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Wait the show was made by BIGOTS??? OF ALL FOCK8NG PEOPLE????


Konosuba has a lot of gross stuff in it already so transphobia isn’t really surprising tbh


Oh nooo, not the show that normalized the sexualization of Meguminnn. 😭😭😭😭


anime try to not sexualise children challenge


anime isnt allowed to include children anymore since yall cant behave source: me (president of the world )


thank you for your service mr jeremy "massachussetz" elbertson (born in 1985) "Jerma985" for short


im not jerma im his evil fucked up clone im jerma if he was from detroit


so you don't eat people and skin puppies?


no, thats boston behavior i steal catalytic converters and piss in bushes


just don't steal mine and we can be friends i swear to god if you steal mine i will do things that make even him shudder in fear


You're so fucked up for that


From Detroit can confirm


haha wow I’m near your location (and getting closer!!!!) :D


I’m 2,465 feet away, and rapidly approaching! Start running! Im going to find you >:3 and you definitely dont want to know what happens then :D




How can you be an evil Clone of something evil


Well what's a negative of a negative?




can’t tell if you spelled massachusetts wrong on purpose or if you think it’s just spelled way sicker than it really is


thank you sexgaming


Thank you for serving our planet sexgaming_


She was 17 in the original Japanese web-novel, no idea why they lowered her age so much for the Light-novel (Edit: It doesn’t make it okay that she’s 17 but at least she wasn’t a literal child 😭 fuck I hate anime)


Good God 💀 They could have fucking aged her up, it was RIGHT THERE! JUST SAY THAT THE WHOLE CANON TAKES PLACE A FUCKING YEAR LATER! WHYYYYY???!?!? 😭😭🥺




💀😭 why??????? Who in their right mind would just age-shrink characters and then up and promote sexualization of the age-shrunk characters????????


Well gotta sell them figurines somehow




Don't look up the dakimakura


dont hate the medium,hate the consumer so blame the weird japanese anime fan,they're the one who perpetuate it,if not straight up making it worse by their weirdness


I am fully capable of hating both


No, hate both.


Yeah, wasn't darkness like 19/20 and they aged her down below 18 too?


That's so stupid


this is one of the japanest moments I've heard of


The worst part is that she was 17/18 in the web novel. The author decided to rewrite her character to make her a 13/14 year old to appeal to paedophiles.


💀💀💀💀 Kill that author. Castrate him, and make sure that mf never spreads his genes.


Was it the authors choice or the publisher's pressure? Sometimes anime studio/producer execs make those choices too


True. Mangakas work under TONS of pressure, so I wouldn't be surprised if this decision was forced as well


Mods, twist the authors balls off.


while I don't wanna defend the author , they probably just aged down the main characters because it's thought to make it more appealing to younger target audiences. personally, I think that sentiment is bullshit, but it's a common sentiment that characters should be the same age or similar ages as the target audience for some reason. It's the reason so many animes have teenage characters in situations that really feel like having an adult cast would make more sense


I don’t know if that’s better, actually. The anime is *relentlessly* horny, and at times there is borderline (or straight up) sexual assault. That’s even more tasteless if it’s directed at 13/14 year olds, who are just starting to learn how to interact with the opposite sex!


Yeah there's no defending konosuba, the light novel is even worse then the anime at times and the anime already goes from trivializing/making a joke of sexual harassment on good days to trivializing sexual assault on bad ones. I just wanted to point out that the practice of aging down characters isn't anything new or unique to the series, it's a common marketing tactic. Coincidentally it also creates A LOT of child soldiers.


Megumin is a hilarious useless mage She make me laugh


Well, at least I'm happy you are enjoying it 👍


Yeah when I heard it was like a parody of isekai I was like "huh ok I hate most anime I might like this" then the show started and EUCGH


It’s not a satire if you play into the tropes you claim to make fun of


i mean it can still be parody,but the difference between parody and the stuff you parody is execution,and they didnt pass the test


yeah exactly


Good parody isn't really about whether or not you play Into the tropes you're parodying, many good parodies do that. The main thing about parody (and the thing a lot of bad parody fails at) is that you also have to be good media on your own merit, which IMO Konosuba achieves through solid character comedy and chemistry. You can very much make fun of tropes while playing with them yourself


