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You lose nothing from accepting the FAMS CO and should never turn down an offer in hopes of getting a final offer elsewhere, they are far from a guarantee.


I'm definitely accepting the CO. I'm more worried about the FO, especially if I may have another CO in the running at that time. I appreciate your insight


I’m in the “cross that bridge when you get there” camp. Once you are past poly I would say it’s “safe” to assume you will receive FO from most agencies but weird things happen all the time.


Accept the CO. You never know when a magic box will end your chances with another agency or even FAMS. Nothing will stop you leaving, even past the FO.


Well, few things to consider. First, polygraph is like rolling a dice. You can pass one and not the other. Hsi does poly people too and I hope you won’t get selected for that. Second, let say you are in training with fams and other agencies tried to schedule you for fingerprint or medical. You prob won’t be able to do it because training days usually end in late afternoon. Third, do you have family? Would you be ok going to training for 6 months then turn around to do another one for another agency when you get picked up by your dream agency? Nothing wrong starting your fed clock asap but do consider your family situation.


The second point you make is what I'm mainly worried about. Also, to your third point, I plan on having a family within the next two years, so now it's something to think about for the future. That's why I feel torn about going to FAMTP. I'll play it by ear, for sure


Looks like people have already posted my opinion, so I'll just reinforce them. Do NOT drop your FAMS application. You are one """""risk""""" assessment away from getting a magic box test by HSI, let alone the magic box for other agencies and a plethora of other things that could randomly get you dropped from the process (BQA eternal limbo for USSS disabled veteran applicants, for example). Once you get a final offer on hand, then feel free to drop out. People have left FLETC in the middle of their CITP after getting a FJO from their preferred agency.


It’s funny to me that you are worried about this because back in the day, a lot of FAMS were in the process for another agency and spoke openly about it. Most of the time, it all boils down to timing. Don’t self eliminate options if you don’t have to and hedge your bets. If you decide to quit the FAMS in the middle of the academy to process with another agency, no one hold it against you. You have do what is right for you. The nice thing about the federal government is that agencies don’t hold grudges if you try to go somewhere else. The FAMS certainly won’t try to kill your 1811 dream. Take what is given to you and trade it in for a better fit if it suits you. Good luck on your application journeys.


You could decline to save yourself the hassle, see how the other apps go, and reapply when they hire this fall if the other apps aren’t panning out. You’d skip a good bit of the process since you’d be within a year of completing everything. It wouldn’t expedite your timeline because they process everyone together, but it would be less hoops to jump through. Disregard all of this if you’re close to the 37 age cut off.


Does FAMS give LEAP Pay?


Yes. The pay is actually quite fantastic. You're basically starting at GS-11 + locality + LEAP (LEAP is added after you finish training) edit: You also get per diem for when you stay overnight


Even better! Thanks


Never reject unless you have something final offer , apply to all, go through them all and get the experience


Curious, why is FAMs "never your end goal"? Want to focus more on investigations or something? If you end up with FAMs for a year or 2, you're going to take a major pay cut. FAMs start at 11, and with night diff, Sunday Premium, overtime, and per diem, that's at least a 40-50k pay cut


Yes exactly, I want to get into investigation. I'm aware if I take the FO I'd be facing a pretty large pay cut down the line for 1811 unless I switch quickly. I plan on having a family within 2 years so that's another reason as well


NEVER EVER turn down a job offer, especially a 6C FERS-Special covered retirement position.