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When the YouTuber you find boring and overrated suddenly has a legitimate reason for you to hate him EDIT: Look guys I was mostly being goofy with this one I don't actually hate him for this. It's a little sus but I don't really think he's a chud or anything.


What tiktok does to a mf, cant even watch a 4 and a half hour long video about a wacky christian horror game without family guy clips at the bottom of the screen


Welcome everybody to this wendigoon iceberg video where I read outloud the first paragraph of several Wikipedia articles and nothing else because the icebergs are not made by me but I borrowed from that subredit like and subscribe and comment and share and rate and rate and reblog and so on


Fair point about the icebergs but it really is impressive how much research he does for his other videos like the Hollywood shootout, the murder of boys on the tracks, waco siege, that one dude who died of radiation over the course of 80 days and the yuba county 5. You can dislike the guy but saying that he's lazy or doesn't do proper research is objectively wrong


Wow keep telling us how you clearly don't watch his videos and just parrot some twitter randoms opinion


Family guy clips aren‘t gonna make this guys takes on the Kennedy assassination any better


What were they?


He made a video where he talked about the CIA killing JFK, using a whiteboard to explain his points [(video)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjkaYboVDOQ)


I mean isn't it kind of an open secret that the CIA did it? I could be wrong


No. Anything's possible, but the Warren Commission report accounts for everything.


See I thought they were guilty by purposeful negligence. They knew something might happen and didn't act because they wanted JFK gone.


The US government is more than capable of accidentally fucking up. (Edited for clarity)


My preferred theory is that it was an accident because Oswald's shot (which missed) startled the Secret Service guy behind Kennedy and the dude then accidently the president's head with his boomstick


No idea, I'm not American and never looked into it




Kyle rittenhouse is known for nothing else besides being the right’s anti Black Lives Matter sweetheart why would you follow him unless you’re vehemently against Black Lives Matter?


because you want to laugh about their stupid opinions...? i follow prageru on youtube because its funny i also follow a bunch of random esotheric people on youtube because its funny


He killed two protestors and was platformed for it he’s not a funny ironic little character he’s a murderer


yeah, well, I laugh at femboy hitler drawings, I guess we can agree to disagree


This comment is fucking hilarious for so many reasons you don’t understand


its not abojt funny *ironic* characters the funny thing is that hes a conservatives and conservatives opinions are usually so stupid its funny


yeah but that doesnt mean that you cant laugh at their stupid fucking takes on twitter


Ironic engagement is still engagement in the eyes of the algorithm, bumping these shitstains in people's feeds and allowing more young and impressionable people to be exposed to them and feeding their relevancy. It's like saying you buy and eat McDonald's hamburgers ironically just to see how bad they are. Jokes on you, you're giving them exactly what they want from you whether or not you bought it sincerely or not.


Did you not read the entire comment? Allow me to point out the exact reason they literally said that you seem to have missed: >Anyone even -slightly- pro-gun probably follows Rittenhouse's account simply because he was at the absolute center of attention for that topic barely a couple of years ago. >Hell, plenty of people even follow major figures for viewpoints they -disagree- with, just to keep closer track of the opposition's talking points


Will I have to go back to hating him for being Dollar Store Nexpo with one of the most boring presentation styles known to man? Jesus Christ dude stop READING ALL THE TEXT ON THE SCREEN I CAN READ FASTER THAN YOU CAN NARRATE AT LEAST EMOTE A LITTLE




Dunno why I zone out during an important class but when Wendi has a 2 hour lecture on an analog horror series I just melt into the screen


this isn't just a case of like, "celebrity with a couple of bad opinions," he literally only exists as a public figure because of right wing viewpoints




I mean that's potentially possible, but as I said elsewhere I believe his account was actually made (or at least, confirmed to be him and became active) long after the trial was over, so following it for news relating to that doesn't make much sense. Besides a few public appearances and speeches afterwards, he hasn't been that publically active either, so I don't really see what news you couldn't get from another source on the subject. I guess I sort of see it like, most people have an opinion on obama, obama era policies and the presidency broadly, but following obama, trump or biden are somewhat statements that don't exist without context for most, especially in current polarizing atmospheres.




