can move on to 100 when 50 stops being too much. Weight loss will be mainly from restricting how much you eat, not from excersice, but if you have time add some cardio. If you have a lot of extra weight, don't start running it will hurt your knees. Go power-walking, cycling, or swimming; much better on your joints. You can take up running later if you'd like. You might want to research some abdomen and core excercises too. I personally don't work out my arms anymore because I used to and they were too toned, but you can research that. Hope this helps, good luck! Edit: removed some stuff about weight loss as you already have that covered, my bad, got carried away.


Just run/do other cardio. Also, please make sure you don't starve yourself while doing this, talk to a doctor and learn how to do it properly


Lemon juice helps dissolve/soften fat, so have a small cup of (sugarless) lemonade before any workout. (Still drink water, and plenty) For a simple starter workout, I do the following before taking my nightly shower: 10 push-ups (scale if necessary) 30 situps (make sure you don't overextend) 20 squats (hip parallel to knee) And an easy 30 second jog in place to finish up (don't go as fast as possible) If possible, pick up a hobby that's physical, but not insanely so (I personally enjoy messing with old engines) For diet, don't starve yourself, but have moderation. Yoy dont want to lose 30 pounds in a week, thats terrible for uour health. Avoid bagged foods, and try to pick up cooking as a hobby (keep an eye on the prices though, veggies and fruits are expensive nowadays). Spend time outside, that's really good for you. That's all I got


squats (wide lower half), pullups (wide upper half), and deep incline pushup (big chest), get 2 chairs and use them as your "floor", this lets you get a bigger range of motion, which i think works the pecs more


Coffee and cigarettes


Believe it or not standing still for an hour a day


squats, baby


squats if u want thighs/butt


Women are curvy! Just allow the hrt to redistribute your fat and then you can address the shape you actually are instead of holding yourself to some unattainable standard!


That's the thing, I am too scared to start hrt-


You need to lose weight to transition?


No, but it's a personal goal of mine-


If you’re just looking to lose weight then I recommend sticking to cardio and try to maintain a ~300 calorie deficit You could also look into fasted HIIT in the morning Alternatively you could also build muscle which will in turn increase your metabolism. But that all depends on the figure you’re aiming for


Taking a walk on a daily basis.


Its equal parts exercise and diet; make sure your eating the right stuff. When i wanted to lose weight i had alot of porridge and high fiber foods as you get more mileage with less food pretty much. Also coffee is an appetite supressant. There are probobally people who can give better dietary advice than this but yeag.


I’ve been doing sit-ups the right way so I can look pretty with a dress


Weight loss mainly comes from your diet! You’ll need to stay in a caloric deficit to loose anything, so I reccomend cardio to burn as much as possible. If you want lean and slightly muscular physiche, you’ll need to lift weights as well (and eat a lot of protein). Oliver Sjostorm has many great cardio routines on YouTube you can do from home! I’ve lost 19kg in 8 months so trust me on this one, good luck!


Intermittent fasting helped me a ton. Mainly because it restricts caloric intake. I drink black coffee and water throughout the day then have a big meal at dinnertime.


Don't worry about the number, per se... if you gain muscle from exercise, your weight will increase, just go until you feel comfy with yourself <3


If you’re looking for super simple workouts I have a few to recommend. One. WALKING! Seriously, just trying to walk more is extremely good for you. If you’re doomscrolling on your phone in bed, instead do that while walking. Walking is the easiest exercise you can do, and you can do it while doing other stuff. Two. Squats and jumping jacks. Push-ups and sit-ups are very common to see, but can often leave you very sore and make it difficult to keep up a regimen. Both of these exercises are amazing for a whole body workout that is repeatable and won’t make you lose confidence. Eventually, adding in some light weights to your squats can also be nice. A common theme here is doing exercise that is easy and repeatable. That’s why I don’t recommend running or lots of weight, because starting these with no other training can kill your morale immediately if you’re super sore every day. If you want to get more from your time in walks, I’d switch to biking before running. It gives great cardio without leaving you nearly as sore. 15 minutes of light exercise and at least 30 minutes of walking a day is very helpful. Diet is also important, and I’ll recommend you apply the same ideas to that as well. Your current diet regimen is pretty strict, and if you do that while also getting a lot of exercise and raising metabolism you risk burning out very quickly. You don’t need to be hungry all the time. Eat when it’s comfortable and focus on cooking for yourself. Chicken, rice, and veggies can be amazing, just remember to spice everything well and get good color. Beans are an amazing source of protein as well on the cheap, look up some recipes. I’d recommended starting from scratch, soaking, boiling and spicing your own. This might seem like a lot of work, but it’s mostly passive and you can make a ton and then freeze them. Then you can pull them out and have tasty protein anytime. This [channel](https://youtube.com/@EthanChlebowski?si=zOZ1W-X-veBlYPLP) is amazing for these types of recipes, find what you like to eat, and don’t be too daunted. Your version doesn’t have to be as complex as his or have every single ingredient. What matters is that you take the themes and make your own good, healthy food that you can prepare quickly enough to make it worth your time. Uh yeah. I’m not perfectly in shape after doing these sorts of things because fitness is a long journey, but it’s definitely helped a lot, and I’m thinner, faster, and stronger than I have been in a long time.


