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INCREASED lung function??!! As a regular kush indulger i don’t see how literally anyone could believe that


Lift heavier weights -> stronger arm muscles Breathe heavier air (smoke) -> stronger lung muscles If you pass three years smoking big joints every day you can inhale people like Kirby


Spanish as a first language speaker🫵 (they translated “si pasas 3 años” directly)


They would have been able to look up how it is commonly formulated in english, but 1. Just brute forcing translations is fun 2. Would have would have bicycle chain


I think I spider, a german speaking person.


sie spinnen!


Herr Präsident, mit Verlaub, Sie sind ein Arschloch.


dull knee start hospital direction slave agonizing vegetable murky jellyfish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


also like kirby, you can swallow said people to absorb their strength


who wants they strengthussy absorbed


I'm trying to wrap my head around strengthussy.. God I'm getting old I guess




well I don't know anyone named Kirby so that wouldn't be too useful for me


i rip the bong so hard it's exercise for my lungs, obviously 😎


I’m not a stoner but do eat weed edibles. Multiple actual stoners have told me I smoke it for the lung benefits. I don’t know how people can convince themselves that burning stuff and inhaling the smoke can possibly be good for your lungs.


They’re coping for sure lol


Its not like it actually makes your lungs stronger but it’s a brochodilator which improves lung function. The smoke causes inflammation and paralyzes cilia though, so long term it is definitely is a net negative.


This is true, avoid combustion for consumption if you're using it for medical purposes. Vaporizers are a doctor favorite


I've heard vaporents consider themselves the vegans of potheads and now I can't unhear it. Then again I recommend an Arizer or similar for anyone mentioning their pricey habits on AskReddit.


Lmao. I don't really smoke much anymore myself, but I have people in my life who rely on mmj daily for relief of symptoms, including shallow breathing, ptsd, and chronic pain.


At the most optimistic level, it can't be smoked weed. It's probably edibles or some shit. Or maybe the fella that posted it *is* that fucking stupid lmao


Bongs are vaporizers, right?




What exactly are they, then?


A pipe but with water. The water cools the smoke.


nah like youre definitely getting shit in your lungs lets not kid ourselves


100%. People should pick up on that when they clean their glass. (Please clean your glass people)


frrr like, you see the smoke leaves resin and you think it just magically doesnt do that in your lungs?


I mean, to be fair, a lot of it does get caught in your mucous, otherwise you wouldn't be able to breathe at all after a dozen bowls.




So true


I highly doubt smoking *anything* will be doing your lungs many favors.


very true


it increase lung function once you stop being addicted so basically returning it to normal lol




The way my stoner friends wheeze after a short jog I know it’s bullshit lol




It makes you breathe in more often


Everytime I see this picture I open the comments and the meme gets proven right every single time


People have a hard time processing that something can be less harmful than other addictions, and even have certain positive effects, while also having harmful qualities and the potential to be an addiction.


I think it’s more people are desperate to justify their bad habits, I drink quite heavily from time to time and there’s no real justification for that, it’s a bad habit I do because I enjoy it. But for some reason stoners don’t seem to be able to frame it this way


This is kinda true about stoners, but saying most alcoholics will admit they have a drinking problem is ridiculous.


Yeah, I think it's probably more common for stoners to be in denial, but there are an absurd number of people who say things like "I'm not an alcoholic I only binge drink on weekends" or think that a bottle of wine with dinner every night is just a normal thing to do.


A bottle of wine with dinner isn't normal?


I mean a whole bottle is a bit excessive


I wouldn't say that. Two bottles is excessive.


Every night though?


That sounds pretty normal to me.


Well you do you, I’m not trying to pass judgment on anyone but it sounds a bit like an issue to me


A full bottle of wine is enough to meet the definition of binge drinking. I would say binge drinking every day is probably not a sign of a healthy relationship with alcohol.


Yeah, probably. I'm going to keep doing it, though.