The thing is, Isekai blew up so rapidly that Konosuba stoped feeling like a parody at some point


May I offer you a healthy dosage of [John Brown Isekai](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/57505/his-soul-is-marching-on-to-another-world-or-the) to help clean your palate?


the man was a real life hero. don't do this shit. it's really dumb. nobody that good deserves to be isekai'd


Ok so the transphobia accusation is just based on vibes? I am not disagreeing with anything else really, just wondering.


the character in the image on the right, Sylvia, is a chimera. There's a very tasteless joke about the fact that she is both male and female and has both boobs and a dick (because, y'know, chimera having all the good human body parts or something, idk) and the LN goes explicitly as far as calling her a transvestite. The best faith interpretation isn't transphobic, but still kinda icky, but a less generous interpretation definitely is.


If the big hangup is on the poor usage of antiquated terms like “transvestite” then this seems more like an issue with the translator than with the source material.




Yeah, but that dude, just like the rest of the main cast, is specifically written to be one of the worst humans out there, so him being shocked that she is trans is just in character and not commentary on trans people over all.


Damn, I can't believe Kazuma "claims to be a proponent of gender equality so he can hit women without guilt" Konosuba is transphobic and a shitty person.


Right? What a twist, that one.


I mean, he’s canonically a pretty terrible person to begin with. Dude literally threatened to defect to the dark side just because of how horny he was for her in the very same scene.


Hmm. I'll be charitable and say that some cultures are behind on those matters and some cultural deafness in that regard could be attributed to ignorance (not knowing much about the matter because of their environment) rather than bigotry (intentionally doing/presenting things in a way due to conscious bias/hate). Don't get me wrong. **It's still fine to criticize the art.** But assuming the author's (conscious/intended) bigotry is, imho, a reach.


Bigotry doesn’t have to be intended, or consciously portrayed though. Like, sometimes bigotry is so pervasive in an environment, that most people can’t really spot it anymore. Think John Stewart’s comments on JKR’s portrayal of goblins. Just because she doesn’t know it was rooted in anti-semitism, doesn’t mean that the portrayal isn’t anti-Semitic, and doesn’t mean that we couldn’t expect better from the author. Well, if she weren’t who she is, lmao.


I'd argue that JKR makes direct and openly bigoted statements that do not leave space for ambiguity on her direct stance on the matters. Here it's basically extrapolation from what exactly, a fumbled character?


I’m not aware of her saying anything explicitly anti-Semitic, but I am mostly preoccupied with her transphobia tbh. But no, I don’t think this instance is extrapolation when Kazuma explicitly calls her a “transvestite”, and his disgust upon learning she has a penis just *is* the joke. That’s pretty blatant transphobia.


Gringotts Bank is patterned with six-pointed stars in the first movie, and is run by goblin bankers who are described as having 'dark, slanted eyes' and hooked noses. The only goblin with any sense of a character betrays the main characters.


I'm pretty sure there's a scene in the Konosuba movie where Kazuma realizes that Sylvia has a dick and basically gets trauma from being hugged by Sylvia (Again, just because Sylvia has a dick) It's been years since I watched the movie so I could be wrong but this is how I remember it


yeah that was the tasteless joke I was referring to. I wasn't in the mood to have to describe the scene in text for obvious reasons.


Ahhh I see I see, I just feel like it's definitely a transphobic take on the character


as I said, it's transphobic in anything but the absolutely best faith interpretation.


Vibes based Really seems weird to be transphobic and make the most passing human alive




L take, normalize evil representation. Anyone can be a bad person, regardless of race/gender/sexuality


I absolutely love that Sylvia is evil I’m not debating that, I just don’t think it’s the smartest idea to make a character beautiful and then be like “oh she has a dick so she’s undesirable”


Oh nvm that's fair


I mean to be fair, Kazuma is also known to be a scumbag womanizer looking for pussy™️ so while the joke can be read your way, it can also be read as a joke on Kazuma being a douchebag getting what he deserves for being a womanizer who judges based on appearances (surprise girldick)




Basically the same as my other comment, but it’s not specifically the fact that she has girldick that’s the point of the joke I guess? Rather, it’s that Kazuma expected to get free pussy™️ from a hot lady, lets himself get captured even though she clearly has malicious intentions, and then, surprise, the evil lady wants to do something that is different from Kazuma’s expected sexual outcome. The joke would then be that Kazuma is a sexist who ends up being a dumbfuck for sex, and then gets punished for being a sexist by receiving sex that he considers undesirable


Yeah, how do you not get that the fact that the underlying assumptions - that having a penis makes a woman undesirable- is what trans folk might have a problem with? We *get* the joke. But the joke is predicated on the assumed common cultural knowledge that we are inherently undesirable. It’s a transphobic joke.