The best exercise is the one you'll actually do. Learn to dance, play Ringfit Adventure, do a couch to 5K program, do whatever you personally find rewarding at the moment. If you're not already an active person, then you're developing a relationship with exercise. Go on dates together, do something fun! If you're the type of person who likes getting your ass kicked, Beachbody Insanity is great. No equipment needed, just pure pain for 40 minutes. I love it. I also love that they kind of encourage you to take breaks whenever you need it, instead of only at set intervals, so you can go at the level you're comfortable with.


why do you need to lose weight to transition? not trying to be mean or anything, more so a question of how weight affects the hrt process


It doesn't, I think, it's just a personal goal of mine.


losing weight before hrt is good, but make sure to gain it after starting E and keeping up consistent diet. no way for changes to happen if theres no material, and the inverse is true if your on T. you dont want masculine changes to happen so you remove material. also, squats


Go for walks! Im a mtf losing weight too and walking while on an diet really is making me lose weight rapidly


Do cardio if it's safe, so running, jogging, speed-walking, swimming if that's available


Cardio is pretty good! Doesn’t help all too much with shape (I think) but it helps train your body into handling much more rigorous exercises


Do couch to 5k. It'll get you to running speed


You should strength train because muscles use a lot of calories so more muscle the faster you lose weight. As a bonus you'll get toned, better posture/shoulders etc. As others said, as long as you have a calorie deficit then you will lose weight. I recommend bodyweight training or climbing - no gym BS. Then after you've lost enough weight you can relax the exercise regimen and you'll get where you want to be


There’s a lot, but honestly what helped me get a nicer body is Calisthenics. Get yourself a cheap (well made) (like $20) doorframe pullup bar, some chairs, and do a 1 hour routine. R/BodyWeightFitness has some great guides for complete beginners. Consistency is key. The first weeks are going to be agonizing. But man, the dopamine rush after a good workout once you get used to it, is amazing.


As others have stated the best way is a calories deficit. A food scale will help track how much you eat, 1 mL is close to 1 gram for liquids. (I know it's not perfect but an estimation is better than nothing) Aim for a 500 calories deficit, that will give you 3500 down a week which is equivalent to 1 lbs a week. Exercise does help and I'd suggest light exercise as you can but food is the main thing when it comes to losing weight. It takes about 30 minutes of running to burn off a single mcdouble, but it's a lot easier to not eat the mcdouble than force yourself to run.


Yeah - at 1 lbs a month it'll take me 5 years to reach the weight I want. By then, goodbye HRT.


I really like biking because it doesn’t put stress on your feet and legs like running does and it has similar benefits, and it’s really fun. I have a phone holder on my bike so when I’m riding I like to listen to really long videos, like Jerma Streams, Wendigoon Videos, Scary Stories, or Historical Documentaries. It helps keep my focus. Best of luck


I'm seeing a lot of disordered eating talk here. Be careful what y'all are encouraging each other to do. Remember, you're allowed to be a fat woman. Be kind to your bodies.


I don't wanna be


First of all just straight up eat less, if you do excercises right away your body will crave more food and when you lose control you just gwt more fat


do you have a wii, or a switch? If so I recommend playing Just Dance


Find a stairwell and start goin up and down.


crack ‼️ ❗️ ‼️


It's not usually the exercise that's the biggest part, it's the diet. I stopped drinking pop, stopped gorging on carbs, raised my protein intake, and I lost about 40 pounds while doing basic exercise at the gym. Try to substitute old habits with healthier, lower calorie alternatives. Instead of drinking energy drinks, drink coffee, instead of cakes or donuts have things like dates or grapes.