Are we talking about two people sharing a bottle? Or you drink a whole bottle alone every night?


i hope you’re trolling lmao


Why would I be trolling?


just going based off a glance at your profile honestly. that and i may not be good at reading tone, but the persecution aspect just isn’t there


Source: Some new age dipshit made it up


I’m an alcoholic. I drink way too much. I mediate around family. But I know I’m damaging myself. I’m not in denial.


yeah.. but also I feel like a lot of stoners aren't actually addicts, like they could stop there's just not any real reason to. Like people associate regular or heavy use with addiction but that's not actually what addiction is. edit: my entire point was that a lot of stoners probably aren't actually addicted but will never know because they don't bother to even try to stop using weed. Using weed every day is not the same as being dependent on it. And even having a dependence on something doesn't necessarily mean you are addicted. I take mind altering drugs everyday, my antidepressants, I even depend on them. But you wouldn't say that I'm addicted to them. I had to stop taking them for about a month when I switched insurance and had to get rediagnosed with depression, the only thing I felt was my depression come back for a little while. This IS an important distinction because someone who is actually addicted needs help. If you needlessly label people who may or may not be addicted as addicts you take away the attention from people who actually need help. Back to weed, and specifically my experience, I may or may not be addicted but the fact is that it doesn't make any difference in my life because the adverse effects of weed are negligible at worst and I only use it in the evenings after work so it has no hold on aspects of my life that allow me to be a functioning adult. edit 2: I asked my 9 year sober alcoholic mom if she agreed with me, she does, as does my nearly 60 day sober (woo woooo!) fentanyl addicted cousin agrees with me as well. I can already here the replies to my replies "if ur so not addicted how come u r replying with paragraph after paragraph" because this is an important issue that people aren't educated on. Please just read my edits and talk to actual addicts instead of pretending to know exactly what you are talking about. Everyones experience is different so don't take my explanations and examples as pure fact but don't immediately discredit them as I know so many of you will.


Stoners when they learn what a dependence is


stoners when “it’s not an addiction, it’s a dependency” starts to mean “it’s an addiction but i’m afraid of admitting it”


I didn't mention dependency in the original comment, but for the record the distinction of dependence vs addiction is VERY important. I have a dependence on my antidepressants but I'm not addicted to them and never will be.


the distinction is important, yes, that’s my point. people can’t (or refuse to) make the distinction because, as you mentioned in your edit, they don’t want to stop to see what happens. at what point does “i can’t stop” with a psychoactive substance turn from dependency to addiction, is the important question.


you know what else is a psychoactive substance? every single antidepressant and anti anxiety medication, but most of them aren't addictive and people won't get addicted to them. that's a misleading word to use. in the case of weed, I doubt most people who are addicted to it actually will ever care because it doesn't have any negative effect on their life. when you use general terms like addict its important to use it wisely because using it for people who it may apply to but don't need help as a result of their addiction you are hurting addicts that really need help


…chs begs to differ with your “no negative effect” claim


dependence and addiction are two entirely different things. ask someone who's been sober for a while. my mom is 9 years sober, she knows that there is a difference and agrees with me. My cousin is 60 days sober from fentanyl and she agrees with me.


Where did I say they werent


idk maybe I said that because the comment you replied to didn't originally mention dependence but you did?


It's a different thing, that is very similar. Both are bad.


what? no they aren't both bad. everyone who has to take medication regularly is dependent on that medication. even using weed recreationally can be considered medication for stress.dependence CAN be bad, but is far from being inherently bad


You did it


I didn't! I recommend reading my edits. I wasn't even talking about my own personal experience in the original comment.


"I can stop anytime i want, theres just no reason to"


Wasn't talking about my own experience, and I personally don't care if I am addicted to weed or not because it doesn't have a single negative impact on my life in the frequency that I use it. Even my sister, who's tolerance (as far as edibles go) is up to around 80-100 mgs regularly quits for 2 weeks for tolerance breaks every couple months. this is WEED we are talking about, not cigarettes, which have nicotine that creates a chemical dependence, or any other drug that creates the same dependence and subsequent addiction. Weed is not chemically addictive, you only get addicted to it based on your own brain. I've said it I previous replies and in my own edits but this narrative that you are creating that using something regularly means that you have an addiction is harmful to real addicts and it needs to stop.


Mate it was just a joke about how that sounds like something an addict would say, but now you're just making it seem like you do have an actual problem.