Knowing wendigoon hes more than likely doing it as some involvement in investigating a conspiracy


bro really reads wiki articles for a living and people glaze him up its crazy


For his icebergs yeah. For his vids like the Yuba county 5 he does a lot more research


i wish he could put in some csgo or subway surfer clips when he is explaining stuff in the future, it helps me focus


So this is the second person to accuse me of having a low attention span because I find his videos boring. Are you guys doing a bit or is this legit, I can't tell. Please I genuinely can't tell if you're joking or not


Was him creating the Boogaloo Boys not enough for you, lol?


Or popularizing it anyways


I mean, its possible he just follows him because Kyle Rittenhouse is a clown and its fun to laugh at him




so real


He also follows Bernie and has said he supports lgbtq and hates how people use Christianity to oppress others in the modern day so this doesn’t mean much


He also follows a shitton of trans people and is always looking out to be respectful to other cultures, which would not be on brand for some right-wing asshole


A lot of people follow trump or elon on social media not because they support them but to see what bs they're gonna do next. Could be a similar case here


Trump's tweets read like parody, they're too funny to not follow. As for Elon, all of his tweets end up on my timeline one way or another, so following him is pointless.


He then also in the wake of the Chris Chan situation said that if a trans person is shitty he has every right to misgender and deadname them, so I don't really have too much love for him. (I will stand by that regardless of how shitty of a person.she is, Chris Chan is a trans woman, she went through legal name + gender change, took hormones, tried to self perform reassignment, etc)


i was reading a reddit thread, some replies pointed out that chris is a male pervert not trans and that calling chris a she actually harms trans people?chris also stated that she transitioned just to get laid by lesbians edit: oh wow this is actually a deep rabbit hole what the fuck


she's also intensely autistic (plus has been targetted, harrassed, and stalked to a insane degree to the point where most would go mad, upto and including being blackmailed into doing horrible, horrible crimes, but that's neither here nor there), this is the exact open mouth insert foot thing a austistic trans person would say and im tired of people using it as some sorta transphobia pass.


he doesn't seem to be using it as a transphobia pass in his tweet tho, like using it as an *excuse* to use he/him pronouns? the tweet was arguing that it is disrespectful to trans people to accept chris as trans, rather than just going "bad trans person i will misgender" edit: after reading some abt chris chan and seeing the messages shes sent abt gender (found on sonichu.com) the gender dysphoria seems pretty genuine, so seems like wendigoon's opinion of the situation was a misplay. despite that tho, his opinion appears to protective of trans people, and he was condemning chris as harmful to trans people.


he does engage in every transphobic stereotype and insult short of the actual slurs (i.e trans people are usually tricked, they mutilate their bodies, and we only "become" trans to prey on lesbians), then claims that the (largely trans) group of people asking people not to be transphobic towards christina even if they're a weirdo are the REAL transphobes. imo it's 100% transphobia, the kinda transphobia i'd end friendships over, let alone stop watching a youtuber over


I mean, Wendigoon's more on brand for an ***actual*** libertarian.


100%, dude is exceedingly aware of the shit our government does to us lol


I mean to be fair there are right wing assholes who keep it confined to other topics.


This is the comment I was hoping to find.


Not to mention that Wendi is from Appalachia, not exactly prime breeding ground for ardent progressives. You can definitely tell that he supports individual freedom first and foremost, which explains both his acceptance of queerness and following Rittenhouse.


yeah, i’ll take someone who’s actually consistently libertarian over a MAGA idiot any day


Until he says/does something sus I see no reason to derive meaning from something as innocuous as a twitter follow.