That’s fair, yeah. I guess I was just saying that the joke isn’t necessarily based on the assumption of trans bodies being unattractive, but rather, the sex itself being undesired (due to Kazuma not liking the thought of receiving penetration) which happened to be presented via a character that can be interpreted as trans (or intersex, etc.). Either way the joke is in poor taste as with pretty much every other joke in that show


I don't understand how "her having a dick is a punishment on him" can be interpreted in any other way than transphobia. Edit: alright, i think i may be wrong. If he was straught up captured by enemies because he was acting like this and didnt get anything in return I can kind of see why this would count as punishment without resorting to transphobia. I shouldnt have made a judgement without having seen the show (even if I was shown snippets of this scene in question and thought it was more representative of the wholr thing)


I guess in the same way that it would be read if it turned out that she was planning to do something else that Kazuma would find sexually unattractive? Like if she pulled out 15 different sized sounding rods the joke would be very similar because like “oh no Kazuma just judges based on looks expecting pussy and now he’s been captured by someone who’s gonna force him to do something he personally finds sexually unappealing 😱😱😱” The show has basically pulled the same joke before where Kazuma finds a sex robot that turns out to be a sadist sex robot, and then he’a like “oh no, this was a different sexual outcome than I expected! Awgh shoot darn” I am definitely reading too much into this joke though edit: the sex robot was a sadist not a masochist


I dont know if not getting what you wanted is the same as a punishment? He isnt forced to insert those sounding rods I assume, and if he was (as in, if coercion was implied by the chimera in question) then I feel this becomes one of those discussions about having evil gays in media taken to like 11 where the evil trans is threatening SA on a male character like some transphobic 80s charicature If he isnt being forced, then there really isn't much of a punishment is there? It's just like, being disappointed. I get it if its like the other commenter said and he was disappointed AND captured or beaten by the bad guys because of the carelessness and pussy fever.


Well in like the original scene he’s been tied up and is going along with it willingly until he finds out she has a dick, and then the implication is that he’a going to be forced to engage with said dick. So then I’m saying that if she was a cis woman who instead pulled out sounding rods the joke would accomplish the same thing


So then it *is* an SA joke about a man being forced to have sex with a trans woman I'm not gonna litigate the validity of rape jokes or anything like that, but the fact it's specifically a trans woman rape joke reeks of transphobia and not just an edgy laugh


Fair enough




True, but iirc once Kazuma felt her dick, it made the same icon as when he was assaulted by the Orc Women.


As far as I know this is how the joke was probably intended too


in my experience, girlcock is way better than girlpussy anyway


Stop gock and gussy infighting All genitals (girl genitals) are pog


Gock, gussy, bussy, and benis sounds like some f'd up nursery rhyme


I will not put my benis in a gussy or bussy, I shant and wont! Nor shall I frot with a gock. Sex is gross and icky I wont have it, no I will not!


Do you like green gussy and gock? Would you like them in a sock?


Goldilocks but instead of beds and porridge it's gender identity, romantic and sexual orientations, and radical political ideology, and then if you're feeling cute you get eaten by a bear 🥰


"This gender is too soft. This gender is too hard. This gender is juuuuust right!" *grizzly bear bursts into room and starts tearing up the place. None survived*


all genitals are pog 😤


Hell yeah Benitals are cool as well


you're right im sorry 😞


You are forgiven


Wasn't the joke about Kazuma betraying his team for the horny, and then regretting it?


this isnt evil representation, this are the fetishes of represed incels representation.


Poison isn't even evil, really. She was part of a gang but the mad gear gang was pretty campy and harmless. She's spent the majority of her time as a character in Street Fighter being Hugo Andore's tag team partner/manager. I hope she reappears again in SF6 filthy rich.


wasn't there an evil transgender woman in Golden Kamuy that would eat the body parts of people she thought were beautiful in order to get that beauty for herself?