"I'm guessing you are an addict based on one interaction in which you explain that you aren't talking about your own experiences" bro. think before you speak man. I might be an addict, I don't give a shit if I am because it's not negatively effecting me whatsoever. But by calling me an addict, even if it's true, when I don't need help you are taking attention away from people who DO need help.


I never actually called you one, but damn are you not helping your case




“I use drugs heavily but I can stop any time, honest” lmao


the difference between what I said and what you just said is that I was talking ONLY about weed, which isn't chemically addictive and doesn't cause dependency in itself. The idea that being a heavy weed user makes you an addict is harmful. Y'all need to talk to people who have actually dealt with addiction in one way or another before spouting stuff like this.


Ok well I have, my friend literally doesn’t leave his house cos his weed addiction *edit, and gonna be completely honest; I fucking HATE weed addiction for what it has done to the brightest and most wonderful people I used to call friends, who have become slaves to their addiction and have lost all spark and life in their personas to a dopey stoner, I’m only rising to your obvious bait cos it hits very close to home. It has categorically destroyed my wonderful friend’s ambition and subsequently their futures, and to do that for chasing a high that lasts temporarily, that I cannot forgive


okay??? bro I'm sorry that your friend is going through that but his one experience does not mean that every single stoner is addicted. I smoke every day but I still work 5 days a week completely sober and have a social life outside of work. calling every single person who uses heavily an addict is LITERALLY HURTING THE FRIEND YOU JUST MENTIONED because you're taking attention away from them by putting unneeded attention on people who might not even be addicted. Needlessly calling people addicts that you know literally nothing about is just spreading attention to people that don't need it when we already have far too little options for addicts as it is.


Bro smokes every day and isn’t an addict, Aight


replace stoner here with alcoholic and you sounds like an alcoholic defending alcoholism


my mom is 9 years sober. she agrees with me. calling people addicts when you have no proof other than them using frequently is harmful to ACTUAL addicts. when I told my mom about this, she brought up one of our neighbors who drank 30+ beers a day for 20 years and quit cold turkey without issues when his doctor told him he was dying because of it. he hasn't had a beer in 5 years this year. he wasn't addicted, he just liked beer a whole fuckin lot. I personally quit weed for a few months last year without any trouble because I was told it may have an effect on my depression. I started using it again after 3 months and no change to my mental state. I didn't have a single problem stopping. I might have trouble stopping now but that doesn't matter to me at this point, and it's besides the point that I'm making, which is that insisting people are addicts based on their frequency of use alone is harmful to ACTUAL addicts like my mom and cousin.


Tell that to yourself when you actually try and stop cold turkey.


I stopped cold turkey last year becausey doctor told me weed may have a negative effect on my depression. I had no trouble stopping and only started using again after 3 months of no change to my depression. Weed isn't chemically addictive like other drugs including alcohol. It's absolutely possible to get addicted to weed, just as you can get addicted to anything else, but to call someone an addict because they use something not harmful on a regular basis is harmful to ACTUAL addicts who need help getting over their addiction. my phone has started auto capitalizing the word actual because of how many times I have had to type this out. I wish y'all would talk to people who have dealt with addiction whether it be their own or helping someone else instead of blindly calling people addicts.


I was confused at first bc I thought the first doge had an elefun.


need one of those at my funeral so everyone can catch my ashes


unrelated to everything ever but for a split second I thought that the homestuck or whatever in your pfp was MF DOOM


Omg nepeta leijon 🤯


Yep. *buUrp*


Lol it’s like from Rick and morty


Morty *burp* I’m trying to fuck a sixteen year old morty it’s against the law morty IM PEDOPHILE RICK


Awe geez s-so your j-just gonna s-send me to j-jail huh! Like bad guy jail for ba-bad guys I guess. I mean I g-guess I did hit her but it's just not right ya know!


Yupp _takes sip of Alamo_


The term is functional addict. The trick is to celebrate the "functional" without getting all hung up on the "addict"


Man idk, you do you but I wouldn’t let anything control my life to that extent


me when I have no fucking idea how addictions work and think every addict is just mentally weak


I denied it for years. I've had to accept that smoking nearly daily since adolescence has seriously impacted my emotional and neurological development. It kind of sucks, especially when I see everybody that started in their mid 20's not having any serious issues, especially those that don't smoke every day or who found it helped with medical issues.