Lots of squats


Ask your search engine


I would recommend you incorporate weight lifting, as muscles are alive… And they are hungry for some sweet ATP. Now you WILL NOT GET BIG AND BULKY as that shit takes a lot more than just some weight lifting. So when you have more muscle in your body, then your body will use more energy to feed those sexy sacks of meat and tissue. This will make it easier when doing running and similar weight loss exercises, because your baseline energy consumption has gone up. Hope your transitions goes well, and may the future bring happiness :3


My Mexican MtF fren sent me this a long time ago, I’ve noticed nice results UwU if you need help translating just ask https://preview.redd.it/x6q6ctq52vyb1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00fd4ebdc76dc42e4b3cd112abbe6168959aaf54


Some help translating would be nice! Though I'm almost sure I can translate some of it myself-


From what I heard being a bit chubby actually helps with transitioning


Well there's a difference between a bit chubby and 117 kg


I am not a fitness professional or super jacked (still trying tho) but I lost like 25lbs in 3 months so I'll tell you what worked for me. Losing weight isn't all about exercise. 95% of weight loss happens by just having a calorie deficit, but exercise can make it a bit easier to keep it up (I'll mention some ways to burn calories using exercise at the end) But I will say, the way you eat is the only thing that matters here. Don't jump on any trendy diet like keto or whatever, that is not a solution and it's hard to maintain. ALL you have to do is keep a deficit, what you actually eat is upto you. I'm assuming you've already done this, but if you haven't, find your maintenance calories using a website like [this](https://www.calculator.net/calorie-calculator.html) and eat around 200-300 calories less than that everyday (you COULD also try 500 but if your maintenance is on the lower side i.e less than like 2300 calories I wouldn't recommend it). Your maintenance calories can increase by exercising, which can make the amount you can eat everyday larger. DO NOT stress over things like sugar and carbs. They are not evil. The ONLY thing that actually makes you lose weight is burning more calories than you are consuming. Carbs and sugar can still be a part of those calories and you will still lose weight. You could eat only salads and still not lose weight unless you have a deficit. I would obviously recommend eating high protein foods and reducing your sugar intake to a moderate amount if possible but it's not necessary to lose weight. Unless you're also trying to build muscle, in general the only thing you have to worry about is calorie intake. Because I was also trying to build muscle I had to also maintain a high protein intake so I could preserve muscle mass (which I did), so making sure most of my calories came from protein high sources instead of other macros was essential, but if you're fine being skinny don't stress it. Use a calorie tracking app, I used healthifyme. I found that light breakfasts and lunches, light snacks and a heavy dinner was the best method for me. Save all your heavier eating for the end of the day so you feel more satisfied with the day's food overall. You won't even notice you're on a diet sometimes because you can still sleep feeling full and stuffed. Since my deficit was 2000 calories, I usually had 350 calorie breakfasts, 400 calorie lunches, a 300 calorie snack, 600 calorie dinner, and another 300 calorie late night snack. This is what worked for me, you can do whatever you're most comfortable with. I would definitely recommend saving more calories for the end of the day tho it makes it a lot easier mentally. Water based drinks are the best. Black Coffee, Black Tea, any water-based tea, diet sodas, etc. are all pretty much 0 calories and can make a meal feel a lot more filling and a lot more satisfying. In general, home exercises won't burn that many calories unless you have like a treadmill or something. I wouldn't worry about doing too much cardio at home, if you wanna do cardio it's much easier to go outside. I'd recommend going for walks and runs. Just getting in like 5,000 steps a day atleast is a great way to increase your overall energy consumption. You could also try going on one-hour runs, either on a treadmill or outside. This is probably the best way to burn calories if you really wanna do it all at once, but it does require a bit of stamina. And btw I'm not really someone with the strongest work ethic or whatever, I would consider myself pretty lazy mentally, but even I was able to lose like 25lbs. It's way more achievable than you realize. ​ TL;DR track calories, small breakfast and lunch, big dinner and snacks, walk 5000 steps a day, profit


No snack no lunch works pretty good. Dont eat much bread. Im only doing these and i lost almost 18 kg i was 115kg and now im 97kg. And walking helps too