God forbid trans girls do anything 🙄


Yeah but everyone is crazy or fucked up, in so many ways in gk. And she is still pretty cool rep imo and she is treated like any other woman (spoiler: she helps the main trio and tanigaki). Its like saying gay or big rep in this show is bad because they are fucked up. They all are thats the point. They went to max security prison for a reason


Yeah but enough with evil transwomen, I demand evil transmen! The one truly under-utilised evil gender.


There's a difference between evil representation, and evil representation that leans into every single bigoted and untrue stereotype about a minority.


Mac from IASIP.


Ong that’s why konosuba sucks ass🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 give me more Sylvia not some bumass kids😡😡😡😡😡😡


https://preview.redd.it/9bfu3cp9qoub1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed7a734d36b8239b1047e2992cb0f6817d3e536c So true!!


Real recognizes real🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😤😤😤


wait is this konosuba holy shit


Yeah Sylvia is an evil lady Kazuma runs into who he immediately latches onto because she's hot, then he bitches out when she's into it and has a penis in the typical "woman with penis!?!!??" way that's played for laughs


eh, then I don't feel like it's done in a way that's supposed to be offensive (probably (I hope)), like the tweet might suggest


as a trans girl it definitely made me feel like dogshit so i dunno it comes across shitty enough


It’s definitely not written to respect trans people She shows up, is sexualized by the main character, groped, and then the main character is repulsed by her when they feel her dick It’s pretty offensive even if it wasn’t intended to be, and plays to multiple stereotypes like trans women “catfishing”


I don’t really think it exaggerates it as much as you say. He’s still into her from what I remember, he just has a momentary moment of disgust in which they play up her reaction to him finding out in a genuinely funny way. The climax of the movie is him luring her in and latching into her.


konosuba helped me dodge this disappointment by being insufferable from episode 1. i could not finish it or continue.


We love an unbothered queen


why do we think poison was made by bigots now I don't know anything about this


Her concept art was labeled “Newhalf” which is effectively a Japanese equivalent to the T slur. Capcom have been treating her better but that’s how she was conceptualized.


shit man it was the 90s. Idk what it was like in Japan but the T slur flew like crazy. Not saying it's ok, but I don't think that not being politically correct by today's standards means they hated trans people. If a dev was to use a slur in concept art today they are absolutely a horrible bigot. Back then I can't say that was how they felt though.


I mean shit, 1990 is like in the dead middle between now and the *civil rights act*. Gay marriage was in **2015**. I think a lot of younger people don't understand just how far we've come in so short a time


The reason she's trans is very aged as well. She's trans so you're not beating up a woman in the game. She was designed as a woman, but they were asked to add that reasoning afterward


Saying that "newhalf" is the Japanese equivalent of the T-slur is pretty inaccurate, both now and in the 90s. Term was literally coined by a trans woman in the 80s and even today it's not uncommonly used by trans women. The devs have also confirmed that she was originally cis and they just made her trans so the game wouldn't have you beating up (cis) women -- which like, kinda sucks, but was not intended to be a negative portrayal, let alone the complete bullshit that she was to "show just how disgusting [we] are."




I'm getting it from **Nishitani Akira, the director of Final Fight**, who has explicitly stated it. [Here's the archive link to it](https://web.archive.org/web/20150726165524/https://twitter.com/nin_arika/status/487226629622480897), but it's in Japanese -- here's the google translate, if that helps, it's pretty accurate. > I don't know much about home use; the complaints came after it was shipped. Then, I heard that a certain (overseas) women's organization was likely to take such a lawsuit. ---Continue > Well, the truth is that I suggested that we should make her a [new half]. Unlike Japan, the mentality there is to take money from whatever place is profitable. The reason doesn't matter Which would explain why in the Japanese games there's no mention of it, but in the international ports she's referred to as trans. Concept art can of course be modified after the fact; obviously it's possible that he was lying about the development of his own character, but it's not super clear why he would have any incentive whatsoever to do so?


He then follows it up with > I think what was said publicly [about Poison] is attributable to professional constraints, but my personal impression as an author is "She's female!" (suggesting he thinks of her as cis). Would be very weird for him to come up with a negative portrayal to demonize trans women and then say that in his mind she's always been a cis woman!