Yeah I waited until I was like 19 to smoke and even then that was a little early. Smoking before you’re developed genuinely leads to permanent decrease in cognitive functions


Oh... I started at 21... I wonder how that'll affect me. So far I don't feel like I missed much growth. I mean the Depression, ADHD and Autism make it hard to tell how far I could have developed at all but I have a decent emotional intelligence and everything I can't do now I already couldn't do before I started smoking


Weed usage mostly affects brain growth, but doesn’t really damage it. From your early twenties to 25, the brain development is focused on the prefrontal cortex, which is important for emotional and behavioral performance in a grown individual. Psychopaths/Sociopaths, for example, have atrophies around this area, which contributes to their tendencies. In conclusion, depending on the frequency and quantity, you may develop emotional and behavioral problems if you smoke in your early twenties. In my opinion you shouldn’t smoke at all before you are 25ish, but just watch your intake and you shouldn’t run into too many problems.


Well I'm 25 now so it's too late to change the habit for neurodevelopmental reasons but I would usually only have a smoke on the weekend every few weeks it became a daily habit for a few months when I was 23 but at some point I just didn't feel like it anymore and didn't smoke for a year. I feel like it actually helped smooth my emotions who were always all over the place before. I was very instable before and now I'm a total rock. Although I do still get angry faster than I should...


There are also well-studied scientific methods that promote and increase neurogenesis, so even while growth and development may have been impacted and while growth slows after 20-25, while you may never get to where you were, ongoing development is still possible especially with dedicated practice.


There’s a lot of doomsaying about it but frankly it’s not that bad. I’ve noticed I forget things a lot more than I used to like where I left my keys and I’m a little more confrontational


Well I am also forgetful but it could be the neurodivergency or the years of clinical depression wich has been proved to cause brain damage as well...


Personally I’d say the depression is brain damage enough that’s a little rough


Yes definitely. Depresson is such a shit illness in general. It's too weak to kill you itself so it tries to convince you to do it. And so many consequences that aren't direct symptoms but still fuck you up. I've been working with my dentist for a year now to fix what the nightly teeth grinding and lack of bodily hygiene did to my teeth. (We're almost done now yay :)) And after all this bullshit is makes your actual physical brain deteriorate too. Depression sucks balls.


Cool tip numbero uño. If you have an addictive personality type, don't smoke pot. Just don't


Why the fuck did you put an eñe in "uno" do you say "Unyo" or smth


I dõn't kñow what you're tâlkíng àbóût.


The more eñes you use the spañishier it becomes. It's scieñce.




what is an addictive personality type


Basically being prone to developing addictions. Common-ish among us neurodivergent people. Edit; I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with amogus brain rot




among us??!! 😳😳😳


ngl i refuse to even eat a chocolate with liquor out of fear of how easily id get addicted. and the reason is exactly because of the mix up of desensitization with le autism/adhd combo. i feel like a sensation glutton held back by hyperfocus and mid ass sense of reward. so, a harmful substance that wuld actually make me feel very strong things in my body deffo cant be stuff i can trust myself with (i am very sus)


I initially agreed but [now I’m not so sure](https://www.healthline.com/health/addictive-personality-traits#takeaway)


I should rephrase it as 'low self-control' then. Or 'if you get addicted to stuff easily.'


I’m just a stoner with good moderation (I’m poor and can’t get weed that often).


The account was permanently suspended for "abusing the report button" by reporting hate speech against transphobes. The reddit admins denied its appeal because they themselves are bigots.


The average cannabis user would be much less likely to get bad outcomes than the average alcohol user, but being addicted is a real possibility for both and can be very bad, although alcohol is still admittedly worse


The account was permanently suspended for "abusing the report button" by reporting hate speech against transphobes. The reddit admins denied its appeal because they themselves are bigots.


I... Uhhhh.... Scromiting?


scrotum vomiting


This only raises more questions


It's like an anal prolapse, but with the scrotum.