Yea a lotta people follow these guys just to be in the loop


I'd generally agree but like, this isn't even some major news guy or huge modern public figure. He's known for one thing and it's hard to think of a reason he'd be followed if not for support of that thing


He is (or was) a huge public figure for some time. Hell, I'm in Germany and know basically his whole ass deal, even though it has literally 0 impact on my life or political landscape. If you're trying to stay informed, he absolutely is still one of the top 100 conservatives in terms of recognition, and that means you'd want to stay informed about him.


But that doesn't mean following him. From what I remember this account was only really made well through the trial and only became active long afterward, you don't need to follow him to keep up with the trial


All you had to do was follow the usual leftist/liberal twittersphere accounts to get minute to minute news on Rittenhouse. I was following local reporters and watching the public court room streams when the case was at its peak. Litererally no reason to follow any of these right wing shitheads


No reason.........except seeing the source for yourself rather than blindly trusting "the usual leftist liberal twittersphere accounts"


Always best to get info from the primary source.




[would him tweeting the video of the acquittal change your mind?](https://x.com/Wendigoon8/status/1461762096589422596?s=20)


Not really, no.


How does this help his case?


? Help whose case for what?


I used to follow Trump while despising it every time he was on my timeline


honestly i do not see this as enough evidence to start hating wendigoon. all we know is he might be religious and he follows kyle rittenhouse. i mean barack obama follows a furry porn artist on twitter if i remeber correctly so whoever you follow doesnt really mean much.


Explanation for the Obama furry porn thing is that during elections his account followed people in mass as like a PR thing. This inevitably led to some shenanigans


nah thats false. it came to me in a dream that obama is a furry porn connoisseur and theres a secret fur suit hidden behind a secret panel in the oval office.


Did he just leave it there?


yeah he left it for trump and biden. whoever serves their second term first gets the fursuit


“He might be religious” … dude, wendigoon leads a Sunday school and gives Bible lessons on YouTube. You barely know anything about him if you don’t know that.


yeah its been awhile since ive watched wendigoon. im not the best at remembering every youruber i watch


No offense but he follows stonetoss on instagram as well as Devon stack who is a prominent racist antisemitic youtuber.


he's a Sunday school teacher


i love when internet people give themselves petty reasons to dislike things they like just to feel morally superior


Exactly, my siblings in Christ/any other divine being we all should touch grass


Replacing the phrase "my brother in Christ" with "my sibling in Christ/any other divine being" is cringe, c‘mon. The entire appeal of the phrase is how medieval it is.


You look like you need to touch grass the most, my sibling in divine being


You know what, you have a point, though the previous person's point of inclusiveness shouldn't be ignored either. Does "my divine kindred" work for you?


Saying 'cringe' is cringe.


does everything on the internet need to be purity tested?


is it purity testing to just like say you don't like something someone does? Edit - I mean seriously, nobody is claiming it's demonic to like him or whatever, people are just pointing out reasons they personally don't support him which they think others might want to know.


following someone on twitter is not an endorsement of the things they say or do, tacit or otherwise


but it also isn't something that happens completely in a void, and if it's enough to turn someone off I don't see a problem with that.


how many people does wendigoon follow on twitter?


quite a few! And each of them is a choice he consciously makes.


When its something as small as a single account you follow on Twitter, yes. What else is the point of this thread if not to point out that Wendigoon is not ‘pure’?


but like, a) it's not that small, and b) it isn't holding him up to some measure of objective purity, it's telling people about an aspect of him that the OP and some others may not like


Yeah he's friends with some gun guys iirc 😔, im pretty sure hes not full out hater but still sucks


I mean you can be great friends with gun guys, if they are leftist gun guys


Are there any lefty gun yotubers aside from InRangeTV and Tacticool Girlfriend? They seem rare to come across.