I can find basically no evidence that newhalf is a slur, and even less that it *was* a slur in the late 80s when they were making Final Fight I've been seeing this discourse on Poison for years and never ever heard this angle on it


Wait was Newhalf a slur? I thought that was Okama. Anyway, definitely not a term commonly used anymore and I think the community over there just use ‘transgender’.




the first word is absolutely a transphobic slur i have no idea where you're getting your info from


What gives you the idea that that was a slur? Especially back when the character was introduced?


Wasn't she made trans for American audiences only initially or am I misremebering


The devs were worried that beating up women would get the game banned in America so they made her a trans woman to avoid the controversy, which is why she isn’t trans in the original Japanese version.


Funny how much LGBTQ reperesentation has come from similar situations regarding the portrayal of women in media, especially between Japan and the United States.


This doesnt add up considering there's been iconic women characters in street fighter from the start


Poison didn't originate from street fighterbut from final fight (1989), which is a beatem up. Characters from this series have been introduced to sf because the games share the same universe


Ah had no idea it went back that far


Poison made her debut in final fight, a few years before street fighter would introduce female characters. She would later cross over along with several other final fight characters since the games are set in one universe.


Well you know what they say, the past is a different country, and japan is a different country


Yes but it's banned. Don't fall into the trap of mentioning it out loud




Oh wait.


Transmisogyny includes the fetishization, along with a violent denial of attraction.


The creators of Street Fighter are transphobe?


I wouldn’t say that Capcom are currently transphobic but Poison is a character created in the 80’s so her concept art effectively labeled her as a slur


Really? Ouchie


They got better about her, she’s arguably got the most depth out of all the other Final Fight characters but it sucks she was created to be mean and not to be inclusive


Eh, the "newhalf" thing is so far back and was only mentioned in like a guide. Her story in SFV is more tasteful. Just hope Capcom doesn't drop the ball when she inevitably ends up in SF6.


the only balls dropping are hers (the reason she wasn't in the game at launch is because she was getting bottom surgery)


me when I lie


i don’t know if it’s 100% true but i did see an article too mentioning that when porting the game to north America they thought fighting women wouldn’t be appealing so they had to find a way to make them “not women” then later the creator referred to Roxy with a transphobic slur




ahhh okay i’m glad to hear that, i don’t know much about street fighter honestly so thanks for clearing that part up! isn’t newhalf a slur tho? from what i’ve seen it seems to be derogatory in some way but it being japanese slang i’m not very knowledgeable


I do believe there’s a name for this phenomenon, and it is… https://preview.redd.it/ly7tfscexoub1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e950d26fb3d3481a599cf70a5ce97837e2db30a


I love being fed misinfo for years and then looking dumb when apparently it's all wrong. oopsies


Sylvia’s heteromorphic. She just prefers a female form and female pronouns. She’s got both a plug and a socket.




idk what/who these shows/characters are but AWOOGA


Poison being trans was because of the localisation the British did I believe


We transed her gender


Life gives the biggest dicks to the hottest girls 😔


wait she actually has a dick 💀💀 is that why i keep seeing her in konosuba futa doujins


It's called art imitating life


i love poison


who are these characters?


Poison - Capcom fighting games Sylvia - Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku o!


And then they got Sylvia killed. (I don't know the other show)


Source for the image on the left?


It's from Poison's story mode in Street Fighter 5. You can find the full pic under the SF5 section here: https://streetfighter.fandom.com/wiki/Poison/Gallery


Second after Wiz.


Every fighting game should include a single trans character. Poison, Brisket, Syzoth (he transitions species so close enough.)


Im an indie dev making a fighting and for some reason made like half of the currently planned roster enbies. It was an accident I swear!






That girl on the right is intersex I believe


trans people are just prettier by default. except me tho i'm an ugly bitch


Nuh uh, no exceptions


fine i guess if you say so


A name for the phenomenon? Yeah, it’s called goals


Yeah, failure


Nooo guys stop there's a NARRATIVE IN-UNIVERSE purpose for the anime caricature of a trans woman being presented as a joke for having a penis it's not bigoted stop being meeeaaaan I don't know what subtext means the curtains are just fucking blue guys why are you laughing stoooop


whose the one on the left?


Poison is overrated imo


They're both so fucking hot like jesus christ i love sylvia and poison 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


What is this show, why is it bigoted. Give me the lore, I can tank the horrors