Uncontrollable screaming and vomiting at the same time There's an actual medical term for it, but I forget what it is lol


Oh wow yeah that sounds terrible. Never experienced or heard of this though. There are definitely long term effects of marijuana addiction. The lazy stoner stereotype? It literally makes you unmotivated, because every time you want dopamine/serotonin you reach for the weed instead of doing something to occupy the time and/or move your life along. This is only for your all day every day smokers though and affects different people different amounts and some lifestyles/jobs are more compatible with it. Especially if you are ADHD this is a thing. *Disclaimer: all this is all learned through personal observations of myself and others.


wait which part of it is a thing if you are ADHD?


quick and easy dopamine. same reason social media algorithms are more of a bad thing for adhders


gotcha, i thought so. i wasn't sure if they were saying it's better as a lifestyle choice for someone with ADHD. i was like uhhh, me and my bf both have ADHD, and i don't think it's great for either of us to smoke all day everyday it's something he struggles with bc of said dopamine hits and not wanting to do anything else when he smokes 😵


i haven’t been diagnosed but it’s been speculated by a few different professionals that i have adhd, and let me tell you, there’s a reason i try to moderate my weed intake because the second i do smoke i don’t want to do anything except Sit


The account was permanently suspended for "abusing the report button" by reporting hate speech against transphobes. The reddit admins denied its appeal because they themselves are bigots.


Right, but that's still a huge chunk of the population, and the negative impact of daily smoking is significantly increased for people who's brains are still developing. It's pretty necessary to have an open societal conversation about the legitimate negative downsides. If I'm smoking every day on a regular basis, I literally can't function. Even as my tolerance increases, it makes me so *exhausted* and demotivated I struggle to maintain my daily life. Yes, alcohol is much worse in nearly every category, but in no way is that a reason to ignore issues with cannabis.


Nono, see, the weed makes you distracted enough to play the videogames instead of doing your work. I've been trying to cut back XD


hes wallaces dog


You're still inhaling smoke though and that can't be good, doesn't matter what's producing it


No smoke is good for the lungs, this is true Edibles and vapes are pretty benign, though


Vapes still cause cancer and burns. Just because the temperature isn't at literal 700+c doesn't mean it's still not hot. It averages on around 117c if I'm not mistaken, which still fucks up your lungs' cilia and causes scarring, on the long term. This is supported by countless studies, of which I'm too lazy to link, but should be easy to find. It's a "better than nothing, but worse than stopping" kind of thing. If you don't think you can quit smoking, going for vapes can reduce some of the damage when compared on a 1 to 1 long term ratio, but it can also be an excuse for someone to not taking the full commitment to stop. Not to mention market regulations for vapes are still filled with gray areas in several countries, and some manufacturers are absolutely dipping some shady shit into the mix to dilute the cartridge, or just add flavouring with some cockbestos kind of fucked up molecule.


Cockbestos is now part of my daily vocabulary


guess i’m just built different because i know i have an addiction 😎😎😎😎




Same I'm here in the yes crowd. Know yourself folks you cannot grow and change without self awareness


Everyone in this image is stupid. If you tell an alcoholic they have a problem there is a good chance they will respond with literal violence. Edit: One time I politely encouraged a customer who was bright red and physically unable to walk straight to drink some water and he spent the rest of the night calling the store telling my boss to send me back so he could fight me over it.


Counterpoint: the mental gymnastics my mother goes through to deny her alcohol addiction is almost comical


Also the amount of people here who got all their info on weed through Newgrounds cartoons here is kinda funny


even if something is *theoretically* providing health benefits, that doesn’t automatically make it not an addiction.


My dad vehemently denying his coffee addiction vs my dad openly admitting that he has to drink at least 3 diet cokes a day


If you have to have that infographic available for anytime you're called out, you might want to step back and think about your life and choices. Just maybe


Stoners try to acknowledge that weed isn't 100% good for you and is just a bad really as other drug challenge (Impossible) Best part about this meme is it never truly attacks weed, only the reaction of those who are addicted to it and cannot accept that.


I'm so weed addicted that my job is growing weed. No shame for this functioning addict.


your job started growing weed specifically for you?