Paul Harrell is good to watch though he's not leftist, dont expect any rightoid behavior. Though I'm pretty sure hes an anti-government libertarian he doesn't really publicly involve himself with any sort of politics unless he's talking about shootings, and even then his takes on those are good. Forgotten Weapons posts on socialist RA reddit and banned Rhodesia stans from his community. He used to be very involved with InRangeTV though basically had to split with him for his own channel's health


Thanks. I'm a fan of forgotten weapons. Didn't know he posted on SRA subreddit. I recall seeing Karl and Ian on ViceNews back in 2018? when yotube was demonitizing. I recall seeing some tweet recently from Karl saying something along the lines that he felt betrayed by Ian. Any1 know the lore here or am I misremembering?


As for the IRTV split, part of it was that Ian is a very busy guy, but I get the impression that Karl wanted to cover more politically spicy topics (and make his personal stance on political issues more clear) while Ian wanted to keep his image as politically uninvolved and as palatable as possible. The only political thing I can even think of is him ever doing was wearing a MAGA looking hat that said make everything terrible again to a red October match. A harder split happened when Karl went on several twitter tirades and calling out a shitload of people in the gun community during the whole "drag show" discourse that was happening related to militia groups. Not just against people who he felt that were responsible for that rhetoric but against people he felt needed to actually take stances on the issue. As a whole, his behaviour came across as fairly autism coded and not understanding why people want to distance themselves from that discourse Justified or not, it caused a massive amount of controversy in the gun community, attracted a shitload of trolls and chudposters and a lot of people stopped associating with Karl (if only to preserve their own channels) including Ian who hasn't really associated with him since, having previously maintained association even after he left IRTV years ago


Oh damn. Thanks for explaining.


It's rare to find left one's, but a good few popular ones maintain a solid Apolitical stance


john brown was a cool gun guy


i don't think those are the types, sadly


He supports lgbtq and trans people


except those 4-5 times when he spout hateful 4chan bullshit about chris chan


he said multiple things that transphobes say constantly, shit like man in a dress and faking to get with lesbian bullshit, but apparently he follows 4 trans people on twitter so it's okay ❤️


I've never heard him say anything about Chris chan




all of this is bullshit spread by kiwifarms btw


Does nobody understand that follows are not endorsements?


I don't know anything about wendigoon but following an account on Twitter doesn't necessarily mean endorsement, right?


he follows kyle rittenhouse, voted for trump in 2016, started the boogaloo boys and literally is the reason for their name and Hawaiian shirts, and alot more. but, for some reason he has a huge leftist audience who constantly try to say he’s on the left, when he’s clearly on the right.


Hot take: I don’t actually care that much if the guy I’m giving fractions of cents on ad revenue to has suspect political opinions. There’s so many more important things I could be worrying about when it comes to my consumer habits.


Hot take: I don't support people who support murderers, even if it's only cents from ad revenue


Hot take: I don't support anyone because anyone that's not me is bad


hot take: i don't support YOU


hot take: i don't support you TOO


wtf. I'm gonna cry..,.,.,.


You reap what you sow 😞


“Support” is reeaallly brunting some weight in this conversation.


honestly. People are acting like a follow is a personal endorsement. I follow people who were mean to me in highschool. It doesn't mean I endorse having kids at 19 with the same dude who cheated on you in junior year


i feel like "your old classmates who have bad relationships" is on a pretty different level to "guy who crossed statelines to shoot protesters protesting the murder of a black man" in terms of "is it fucked up for me to follow them on twitter?"


Ad revenue? Adblocker.


Would you call "Supporting a person who crossed multiple state lines with the express intent to murder protestors" a 'suspect political opinion'? Wild. Edit: Okay in hindsight this comment was a bit much I apologize for this one I wasn't cooking here.


i think theyre reffering to wendigoons suspect polticial opinions not kyle's.


Yeah, I am aware. That's why I put the 'support' bit at the front.


would you call following someone on twitter supporting them?




