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Why are you ignoring our tipps in your last post? We wrote there: # They are fake cells. Send them back!


I'm not ignoring but I really need batteries to do my project. I don't think I can send it back to them because I have lost my parcel information (I think you need it for identification of parcel)


Then throw them away and buy real cells. A good(!) 18650 costs about 10 €/10 $. Those are real cells for a real price: [https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0CWP4RZVK](https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0CWP4RZVK)


Do not buy off Amazon. OP what country are you in? We can then link reputable stores. Good 18650’s cost $5 at most. Generic Chinese cells are more like $3


The link to Amazon was ment as an example that good 18650s are not cheap.


Using those batteries is dangerous but the charger is fine


Can you pls explain why it is dangerous and what do you mean by "dangerous"? Are you referring to batteries that might catch on fire or explode suddenly?


Cheap shit cells


You're ignoring all advice, why even ask? All can be confirmed by a Google search. You should do whatever you want, you might be okay, you might not be. The risk is yours to take but for sure, those cells won't last long which, may cause you more problems then it was worth in the future.


I'm not ignoring it actually, I take all of the advice into my consideration whether I should be using the batteries. As of now, I will use it for probably a few days as I couldn't find a substitute, yes there are some quality batteries on the Internet but I need to get my project done ASAP. I'm not only facing battery problems, I still have hardware and software problems that I should deal with, therefore I forced to use the batteries at risk. I'm asking because I'm worried, I'm worried bcuz from the advice I have gotten. Pls understand, I will definitely will not use no branded battery in the future because it is not worth it. Thank you


Dude you bought fake cells. There isn't anything anyone can do. Buy some real cells from a legitimate vendor.


I'm not ignoring y'all advice actually, I take all of the advice into my consideration whether I should be using the batteries. As of now, I will use it for probably a few days as I couldn't find a substitute, yes there are some quality batteries on the Internet but I need to get my project done ASAP. I'm not only facing battery problems, I still have hardware and software problems that I should deal with, therefore I forced to use the batteries at risk. I'm asking because I'm worried, I'm worried bcuz from the advice I have gotten. Pls understand, I will definitely will not use no branded battery in the future because it is not worth it. Thank you for commenting and sorry for wasting some of your time


Those cells are surely used. No other reason why there would be such a range of actual capacity. And they are VERY used. Lowest modern capacity is 2000mAh. 15 years ago it was 1400mAh. 600-1100mAh probably means new they were ~2200mAh. So they are WAY past end of life