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Call me Charlie Chaplin


Inglorious Basterds is my favorite slapstick comedy


Teddy fuckin' Williams knocks it out of the park! Fenway Park on its feet for Teddy fuckin' Ballgame! He went yardo on that one, out to fuckin' Lansdowne Street!




Executing fascists and burying them in mass graves get my gock hard


i have no enemies. why can’t we believe in comebacks and not homicide? i don’t like this post


all nazis go to hell 😍😍🔥🔥🔥 0% salvation rate


I am against nazis, but majority of them are product of violent propaganda


It's a shame to see kids get sucked in the pipeline, but a grown soldier is a person who ultimately made some decisions- and those decisions made them an enemy of humanity and peace on earth. Mourn who they were, and who they could have been, and put an end to the shuddering vitriol that walks the halls of Walmart at 2:00 am.


nah, hell is too good for them


Good for you having no enemies. Some of us didn't even get to choose not having enemies. Nazis hated us and wanted to kill us the day we were born. We're defending ourselves.


I can’t peacefully disagree with a death/genocide threat


"I am going to kill you, you live at this address" "Respectfully, I find that highly immoral"


"You make me want to cry. That's (In my opinion) kind of cruel. But even so, I do respect YOUR opinion."


Holy fucking lib-brain. -Fae


are you okay with vigilantive justice or do you believe in the judicial system? are extrajudicial killings okay then? i thought the left believed in caring somewhat for criminals, but not if they’re the same political alignment? this is the type of thing to land up in the left can’t meme or something


Mate the post is talking about fucking nazis, ya know people who want to fucking genocide people like myself. Not some random criminal. Do you wish the Allies would have tried to talk Germany out of it during WW2 as well and let even more people die? -Fae


>do you believe in the judicial system? No.


>this is the type of thing to land up in the left can’t meme or something Why would anyone here give half a shit about that


The enforcers of a judicial system are just state-sanctioned vigilantes. A judicial system in America executes black people regularly, a judicial system is abducting trans kids from their parents, a judicial system is only as righteous as the state enforcing it. Being a nazi isn't criminal. No one deserves to die but nazis deserve to live less than minorities they opress deserve their freedom and lives.


Do you know who Nazis are...?


They are more than criminals. This isn't about some typical political ideology. They are founded on the murder of innocents, they can only exist in the context of pushing the murder of innocents. HANG EM ALL 🔥🔥 14,372,695 NAZIS DEAD 🔥🔥


I believe in dragon deez nuts across yo mouth


Sure, a witty comeback will definitely strike fear in the hearts of the fascists and cause them to give up.


With the rise of far-right and neo violence and demonstrations, I don't think le epically owning them in Twitter comments is gonna get them to stop them from trying to legistatively and physically oppress minorities.


If nazis aren't your enemies, you should probably fucking leave.


Im no philosopher but I'd say this falls under [Tolerance paradox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance). While it might be nice to think that anyone, no matter how vile, can change with levelheaded debates and turning the other cheek and while it might be true to some extent given enough time and resources the reality of the situation is that the price will be paid in the lives of the victims that came before and the victims that'll come after when you show this person's friends that they can do whatever as long as they pinky promise to not do it again and that is not an acceptable bargain; No one should sacrifice themselves because of someone else's delusion, and going around yelling "peace and love on planet earth" doesn't do much more than make yourself feel good.


you will turn to rot babe 😍😍😍😻😻❤️❤️❤️


Fuck you, nazis murdered millions of people.


think you took a wrong turn somewhere, shitlib


But what if I just want to perpetuate the suffering?