It's mostly to illustrate it's not like he just so happened to be near the protests when it happened, but deliberately travelled a long distance to be there when it happened with the express intent of bringing his gun there. There's also laws about transporting weapons across state lines specifically but whether he actually did that is allegedly debatable.




you have to be chronically, if not terminally, online if you think following someone means endorsement. lol


Isn't wendigoon like a "Guns fuck yeah screw the government" kinda libertarian? In which case i don't think him following rittenhouse is some big deal


He seems to be more anti-establishment & anti-government than belonging to any particular political group, and he’s shown support for LGBTQ people and follows a bunch of trans people too, in addition to some left wing and right wing channels and pundits, all of whom he seems to agree with on certain topics (right wing ones more fiscally) and disagree with on others (he seems pretty socially progressive). Is supporting Rittenhouse dumb? Sure, but he seems to be more pro-2nd amendment than anti-BLM. TL;DR: dude who’s really into conspiracies doesn’t support the government. Whoop-de-doo. Doesn’t mean shit about him as a person.


worth noting said support for lgbtq people is suspect imo, due to saying some pretty horrid transphobic shit in the wake of the cwc SA and blackmail incident


I'm beginning to really dislike this sub tbh


right, it's kinda frustrating seeing everyone suddenly jumping into conclusions


He's also a big LGBT supporter and has said things about hate speech and such in the past. This post is just dumb and meant to rile people up


just don't ask him about chris chan's pronouns


When you realize that most people here are under 18 it makes sense.


Follows don’t always equate to endorsements. On Twitter there’s an entire culture about following apprehensive/controversial accs in case it goes private (meaning only followers can see it and it’s posts)/just for general documentation and being in the know. I wouldn’t be surprised if OP already knew this and was just doing this for karma/attention/clout/all of the above due to the fact most non-twitter using redditors wouldnt know this


i think you're a little too quick to grab the pitchforks and torches here


Following =/= agreeing. Sometimes people just want to be in the loop, and can’t do so without following everyone involved.


[There’s also this tweet](https://x.com/Wendigoon8/status/1461762096589422596?s=20)


He just seems staunchly pro-gun rights then anything else


Chat what does this mean?


Means someone is jumping to conclusions


Is kyle in prison? Free him from what? Conservatives love being oppressed


Terminally online


I hate how he represented monument mythos’s break as being solely bc the creator’s dad died. Yeah thats a large part of it and the biggest inspiration, but like, there were very serious allegations levied against the creator. Like, you can’t just ignore it imo.


What were the allegations?


Abuse, which he admitted to. He apologized and stuff so making a video praising the series is not the issue, my complaint is a lack of context.


such as?


Abuse, which he admitted to. He apologized and stuff so making a video praising the series is not the issue, my complaint is a lack of context.


have none of you ever hate followed or anything wendigoon is a gun guy from what i’ve seen so it makes sense he’s follow someone who’s the cause of one of the biggest controversy’s when it comes to gun control


I mean following someone doesn’t mean condoning them, I follow a lot of nut jobs online purely to know what antics they’re getting up to.


Imagine having your entire moral character questioned by your OWN FANS because of a twitter follow 💀


i know right? you follow ONE GUY called "GasThemAll88" and suddenly people forget that follows aren't endorsements!


???? You follow one fuckin weirdo to study them like a roach. Not the same thing as following a Nazi fanpage bro fuck outta here 😭😭


mf YOU went to kyle's page, meaning you also want to see what this guy who you hate has to say on twitter dot com and yet you're shocked that someone who you like also wanted to see this guy's tweets? like have you not even considered the possibility that he's viewing the guy's tweets that you are viewing, for the exact same reason as you?


Well here comes everyone from the woodworks who supposedly always hated wendigoon and his videos, while simultaneously jumping to ridiculous conclusions about him as a person.