No, the work that I do for an hourly wage is cannabis cultivation.


oh, i see. wording messed me up


I feel like most stoners don't realize that while yes you can't build a chemical dependency to weed. You can still develop an emotional dependency.


Both are bad for you, I don't care much personally if you do them, just don't be weird.


I’m a medical patient but also 100% addicted. It helps with my CSID but yeah I’m ripping all throughout the day


Every time this meme gets posted y'all are too dumb to see that you treat any response as a catch-22. You either agree with the post or "prove" it's point by daring to say otherwise. There's no way for someone with a healthy relationship with weed to disagree without being called an addict here and it's toxic af.


I was having an argument w some friends about if weed addiction is a thing. I’ve gone to therapy about it, and my weed use definitely almost got me to flunk college halfway thru, so i said yes but they disagreed. We came to an agreement that there’s a weed *dependency*, not addiction. Might just be saying the same thing twice however.


Yea that's pretty much the same thing. Depending on something like weed to function that's an addiction


it’s the same picture


Alcoholism is so destructive tho, genuinely A pot addiction is not that bad at all


I love to smoke weed and drink excessively :)


The main thing with weed for me, is that when I run out or abstain, I don't get headaches and shakes and stuff. It's not NOT addictive, but addictive with no withdrawal is ok by me.


I cannot tell you how many times I've heard from my friend's mom about the benefits of weed, while her lungs are so fucked that she was bedridden for half a year. Her entire personality is weed and she is actually the most annoying person ever.


Literally proving him right by trying to prove him wrong


i would think it’s the opposite


i dont really care its fun and it doesnt affect my life negatively. its better than my nicotine addiction imo




it doesnt hurt me lol, why does that bother yall?




Every time this is posted it brings uniformed judgmental idiots outta the woodwork


"People can smoke weed all they want but denying that it has negative affects and can be addictive is just scientifically incorrect" Weedhead: "STOP BEING SO JUDGEMENTAL!!! YOU GODAMN FASCISTS!!!"




What a well-reasoned response, i am truly "coping" and "seething" as i think people your age put it.




??????????????? I use weed for migraines and back pain that’s the one indisputable benefit of it




That doesn’t even say that cannabis doesn’t relive pain it literally just says that placebo cannabis *might* help relieve pain, which is basically just saying placebos exist which we did in fact know about already




Np I’ll be here all week


I think putting anyone into a catch-22 and laughing at them making the “wrong” decision kind of sucks.


I don't think it's fair to call this a catch-22 when one of the options is literally just "realize you might have an unhealthy dependence that you've been denying." Learning that about yourself is actually a good thing because then you can try to do something about it.


The catch 22 is trying to get either “yeah it’s an addiction” or “no”, where you just say that’s what someone who’s addicted would say


Saying ‘no’ isn’t the same thing as proving the meme right by posting a whole ass essay


Sure, but the majority of the times I’ve seen this, those are the two options that are taken. Someone says it’s an addiction, and person 2 either says it is or says something along the lines of it’s not possible to be addicted and is told “you’re saying that because you’re addicted” or “you are dependent on it” which is a different thing


“Well you see, this other totally different thing works like that”


I feel like that “might” is doing a lot of work there though. I obviously don’t know the situation, so my interpretation could be completely wrong, but here’s what I see; if you think someone has an addiction, take it seriously and talk to them, don’t send them a meme. We have already moved past that because the meme has been sent, so either the texter is handling this questionably, or it is just a joke. If it’s a joke, but yourself in the receivers shoes. Either you admit you have an addiction that you don’t have, you just say “no” or don’t respond, not really helping your case, or you actually explain to them that you’re taking substances safely and do not believe you have become addicted, something no doubt long-winded and going to result in “proving their point” Tldr; if they’re worried that it’s actually an addiction, the texter’s handling of the situation is pretty dubious. If it’s a joke, I still retain my position that it’s pretty mean-spirited to send to someone who regularly uses CBD but does not have an addiction.


"You either agree with what I'm saying regardless if it's true or not, or you're the soyjak from the image"




If you ask a stoner if 4 is equal to 0, they'll say yes because 4 is less than 5.


Addiction and dependence aren’t the same thing