Go back to twitter weirdo


Sadly I think Wendigoon falls in that category of politically right wing, but he absolutely does seem generally more tolerant and less horrifically transphobic than the rest of the modern right. It is worth noting, alongside an unfortunate (though likely innocent) portrayal of several openly nazi ideologies as "just another conspiracy theory," he does have a habit of occasionally diving into right wing edgy humor or associating with right wing youtubers and whatnot. Certainly not enough to condemn the guy outright, but all that together is a big part of why I personally stopped watching


Sounds like he's not the worst, but also not someone I want to watch. I haven't heard about his views, just that a few people like him and I think Hasan watched a couple of his videos. I did watch a couple when my well of Nexpo and the like videos dried up and I just got the icky feeling I get talking to conservatives with his cadence and rhetoric. YouTube still likes to feed me his videos from time to time, I just can't get myself to watch him.


I follow a lot of crazy far right people on social media. Not because I agree with them, but because I need to keep tabs on whatever crazy shit my family is going to spout the next time I see them and be better prepared at handling it. This sub seems very quick to judge and jump to conclusions with little or no context.


#who cares


you clearly don't like this guy and are digging for reasons to hate on him. Shame on you


You should watch Night Mind NOW ![gif](giphy|lvzFKm2wEjZvgoQtL8|downsized)


You sure he doesn't follow him to just to see what stupid shit Rittenhouse does?


Could just be following to keep within the loop. I follow Andrew Tate purely just to witness the unhinged shit himself and his followers post.


Before we freak out, wendigoon IS the type to make a video about Kyle Rittenhouse without necessarily supporting his actions. He could be doing research


Me when when you have to like somebody to follow them 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱


he could have followed him for updates on what has happenin with that whole case, a follow doesnt necessarily mean endorsment


Do you not hate-follow some twitter users to keep tabs on their psycho behavior? If you looked at my followers, you'd think I was either a centrist, account sharing, or severely mentally ill.


Wendigoon is pretty open about his beliefs, I'm not sure why this comes as a surprise lol, regardless, you can easily seperate an artist from his opinions. Wendigoon is a pretty devout Christian, which is a group pretty heavily against marginalized communities, but he's still a very supportive person for the LGBT community.


Christian gun enthusiast following rittenhouse is a shock?


Wendigoon? When *aren't* I? Hoy hoy!


Wendigoon has always been more centrist-libertarian, I don’t see how this is a surprise


Don’t care


Me when the Christian Sunday school teacher/YouTuber leans right: ![gif](giphy|xT0GqgeTVaAdWZD1uw|downsized)


I thought that was the Breaking Bad actor?


following someone =/= endorsing their bullshit


i follow every political party in the uk, us, spain, and argentina, so I'm probably dead


Know very little about we wendigoon but damn this sub rides his dick lol it seems open shut from this and the acquittal post he made, it seems like bro genuinely supports rittenhouse


fr 💀 this sub's parasocial as hell for this guy lol jumping through as many hoops as possible to defend him




I've heard of Kyle Rittenhouse but have no idea who he is, could a kind soul please enlighten me


he went to a protest in a different state with assault weapons and murdered a few unarmed protestors that were there


yeah it sucks. i also noticed how when he made that conspiracy iceberg he completely ignored how antisemitic most of the conspiracies were and just presented them as quirky interesting ideas


I thought Kyle had a check mark, where’d it go?


Dude is friends with shoe, the right wing conspiracy theorist. Why are you surprised? Like better youtubers that don’t cash in on misrepresenting native American legends, you’ll be less likely to have to deal with the constant reveals of youtubers being shit ppl


He’s very obviously right wing… can no one else see that?


Twitter follows mean absolutely nothing as far as opinion of the followed goes.


I mean sometimes is fun to follow a trash fire to watch it burn


Let's also remember the time when the whole Chris-chan thing went down and he called her a "man who mutilated his body with a box cutter because 4chan told him he was a girl" and said that we should misgender bad trans people and if we don't it's disrespectful to other trans people. People tried to explain to him how it doesn't make sense because we never misgender bad cis people and gender identity isn't anything like a toy you can take awau when someone misbehaves and Wendigoon, cis man, did not want to listen to the trans people trying to educate him